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bjmsstuffreads · 1 day ago
Blaine's Baby
read it on AO3 at by howtogetawaywithblam FFNET saw it begin in 2015, and AO3 will now see it begin anew and continue (at last!). I'll release the original 3 chapters after reworking them a little and getting back into the mindset from 10 years ago, and from there I'll continue it. Also new: smaller-sized "Interlude" chapters, which will primarily focus on other characters as the story goes on. This was originally a fic started by a Tumblr prompt "Kurt leaves Blaine and he finds out he's having Kurt's baby. He's goes to Sam and they get closer. (by Anon)" It all takes place in AU wherein Blaine has the capabilities of being impregnated…the technology or reproductive system complexities are completely up to you and irrelevant to me. You'll see me waive my magic wand around that haha. Time wise, it is early college, so around 20 years old. Words: 5018, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans (Glee), Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson/Sam Evans, Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Friendship/Love, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mpreg Blaine Anderson
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bjmsstuffreads · 1 day ago
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bjmsstuffreads · 2 days ago
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bjmsstuffreads · 3 days ago
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bjmsstuffreads · 3 days ago
Blaine's Baby
read it on AO3 at by howtogetawaywithblam FFNET saw it begin in 2015, and AO3 will now see it begin anew and continue (at last!). I'll release the original 3 chapters after reworking them a little and getting back into the mindset from 10 years ago, and from there I'll continue it. Also new: smaller-sized "Interlude" chapters, which will primarily focus on other characters as the story goes on. This was originally a fic started by a Tumblr prompt "Kurt leaves Blaine and he finds out he's having Kurt's baby. He's goes to Sam and they get closer. (by Anon)" It all takes place in AU wherein Blaine has the capabilities of being impregnated…the technology or reproductive system complexities are completely up to you and irrelevant to me. You'll see me waive my magic wand around that haha. Time wise, it is early college, so around 20 years old. Words: 5018, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans (Glee), Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson/Sam Evans, Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Friendship/Love, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mpreg Blaine Anderson
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bjmsstuffreads · 4 days ago
Hi do you have any fics where in early Klaine dating Blaine or Kurt admit to thinking about their future like accidentally letting slip they want to marry them or Blaine calling Burt his future father in law?
I think it's very hard to pin down fics where they talked about their future early on. I think the best place to find those are amongst the soulmate tag or even our fluff tag.
Here's a Burt/Blaine story, but again, there are probably others. ~Jen
What I'm thankful for by whatstheproblembaby
Thanksgiving fic featuring the first time Blaine calls Burt "Dad." Mentions of grief for Finn.
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bjmsstuffreads · 4 days ago
Klaine Valentine's challenge 2025
"I need you now"
Chapter one, February 1st
Kurt and Blaine have been roommates for the past three months, since Kurt transfert back in November. Blaine was one of the few people at Dalton who weren't assigned a roommate when school had started again. His last roommate wasn't really his friend. He didn't like the fact the Blaine was gay and would often call him names, sometimes he would even threaten him for small things like looking in his direction if he was in a bad mood. Blaine would sometimes report him to the headteacher, but for most of the time he would just ignore him.
One night at the end of the school year, when all the exams had just finished, his roommate came home drunk. Blaine tried to steer clear from him, he even stayed in his friends room for the night.
When he returned to his room the next morning he found out that his roommate had trashed the entire room. All of Blaine's belongings were on the floor, picture frames shattered, clothes ripped.
His roommate was expelled after that and Blaine was left picking up all the pieces, barely putting himself back together.
Blaine had become fast friends with Kurt, he was even one of his best friends already. Still Blaine sometimes continued to suffer from the trauma his last roommate left him with. In the weekends he would party a lot and come home drunk, but never being mean to Kurt.
He had found himself looking in Kurt's direction a lot lately. Blaine's thoughts were clouded by flashes of Kurt, his soft brown hair, his fingers urging to be run through the silk, his lips that always formed a smile whenever he saw Blaine enter the room, his light blue eyes and his fair and flawless skin. Kurt was one of a kind and Blaine lover him for it. He didn't care what anyone thought of him, he was his own person and truly himself. Blaine admired that about him, especially because he couldn't be himself when he was younger.
