𝚈𝙾𝚄 ⠀ᴬᴿᴱ⠀ ᴬ 𝑆𝐻𝑅𝐸𝑊 ⠀!
26 posts
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bitchprose · 1 year ago
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OOC / FUGLY MOBILE POST : oh my god I have been locked out of my accounts since last month (twice, it’s a long story), and then my laptop broke after getting water damaged, and I lost YEARS of rp resources as well as literally all of my logins and passwords (which I’m still working on recovering sadly)
But I managed to finally get into most of my tumblr accounts finally !
So friends, I deeply apologize for such a long absence. Trust me, it has not been a fun time. I’m working on getting my laptop replaced too which hasn’t been easy. I deeply miss writing on here, but seeing as I can’t until I have a new laptop, I am unfortunately stuck writing on discord and Twitter for now.
If you are interested in creating a private discord channel to write with me on until then, consider giving this post a 🩷. I will be posting this across all of my different accounts. If you *are* interested, I’ll send you my discord name in IMs, and we will go from there! (It’ll come from one of my many accounts, keep that in mind).
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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BLOG UPDATE / REBOOT : hi, is anyone still here ? I sure hope so... I've been gone for about, what? two years now, and I feel ready to return back to this blog now that I've been on my other blogs for the last few months.
The idea of moving blogs and re-starting from scratch feels like torture to me, so I'll be slowly cleaning up things around here. I may or may not write before I get new graphics ( I have yet to decide that ) but I will definitely be around to plot, and I will be on discord to write too !
I'm excited to be back.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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Kat's brows suddenly furrow, shooting Julian a glance that read ' really? '  while he held the phone to his ear, likely awaiting an answer from her, or the restaurant depending on who actually answered first. It wasn't like he was wrong, no, he'd hit the nail directly on the head, and it was so obvious that Kat didn't even try to deny it. He'd heard the sob-story about Patrick before on a drunken night early on in their friendship when Kat first moved to New York. She'd been freshly out of the short-lived relationship she had with Patrick, and pouring her heart out to her diary wasn't helping as well as it did back home. She'd been lost and confused, her whole self-image had been shaken, and she suddenly didn't know who she was once she was on her own. But now that she had her footing in the ground all these months later, all of her progress had been toppled the second she locked eyes with him. What was he doing in New York anyway?
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❝   Why does that matter? It's not like he's here anyway...   ❞ She mumbles, as if not to interrupt the call.
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❝  curry .  .  .  ❞  he  replies  absentmindedly,  nearly  getting  thwacked  upside  the  head  with  the  phone  when  kat  tosses  it  over.
julian  wants  to  scream,  mind  wandering  off  on  avenues  of  its  own,  trying  to  figure  out  what  went  wrong  at  the  gig  and  when,  as  if  he  really  wants  to  get  into  some  hallmark  moment  right  now  with  kat  instead  of  preparing  to  stuff  his  face  and  then  passing  out  for  a  solid  ten  hours.  thumbs  begin  to  punch  in  the  restaurant’s  number,  device  held  up  to  his  ear  as  he  chews  on  the  inside  of  his  lower  lip  upon  first  ring.
don’t  ask.  don’t  ask.
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❝ is this about some loser? ❞
the  phone  rings  again  and  julian  glances  up  at  kat  in  the  interim,  no  one  picking  up  just  yet.  so  what  if  her  current  attitude  is  a  result  of  some  guy?  it’s  none  of  his  goddamn  business,  just  like  what  he  does  at  all  hours  of  the  night  is  none  of  hers.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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❝  So remember how we weren't able to score tickets to that sold out show?   ❞ she asks the blonde before sitting down across from her at the table now that she had her coffee. Though she hadn't even taken a drink of it yet, she felt more awake now that she had it. Setting her cup down, she digs carefully into her pocket before pulling out two tickets with a big smile to show the other girl.
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❝  Some guy showed up to my show last night, and— just trust me, we're in now !   ❞
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@bitchprose said: “ you’re gonna lose your mind. ”
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❛ You have some tea? Something exciting happen? Tell me everything! ❜
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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OOC + MEME CALL : alright friends ! I must go to work. I feel this feeling in my gut though that it might be a slow day. My quarter is almost over, and I am over-joyed. It's been very... Chaotic for me this last year. I am ready for the summer. Anyways, I'll be here tonight once I'm back to write some replies !  In the meantime, if you'd like 2-3 memes from Kat, go head and like this. Multis please specify.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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@emptyheir SENT A PAGE: ❝  come on,  you’re clearly upset.  and i’m not the asshole who pretends not to notice.  ❞ :>
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❝   Since when?   ❞  She asks, letting a silence take over for a few moments, as if she regretted the harshness, but no apology left her lips. It had been a rough week for Kat, and in truth, no one thing caused it. Life was simply being life. Mid-terms week had just ended for her, she'd spilled hot coffee all over herself the day before at work, and her car had been broken into just this morning, forcing her to take the subway to where they were now.
