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birdpersonposting · 2 months ago
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i never stop thinking about this
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birdpersonposting · 4 months ago
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birdpersonposting · 4 months ago
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ok here's christnarr
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
i am not putting this in tags on prev repost . but birdrick is so art/science to me especially with the whole "thought I'd have to be naked to go through something this artsy" thing rick said . bp is artsy!!!!!!!!!!
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
Just yell out in pain if you need help. ///
Birdrick smut one shot 🪶🧪
Birdrick fic set in the Pocket Mortys universe. They fuck
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Rick blacked out, having failed to strategize a decent plan to win the previous Morty Battle.
Sometimes he just wanted to get back to the Citadel so he could drop the Mortys off to daycare Rick and go get shitfaced. Rick is a bad father, yes, but he was a damn responsible trainer.
As he lay on the floor, contemplating his existence, the other trainer that decimated his team gave him a thrice over.
“Uh. X Ggg?” The alien gurgled at Rick, his Communication Ultra Module (or C.U.M.) translated the words and conformed them into an idea that can be equated into vague human terms.
“You okay?” Is what the C.U.M. sent back into his brain.
Rick groaned, his dazed Mortys sitting on the purple grass of the current planet with him.
“Jxs uuuhyk. Cxxxv”. “Aching loser. Haha.”
Rick could shoot him, but he didn’t want MPS to take his Mortys.
His second groan turned into a scream of annoyance, the flabby alien backing away. He kept screaming, out of stubbornness maybe? Making noise. How rebellious. Really saying “fuck you” to the system.
After a while, his hangover flicked at his brain until he closed his eyes. Maybe a nap. Rick Sanchez could nap fucking anywhere. And has, very long list of stories.
Whooooosh. Flap…. Whoooooosh. Landing? Something like that. It was a thump. Give me a break.
He didn’t crack his eye open until he felt his skin cool, a shadow resting over his face and blocking the light-provider for this quadrant.
“Rick Sanchez.”
The man that stood atop of him carried a hard glare, hardly blinking. His pronounced nose framed his rather stoic face well. The wind on this planet blew hard, tussling the others feathers.
“Present,” Rick grumbled, turning his head away. It’s embarrassing to be seen losing.
“I see that you’re in need of help.”
“I— uuurp— hate that phrase and you know it, Pers.”
“I will get you to the Healing Center.”
The seventh mother-fucking time Birdperson had helped him. Seven too many times for Rick. That’s seven total times it can be milked for favors. Seven times he would have to think about what others expected from him.
He would have to deal with this upper-hand Birdperson had on him quickly.
A hop, skip, and a bridal carry away, Birdperson’s talons scraped the Citadel’s concrete.
Rick pushed away from the larger man, stumbling and mumbling towards the Healing Center. Birdperson’s hands followed after his leaving body for a moment, chasing touch. Rick’s thoughts picked up speed.
The Surgeon Rick smiled in a way a caretaker definitely shouldn’t. He purred the same question as always, and Rick answered with a simple toss of his Control Tabnel.
“Your Mortys are, fucking fi, fixed. Asshole.” Surgeon spat. Belching and tossing the device back to its owner. A doctor drinking on the job was much less horrifying here.
Holding a middle finger to the damn Worker Rick, he slipped around towards the side of the Healing Center.
Leaning against the sleekly designed building, his hand found its way towards his Flask. He tried to keep his eyes from doing the same towards Birdperson. Stupid sexy Birdperson, damn he has a thing for squawkers.
Birdperson nonchalantly scooted towards Rick. Brush it off as randomly coded movement cycles.
“Are you feeling okay now, Rick? Did you hit your head?”
He gulped for what seemed like minutes.
“Jesus, fuck. Birdperson, why do you care so much?” He groaned, hoping to sound like a rhetorical question.
“I care about you and your physical, mental, and emotional health. That comes with our bond.”
“You fucking Birdpeople and your connections. Connections are what get you killed, boom boom pow— URP— style, man. But hey, you aren’t dead yet.”
At this, Rick could hear the soft exhale from Birdperson’s nose. A nice fuzzy sound of entertainment that he did not often let breath.
