bitesizedvirus · 1 day
“are u jealous?” (me, vibrating and covered in blood) no
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bitesizedvirus · 7 days
She gives him a skeptical look, unsure of what's happening, but she climbs onto the offered stump and plops down. Well, it looked edible, at least.
The bowl seemed enormous in her grasp, and she eyes its swirling contents suspiciously as he lists off the ingredients, as if checking to make sure he didn't slip anything in. "I'm not gonna steal your recipe," She snorts with amusement, inspecting the 'gumbo' more closely. Her audials twitch as she gives it a cautious sniff, occasionally glancing at him to ensure there's no funny business, then lifts the bowl to her lips and takes a sip.
It...was really slagging good. She perks up, seizing the utensil and immediately shoveling a mouthful into her mouth, her tail flicking with interest behind her.
@bitesizedvirus replied to x:
"What...the frag...is 'gum-bo'?"
"Aw cher you're missin' out!!" He pats the stump then grabs a big bowl- claws snatching up the ladle to drop her three big ladles full of gumbo in then hands the bowl over. Ingredients float around in a beautiful glowing red roux, the bowl and utensils were homemade too. Just like the pot it came out of. "Ain't nobodies the same, mines got uh-" He starts to hold a claw out for each ingredient he names "-Shryp, cyberdads, sausage, some plants, my special roux, an' a few other things like spices I ain' gon' tell ya cause that's a secret." He wags a digit at her.
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bitesizedvirus · 13 days
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Mood board - Outbreak
Made on canva.
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bitesizedvirus · 19 days
they match each other’s freak to a degree that is dangerous to the public
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bitesizedvirus · 26 days
She bristled, jaw clenched as he tail whipped back and fourth in annoyance, "You...-!" She vented loudly as he cut her off, slumping in her chair with a low growl. Oh yeah, he was absolutely correct. She had been pining for Burn for a long time now and would have probably given up if not for the fact that she was friends with his siblings...
"You- I-" She huffed loudly, seemingly unable to form a coherent sentence, "Your fragging chair is fine, btw- Not like anything else in this ship isnt falling apart..." She settled for that instead, grumbling to herself about the triplets and their sire.
Ghostspires helm leaned to the side, one optic squinting as she shouted in his audial. When she finally finished he gave a long suffering sigh. The things he did for his ward...
"First. stop poking holes in my chair. I just finished patching it from the other set of holes you gave it." He ran a servo down his face and gave a long, slow vent. "Second, I know. Whiskey, Lily and I all know he's a grown aft mech. But you also harrass him just as much as he harasses you. Just fraggin.. kiss already or something."
There's another moment of silence from the mech before he spoke again.
"And for frags sake if your going to get caught at least make it fraggin worth it."
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bitesizedvirus · 27 days
Terrible First Meeting Starters
For breaking the ice in the worst possible way, featuring themes including: kidnapping, murder, stalking, injury, monsters, and just general meanness. [Brackets] indicate spaces to include your own words to personalize your ask!