❝   I'm just having a bad week   ❞  she simply says, honest about her feelings for once. ❝   I'm tired, and everything has been a mess...   ❞
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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@tccdles SENT A PAGE: ‘  How do you always have an opinion ?  ’
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The comment only further served to irritate Kat more than she already was, Sharpay gaining a glare from the fellow blonde. ❝   Maybe it's because I don't suffer from Bibliophobia like some people   ❞  She quips right back,
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❝   You're obsessing over a capitalistic tradition that's meant to corner us into an oppressive and heteronormative box.   ❞  She argues, completely over hearing the other's worries about prom. The day was inching closer and closer, and the only one who seemed to be keeping track was Sharpay.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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        * ──── 𝚆𝙸𝚂𝙷 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚆𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 !  ... wipe the sweat off your forehead, and pick up that guitar, because it’s time to get this show on the road. like this post for a starter in varying lengths from your favorite angsty poet. Gently capping this at 5, multis specify.
Please fill out this interest tracker to get things rolling easier as well.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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ACTIVITY ACROSS MY BLOGS: hi friends !  i know things have been a little bit quiet for me, and for that i apologize. reminder to everyone that my activity is sporadic, and based on muse, and just how much time i have in general... i have actually been busy over on my star wars blog(s) ! if you feel up to writing with me over there, my @'s are naboochose & hopescorned. i'll do my best to be here more this upcoming week, but i've been stressing over finals and some irl bull-crap.
friendly reminder that i also write on wire & discord, reach out to me for the @ if you feel up to it.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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Offer is carefully considered. Make a statement, that's what her whole high school experience had been, and showing up in the first place was  a statement. What would the harm be in ditching now? It's not like she was a dancer, and she'd already gotten her fill anyhow.
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Smiling cheekily at her friend, she tilts her head up at him before nodding toward the exit, ❝  Yeah, let's get out of here.  ❞
@jockgolden / THE GOLDEN JOCK
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  ❝    i've been 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 on ditching prom. maybe catch a movie. YOU WANNA TAG ALONG ?     ❞    
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bitchprose , ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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No, it wasn't hard to upset Kat. It often seemed like the girl was clueless on how to turn off the cold-exterior. She hadn't always been like this, but things were easier this way, that much she was certain of. If you act tough and standoffish, people can't put very big of expectations on you. If your potential is shattered from the get-go, then you could be left alone, no attachments, no hurts.
She hadn't ever stopped to think if she was just punishing herself though.
But it didn't matter now. What was done is done, and she was completely and totally over it. She was over Patrick, she was through with Seattle—— couldn't you tell ? It's exactly why she'd thrown her guitar, threw a tantrum in the cab home, and was about to take her feelings out on a bowl of Gaeng Daeng.
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❝   Sure,   ❞ Kat says, tossing her cell-phone over to him to catch, tugging the old throw blanket over her lap for a bit of comfort, ❝   What are you getting ?   ❞  She asks, no longer further acknowledging the party. Part of Kat was thankful that her band hadn't grown overnight, especially knowing all that Jules has been through with the public. No wonder so many celebrities coped with filler and pills.
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he  tosses  the  magazine  aside  in  favor  of  taking  the  menu  from  kat  with  a  quiet  noise  of  gratitude;  something  akin  to  a  vague  grunt.  musically?  he  can  be  an  open  book.  in  everyday  interactions?  people  who  don't  know  him  past  surface  level  may  as  well  try  prying  anything  of  emotional  substance  from  a  garden  gnome  instead.
chewing  on  the  inside  of  his  cheek  in  thought,  julian's  eyes  zero  in  on  the  word  panang,  fickle  stomach  deciding  for  him.  he's  been  on  a  curry  kick  as  of  late.
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❝  once  you  get  over  all  the  losers  trying  to  get  in  your  pants  and  the  bigger  losers  trying  to  score  some  coke,  it's  not  that  bad.  ❞  the  sarcasm  is  palpable,  hanging  off  every  syllable.
