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| call me birdy - she/her || SFW-ish winterspider & spidershield blog || i write sometimes :) |
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
birdycurtains · 4 years ago
istg every time i come on tumblr someone is somewhere doing some cracked out shit, i hate it here, come yell at me on ao3 if we were mutuals im done. 
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birdycurtains · 4 years ago
anyway i’ve been updating a little bit on ao3 this month after a hefty hiatus so if you’ve been enjoying my older content on here, feel free to check that out.. or not :)
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birdycurtains · 4 years ago
hey ... how y’all doin ...
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
a hello to all my lovely followers and mutuals,, basically everyone who has supported my work on here.
i just wanted to issue a little statement that as of now i will be leaving the starker community here on tumblr. all of my work involving the ship will stay on my blog, but i will no longer be posting any of its content here.
as a person who has friends and family who are bipoc, i cannot allow myself to continue to involve myself as a member of this “community” knowing full well that their is rampant racism and aggressions towards that group.
furthermore, if you would like to continue to read my writing, you can find my work on ao3 which is where i will be primarily.
thank you for your understanding <3
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
Winterspider #7
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7. “You made me a mixtape? I don’t know, that’s kinda gay baby.”
Peter blinks blearily, attempting to let his eyes adjust to the darkroom. He has been staring at his phone screen for long he had barely noticed the sun had set outside. 
He falls back on to the pillows on his bed and is almost lulled into falling asleep for the rest of the night before remembering what he has finished.
“Buck.” He calls out, voice scratchy from lack of use. Peter rubs at his eyes and waits to hear the pattering of his boyfriend’s footsteps towards their bedroom
“Buck?” He asks out into the room, he had sworn he hadn’t heard Bucky leave. It’s not like Bucky would even think about not telling Peter if he had left, or even decided to go sit in another part of their home.
He is comforted to hear the quiet, but audible for him, trail of footsteps towards their bedroom.
“Yeah, baby?” Bucky asks, leaning against the doorframe and smiling cheekily at his boyfriend, who was swallowed into their comforter and surrounded by the too many pillows they had on their bed. 
“I made you something,” Peter mumbles quietly, looking expectantly at him. 
“Oh really?” The older man replies, biting into his lip, the smile not leaving his face for a second. 
Peter nods exaggeratedly in reply. “But, you have to come to bed right now if you want it.” Peter bargains, letting a small smirk play at his lips.
His boyfriend pretends to ponder the decision before slipping out of the room. 
Peter rolls his eyes and turns onto his stomach, tugging a pillow towards his middle and shuts his eyes.
He swore he had only blinked, but when he opens his eyes again, disturbed by a weight sinking onto Bucky’s side of the bed, the hallway light is shut off, and Alpine is curled up at the bottom of the bed. 
He hears a quiet rain trickling outside of the bedroom window, as he tries to listen in to what Bucky is doing. A large frame envelops his smaller one, and a pair of arms drag him into Bucky’s chest. Peter giggles, when a wet kiss is planted on the side of his neck.
“So what did you make me Bunny?” A low voice asks in his ear, Peter pushes down the butterflies that begin to flutter in his belly as he hears exhaustion laced into Bucky’s voice.
“A mixtape, they’re called playlists now, or whatever. But mixtapes make it sound like we’re in Say Anything.” Peter mumbles underneath his breath, he knows Bucky can hear him so he doesn’t raise his voice, not wanting to ruin their little bubble.
He feels his boyfriend smile into his shoulder, the stubble on his jaw scraping against his freckled skin, “You made me a mixtape? I don’t know. That’s kinda gay baby.” Bucky jokes.
Peter regrets exposing him to any shred of pop culture, or even the internet at that moment.
“I’m kidding, I love you in the gayest way. Let me get a listen.” He urges.
Peter opens his phone, quickly turning down the brightness as his eyes begin to sting for an abrupt moment. Before pulling up the app on his phone, he passes Bucky an earbud and putting in his own. 
His boyfriend hums in accordance as the music begins to play. Peter turns and curls into Bucky’s arms, and falls asleep and further in love, all the while Bucky does the same.
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
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under my skin: chapter three found here
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
finding out the heights of your internet friends is always the weirdest thing
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
thank u for the tag <3 @aloof-frog
name: just call me birdy^^,, i prefer my screen name anyway <3
sexuality: bi,, or pan? idk not too fond of labels :/
hogwarts house: slytherin!! ,, also who wrote the hp series? don’t know her ;)
cats or dogs: i love both so much!! i only have had kitties so probably them,, i want a dog so bad tho..
current time: 4:35pm
favourite animal: i like bears!! they’re so cool and there are so many different types, i love grizzly bears the most tho.
when i made my blog: i want to say 2015 or 2016? i honestly don’t remember lol
reason for url: at the time i had these really cute curtains with birds on them from ikea,, plus i have the nickname birdy, thus birdycurtains was born!!
,,also a friendly reminder in shame of she-who-shall-not-be-named,, 
tagging: @honeybunstarker @sarcasmandsugar
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
Hello! I just want to say I love your fic under my skin! And the mood board is superrrr pretty, like the colors and everything about it!! If you don’t mind me asking, how did you make the photos and colors look so well put together? - Your secret admirer. 💖
aw thank you so much,, i’m really glad you’re enjoying it!! for my edits and such i just use pictures with similar color palettes and my favorite photo editing softwares <3
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
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Starker High School AU, Pt.1 (Pt.2, Pt.3)
tw: enemies-to-lovers, swearing, mentions of fighting
Peter’s day started like most others. 
The nearby screech of his alarm startles him into the waking world. Without opening his eyes, he fumbles against his bedside table to grab his phone, smacking himself in the face in his haste to silence it.