Blaine hadn't acted on his feelings for Kurt, he also knew that Kurt needed friends more, after what happenend at his old school before he came here, and he was willing to be just friends if that meant Kurt could finely be happy and free.
Kurt found himself sitting on his bed watching a movie in his shared dormroom when Blaine stumbled in through the door. He wasn't as drunk as normal.
Kurt hadn't stopped thinking about Blaine since the first time he met him, it was love at first sight. Now that he shared a room with the boy he couldn't stop himself from staring at him whenever he could. Kurt's favorite moment was when Blaine got out of the shower, shirtless, his dark hair in it's naturally curly form and the smell of him so strong it invaded everything.
He didn't know if Blaine felt the same way about him, he hadn't shown any signs yet, but Kurt had a plan to found out.
Blaine looked straight at Kurt when he entered their room, his perfect blue eyes locked onto his dark eyes. Kurt looked perfect, he could have been a statue made by michelangelo, he looked like a masterpiece. Blaine was head over heels and he didn't know how to hide it anymore.
'Hey Loverboy, did you have fun tonight?' Kurt's voice brought him back out of his thoughts. "What did he just call me?" Blaine thought by himself.
Kurt put his laptop aside and sat more straight, his eyes still on Blaine. Blaine walked towards his own bed, which was right across from Kurt, and sat down.
'I had a lot of fun, most of our friends were there too, next time you should come with us.' He unbuttond the shirt he was wearing, his abs and tanned skin showing. When he looked back at Kurt he saw a blush spread over his face, eyes big. Blaine knew he had a good body and liked showing it. He loved the way Kurt looked at him whenever he got out of the shower, even though Kurt tried to hide it, Blaine always knew he was staring at him.
'Maybe next time I will go with you, maybe you can show me how to have fun Loverboy.' Kurt was trying, but he had a hard time trying to be flirty. He had never been good at flirting and he couldn't even make a sexy face if his life depended on it, but for Blaine he wanted to try.
Blaine took his shirt off and put it in the laundry bin next to his wardrobe. He took out his phone and put on some music. Walking to Kurt the stretched out his hand for Kurt to take.
'We don't have to go out for me to show you how to have fun.' Kurt took his hand and let Blaine pull him to his feet. They danced together for a moment, laughing and having the time of their lives.
Blaine, all out of breath, sat back on the edge of he bed. He pulled Kurt forward , letting him stand in front of him.
'Come on and sit on my hot-seat of love.' Blaine winked at the taller boy, pulling him on his lap. Kurt's legs were on either side of his, straddling him. Their faces were barely an inch apart.
'Say the word, your wish is my comand,' Kurt answered, breath tickling Blaine's lips.
Blaine put Kurt's hand on his chest, he had to feel his touch now more than ever.
'Kurt are you okay with this?,' Blaine asked the boy straddling his lap.
Kurt looked up at Blaine's eyes, insecurity showing.
'We can stop if you want,' Blaine whispered, now also feeling a little insecure about the way he handled things.
'I- I want to, but maybe we can go a little bit slower?' Kurt climbed of the dark haired boy, seeing the disappointment in his eyes.
'Ofcourse, let me know when you are ready and I will be here waiting for you.' Blaine touched Kurt's hand one more time, giving him a heartfelt smile.
'Thank you, maybe we can go on a date first?' Kurt couldn't look him in his eyes when he asked the question.
'I thought you would never ask,' Blaine answered with a big smile.
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bjmsstuffreads · 4 days ago
Set of Feathers, Ch. 26: Misplace
World-famous figure skater Blaine Anderson loses his costume designer just before the Sochi Olympics. When his manager brings in Kurt Hummel as the replacement, Blaine gets more than brilliant costumes. He also gets another chance at love. This chapter: The final competition begins!
Figureskating!Blaine/designer!Kurt Olympics AU for december klaine fanworks challenge. Also on AO3.
Kurt was nervous. His stomach was flip-flopping, and his hands shook if he held them still for too long, and his armpits had turned to swamps.
It was silly. Kurt had no reason to feel this way. Yes, Yazuru Hanyu had already broken the high score record with his short program, but Blaine’s combination of elements meant he had the potential to score even higher. And he'd been executing it perfectly in practice.
Kurt had faith in Blaine. He knew he could pull this off.