“Y’know, makes me feel like I owe you something. And I know you know how hard that is for, like, anything.”
The commissures of Birdperson’s lips deepens and unturned, a content smile chipped into stone.
“I thought you were familiar enough with the natures of our bond to know no such thing is necessary.”
Rick leaned into their now shared space, the air between them intermingling and becoming familiar with the others' completely unique carbon emissions. Rick could feel the heat rising from the avian from where he (hardly) stood.
“I don’t fucking care, Pers. Whaddya want? Money, birdno mags? Shit—I’ll suck your fuckin’ dick, man.” Rick rambled, grabbing his hair and tugging. He did this often when he explained things, finding it a grounding sensation when his mind begins to take off into thought like a rocket ship.
“Anything, Pers. I hate feeling like you’ve got a favor on me. I just wanna do shit for you cause I feel like it,”
“Then you understand why I help you as well.” Birdperson replied, setting a firm grip onto the lanky man’s shoulder.
He let go of his hair.
“Even if you don’t wanna accept, just— URP— let me do somethin’.” He spoke, and it was surprisingly desperate.
“Uuuhh. Okay. Rick.” Birdperson answered, nodding.
“So what can I do?”
“It does not matter to me.” The avian answered, his head feathers puffing a bit. The scientists eyebrows raised as he checked a device that poked out of a cybernetic implant in Rick’s arm.
“Alright, suit yourself. Drop that skirt for me, pretty please.” He spoke, like it was totally normal. Instantly, Birdperson’s shoulders jumped, his wings flapping hurriedly.
“Rick, what are you saying?” Birdperson asked, voice now slightly (very slightly, this is Birdperson we’re talking about) startled.
“I’m saying that your inability to know what you want lead me to use my Decision Indicator Cybernetic Kindle. I call it DICK. I literally used my DICK to decide.”
Birdperson squawked. “What?—why does it have ‘Kindle’ in the name? And why did it tell you to tell me to take my only article of clothing off?” Birdperson doesn’t usually ask this many questions, but Rick doesn’t usually tell him to take his loincloth off.
“Oh, well I made it out of a a kindle fire. So I thought it would be funny to put it in the name. Yknow— URP— so it would be DICK. get it?” Rick replied, rolling up his sleeves.
“I get it, Rick. What did it decide on..?”
Rick smiled, and it was in such a way that only happened when Rick was 1) about to steal something that will benefit him, or 2) get some tail.
“Nothing much, just givin’ you a mind-blowing, eye-opening, blood-boiling, envigorating, fucking—amazeballs Lewinski you have ever experienced in your whole Dumbass Bird Life.” Rick grinned, his eyes shining something that is worrying to the average public. Drool escaped his lips and trailed down his chin. His smile lines framed this crazed look perfectly—Birdperson snagged his eyes away from him.
“Wh… what is a Lewinski?” Birdperson murmured.
“You’re about to find out, egg head.” Rick giggled, spindly fingers pulling at the belt that secured the feathered fabric.
Now, Birdperson had Seen Rick give some bjs to a lot of different kinds of people. They all displayed some level of finesse. Rick was very proud of his mouth.
But there was no way in hell that Birdperson would be prepared for the sight of Rick Sanchez (reminder: SMARTEST MAN THIS SIDE OF THE FINITE CURVE!), crouched down, and flitting his fingers through the down feathers on Birdperson’s crotch.
“Jesus—BRRRP—Christ, man. It’s like searching through the Amazon. Where you hidin’ that thing?” Rick demanded, unibrow furrowing down the middle.
“I… have not been sexually active in some time. My phallus may need time to ‘wake up’, or so some say.”
Rick groaned, though his expression then changed into something devilish.
“Fine by me, I’ll wake the rooster this time.”
“Horrible pun.”
The scientist’s adept fingers dipped underneath the down feathers, smoothing them. Feeling their softness. Birdperson’s thigh muscle twitched.
Soon, Rick found what he was looking for. The pads of his fingers grazed over the slit opening. The feathers around it were damp, the air humid. Rick’s hands shook with something, excitement, fear, arousal. Whatever it was, it made him determined to speed things up.
