biscuitsforpotter · 2 years
I just read Subtle Perfection and never has a story hit me THIS HARD!!! The storyline, the characters, the nuance of their love was just such an emotional roller coaster, the amount of time I cried sad tears, frustrated tears, and happy tears was uncountable. What you’ve done with this story is absolutely amazing and the ending was just perfect. I wanted to thank you for creating such a beautiful story and KNOW that I will be reading it for years to come!!! It’s definitely in my top 3 books I have ever read. Thank you for bringing us such an interesting and fitting Dramione read ♥️
Ah, what a lovely review!!! It always means so much when people tell me how much they enjoyed Subtle Perfection! Taking people on an emotional roller coaster was absolutely my goal, so it’s nice to see we got there!
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biscuitsforpotter · 2 years
Hello! Not sure if you’re still active or not but was wondering if you might take a chapter request?
Seeing as the Beijing Olympics are coming up, would you be open to writing a short 1 chapter follow up to subtle perfection? Definitely will be thinking about SP when watching the ice dance portion <3
I am still here - just lurking!
I am definitely open to it and just thinking about what I want to write. Is there anything you’re curious about that you’d like to see in a chapter?
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biscuitsforpotter · 2 years
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biscuitsforpotter · 2 years
hello!! I just finished reading the gift series for the first time and oh god 😭😭 I'm so in love with your mind 😭 I haven't been so emotionally invested and passionate about a fic in so long and this series was able to singlehandedly ignite that fire within me once again and for that I'm so grateful 🫂 I also had a couple questions about the story if that's okay!! I just keep wondering whether draco ever got back his original weasley sweater he was given during the war? and also, was scorpius ever properly buried? I know they used the peony as as his symbolic resting place but was his body ever returned to them? did they get to have some time with him to say goodbye after hermione gave birth to him? these questions just kept popping up in my head throughout the story and specially now that I just finished the very last chapter 🥺🥺
Sorry it took so long to pop by and answer your questions! First of all, I’m so glad you liked The Gift of Life. It’s quite the roller coaster!
Questions answered:
1) Yes, Draco got the jumper back. Molly definitely held onto it, worrying about where Draco went during the war. I like to imagine she regifted it to him the next year telling him she needed to see him in it at regularly scheduled intervals just to make sure he was still there. 😂 other Weasleys would have felt annoyed but Draco was genuinely touched.
2) As to Scorpius, I left that scene ambiguous on purpose. It’s such a delicate subject for so many that I wanted you to imagine and interpret what happened in your own level of comfort.
I like to imagine that eventually, when they felt ready, they moved him to the Peony.
I hope that answers your questions!
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biscuitsforpotter · 2 years
Hi there, Tumblr!
Hello… everyone. Seems I’ve been off Tumblr for a hot second. Life has been a doozy for the last several months. If you’ve sent me messages or tagged me, I’m sorry for not responding. I literally had to redownload this app to my phone just now.
Happy Winter Olympics, y’all!
You know what that means??
It’s Subtle Perfection season!
If you’ve read the story and wanted to see a drabble set after the epilogue, what would you want to know about?
*curious minds want to know*
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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Mushroom Nightlights
The Snowmade on Etsy
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
A sea turtle swimming up to a nap in a giant barrel sponge.
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
Writing Fictional Governments
@bluebxlle_writer on instagram
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1. Base it on the real world
Yes, you can create your own government in fiction, but it'll still be super helpful to draw inspiration from the real world. Here are examples of governments :
• Republic - authority is based on the citizens' votes, officials are elected based on free elections.
• Democracy - the whole population or selected groups have authority.
• Theocracy - authority is given to priests who rule in the name of God, or by officials regarded as divinely guided.
• Monarchy - authority is given to a single person, usually a king or queen, and the title is hereditary.
• Plutocracy - authority is given to the wealthy or high-class people, who usually rule from behind the scenes.
• Dictatorship - authority is snatched by a person or a group, and they end up ruling the country forcefully.
• Anarchy - the absence of law and order, usually caused resulting from a failure of government.
2. The state of government
It's crucial to show your readers the state of your government, as it will say a lot about your story's mood and also the professionalism of your government. Is it peaceful, or are there constant protestors or rebels? How do the citizens see their government? Are crime rates higher or lower during this government's ruling period? Even trivial things like these will make your government more realistic.
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3. What the leader of the government can or cannot do
Another important point to tackle is the limitations of your government's power. Let's say, your fantasy government is a monarchy, and the king holds full power - being able to command anyone and implement any new laws.
But even as a king, there must be limitations binding his hands - something that he can't do despite his title. Here's where you can be creative.
Maybe he can't make decisions without the approval of at least half of his ministers? Or maybe there's a book of law that holds rules and laws that even the king has no power to break.
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4. Its role for the plot and MCs
Your story's government isn't just there - it also needs to either move the plot forward or delay it. Consider the government's role to your plot and main characters. Does it help your main characters move forward, or hinder them from reaching their goals?
5. Its most valued quality
In every government, there's a certain quality that they will value most and promise to their citizens. They might even put it in every single of their mottos to reassure everyone. Maybe it's security? Order? Peace? Bliss? Loyalty?
6. Chaos :D
In such a huge government, I assure you, it's practically impossible for every single member to be good people. There will be chaos. There will be corruption, betrayals, or even spies. To make your government realistic, add chaos. Show prime ministers commiting corruption for their own good, advisors manipulating their king, etc.
7. Consider time period
This tip isn't as important as the rest of the points, but I'd like to address this anyway. Consider the time period while deciding a government. For example, medieval times might resonate with monarchy or theocracy more, and modern times may prefer republic or democracy.
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
The true epilogue to Subtle Perfection: it’s not like riding a bike, after all.
Video posted by Tessa Virtue.
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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Part 3 of Scene V ‘Rey and Finn’
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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Part 2 of Scene V
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019)
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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By @shiroganejpg​
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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Life imitates art
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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@solotrekker is one TikTok's creators that randomly went viral almost overnight, posting about hiking in the woods and nature, but more importantly cooking. Despite having almost 700K followers, he follows no accounts, has private likes, and no one knows what he looks like. @reyreyshine is one of many to duet with his videos. She's flirty and the comments keep asking her to take her shot and see if she can slide into his DMs...would he respond?
ok so like the proper Internet Elder that I am, I got TikTok back in early 2019 but pretty much forgot it was on my phone until relatively recently. Y'all can thank @writingwife-83 and @darthsydeous for basically working this AU with me.
Please don't repost. It took me a stinkin long time to draw all the icons right, lol.
Reylo AU Bingo - E5 - TikTok
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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I have this quiet AU about Ben and Rey having a non-Force sensitive daughter (I wrote a fic for it) and every once in a while, I come back to it because it's so soft.
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biscuitsforpotter · 3 years
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I was going through my files and I realized I never posted the completed piece I did for this (I posted on IG stories some of the process). 
I’ve been having trouble with my work lately, feeling really overly critical and just….frankly, grumpy. I’ve been trying all kinds of things to try to get out of it, but nothing’s really working, so this might mean it’s time to slow down for a bit. 
Anyway, I hope you guys like this piece. :) 
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