Besides, Kurt should be having fun. Here he was, watching some of the world’s most attractively athletic men prance around the ice in tight, tight pants. Plus, the costuming was epic. He had a small sketchbook in his lap where he was jotting down notes on design and materials and the way the costumes interacted with the choreography. Of the choices so far, Javier Fernandez’s was his favorite.
Kurt’s phone buzzed, adding to the pervasive murmur of hushed conversations and rustling Canadian flags as Patrick Chan waited for his score.
It was from Blaine: A picture of himself in what Kurt thought of as “backstage,” bluebird in hand.
Kurt’s anxiety melted away. He loved how much Blaine loved that thing. He loved being able to maintain a physical connection even when they were apart.
Little did Blaine know the bluebird was only the first of three avian companions. Kurt had left number two—a red-winged blackbird—with Sebastian before taking his seat in the stands. The third was in the satchel at Kurt’s feet, mostly done except for some shimmering crimson floss he wanted to add as a crest on its head.
Out of the corner of his eye, Kurt saw a familiar shape—tall and lanky in well-worn jeans and plaid—standing at the end of the row, four empty seats away.
Kurt’s anxiety resurged like a tidal wave. The back of his neck prickled. He felt slightly nauseated.
If only Sam Evans’ family was still sitting in those empty seats. If only Sam’s five-year-old brother had taken a nap that afternoon, preventing a meltdown three hours into the competition that the rest of the family took as a signal to call it a night since Sam had done his short program an hour earlier, anyway.
Maybe Kurt could pretend he’d never heard his name. He had plausible deniability. There was enough ambient noise for that.
But Kurt was a grown-ass man. Hurt feelings or no, he could face this.
He looked up.
“Can I have a moment?” Adam asked.
Kurt didn't trust his throat to work correctly, so he said nothing. He simply nodded.
Adam crossed the first three seats and sat down next to Kurt.
The first thing that struck Kurt was that Adam had switched to a different aftershave—less patchouli and more cedar. The second was that he looked, somehow, younger than Kurt remembered him.
It was so weird, sitting next to him after all this time.
Kurt took a deep breath.
“Why are you here?” he said, not meaning to sound standoffish but knowing that he did.
“In Sochi?”
“No, here.” Kurt pointed to the floor in front of Adam’s seat. “Great Britain’s not competing in this event.”
“I stopped by to see Sebastian,” Adam said, “and I thought … Well. Sebastian says you've been trying to avoid me since we both arrived—presumably because of what I said to you before I left New York. I appreciate you being so considerate of my wishes, or what I told you my wishes were. But they are no longer my wishes. It was an unreasonable demand for me to make of you back when I made it, and even more unreasonable under current circumstances. Boundary setting ought to be about controlling one's own actions, not another person’s.”
“Boundary setting?” Kurt asked. That was an odd phrase to hear from Adam, who throughout their relationship had poked fun at anything he deemed “psychobabble" and balked at the slightest suggestion of couple’s therapy because he was “absolutely fine, thank you.”
“It means—”
“I know what it means. I learned it from my therapist.”
Adam laughed sardonically. “I did, too—a different therapist, I presume, since mine lives in London. I suppose the fact that I’m seeing one shocks you.”
It did, but— “Not more than seeing you here in Sochi.”
“Well, yes. But maybe it can be for the better? At least it gives me an opportunity to say I'm sorry for my part in how things ended. I said some horrible things that weren't true and I was, well, a bit overdramatic. It was wrong of me to take everything out on you like that. My anger was misplaced. I've come to see that in hindsight.”
“Okay,” Kurt said, dazed. Adam was seeing a therapist. Adam was apologizing. Adam had called himself “overdramatic,” a term he had previously reserved for Kurt.
“And blocking you on all my social media was overkill. It wasn’t like you were going to stalk me. Or perhaps that's why I blocked you? Perhaps I was cheesed off that you weren't going to stalk me?” Adam looked down at his knees and shook his head. “And I had so convinced myself I was the more mature one. I must have been insufferable.”
Kurt was startled by the confession. Adam had always left the assumption unspoken: Adam was older. Adam was more worldly. Adam was less emotional (ha!). Adam knew best.
And because it had been unspoken, it had left Kurt without words to express the way it made him feel—like someone secondary, unequal, whose dreams and desires mattered less. It had left him feeling like he was the problem.