“Wh-who are you? Where are we? Why are we tied up together?!” “You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you.” “Oh my god, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?” “I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” “Get out of my way before I move you myself.” “Please, let me out of here!” “You’re staring like you’ve never seen a [monster/vampire/demon/etc] before.” “Hey. Pretend you were waiting for me. You’re being followed.” “You don’t know me, but something terrible is going to happen.” “You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” “Please, someone help!” “You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” “Stop shining that flashlight on me! I’m not a damn ghost!” “I’m sorry if I hurt you.” “Shh, don’t scream! I’m not trying to attack you!” “I’ve never seen anything like you before.” “Stand right there and don’t get any closer!” “Now that you’ve seen this, I can’t let you leave and just tell anyone.” “Ugh, my head. What happened to us?” “Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” “If you come near me, I will scream at the top of my lungs.” “Holy shit. What have you done?!” “Is that blood? Is that YOUR blood?” “Don’t panic, I can explain!” “I promise you, this isn’t what it looks like.” “I won’t hurt you if you just keep your mouth shut.” “Who are you? Where are you taking me?!” “This is for your own safety. I’ll explain later.” “What the hell was that thing back there?!” “There’s something wrong with me. I need your help!” “Please, someone, there’s been an emergency!” “You can’t leave. You’re a witness and now you’ve involved.” “I’m being hunted, and now they’ve seen you too.” “If you believe in any god, I suggest praying to them now.” “Shh! Hide here, and don’t move a muscle.” “Can I walk with you? I think I’m being followed.” “I’m so sorry. I don’t like tricking people, but I had to lure you here.” “Fuck off, this is private property!” “I’ve seen some weird shit, but you’re something else.” “Oh my god. Are you a [monster/demon/angel/etc]?” “Don’t look at me like that, with those eyes.” “That isn’t your blood. What did you do?” “I promise not to tell anyone, just let me go!” “Come with me. I want to show you something.” “You’re not going to eat me, are you?” “You should never have approached me. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” “Go away, I’m not looking for a conversation.” “You don’t just follow people to their homes! I’m calling the police.” “Please, I’ll do anything, just untie me!” “I’m sorry if I scared you.” “I had to tie you up. You didn’t leave me any other choice.” “I don’t even know you. What do you mean, I ‘have’ to go with you?” “We almost died back there. Maybe we should introduce ourselves.” “Let go of me!” “I’m hurt. Please, I need you to call an ambulance for me.” “You have to come with me, something bad is about to happen!” “I’m not leaving until you tell me why you’ve been following me!” “Seeing as we may not survive, I should tell you my name. It’s [name].”
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bitesizedvirus · 27 days
Prowl? She never felt he offered enough, but dealing with him was… well, she had better things to do with her time.
Her optics followed him as he crouched, swallowing hard and trying to ignore the way he wiped his on her frame. She fought the urge to snap at him, knowing it wouldn't help her situation. Each click of the trigger made her spark clench, her frame tense, waiting for what might happen next. Would he pull it? Is that really how things had to play out?
"He's offering triple what I'm worth… maybe more if you can talk him into it," she added, her tail thumping against the ground as she shifted her weight, trying to maintain her composure despite the current coursing through her.
"Your call, your meeting place…and he'll be there."
He seemed serious and focused, not exactly someone that joked around. But as he swiftly moved through the ship and took out the mech without hesitation, she couldn't help but wonder: was he really interested in her proposition, or was it all just an act?
"Money, drugs, weapons, chemicals…whatever you want, I can get it," she spat, feeling the searing heat of the barrel against her plating, her denta clenched in pain as she was forced to tilt her helm. "I haven't mentioned a slag about Prowl. Do you think I care about this worthless freighter?" She swallowed hard, a viscous green substance oozing down the corners of her lips and coating the barrel of his pistol.
"Hunter to Hunter, that's all this is," she hissed, her vents releasing sharply. "These slaggers can rot for all I care. I don't want the cargo, I don't give a frag about anything except getting out of here. I don't even know your slagging name-" With green optics locked on him, she cautiously let her glossa peek out, licking up some of the oozing liquid from her lips. What did he desire? What could she possibly offer that wouldn't end with her processor splattered against the bulkhead? Or perhaps she could keep him preoccupied long enough for the Tox-En to take effect? The sickening green substance oozed over his digits, dripping onto the ground below.
"Surely a mech like you has something in mind," she coaxed, her digits fidgeted with the restraints, and her tail thumping softly against the cold metal floor. He held the advantage, but she couldn't help but consider her options. She was small enough to dive between his legs, perhaps catch him off guard if the need arose, though the cuffs would be a problem. All he needed to do was check the bounty board. She was sure her name was already up there, probably with only a few others offering anything close to the hefty sum Ghost would be putting out for her safe return.
She was well worth it.
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bitesizedvirus · 27 days
He seemed serious and focused, not exactly someone that joked around. But as he swiftly moved through the ship and took out the mech without hesitation, she couldn't help but wonder: was he really interested in her proposition, or was it all just an act?
