ID: Art of a pink-haired person hugging a sea scorpion in a field. ED

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ID: Drawing of a cat with a jester's cap and bells. Captions read, "I cannot find a dupe. Nor a patsy. And thus it is me." ED
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ID: A tweet by @ davidmrattigan. It reads, "A good time to remind everyone that The Sims 1 originally came with a list of recommend reading, so don't even THINK about loading into Create-a-Sim until you've read Notes on the Synthesis of Form by Christopher W. Alexander" Attached is the Appendix 2 list, which reads,
RECOMMENDED READING Here are some titles that might enhance your understanding of some of the background and social issues entertained in The Sims. Warning: all are filled with provocative ideas; Maxis disavows any responsibility for encouraging deep thought. Home: A Short History of an Idea by Witold Rybczynski (July 1987) Penguin USA; ISBN: 0140102310 Notes on the Synthesis of Form by Christopher W. Alexander (June 1970) Harvard University Press; ISBN: 0674627512 A Pattern Language : Towns, Buildings, Construction by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein (1977) Oxford University Press (Trade); ISBN: 0195019199 Architecture : Form, Space, & Order by Frank D. K. Ching, Francis D: Ching (February 1996) John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471286168 Housing by Lifestyle : The Component Method of Residential Design by James W. Wentling (November 1994) McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0070692939 Time for Life : The Surprising Ways Americans Use Their Time by John P. Robinson, Geoffrey Godbey (Contributor), Robert Putnam (June 1997) Pennsylvania State University Press (Trade); ISBN: 0271016523 Maps of the Mind by C. Hampden-Turner (March 1982) MacMillan Publishing Company; ISBN: 0025477404 Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life by David D. Friedman (September 1997) HarperCollins; ISBN: 0887308856 Making the Most of Your Llama by Linda C. Beattie (Editor), Araneen Witmer (Illustrator), Kathyrn Doll (Editor), Dr. Linda Beattie (September 1998) Kopacetic Ink; ISBN: 0961963417 Finding Your Perfect Love by Arthur Clark, Cassandra Skouras (January 1998) Rosebud Press; ISBN: 0965276902 The User Illusion : Cutting Consciousness Down to Size by Tor Norretranders, Jonathan Sydenham (Translator) (April 1998) Viking Press; ISBN: 0670875791

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ID: a comic of Miyo Takano driving Keiichi Maebara back after his murder. She smiles placidly as Keiichi grips tensely onto his shovel, then says, "did you know that even with seat belts people die all the time in car crashes? i thought that was interesting" ED
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ID: Image one is a goldfish done with ASCII symbols. Image two is the image dragged out into the deep blues of the tumblr interface. ED
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ID: A drawing of a softly smiling cat laying down. Captions read, 'Positive polly sees the silver lining. / "It's okay if my positivity doesn't match the vibe. I'm adding rich diversity to the social ecosystem. It takes all types."' ED
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ID: A comic of a person getting 2 notes. They turn to the viewer and smugly say, "oh yeah this one's a hit." ED
how it feels to have no social media presence as an artist
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ID: A drawing of a sleeping cat. One arrow pointing to it says "no energy going in…" and another says "no energy going out" ED
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ID: A person showing off the sleeve, which is mostly black with a wavy hem except for the end, which is transparent with embroidery in large black, swooping letters. ED
Hadal: 'love language' robe with an Arabic love poem by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish embroidered onto the sleeve.
The poem reads:
قالوا: تموت بها حبـاًً، فقلـت لهـم. ألا اذكروها علـى قبـري فتحيينـي
English translation: They asked "Do you love her to death?" | said "Speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life."
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ID: Animation featuring Foreach characters on the beach of Hollidae. Coral sways back and forth happily and smiles, while Sunny yells animatedly. ED
Monster girls >:)
They're from this comic that I didn't expect to get into. I ended up liking it quite a bit. Hope you guys give it a read!
CW: blood and violence later on.
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ID: A gif of a group of people pumping their fists and clapping approvingly. /ED
there's a certain and very specific genre of post that makes you check the notes and react exactly like this upon confirming that someone has already tagged it as "#harry du bois"
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ID: Image 1 is an illustration of two figures, Harry Du Bois and Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium, standing in front of a wall. A mural of Kim's face has been spray painted on the wall in vibrant shades of red. Images 2 and 3 mimic the interface of the game, and show the dialogue translated in the previous reblog. /ED

art-cop harry did a thing
+ небольшая штучка

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ID: The “Something beautiful is going to happen” graffiti in Disco Elysium, edited to read “Something really LGBT is going to happen”. /ED

harry internalizes the Homo-Sexual Underground thought project and later goes out and does this
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ID: A clown on a unicycle balancing on a slackline. /ED
I was gonna make a joke about how I say “I need to go the circus again” the way people used to say they need to go to the sea to balance their humors. But I realized the circus balances humors too
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ID: the tag, "Why so guesstimating? - the measurer" ED
why so following recipes....? - the eyeballer
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ID: A comic featuring Gray and Mon. Gray silently hands over locusts, and Mon replies, "Khi shi shi...Thank you." Gray turns around and walks away—plummeting immediately off the edge of the tiles. The "You've Fallen" text appears at the bottom of the screen. ED
i played void stranger recently and i wanted to share an experience that happened probably more than once.
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ID: A Google AI overview that reads,
Al Overview There's no evidence that ghosts harm people: Economic logic If ghosts are rational economic actors, they would have no incentive to harm living people. The cost of killing someone would likely outweigh the benefits for the ghost.

why would they haunt people if theres no profit incentive
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