Now here Adam was, confessing and accepting his own share of the blame.
It was too much for Kurt to process. He deflected the confession with levity. “Well, you are two years older than me.”
Adam laughed wryly. “That doesn't account for much at our ages. And I was stunted. Stuck. You know I was.”
Kurt agreed, but he wasn't going to rub salt into the wound. He stayed silent.
Adam sighed. “I'm certain my timing comes across as a tad too convenient and self-serving. You have every right to suspect my motives for apologizing, since I waited until we were both in the same city and I became absolutely besotted with one of your mates. But in truth, it’s been eating at me almost since I arrived back in London. I just didn't know how to rebuild a bridge I had so thoroughly burned, or if you would even want me to.”
It was a lot to process at once.  
“You’re … besotted … with Sebastian?” Kurt said. His tone came out more incredulous than he'd intended it.
Adam looked down at his hands, a tiny, secretive smile breaking through his previously stoic expression. “Of course it sounds ludicrous to you. You surely think it reflects the same lack of judgment I showed in our relationship, falling for someone who can't love me back. From what I understand, you know him as quite the lothario.”
The old pain returned. “I didn't not love you,” Kurt said. He knew it sounded weak, but he couldn't think of any other way to put it.
“I know. I knew. And I still tried to force it into something bigger. On both our parts, I think.”
Adam had changed. The Adam he knew would never have admitted something like that.
“And Sebastian’s not a lothario,” Kurt said.
Adam’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief.
“Yes, he has an extensive and varied sexual history. But lotharios are deceitful, aren't they? They use sex as manipulation and don't let on that's what they're doing. I'm not going to say Sebastian can't be manipulative—he was extremely manipulative back in high school—but as far as relationships go? He learned pretty quickly that a gay man can get plenty of sex without psychological manipulation. Besides, he was always so bad at manipulating people. It was too obvious what he was doing. Like, he tried to clinch the presidency of our show choir council by bribing us with Adderall and undermining our top competitor by seducing their lead soloists—who were a couple—and pitting them against each other, but all he got out of that was a suspension, the clap, a misdemeanor, and an invitation to said couple’s wedding seven years later. He did not become the president of the council, and they beat us at regionals.”
Adam leaned his chin on his hand like a heartsick fool and laughed. “I bet he was adorable.”
“Adorable?” Kurt guffawed. “He was the biggest pain in the ass.”
“But he’s just so …” Adam faded off dreamily.
“Catty and harsh like me, but way more laid back, up for the occasional threesome, and inclined to enjoy living in a lakeshore McMansion in the suburbs where he can taxi his kids around in a white Cadillac Escalade?”
“You both do have biting senses of humor. But his is of a slightly different tenor.”
“True,” Kurt said. “He’s less witty.”
A roar of applause broke across the stadium. Kurt looked around. Patrick Chan's scores were on the board. He wasn’t far behind Hanyu.
Adam cleared his throat as the applause died down. “I suppose I should go. I need to be up early for our morning broadcast. Thanks for talking with me. I don't expect you to like me. I just don't want to be a source of distress for you.”
Kurt had no reassurances to give. This was a step in the right direction, but it would take time for Kurt to feel any sense of resolution. All he could manage was a teasing, “Have you unblocked me on social media yet?”
“Yes,” Adam said.
“Well. That’s a start.”
Adam stood up and started to walk away. But there was one more thing Kurt wanted to say. “About Sebastian—”
Adam turned around.
“I wouldn't want to date him. He's a real piece of work, and I honestly think it would be hard to have a relationship with him because you would basically be his first. But he does have a heart underneath all of it. He's not used to sharing it with people. If he’s sharing it with you, that means something.”
Adam smiled—the dopey, embrace-everything-that-comes-your-way smile of the desperately in love. “I know.”
 It was close to midnight by the time Blaine got onto the ice. He'd watched most of his competitors, even when Sue had told him not to. “It doesn't matter how they do,” she’d said. “As long as you do your program like we practiced, you'll end this night ahead of them all.”
