bitch-tales · 2 years
what I wouldn't give to have the gastric constitution of a nine-year-old again. like you know when you're in grade school and you're like okay I'm gonna have some gushers and pizza and one of those dubious chalky grocery store cookies and then go run around with my friends! and now as an adult if I eat the wrong brand of peanut butter I have to lie down for an hour
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bitch-tales · 2 years
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bitch-tales · 2 years
breakdown cancelled, guy in [shop redacted] gave me a discount on my plants ‘just cause’ and then didn’t scan half my other shit either. i was like ‘oh you missed–’ and he goes ‘discount innit’. i think maybe he just hated his job but also possibly humans are good and long story short i’m not mentally ill any more.
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bitch-tales · 2 years
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bitch-tales · 2 years
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bitch-tales · 2 years
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bitch-tales · 2 years
googling why bad thoughts = tummy ache
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bitch-tales · 2 years
I promise I'll shut up about UK politics soon, but not a day goes by without another Tory scandal and today the invoice for Boris Johnson's £200,000 No. 11 renovations leaked, and while it reveals there were some fascinating choices made (like £500 for a table cloth, £7,000 for a rug, £6,000 for a lamp, £3,675 for a trolley, all while Boris's government has plunged the country into poverty), some of you may not know what these renovations look like and...
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bitch-tales · 2 years
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bitch-tales · 2 years
that post thats like "i hope christianity as a global power collapses" and there's just tons of hand-wringing "enjoy living in a lawless wasteland with no morals" comments like. congrats. you are a living illustration of the fucking point.
if your sense of morality is anchored to the bible and you think people would just start killing people etc without it, congrats, your worldview is fucked and you should do some introspection why.
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bitch-tales · 3 years
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bitch-tales · 3 years
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bitch-tales · 3 years
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bitch-tales · 3 years
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bitch-tales · 3 years
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bitch-tales · 3 years
even on tumblr i’m the quiet kid that sits in the corner and doesn’t really know anyone
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bitch-tales · 3 years
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