"Money, drugs, weapons, chemicals…whatever you want, I can get it," she spat, feeling the searing heat of the barrel against her plating, her denta clenched in pain as she was forced to tilt her helm. "I haven't mentioned a slag about Prowl. Do you think I care about this worthless freighter?" She swallowed hard, a viscous green substance oozing down the corners of her lips and coating the barrel of his pistol.
"Hunter to Hunter, that's all this is," she hissed, her vents releasing sharply. "These slaggers can rot for all I care. I don't want the cargo, I don't give a frag about anything except getting out of here. I don't even know your slagging name-" With green optics locked on him, she cautiously let her glossa peek out, licking up some of the oozing liquid from her lips. What did he desire? What could she possibly offer that wouldn't end with her processor splattered against the bulkhead? Or perhaps she could keep him preoccupied long enough for the Tox-En to take effect? The sickening green substance oozed over his digits, dripping onto the ground below.
"Surely a mech like you has something in mind," she coaxed, her digits fidgeted with the restraints, and her tail thumping softly against the cold metal floor. He held the advantage, but she couldn't help but consider her options. She was small enough to dive between his legs, perhaps catch him off guard if the need arose, though the cuffs would be a problem. All he needed to do was check the bounty board. She was sure her name was already up there, probably with only a few others offering anything close to the hefty sum Ghost would be putting out for her safe return.
She was well worth it.
@thrailkxll - Continued from [X] ...The cowboy grunts in acknowledgment, one of the mecha making sounds of excitement thinking they were about to be saved as Thrailkill walks through the gate of the brig.  “Sorry partner, I don't take prisoners.. or leave witnesses.” The gun was drawn point-blank to the mech's forehelm, the mech's optics go wide and his processor was soon splattered all over the floor behind him. Thrailkill looks over to the next mech on his knees beside him which was now also dotted with pink from the other mech. Thrail draws to shoot, but he raises an opticridge over his visor. “Hm.. you look expensive.” He rips the piece that was over the mecha's mouth off so that they may speak “You got a bounty on you, partner?” The dark cowboy asks, pushing up the mech's chin with the end of the barrel.  No Thrailkill, you're retired remember? “Ah, it don’t matter, you’d be worth something dead as well.” That sharp thumb pushes down the hammer to his pistol.
The sudden eruption of chaos breaks the stillness of the air, audials twitching as she lifts her helm, focused now on the door that separates them. She couldn’t possibly have been the only one to hear that, immediately looking to her cellmate before shifting focus back to the door. The sharp crack of gunfire reverberates through the walls, followed by the muffled heavy thud of metal bodies hitting the floor. With each echoing shot, the tension mounts, slim digits toying with the stasis cuffs that bound her and earning a sharp jolt in response, a growl bubbling in her chassis with a flick of her tail.
Whoever it was, she highly doubted it would be beneficial to them.
As the door creaked open, her senses sharpened, drawing her focus as she kept to the shadows. A muffled grunt escaped her lips, the taste of the gag a bitter reminder of her precarious situation. Just let him pass, give themselves time; snarling as the mech next to her drew his attention. Deep green optics tracked his every move, audials twitching with each chime of his spurs, seemingly unfazed by the splatter of energon dotting his frame.
The cold embrace of the stasis cuffs bit into her delicate wrist plating as she wriggled, eliciting a grimace as surging current sent an electric jolt coursing through her body. Gritting her denta against the pain, she fought to maintain her composure amidst the relentless assault on her senses. Her optics snapped up, her tail curling around herself as her cellmate slumped against the wall, his warm energon seeping into her seams, sensitive audials ringing from the blast. Vents hitched as that gun was drawn on her, swallowing thickly as she waited for him to take the shot.
Fragging idiot, he couldn’t just keep his slagging mouth shut. He just had to get them both killed.
“Hah~” She vents loudly as the gag is removed, green discharge dribbling from the corners of her lips, chin tilted up as the barrel dug into soft protoflesh, “Yes.” Her response was swift, but this mech sounded impatient, “Triple-! I’m worth triple alive…!” She shouted, attempting to appease the mech in some way, but it was the truth. Despite her small stature, she wielded a presence that commanded attention, her actions often leaving a trail of disgruntled mecha in her wake; but, they would not pay out as well as the one mecha she had in mind. He could walk away a rich mech, a freighter full of loot, and plenty of credits to line his bank account…
But, she had to be alive for that.