But Blaine hadn't watched the others to compare himself to them. For the first time in years of competition, he’d tried to set aside why he was there and watch the skating like he had as a little boy, dazzled by what human bodies could do. He'd gotten so lost in Yuzuru Hanyu’s elegant performance that he’d forgotten to feel threatened by his perfectly executed quad toe loop and triple Axel. Instead, he’d felt elation. Sam had been amazing too, and when he’d come off the ice with a smarmy, “That’s how it’s done, old man,” Blaine could only hug him and smile so hard from pride in his young teammate that his cheeks started to ache.
Blaine was old. But that was cause for celebration. He had lasted longer than most other skaters. Even Evgeni Plushenko, who had been at the last four Olympics along with Blaine, was gone now, having withdrawn from the singles competition earlier in the day due to a back injury.
This was Blaine’s final Olympics. He was here and healthy and whole. He was going to enjoy himself no matter what.
Blaine stepped out onto the ice after Daisuke Takahashi’s program and looped around while the crowd awaited the score. Blaine was old, but he didn't feel it. His legs felt fluid and limber, his injuries from previous years forgotten, only enough soreness in his muscles and aches in his joints to remind him that he was alive. He caught a glimpse of Kurt in the stands as he made his rounds, and when he couldn't see Kurt, he felt him there in the fabric of his costume and the stitches that held it together, wrapping him in Kurt’s love.
The crowd roared at the announcement of Takahashi’s score. Blaine didn’t look up at the scoreboard. He wasn't going to think about points. He was going to think about the young kids around the world watching him, the adults who needed beauty in their lives, about the solace and hope art could bring.
The music started. Blaine skated across the ice. In the cello line, he heard Kurt’s voice from that morning:
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
That's what Blaine had done and was doing: taking the broken parts of himself and his past—Darrell, Eli, Cooper, his parents—and letting them heal into something stronger, something strong enough to take a leap of faith into love with Kurt.
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Arise, Blaine did.
He rose into the air like a blackbird out of the marsh and spun into his quadruple Axel.
He landed as light as a feather.
Blaine barely heard the excited roar that pulsed through the crowd as he moved into his next elements, spinning and turning. All that mattered was the music and the ice and Kurt’s voice, as clear to Blaine as if it were being broadcast over the speakers.
Blackbird, fly.
Blaine vaulted into his quadruple toe loop, the flight so natural he felt like a hummingbird hovering over the ice.
He landed with that small creature’s same softness.
Blackbird, fly into the light of the dark black night.
Kurt couldn't stop clapping. He shouted until his throat felt raw.
Blaine’s program had been perfect—no falls, no trips, every element delivered as promised. Certainly, the judges had an eye for details Kurt didn't, but there wouldn’t be any deductions.
More importantly, the program had been stunning. The spectators had watched entranced. Now, they were elated. Even as the cheering faded, their smiles did not. They turned to each other and chattered joyfully in a hubbub of languages.
Blaine’s art moved people. It was a beautiful thing to see.
Blaine was back with Sue and Sebastian now, waiting on the bench for his score with two small birds to keep him company. Kurt held fast to the little bird he’d be giving Blaine tomorrow, closed his eyes, and hoped.
A voice came on the loudspeakers in Russian. Kurt opened his eyes just as the first score came on the board. The second soon followed, and then the total.
Kurt's jaw dropped.
Yuzuru Hanyu had broken the record for highest score earlier in the evening.
Blaine’s score was even higher.
Kurt kissed the fabric bird on the forehead, stuffed it in his pocket, and bolted up the stairs, down the aisles, through corridors and doors and toward the dressing room.
Blaine was already in the passageway, moving toward Kurt.
They threw themselves into each other's arms. Kurt spun Blaine around and around. “I'm so proud of you! So proud of you!” Kurt never wanted to stop saying it. He never wanted to stop spinning. But he was not a professional figure skater. His inner ear got the best of him. He set Blaine down.
Blaine held Kurt’s face in his hands like it was something precious. Sacred. He blinked and smiled and he was tearing up and laughing, all at the same time. “I'm so glad I get to share this with you. It makes it all so much better. It makes me better. I felt you out there on the ice and—” He threw his arms back around Kurt, held him close to his chest. “There's so much love inside of me and you bring it all out, Kurt. In everything.”
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bjmsstuffreads · 4 days ago
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Anderson's Guide to the Birds of North America is now complete!
Scenes from the lives of Blaine Anderson, grad student and avid birder, and Kurt Hummel, clothing designer and Vogue writer, from before their first meeting in the spring of 2020 through falling in love.
