BL Game2
16 posts
23 years Old / Female
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bl-game2 · 1 year ago
I read daily about robustness tumblr culture and how it's impossible to monetize etc. blah blah blah
but no one ever talks about the life's blood of tumblr: GIFSETS.
Tumblr has longevity because it is the gifset website. A movie trailer drops and within an hour there are already multiple gifsets. Just there reminding us this movie is coming out it looks pretty good. A tumblr user thinks: I wish I had memory box containing every facial expression and movement made by Colin Firth in that 5 hour mini series of Pride and prejudice and some other tumblr user devotes their life to making that happen. Some dead guy has a birthday and a tumblr user gifs every single one of his dozens of films and puts them in a single gifset just because it makes fans of the dead guy happy.
Gifsets are amazing because gifsets are silent and they ask nothing but that you look at their pretty dancing images and smile fondly and click the like and reblog. A gifset didn't elect trump. A gifset didn't gaslight your grandma into believing that covid is an alien plot. A gifset just went floating by with no other thought than to look pretty and be appreciated.
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bl-game2 · 2 years ago
I can't possibly be the only one low-key shipping Eliot and Paul, can I? The way Eliot grieved him and could barely whisper his name. The "WE were family" as an answer to Harry's question about Paul's surviving family, even though we've never heard of Paul before despite there being years of this show. The way he was so offended and hurt by Paul keeping that secret from him, shouting "You couldn't tell ME?" Emphasizing the 'me,' as if he frequently thinks about them in an 'us against the world' way where he should be Paul's exception because Paul is his. The naturalness and fierceness of the way they hug it out as if they are used to falling into each other that way, when we *know* how long it took Eliot to grow into hugging Hardison and the others. And a final scene in a private patio by romantic candlelight where Eliot is definitely giving off vulnerable and flirty vibes while talking about their future (at the same exact location Briana was using as a romantic date night locale just an episode earlier!).
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bl-game2 · 2 years ago
I would die but like in a good way. Lestat doing a 50 part TikTok series explaining his side
So if they adjust the timescale from the interview being in the 80s and the Vampire Lestat being an 80s rocker. We about to get 2020s tiktoker Lestat?
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bl-game2 · 2 years ago
RATE ON IMDB too!! We can't let the haters win!
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bl-game2 · 3 years ago
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A few years ago, when I was living in the housing co-op and looking for a quick cookie recipe, I came across a blog post for something called “Norwegian Christmas butter squares.” I’d never found anything like it before: it created rich, buttery and chewy cookies, like a vastly superior version of the holiday sugar cookies I’d eaten growing up. About a year ago I went looking for the recipe again, and failed to find it. The blog had been taken down, and it sent me into momentary panic. 
Luckily, I remembered enough to find it on the Wayback Machine, and quickly copied it into a file that I’ve saved ever since. I probably make these cookies about once a month, and they last about five days around my voracious husband - they’re fantastic with a cup of bitter coffee or tea. I’m skeptical that there is something distinctively Norwegian about these cookies, but they do seem like the perfect thing to eat on a cold day. 
Norwegian Christmas Butter Squares
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 egg 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour 1 tsp vanilla ½ tsp salt Turbinado/ Raw Sugar for dusting
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Chill a 9x13″ baking pan in the freezer. Do not grease the pan.
Using a mixer, blend the butter, egg, sugar, and salt together until it is creamy.  Add the flour and vanilla and mix using your hands until the mixture holds together in large clumps. If it seems overly soft, add a little extra flour. 
Using your hands, press the dough out onto the chilled and ungreased baking sheet until it is even and ¼ inch thick.  Dust the top of the cookies evenly with raw sugar.
Bake at 400 degrees until the edges turn a golden brown, about 12-15 minutes. Remove from the oven. Let cool for about five minutes before cutting the cooked dough into squares. Remove the squares from the warm pan using a spatula.
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bl-game2 · 3 years ago
The moment I hear Running Up that hill I’m back to when i watched The OC season 4 episode 1 for the first time and God I’m emotional
Oh wow Running up that hill is making me emotional 🥲
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bl-game2 · 3 years ago
So next Saturday we’re going to get the finale of Cutie Pie, the forest episode of Kinnporsche and the Eurovision finals. One week to prepare for all of this
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bl-game2 · 3 years ago
This is a very smart show, but the characters aren’t very smart
Nuea/kong - what type of logic is that? he's been pretending to be interested in toh in front of nuea to the point of interfering with their couple-time, so far nuea thinks he likes toh which only makes him jealous. even if those physical characteristics were nuea's type, he's only getting angry at kong so...what type of mental gymnastics did he do to think that this whole plan would land him in nuea's arms?
well I'm sure Kong believes if he flirts with Toh enough Nuea would break up with him and then Kong can just swoop in and be like "Surprise P'Nuea, it's you I actually love." and then he thinks Nuea will just be his boyfriend.
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
Really is the word for this series. And I really didn’t think it would be. But I’m loving it.
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
Does anyone know if there is a translated version of the 1000 stars novel?
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
True. King shit.
no but genuinely i think the reason maxtul are considered the ‘senior couple’ is not bc they’re ‘old’ (like hello?? they’re 26 & 28??) but because they legit set the standard- for acting, for their kissing, for their love scenes, for their chemistry, and for their actual friendship irl. they literally are the standard because they never serve up anything that isn’t amazing & they never try to fake anything for anyone and i, for one, think that’s king shit right there.
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
Color Rush EP. 2 Thoughts
- Angst
-Cannabalisme. What? Is this show going to be more angsty then the other korean Bl’s. I love it. 
- One scared, angst filled, trauma boy meets one confident, loving boy. Good stuff. 
- Aww his new friends are cute.
- Also are there actual ghosts in this?
- Is he going to pass out every time?
This is the soulmate Au we all want. I love the darker undertones. And how they are seting up the relationship. With the obsession and control they both want. It’s great. 
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
Color Rush Ep.1
- Cool concept.
_ Good directing and dialog and acting so far.
- Really good. 
- Love the darker undertones they are hinting at. 
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
I’m watching the first ep of clor rush. And it really threw me off when they used the word ‘probe’ the first time. I’ll get used to it i guess. But other then that really good show so far. 
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bl-game2 · 4 years ago
My main account with over 500 followers was terminated. Light as one feather.
I’m so sad. I have had that account for over 6 years. So many posts now gone. Everthing was erased. I have contacted tumblr to see if i can get it back. And i hope so. But until then i’ll use this account.
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