It’s always a Herculean effort to get up before the sun does, and today is no different. Squinting against the grey morning light, Peter contemplates simply closing his eyes and going back to sleep. The thought is tempting, the pull of sleep still in his limbs. 
Instead, he resigns himself to the day and slips out of bed, reaching for his glasses and propping them on his face.
Through finger-smudged lenses his phone say’s five-thirty-four, which in itself is an affront, but he’s comforted that it’s a Friday and respite isn’t far off. This weekend will be spent sleeping, playing video games and eating cinnamon poptarts until he succumbs to a blissful food coma.
He can’t freakin’ wait. 
Hearing his aunt rouse the room over, Peter gathers his clothes and hurries to the shower. The November chill bites as his bare feet touch the floor and he shivers, cursing the lack of heating in his apartment. It’s positively freezing. 
The hot water is nice while he showers, but it’s much worse when he gets out, still wet as he tiptoes back to his bedroom. Fruitlessly, he bangs the old iron radiator in the hall with his fist as he passes it, because it does little more than encourage a groan from the ancient equipment.
Back in his bedroom, Peter hums as slips on his sweats and sneakers and readies himself for the day against the tune of an awakening neighborhood, spraying himself with probably too much deodorant in the process. 
Finished, Peter puts his glasses back on and in the window he inspects his reflection. He smiles. 
It’s Friday.
It’s gonna be a great day.
Keep reading
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
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under my skin: chapter two found here
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
y’all saying BLM for one situation just don’t sit right with me, it goes beyond police brutality!!! it’s Black women dying at a higher rate during childbirth. it’s Black people being exposed to COVID-19 at a higher rate. it’s Black people being forced into low income communities. it's Black people being denied job opportunities due to the name on their applications. it's Black people being denied into higher institutions despite having the same qualifications as their non-Black counterparts. it's Black people having their creations and ideas stolen without being given credit simply because a good percentage of society still believes in 2020 that Black people are not creative enough or smart enough or skilled enough. it's the decrease of federal funding for schools in predominantly Black neighborhoods due to gerrymandering. it's the kidnapping and murders of Black people that don't make it on the news. it's Black trans women having a life expectancy of 23 YEARS OLD. it's Black people, especially Black trans people, being incarcerated at disproportionately high rates. this isn't just about police brutality. this is deeper than that.
All Black Lives Matter. Not just the ones you specifically are a fan of.
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
thank u for the tag lovey @spidyirony
overalls or dresses? garden or meadow? fruit juice or smoothies? rainbows or gentle rain? roses or sunflowers? chilly sunrise or warm sunset? platonic kisses or hugging? 80s pop or 70s funk? paris or thailand? ocean waves or active rivers? peaches or blueberries? hiking or skiing? amusement parks or thrift shopping? black cats or golden retrievers? late fall or early spring? neon signs or city lights? nature or space? tea or iced coffee? bold lipstick or clear lipgloss? laughing joyfully or smiling softly?
tagging: @honeybunstarker @sarcasmandsugar @aloof-frog @mrstarksbaby and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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birdycurtains · 5 years ago
y’all love to do the bare minimum performative activism and then b like “whew that’s enough for the decade”, and it really shows!
please take this as a call out post from me honestly, i’m sick and tired of these blogs with huge platforms doing absolutely nothing with it, because what you get is white ignorance? laziness? or just flat out taking advantage of a critical cause?
use your privilege for fucks sake!
i get it’s not your “aesthetic” or “not fandom oriented”, so it doesn’t appeal to your audience or even you, but reread that and understand how ignorant it sounds.
you’ll take having some nice color palettes over advocating for the value of a life.
take a step back and recognize your actions and then come back, because i’m done. and i sure as hell know jamie is also done with the bullshit.
recognize your racism and the erasure of poc in your favorite media and in your own fanwork.
why is this a discussion that is needed to have?
i am sick and i am tired.
you all need to do better, and you know who you are.
hot take but the BLM movement’s catapult into mainstream media and subsequently fandom culture has really shown me which of you actually give a shit and which if you wanna monopolize this for clout.
don’t go starting shit you can’t finish and act like the white person savior fucking messiah or whatever just to claim you’re too busy to deliver on something you decided to pretend to dedicate any sort of care or time into. (say it with me now!! ✨performative activism✨)
it’s really disgusting to see how many of you treated this as a “get out of jail” free card and have decided to use BLM to: basically draw attention to yourself and your blog with false promises of movement related posts/efforts, talk over the literal people of color (even though in starker there’s like 5 of us), or literally just sit here and write even MORE white savior fics.
fun fact but making the only black character in your fic (that you tossed in there for what? other than a cheap diversity card?) speak in INTENSE AAVE when, canonically, he doesn’t fucking speak that way is really insulting considering a majority of white people consider an overuse of AAVE to equate to a lack of education, a lower socioeconomic status, or to put it in words you have probably used to describe us— “ghetto.”
the best and most covert racism is in the little discords, y’all think i don’t see you.
the colorist notions and jokes, the degrading and literal ERASURE of the few characters of color in the mcu is so astounding.
but then you go on your little blog and your blue bird app and make sure everyone knows you tweet #blacklivesmatter every few days!! you do!! you’re not racist or hold any kind of microaggressions at all, nope no ma’am!!
i held a survey about what characters some of you found desirable and a good majority of the THIRTY FIVE PEOPLE who filled it out decided to write me paragraphs explaining that they aren’t racist they just think black and darkskinned people aren’t as attractive!! they aren’t racist, the black people just aren’t interesting!! they aren’t racist, black panther just wasn’t that good!! (some bullshit in and of itself as if black panther isn’t the most solid mcu film, but i digress)
get the fuck out of here with your performative activism.
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