Read it on AO3.
Words: 13,724 Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Cooper Anderson Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, COVID-19 Lockdown, Birds, Romeo and Juliet References, Birdwatching, New York City, Atlantic Flyway, Phone Sex, Sex Toys, open air theater, First Kiss, Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Marriage Proposal, yes i know it says COVID but this really is self-indulgent fluff (more tags at AO3) Collection: Klaine Valentine's Challenge 2025
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bjmsstuffreads · 4 days ago
Maybe I'm just searching the wrong thing because I know there are some out there, but fics with the Warblers and ND as Klaine shippers?
I think the initial shipping of Klaine by either Warblers or ND took place in season 2, and a lot of fan fics being written 2011 - it's worth looking through, and also, searching for those early fics. There are some on A03 if you select "ascending" when searching BA/KH as the relationship. ~Jen
Here are some we compiled in previous asks:
Steal A Heart Verse by MochaCappuccino
Blaine offers to help Kurt afford Dalton by having him room with him. Kurt repays him by helping him through his family drama. Love, angst, adventure, and lots of sex ensues.
Welcome To Dalton Academy, Kurt by stargleekbelle  [PDF]
Kurt is driven to extreme measures when his life at McKinley spirals out of control. A couple of months into his junior year, he transfers to Dalton Academy where he befriends a group of boys who refuse to let him be the victim and teach him how to love himself once more.
Together, We Are the Oceans by Aelora
When the Warblers get the opportunity to perform on a cruise ship over the holidays, Kurt can barely believe his luck at spending the time with Blaine. What he doesn’t count on is the friendships he makes, and the love he feels for his friend returned.
Dalton’s OTP by @lady-divine-writes
Kurt and Blaine have just been voted Dalton’s OTP of the month. The only thing is, they’re not dating. Will this stupid school article convince them that they were meant to be together - because they’ve been together this whole time, even if they didn’t realize it?
Secret Agents by DustyDreams
If Blaine is going to gush about Kurt, it should be at Kurt. This, at least, is how his best friends feel after three weeks of the non-stop Hummel network.
Scribbles, Spies, and Little White Lies by aspiringtoeloquence
Blaine and Kurt have been friends for months, and it’s about time they were more than that - this is what Wes and David have decided, and, luckily for Blaine and Kurt, they have formulated the perfect plan to make sure it happens…
Facebook: The Klaine Story by Babychickies
From ‘Never Been Kissed’ to 'New York’. See what happened with Kurt and Blaine on Facebook during these episodes.
Bound To Happen by undapperthought
GKM Fill. “The Warblers are sick and tired of all the unresolved sexual tension between Kurt and Blaine, so they handcuff them together, leaving them alone to figure things out between them.”
Mistletoe Mishap by @gleefuldarrencrissfan
It’s nearing Christmas and Kurt and Blaine still haven’t kissed yet. Finally, Nick and Jeff decide to intervene. [Nick’s and Jeff’s POVs]
Captaining the ship by Scarlett Rogue
Everyone knows Puck is captain of the Klaine Train, but how did it begin, and what does Puck think of some of Klaine's big moments?
Here is a list on livejournal, where Blaine meets the ND - not sure it's what you want, but worth checking. (I havent checked them all, most seem to be on Jen
Discovery by theembarrassingone. Dissecting New Directions by areyoumayray. Telling New Directions by Crazy4Klaine. Dalton Boy by NotSorry. Finally by lindsay scuto. You Felt That, Right? by AweSoMeLAgain. the boyfriend by superredhead37. Reactions by history-writer86. Rebuilding by history-writer86. (I think I'm gonna check out the rest of their stuff. This one's a prologue to another story and it sounds pretty good.) Arts and Crafts Aisle by Wakah. It's not 100% what you're looking for but it is and alternative meeting of Kurt and Blaine and thusly New Directions. Double Date by Phantom of a Rose. I recommend all of her stuff. Kurt's new friend by Nija assasian. So Take a Chance And Don't Ever Look Back by Kyra Rivers. Gleeky Gossip by TheseHideousKreachers. It Will Always Be You by iklaintevenmad. Taking Different Directions by JoshuaAshita. Why Won't They Believe Me? by aalikane. First Impressions by rmuurph.klaine. Hospital by rockenweirdo. Who's that? by rmuurph.klaine.
