birdsbeloved · 2 days
@fearinfected from here
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A soft tut, hands stilling in his care to lightly hold onto Eddie's arms. He shouldn't have even shown up late. In the aftermath of triumph there is an absence that everyone is feeling, and Stan wonders... If he had been down there in the dark with them would it have made a difference for who walked away uninjured? Richie might not walk away from this, and all Stan can do is give Eddie's arms a gentle squeeze.
Rinsing out the rag in the sink he adds more soap flinching a little at getting his own wound wet. Neat little stitches he's supposed to be in the hospital for instead of here, but he couldn't just sit by recuperating as the memories festered like the ick before vomiting. Not when these people he's lucky to have are sitting around to make sure they all made it out.
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Carefully he dabs and drags lightly over Eddie's arm, getting their friend's blood off him. "Shh. Shh." He tuts softly, trying not to breathe too deep as the smell of blood is so cloying that he can practically taste it. "I've got to do something Edward. It's not like I was there to help. Let me help. This is the easiest thing in the world for me right now. Breathe, Birdie. We'll get you cleaned up, and then you can shower off the rest of the day. I'll set out a sweater on my bed for you, and take you back to the hospital in a little bit. Bill hasn't given any updates yet."
He cradles the uninjured side of Eddie's face and runs his thumb over his cheek. "Richie's going to pull through. If anything we should feel sorry for the nurses that are going to have to see bed rest Richie. Remember when he had his tonsils out and came to school the next day?"
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birdsbeloved · 12 days
@fearinfected from here
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Shaking fingers run over the lines that mark his survival down the side of his cheek and jaw; a nervous habit picked up over long nights studying for exams back when he was still so young. Now he remembers why he has them, and what caused them. Now he longs to go back to that blissful blur before the call where he didn't even know he had childhood friends to make such a stupid pact. But he was the one that suggested binding them with blood, wasn't he? Mike and Bill did the rest.
He drops the topic shrugging, biting the inside of his lip to hide his joy at not having to think about that woman or her stupid flute. "Yeah, I suppose I'm pretty lucky. Almost didn't show up to tell the truth… Couldn't stand the thought…. Well if anything happened… Which is silly because you're just a group of strangers really---" Back to rubbing his scarring, ignoring the sting in his wrist irritated by the movement. "---Patty might divorce me for this, but we're were happy. I'm supposed to be packing for a vacation."
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birdsbeloved · 17 days
LAST PODCAST ON THE LEFT SENTENCE STARTERS PT. 15 —   quotes pulled from the podcast hosted by marcus parks, ben kissel, and henry zebrowski. contains nsfw content. feel free to make alterations.
i’m gonna get “bless this mess” as a tramp stamp one day.
who’s gonna die first?
legitimately, i think you’re becoming a dog.
we are concerned that you are going crazy.
i do not have a psychotherapy degree, but i never claimed to.
people keep telling me that stress is the silent killer, but i’m very loud.
the answer to that is - i can’t even express the amount of no to that.
look out the window: birds. isn’t that a reason to live?
i know i’m the sexy, sensible brunette.
those were cadaver dogs. you were fine.
well, if you feel that way, you’re wrong!
that’s a hell of a forty-eight hours right there.
but you know, if you fall asleep even for ten minutes, you wake up sober.
i’m very scared of horses, but i’ll go up on a horse to make sure [name] stays sexually attracted to me.
things are just… wackity-fucking-shmackity.
it’s not a documentary. you know that, right?
you can get drunk orally. you don’t have to do it anally.
stop sharpening knives.
introverts. all they do is sit there and plot.
you wanna be thanked for not murdering people?
sometimes you shouldn’t look at the bright side. sometimes you just gotta realize that there’s a real dark thing going on.
he choked like george bush on a pretzel.
i dip peanut butter in sugar, call it my adult popsicle.
did your brain just break?
man, i ate so many weed gummies last night.
i’m just saying it’s about what you know and what you don’t know.
you’re the human equivalent of spooky chain noises.
he’s got a big, thick ole cock. that’s one thing we know about him.
there’s never anything good in a basement. it’s either an exercise bike or a ghost.
i don’t think that [name] cares enough about us to kill us.
don’t join a cult today, okay? wait til tomorrow.
you don’t really go much to the bathroom when it’s just nothing but cocaine and milk in your system.
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birdsbeloved · 2 months
like this for something
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birdsbeloved · 4 months
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birdsbeloved is a private selective roleplay account for a canon adjacent stanley uris. series + movie adaptations made of it are gone through with care to create this frankenuris that is mainly headcanon / book based. please read rules before following. 20+ to follow. elledis 30+ they them.
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a study of : conquering fears, bravery, origami to keep the hands busy, surviving longer than you thought you ever would, being excited to see grey hair and wrinkles, thriving.
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carrd | pin board | playlist
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