Tumblr Themes ???
Can I just say that there is so much pressure in finding the perfect tumblr theme? I searched up ‘free tumblr themes’ on Google roughly 20 minutes ago, and I still can’t decide on which one to go with. Too many themes, too little tumblrs. 
*Okay, this post is definitely an example of how obnoxiously talkative I can get. See, these thoughts roam my mind, I can’t just keep them locked up in there. They need to be set free, like a bird. My thoughts are little birds
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Hello! My name is Julia and I talk, a lot. I always have countless thoughts and ideas going on in my head to the point that if I don't let them out and share them with someone, I will go crazy. I do also keep a personal journal but writing isn't as fast and efficient as typing (sorry, I grew up in the 21st century!). Expect to see posts (rants, in other words) on anything and everything. Politics, romance, school drama, society, my dreams, etc., I could do this all day. As all theatre teachers would ask their students: What is your intention and impact on the audience? My intention is to let my thoughts run free. Keeping them in my mind is not how I plan on living my life. As for the audience, I hope to enlighten, inspire and entertain you. I think that's pretty much it for a first post. I will make another post introducing myself, you can't read someone's content if you don't know their background! Context is key, my friends. Tootles, Julia
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