His middle and ring finger dipped into the hole, slowly. Birdperson’s gloved hands found purchase on the smooth wall behind him.
“Rick…” Birdperson cringed at his own desperate voice.
“What’s up, Pers?” Rick replied, voice calmer than usual. Huskier. Maybe it was just Birdperson’s mind.
“None of my previous partners have cared for that part.” He admitted, wings twitching against the wall.
Rick seemed shocked about this. His widened eyes trailed up his body; across his stomach, chest, and up his feathered neck. Finally reaching his face, his eyes made a sharp stare into Birdperson’s own.
“So you’re telling me. That no one’s ever, EVER eaten you out before?”
Birdperson nodded, eyebrow feathers turned down into a worried expression. He had a vague idea of what that meant. He thinks.
Rick’s smile hadn’t left. Digging an unused hand into his lab coat, Rick uncaringly tossed it onto the ground under Birdperson. It made a mechanical noise, transforming into a photon-based stool. Birdperson squawked at the sudden reposition of his legs and pelvis.
Rick made a meaningless sound with his mouth, just to pass the time. He hefted the avian man’s legs over his boney shoulders. As usual for Rick, this was every other Tuesday.
Birdperson stayed silent, honestly not knowing what to say next.
Rick’s hands were on his southern region once more, coming through the down feathers to reveal the pinkish hole. It was shiny with the man’s natural lubrication. This is both hot and valuable data!
“So, are you…”
“Birdpeople take pride in their hygiene.” Is all Birdperson said, and honestly he would need to be tortured for anything more specific than that.
“Sweet,” Rick spoke, and you could fucking hear the grin in his voice. Rick Sanchez then proceeded to swan dive, tongue-first into that region.
Dipping the tongue inside, desperately tasting and experiencing all of Birdperson. There was something so interesting about the man to him. How his bluntness caused Rick to try harder to force surprise out of him, even if ever so slightly. Rick would rather die than admit he was trying to get something out of someone just for his own selfish head. He was an emotional wreck first and “human” second.
This horrible part of him was fed as Birdperson failed to keep keens and chirps in. They echoed off of the wall behind them.
Rick looked up, catching a glimpse of Birdperson’s overwhelmed face. His wide nose and cheeks were brushed with pink, and his feathered eyebrows were raised a bit. Birdperson’s usual expression of content and neutrality was shattered, and the pieces were put together by Rick to show absolute pleasure.
The scientist’s mouth showed careful attention to his cloaca, keeping his teeth mostly away.
Removing his face from his friend’s hole, Rick wiped his chin.
“That a good enough first time for you?” He spoke, a side of his unibrow quirking up.
Birdperson continued to breath laborly, panting. Undertones of a whine on his tongue.
Birdperson didn’t say anything for a few beats, and Rick was honestly a little worried he overstepped something with his awesome head.
That was until the roughness of Birdperson’s glove met the back of Rick’s head. His fingers buried themselves into his roots, pulling. Damnit.
Rick made a strange noise, somewhere between a gasp and a choke.
He could hear the avian breathlessly chuckle. And any insult that tried to manifest on his tongue swiftly died as a warm, wet, warm appendage slapped onto his cheek.
Rick’s jaw fell open, and though his eyes fell to the cock currently resting on his cheekbone, he could see Pers’ smug expression. That was new for him. Last time he was smug was when they were 30.
“It seems your tongue has done the trick, Rick. Don’t get cold feet now.” Birdperson broke his fixation.
“… why the FUCK haven’t you shown me this before?” Rick spat, grabbing onto the phallus harder than he should have.
Pers winced.
“You did not make it clear that your friendship included penis showcases.”
“I’m Rick Sanchez. That’s pretty much implied. I can’t believe you hid this fucking monster from me!” Rick rambled, stroking the wet, pink cock slowly.
“I was, aaahnm… not aware it was something to flaunt.” Birdperson’s face heated up impossibly more.
“NOT AWARE? If you think THIS is average then either I need to move to Birdplanet, or you’re in for a disappointing surprise.”