❝  you  want  me  to  call  it  in?  ❞  he  asks  regarding  their  orders,  making  the  mistake  of  looking  at  kat  again.  his  mind  whirs  with  all  of  the  possibilities.  maybe  some  dickhead  upset  her.  to  be  fair,  it's  not  difficult  to  upset  kat,  and  julian  considers  himself  able  to  comment  on  this  because,  well  .  .  .  it's  not  difficult  to  upset  him  either.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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Either Kat was bad at hiding her emotions ( which she'd proven time and time again ), or Julian was good at reading people ( a skill he was gifted with ), who was to say ? All Kat knew right now was that she was in the safety and comfort of her apartment, the streets outside were surprisingly quiet for once, and she was in control. She wasn't back at the venue where anyone could just waltz in, she was home. She wouldn't have to answer to anyone, and for now, she was okay. Grabbing her phone that was on the side table, she gets up to rummage around for the takeaway menu she'd kept in the drawer from her favorite place-- Wondee Siam, a small corner store a few blocks away. Walking back over, still avoiding his eyes, she hands the menu over to Jules, as she already knew what she was getting. ❝   Maybe it's a good thing I was busy then,   ❞ she says, a phrase that she normally would've made more witty, though she didn't have the heart for right now. ❝   I don't know how you do it, the parties, all of the chaos... It would drive me nuts.   ❞ she says as she flops back down, finally looking back over at him. @sadtempo / THE TRAGIC ROSE
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❝  studying?  gross,  ❞  not  that  julian  necessarily  believes  her  .  .  .  not  that  he  even  thinks  she  needs  to  study  all  that  much  with  her  level  of  intellect.  feelings  are  delicate,  however.  he  knows  that  more  than  most  (  avoids  them  like  the  plague  when  optional  )  and  it's  written  on  kat's  face,  plain  as  day.  something  happened.
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❝  you  missed  the  circus,  ❞  he  says,  referring  to  the  rooftop  party he'd  found  himself  at  after  the  show.  skirting  around  the  subject  for  now  is  his  specialty.  if  kat  wants  to  get  into  it,  she  will.  if  not,  well  .  .  .  julian  can  provide  a  distraction  from  whatever's  crawled  its  way  under  her  skin.  ❝  some  dumbass  got  tossed  into  a  pool  and  almost  drowned.  like  three  people  jumped  in  after  him  and  made  it  worse.  trainwreck  central.  ❞
at  the  suggestion  of  thai  food  he  nods  before  flipping  to  the  next  page  of  the  magazine  he's  currently  leafing  through,  boots  already  off  and  discarded  by  the  doorway  along  with  his  leather  jacket.  he  tucks  a  stray  lock  of  hair  behind  his  ear  and  looks  up  at  kat  in  the  hopes  he'll  see  something  other  than  anguish  in  her  expression.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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Hands rest on hips as brown eyes look into the distance to where the ball had been kicked with a surprising amount of force. Kat wasn't the sportiest person by any means, but it'd be a lie to say she wasn't competent at it. Naturally she was pretty coordinated, which seemed to work well in her favor. Looking over to Marcus, a grin now on her face as she ponders the humorous comment for a moment.
❝  Maybe. But then I'll have to get you a place on the soccer team, it's only fair.  ❞ @jockgolden / THE GOLDEN JOCK
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  ❝  not bad. maybe you can be our punter for the football team ?     ❞   
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bitchprose , ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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ACTIVITY UPDATE FOR MY ACCOUNTS : hello friends !  i know things on my end got weirdly quiet there for a second, and for that i apologize. i just wanted to ( finally ) pop in and say that i will try to do some replies across all of my accounts. i wanted to say that this week i will be a bit low activity. i have a fuck-ton of homework to catch up on, and i am in the midst of apartment hunting.
feel free to dm me for my d*scord, and we can do some chatting and writing over there for the time-being !
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
If anyone has responded to any of my posts on @/itsburkhart, @/mlssworld, @/livlngdeadgrrrl, or here in the last... 2/3 days... Please tag me directly. Tumblr is no longer notifying about reblogs, and I'll be damned if I gotta pay to see that across several different accounts SKJRKSJLSKF
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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@goofily SENT A PAGE: ❝  are you sure you’re alright? ❞ from carmen!
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❝   Yeah, I just-- God...   ❞  Kat groans out as she scrambles to clean up the spilled coffee on the table that she'd managed to so carelessly knock over while searching for a pencil. Kat had been on edge practically all week, and it was all thanks to the shitty school-work she'd be assigned. No, it's not that she couldn't handle it, she knew damn well that college wasn't for quitters, but that only made the pressure that much worse. She couldn't fail. ❝   It's just been a long week...   ❞ She admits reluctantly under her breath as she wipes up the coffee with a wad of napkins.
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bitchprose · 2 years ago
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@sadtempo SENT A PAGE: ❛  where were you last night?  ❜
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Shoulders shrug off the question as she walks over to the opposite end of the bed, plopping herself down, oversized shirt and pajama pants clinging to her body. ❝   I ended up staying late at the library to study   ❞ she lies, leaving out he part where she was not in-fact at the library, but rather prematurely running out on her bandmates at the start of a show when she saw a certain familiar face in the crowd. She was still processing it, what had happened, and even now she didn't think she was ready to admit how seeing Patrick after all this time had upset her so much. That was the problem with Kat, she had the tendency to shut down, and now was no exception, even if she knew Julian would give her the most straightforward advice she needed right now.
The rain pitter-pattering on her bedroom window, she avoids his eyes for a few more seconds before trying to switch topics without him noticing, ❝   Hey, maybe we can order in some thai food, what do you think?   ❞
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