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
I wish all podcasts cross-posted a video version to YouTube. I often will unintentionally zone out and miss so much when all I have is audio to focus on, but when there is also a video to accompany it, I am able to pay more attention and absorb more of what is being said. and there are so many podcasts out there that I would love to listen to but don't because there isn't a full-length video of the podcast, and I don't want to waste my time on something that I won't retain.
I get so annoyed when I'm scrolling Instagram, and I see a 30-second video clip of a podcast episode that seems interesting, but the full episode is only available in audio format. they've obviously filmed the podcast being recorded, so why can't they release the full video version too? I'm sure some of them have valid reasons for being unable to share the video footage, but in my opinion, it would help to increase their audience.
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
Gently from the Shadows
read it on AO3 at by quartforshort Kurt thought of that suit again and again for years to come. The day of his real wedding, that reckless and wonderful surprise, the suit came into his mind as he walked down the aisle. He glanced down at the row of groomsmen and thought, for a moment, that he could see Finn. But Finn was gone, and all he’d gotten was a phone call. Words: 1561, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Kurt Hummel, Finn Hudson Relationships: Finn Hudson & Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel (mentioned), Rachel Berry/Finn Hudson (mentioned) Additional Tags: Angst, Character Study, Relationship Study, Brotherhood, Implied Canon Major Character Death, Fix-It of Sorts, A Little Existential
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
Klaine's Valentines challenge 2025
'I need you now'
Chapter two, February 2nd
That morning when Blaine woke up Kurt was already gone. His bed was made, their shared bathroom smelled just like him and his parfum still lingered in the air. He checked his phone, hoping for a message from Kurt, a hint as to where he could find the boy he just gave his heart to. It seems that luck was not on his side today. There was a message tho, his best friend and fellow Warbler Wes asked where he was and if he had not forgotten their last rehearsel for today's  performance. Blaine shot out of bed, got dressed and raced to the Warblers common room.
Kurt had barely slept last night, his mind kept wandering of to last nights events. Blaine had wanted him, he had let Kurt touch him, but Kurt couldn't continue with the actions that were going to follow. He thought of himself as a fool, a coward. He had wanted Blaine al this time, and he had him right between is legs, but his insecurity had ruined everything. Tears fell from his eyes, he had to stop before this river became an ocean. The truth is that he wanted Blaine to like him so badly, he had wanted to touch him, kiss him, maybe even more, but he would never take advantage of him. Blaine might not have been as drunk a usual he had been drinking and Kurt didn't even know if Blaine would remenber what had happened between them last night. "
At around 7.30 in the morning Kurt gave up on his sleep and decided to get ready for the day. He knew he had to seek for advice for the current isue and take his mind of it as well. The only person he could think of wasn't his best friend Rachel or his other best friend Mercedes. No he knew they couldn't help him with the matter, they were both cluesless for love and couldn't give him the advice he needed. Instead he searched for a number in his phone, dialling it when he finally found it.
'Q I need your help.'
As soon as Kurt stepped into the place where they had agreed to meet he saw the blond girl sitting at a table with two cups of coffee before her.
'Thank you so much for meeting me on such short notice, I didn't know who else to talk to.'
Kurt sat down across from her, taking the coffee she offered him.
'Ofcourse, that is what friends are for. Now shoot, what happened that you need my advice?' Quinn's eyes searched his face, looking for clues why he needed her advice and not that of his best friends.
'I found of that Blaine likes me too, and something happend last night and I don't even know if he remenbers, because he had been drinking and I don't know how far gone he was.' Kurt felt tears sting in his eyes as he told Quinn everything that had happened and everything they had said.
'Kurt you need to have a little faith in yourself, the boy already likes, if he doesn't ask you out he is clearly a fool.' She put her hand over his and looked him in the eyes.
'Kurt if he doesn't put in any effort he is not worthy of your time, if you want to know if the remembers last night, jog his memory. Pick your heart up off the floor and try again.'
She let go of his hand to pick up her coffee.
'I do need to go now, but I want to know how this ends and if you need more advice you can always call me.' They hugged eachother and then got to their seperate ways again.
