bitchspaghetti · 8 months
the thunderhead
my heart melted when the Thunderhead sent artichokes for Faraday❤️
when I read that I started kicking my feet in the air. It’s so cute that the Thunderhead acknowledged Faraday’s grief.
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
okay but why do the wedding vows match curaday
”till death do us part” bitch that’s literally what separated them. For SEVENTY YEARS.
Or some less traditional stuff
“You are my best friend and I will love and respect you always.” yup they’ve gone to hell and back for each other.
“My love for you will never fade”
”I will love you from this moment until my last”
it’s all curaday and I can’t handle it know they’ll never be together again.
It hurts too much
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
world conclave
it must be weird considering all the different languages that everyone speaks. How did they run it?
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
he’s so funny for no reason. Him saying that Citra’s parent’s jobs were useless made me laugh. That and his voice is sexy. Not only is it described that way, but listening to that audio book did something to me
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
I started to reread and annotate aoas
it’s been an hour and I’m one and a half chapters in 😭
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
So @arcofacatboy blocked me bc I called them out for spoiling UnWind when the tag was aoas. There wasn’t anything about aoas in it nor was there a spoiler tag. When I brought this issue up they blocked me. Since when did the aoas fandom get so sensitive? I fail to see anything that I did wrong
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
the title for the toll
is so perfect.
it accounts for Greyson becoming The Toll, the toll of Goddard’s on the world, and the toll of Curie’s death on Faraday
I hope that made sense
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bitchspaghetti · 8 months
I just realized
Prometheus definitely chose his name bc of the failsafe
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bitchspaghetti · 9 months
I wish we had a proper curaday chapter in gleanings.
They had a big ass scandalous relationship and they get one scene where they interact. it’s from the thunderheads pov so we don’t get the narration that follows the individual.
Shusterman could write a book just for curaday. I would die if he did
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bitchspaghetti · 9 months
didn’t Scythe Curie start mass gleanings?
I’m pretty sure she was the first who started gleaning like that. She gleaned a whole vault of people like it was nothing.
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bitchspaghetti · 9 months
about current events
this is me respectfully voicing my opinion and I would love to hear what you all have to say about this. Once again this is my opinion and I’m not trying to call out or offend anyone.
this is addressing the email that Neal Shusterman sent out on Thursday
he’s getting some backlash for what he said about the Palestinian situation going on. But imo he didn’t say anything  worthy of being offended or upset about.
“When asked about it, I tell the truth.  And the truth is, I am not qualified to spout my personal opinion.  I am a Jewish American.  I am NOT an Israeli citizen facing the murder and kidnapping of loved ones by Hamas.  And I am also not an innocent Palestinian facing Israel’s massive and deadly response to that attack.  Just because I have a microphone and a platform doesn’t mean that I have a right to vomit forth an opinion on a situation that’s so complex and so deeply rooted.”
he’s saying that he doesn’t have the experience to speak on the subject so he’s choosing to opt out. I personally don’t see a problem with deciding not to voice his personal opinion. Neal seems frustrated that he’s even be asked or involved with something that has little relevance to him. I see people saying that they plan to boycott or lessen their involvement with him, which doesn’t bother mean. That’s your choice and right to stop being involved with something that upsets you. But what does make me sad is seeing others say that they won’t reread or follow the fandom. This deeply upsets me because aoas is my favorite book series and it truly made me love reading. So I ask why people want to stop reading his work? I love Shusterman’s writing because it has made my life better. I see active members of this small fandom cutting back because of the current events, and I want to know your opinion as to why you feel this way. Hate the creator not the creation. 
Reminder: I’m not trying to offend or upset and I truly want to hear your side. 
this is all genuine and this is how I feel.
I love this fandom and the people in it. I care about what you have to say
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bitchspaghetti · 9 months
Faraday has been through it
poor dude went off to save the world from the scythedom, and ending up losing everyone he loved. he fucking worshipped Scythe Curie. He prob feels hella guilty about it bc the only reason she got involve with Citra and Rowan, was so that she could save Faraday’s poor plan from completely burning to the ground.
They loved each other so deeply, and it breaks my heart knowing that they can’t be together.
I will never get over this book.
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bitchspaghetti · 9 months
best mentor
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bitchspaghetti · 10 months
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bitchspaghetti · 10 months
faraday is so lovesick it hurts
Curaday is the best ship imo
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bitchspaghetti · 10 months
except she stays dead
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bitchspaghetti · 10 months
I need scythe content desperately
please I’m begging
faraday and curie have my heart
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