blabbing-shit · 1 year
"I have no pleasure in seeing my friends unless I believe myself fit to be seen." -Frank Churchill,Emma
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blabbing-shit · 1 year
Pour, don't have a cloudy soul
 I love rain. But I'm not especially fond of the atmosphere that builds up before it starts raining. It's quite similar to the fact that I like to cry (No, I'm not depressed and on the verge of un-aliving myself) more than feeling numb in my chest. The gloomy atmosphere before rain makes me feel something. I feel terrible even if I'm not particularly sad. When it pours however, and the Rain Gods relieve themselves of their anguish, that's satisfying. It's always better to cry, let every inch of pain escape your body than feeling listless and apathetic and all together miserable.
La pluie a mon coeur.
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