Kurt was already in the common room by the time Blaine had walked in. They were barely 5 minutes apart, both were responsible for the slip in Wes his good mood. Today they would perform in a nursing home close by. Kurt loved to see the smiles on the elder people as they watched them perform a song he knew they would love.
Blaine sat next to him, their legs touching and it immediately brought him back to last night.
'You were gone early,' Blaine whispered in his ear. Kurt turned his head, lips at kissng distance.
'I had to go somewhere,' he whispered back, turning his attention back to Wes as he was explaining the last things before they had to go.
Their performance was a hit, they had sang ''Faith'' by George Micheal and everyone had loved it. Afterwards they had stayed a moment to chat with some of the people, Kurt didnt want them to feel alone and loved talking to the elders, hearing their life stories.
During the song Blaine kept looking at Kurt, he had to do something, he wanted to know how Kurt felt after last night and he wanted to apologize for stepping out of line.
'Kurt will you join me for a stroll in the garden?,' Blaine held out his hand for Kurt to take.
'Ow go on boy, he won't wait for you forever,' said the older lady whom Kurt was talking it. She gave him a last wink before Kurt took Blaine's hand and let him guide him to the garden.
'The flowers look lovely, don't you think?' Kurt stopped in front of a patch that was covered in peonies, one of his favorite flowers. Blaine got to his side and picked one of the flowers, giving it to Kurt as a present.
'Thank you Loverboy, they smell amazing,' Kurt decided to take Quinns advice and use the same name he had called Blaine last night, hoping he would remember.
Blaine's face got al flustered, a hand covering his face.
'Kurt I am sorry about what happend last night.' Kurt's face dropped, so he didn't actually like him, mental not made.
'I should have put more effort in it and asked you out first.'
Kurt's eyes shot up again to Blaine's face. 'You just looked so good, I had a few drinks and I just really wanted to feel your touch on my body,' Blaine's voice was getting hoarse thinking about the events from last night.
'Well I know not everybody has got a body like you,' Kurt started getting interupted by Blaine's laugh.
'I know, I see you looking at me whenever I get out of the shower.' Kurt's face got warm, he thought he was very subtle whenever he looked at Blaine's bare chest, turns out not so much.
'But I gotta think twice before I give my heart away,' Kurt said, smelling the rose again.
'Kurt I promise you won't regret it, will you please go on a date with me?'
Blaine looked at him, big eyes filled with nothing but love for the other boy.
'I thought you would never ask.'
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
Klaine Daycare Valentine's Drabbles
read it on AO3 at by TeddysHoney More drabbles in the Klaine Goes to Daycare series. Most of them take place around Valentine's Day, and all of them were inspired by the Valentine's Day Challenge 2025. Words: 1503, Chapters: 15/15, Language: English Series: Part 20 of Klaine Goes to Daycare Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Daycare, Valentine's Day, challenge, Drabbles, only 100 words, for someone special
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
read it on AO3 at by DivineLady91 Kurt is immensely excited about his latest accomplishment, that he is dedicating to his husband and his best friend. But when the two men see it, it turns out it's not exactly what Kurt thinks it is... Words: 1661, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 17 of Lord of the Manor Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Historical, Romance, Husbands, december klaine fanworks challenge 2024, Don't copy to another site, Sebastian Smythe friendly, Sebastian Smythe is our favorite gardener
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
Klaine Daycare Valentine's Drabbles
read it on AO3 at by TeddysHoney More drabbles in the Klaine Goes to Daycare series. Most of them take place around Valentine's Day, and all of them were inspired by the Valentine's Day Challenge 2025. Words: 1503, Chapters: 15/15, Language: English Series: Part 20 of Klaine Goes to Daycare Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Daycare, Valentine's Day, challenge, Drabbles, only 100 words, for someone special
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bjmsstuffreads · 5 days ago
Do you know any fics where, one or both, Kurt and Blaine are Mormon and they try soaking?
I will guide you to this series by @wowbright. It's her Mormon!Klaine Universe. It currently has 9 works. ~Lynne
Glory of the Stars (Mormon!Klaine Universe) by @wowbright
The Mormon!Klaine verse tells the story of Kurt and Blaine growing up as Mormons, meeting while serving as missionaries in Germany, and falling in love. Kurt comes out in high school; Blaine doesn’t figure out he’s gay until he’s on his mission.
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