If you are under 21 or 18 years old, you're subject to different rules regarding license suspensions.
For more information, check out our blog post below. We break down what can lead to a suspended license for young drivers and how the laws apply to each age group.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684.
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #criminaldefense #licensesuspension #driverlicense #bixonlaw
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Did you know that you could serve up to 5 years in person for obstruction in Georgia? Make sure you understand all of the differences between the felony and misdemeanor versions of obstruction by clicking the link below.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684.
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #bixonlaw #law #Obstruction #lawyer #attorney
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Lizzo said it best, "Truth Hurts." In Georgia, that could be a LIFETIME of hurt if you're convicted of perjury.
Watch our video to learn about the three key elements the State must prove to secure a perjury conviction in Georgia.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today for a free consultation at (404) 551-5684.
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #perjury #law #lawyer #attorney #crime
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Financial Transaction Card Theft in Georgia is a serious felony with potential prison time. Our latest blog covers its key elements, related offenses, penalties, and possible defenses.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #criminallaw #criminaldefense #law #financialtransactioncardtheft
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Did you know that you can posses low THC oil in Georgia with a state-issued medical card? Our video covers the basics of the law to help you understand how to legally posses low THC oil in Georgia.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #bixonlaw #lawyer #attorney #criminaldefense #marijuana #cannabis
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If your criminal defense case involves a plea, make sure you know which one is the right choice. Negotiated and non-negotiated plea deals each have their own advantages and disadvantages. To learn more about the two, click the link below.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today for a free consultation at (404) 551-5684.
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #criminaldefense #plea #law #lawyer #attorney #crime
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The merger doctrine is a critical part of the criminal justice system. Click the link below to learn how this doctrine can keep you from being unnecessarily convicted!
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #mergerdoctrine #law #lawyer #attorney #crime
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The merger doctrine is a critical part of the criminal justice system. Click the link below to learn how this doctrine can keep you from being unnecessarily convicted!
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #mergerdoctrine #law #lawyer #attorney #crime
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Home invasion is a serious felony that carries up to 20 years in prison! To learn about all the different degrees and their punishments, make sure to click the link below.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #homeinvasion #law #lawyer #attorney #crime
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Do not expect all of the rights of a criminal defendant in a student conduct violation hearing. These hearings are very different from what you normally see in a court of law. To learn more about them, click the link below.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684.
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #law #studentconductviolation
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What does it mean to have your case bound over in Georgia? In this video, we break down the bind-over process in simple terms—what it is, when it happens, and how it can affect your case.
Click the link below to learn more. Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684.
#bindover #atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #bixonlaw #criminaldefense #law #lawyer #attorney
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Under the First Offender Act, a broad range of crimes are eligible for dismissal and record expungement after a sentence is successfully served.
However, many are unaware that while it can be used for a large number of felonies, it cannot be applied to a misdemeanor DUI.
Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #bixonlaw #criminaldefense #law #dui #firstoffender
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I've seen many people make the mistake of talking to an investigator after being contacted. No matter how innocent your words seem, they’ll be recorded and used against you. Investigators are not on your side!
Always consult a lawyer first. If you can't afford one, still never speak to the investigator alone—it will only harm your case.
#atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #bixonlaw #police #investigator #criminaldefense #arrest
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Did you know that you could receive additional charges for missing court? Even worse, if the original charge was a felony then you could be charged with FELONY Bail Jumping. For more information, click the link below.
Questions? Call @bixonlaw at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #criminaldefense #bail #bond #bailjumping #bixonlaw
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Did you know that you can be charged with a crime even if you never directly commit it? In Georgia, criminal solicitation occurs when someone intentionally encourages, requests, or commands another person to engage in a criminal act. This charge can apply even if the crime is never actually carried out!
Click the link below to learn more about your rights and legal options! Questions? Give @bixonlaw a call today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #bixonlaw #criminaldefense #law #lawyer #attorney #criminalsolicitation
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Are you dealing with a misdemeanor or felony shoplifting case? Our latest video breaks down the key aspects of shoplifting charges, including potential penalties, how Georgia law defines theft by shoplifting, and possible defenses that could help your case.
Questions? Call @bixonlaw at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #criminaldefense #shoplifting #bixonlaw #law
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Think probation is a free pass? One misstep could cost you your freedom. Watch our video to see the serious consequences of violating probation.
Questions? Contact @bixonlaw today at (404) 551-5684
#atlantacriminaldefenselawyer #atlantacriminaldefenseattorney #criminaldefense #probation #bixonlaw #law #probationviolation
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