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
His shitty attitude and grabbable waist have bewitched me
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
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// GIve this post a like if your interested in a simple starter, though feel free to reach out if you wish to plot for more.
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
@bitesizedvirus | 🕯️
"We don't say it to eachother, but I love her. I'm incredibly proud of her and everything she's accomplished. I don't approve of some of her decisions, but no sire ever will always approve of all there creations decisions. She's a fully grown femme and can make her own choices but... I hope she knows she can always find shelter and a home with me."
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
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// Rules updated: May 26, 2024
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
i am aware 'i love you' is probably a death sentence. it changes nothing. i love you i love you i love you
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
📏- 35 :3
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Send me 📏 + your muses height and I'll compare them to my muse! | Accepting
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
Send me 📏 + your muses height and I'll compare them to my muse!
Alternatively send 'ruler'.
Using this website.
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
Terrible First Meeting Starters
For breaking the ice in the worst possible way, featuring themes including: kidnapping, murder, stalking, injury, monsters, and just general meanness. [Brackets] indicate spaces to include your own words to personalize your ask!
“Wh-who are you? Where are we? Why are we tied up together?!” “You almost killed me, so no, it’s not nice to meet you.” “Oh my god, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?” “I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” “Get out of my way before I move you myself.” “Please, let me out of here!” “You’re staring like you’ve never seen a [monster/vampire/demon/etc] before.” “Hey. Pretend you were waiting for me. You’re being followed.” “You don’t know me, but something terrible is going to happen.” “You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” “Please, someone help!” “You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” “Stop shining that flashlight on me! I’m not a damn ghost!” “I’m sorry if I hurt you.” “Shh, don’t scream! I’m not trying to attack you!” “I’ve never seen anything like you before.” “Stand right there and don’t get any closer!” “Now that you’ve seen this, I can’t let you leave and just tell anyone.” “Ugh, my head. What happened to us?” “Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” “If you come near me, I will scream at the top of my lungs.” “Holy shit. What have you done?!” “Is that blood? Is that YOUR blood?” “Don’t panic, I can explain!” “I promise you, this isn’t what it looks like.” “I won’t hurt you if you just keep your mouth shut.” “Who are you? Where are you taking me?!” “This is for your own safety. I’ll explain later.” “What the hell was that thing back there?!” “There’s something wrong with me. I need your help!” “Please, someone, there’s been an emergency!” “You can’t leave. You’re a witness and now you’ve involved.” “I’m being hunted, and now they’ve seen you too.” “If you believe in any god, I suggest praying to them now.” “Shh! Hide here, and don’t move a muscle.” “Can I walk with you? I think I’m being followed.” “I’m so sorry. I don’t like tricking people, but I had to lure you here.” “Fuck off, this is private property!” “I’ve seen some weird shit, but you’re something else.” “Oh my god. Are you a [monster/demon/angel/etc]?” “Don’t look at me like that, with those eyes.” “That isn’t your blood. What did you do?” “I promise not to tell anyone, just let me go!” “Come with me. I want to show you something.” “You’re not going to eat me, are you?” “You should never have approached me. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” “Go away, I’m not looking for a conversation.” “You don’t just follow people to their homes! I’m calling the police.” “Please, I’ll do anything, just untie me!” “I’m sorry if I scared you.” “I had to tie you up. You didn’t leave me any other choice.” “I don’t even know you. What do you mean, I ‘have’ to go with you?” “We almost died back there. Maybe we should introduce ourselves.” “Let go of me!” “I’m hurt. Please, I need you to call an ambulance for me.” “You have to come with me, something bad is about to happen!” “I’m not leaving until you tell me why you’ve been following me!” “Seeing as we may not survive, I should tell you my name. It’s [name].”
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bitesizedvirus · 1 month
@bitesizedvirus | Spill it!
There was a moment of silence before he speaks, slowly, quietly.
"...Your the reason I keep going. And I'm proud of how far you've come." He won't admit anything else, he knows that's enough for her.
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