Birdperson groaned as Rick ended his reply with a kitten lick to his sensitive cock. It didn’t stop there, and soon teasing lip strokes became wrapping his mouth around the organ that slowly drooled precum.
Rick’s mouth ventured further, Birdperson’s cock slowly filling more and more of his mouth. Pers knew that the only way to shut Rick up was to shove something of his in his throat.
As the mouth gratification was being expertly performed, Rick decided that giving anything but his best show was a complete and utter waste of his ability. God may not be real, but if he was, and if he made him, he would have really wanted Rick to rock this damn bird’s world. His fingers searched through the Down feathers that made up Birdperson’s pubic hair and traced the pink hole still slick with his own saliva. His calloused finger slowly breached the muscle.
It was intimate, such an important part of him being allowed to be touched. Soon, the stretch was hardly noticeable, and Birdperson was regularly groaning into his hand. One stuck to his mouth to hide the sounds, and the other pulled on the old man’s hair.
Full finger deep now, his scissoring brought a delicious, whole-hearted moan and the flush of an orgasm. His hole loosened to allow two fingers to penetrate him, and his cock lazily spat out rope after rope of cum. It was a taste he was familiar with, yet somehow it tasted better. It made no sense and was illogical in every sense of the word, that didn’t really matter right now.
As he swallowed the seed, Birdperson was in his own world.
“Aves, mercy.” He panted, nearly silent. “A part of me was waiting on that. For you to pay attention to me in this way finally.”
Rick knew he was a romantic but… god.
“And I have seeded you as well. My bad.”
Hey, when did his crotch get wet? Oh right. Stupid words exciting Rick Jr.
When Rick finally released the softening cock from his mouth, he chuckled.
“Do I need to take any Plan Bird? Get it? Like Plan B. But you’re a bird.”
“I am starting to miss when you were performing oral sex on me. Now take your fingers out of me.”
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
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5x08 Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort // 7x01 How Poopy Got His Poop Back
I really hope we get to see more of her
Bonus tired dad bp:
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
So… remember all the way back in The Wedding Squanchers when Rick assumed that the wedding invitation was an invite to Birdperson’s ‘annual Oscars party’?
And then in Juricksic Mort Rick was desperate to host the Oscars and refused to take Curtis as a plus one?
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And notice the way Rick deliberately looks at Birdperson when he says ‘makes sense he recognises me, we both hosted the Oscars. It’s a pretty exclusive club’?
Now I’m not saying that Rick manipulated the President into getting him the Oscar host gig in hopes of impressing Birdperson… but that’s totally what I’m saying.
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
morty/summer/birddaughter going on a rescue mission to save rick/bp? anyone?
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
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I love her.
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
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deep v
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
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#1 magical girl
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
rb and put in the tags your username without using the middle row of the keyboard
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
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If Rick was from Bird Person’s home world
(OBVI he’d be a crowperson)
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
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Rick raiding the back of his closet to indulge in nostalgia….
Who says an old man can’t serve cunt?!
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
Well we are officially one week away from the premiere of season 7 and I’m excited for what’s in store! I get the feeling that the writers are going to pull out all the stops and I’m eager to hear the new actors in action. It’s one thing to hear them in out-of-context clips, but it’s another thing to hear them perform in a full episode and to finally know their identities.
Personally, I really want to see a reunification of these two characters:
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I drew these awhile back, but wanted to repost them because I’m really proud with how these drawings turned out and they’re just too stinkin’ cute! Back in season 5, we got a little nugget of lore that Birdperson and Tammy had a daughter together and that she is being held captive by the Federation. My hope is that they devote an episode this season to rescuing her from prison (rather than having that happen off-screen and “poof” she’s just there). I want to know why she was being held captive? Maybe there will be some parallels between her and Eleven from Stranger Things, perhaps, and I want to see BP’s and Birdchild’s reactions at meeting each other for the first time. If that happens I will absolutely be:
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So what is something you’re anticipating for this new season?
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birdpersonposting · 1 year ago
Ricks immediate switch into callous defensiveness in The rickternal friendship ep after spilling the Rick equivalent of his heart out. Yea.
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