bitterapple · 1 year
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bitterapple · 1 year
End of 2022 - time for TWL tally:
March 21 - 87.2kg/192lbs
December 22 - 57kg/125lbs
TOTAL = -30.2kg/-67lbs
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bitterapple · 1 year
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131 notes · View notes
bitterapple · 1 year
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154 notes · View notes
bitterapple · 1 year
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bitterapple · 1 year
~My ED/ANA diet~
Nothing more than 600 calories a day
2 fasting days a week
food throughout the day:gum+diet soda(no sugar!)
no cheat days!
weigh every morning on empty stomach.
Keep track of all numbers! No numbers, no eat!
sleep/chew gum/eat ice if hungry
walk 5,000+ steps every other day
drink 5-6 cups of measured water each day
measured stomach/thighs each day!
breakfast: apple/some fruit
lunch:None/small low calorie snack
dinner: none(unless shaky/dizzy, eat fruit!)
Starting weight: 190pounds
current weight:150.6
Let’s see how it goes, we’re going to get that flat stomach and thigh gap. Not pro Ana! Just for me I am!
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bitterapple · 1 year
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bitterapple · 1 year
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bitterapple · 1 year
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SW: 90kg, CW: 50kg, GW: 45kg
When I see how far I've come I'm so proud of myself. I'm facing a feeding tube next month and seeing this just helps me remind myself not to go back to what I was before and keep pushing through ❤❤❤
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bitterapple · 1 year
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bitterapple · 1 year
Foods not even that good🙄
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786 notes · View notes
bitterapple · 1 year
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42K notes · View notes
bitterapple · 1 year
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719 notes · View notes
bitterapple · 1 year
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12K notes · View notes
bitterapple · 1 year
You can make yourself fat, you can make yourself thin
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bitterapple · 1 year
Love takes practice. You won’t always get it right on the first try. You’ll love too hard and trip over your own feet. You’ll love too quietly and they won’t hear you. You’ll love just right and they won’t appreciate it. But you’ll never stop loving, and you’ll grow in your understanding of love until it fits just right. And one day someone will see you and be so happy to practice loving with you, it will all be worth it.
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bitterapple · 1 year
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21K notes · View notes