
Kevin Snipe || both parties
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On one hand, he last person he’d expected to see so soon after getting back from South America was Kevin. On the other, with his current luck, of course it had been Kevin. It was one thing after another this year, and it wasn’t even that long in. And now she was in front of him at his own book signing, even if he was on a break.
“Here to buy something, Kevin? Or just here to be jealous?”
Once she had seen that Muntz was going to South America, her blood felt like it was boiling. She couldn’t believe it. She didn’t care if she was cutting in line at a book signing--she couldn’t believe there even was a line. “I heard you just got back. What were you doing in South America? Trying to kill that bird? Don’t you ever quit?” she rolled her eyes. “And please, like I’d ever be jealous of you.”
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Rosetta shivered as she set foot inside the movie theater lobby, unable to hold up against the frigid weather much longer. Having had a bit of a rough spell with the New Year, she decided to treat herself to a movie after a long day of retail therapy. However, she had simply no idea what to see. Turning to the person beside her, she motioned up to the marquee with a warm smile. “There’s almost too many good choices, aren’t there? Perks of livin’ in a big city, I guess. What are you goin’ to see? I just can’t seem to make up my mind.”
Kevin stopped when she heard a voice call out. She stopped, hands in pockets as she looked up at the woman and then the marquee. “Hm, well you’re right about a lot of choices. I guess it depends on what you’re in the mood for. I’m always a sucker for a good nature doc,” she said with a bit of a grin. “What are you looking for? A laugh? A good cry?”
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“Kev, you know I trust you with my life, but just how sure are you about this Charles Muntz business?”
Her brow furrowed. “What do you mean? I’m like, super sure. He’s not a good guy, I know he isn’t.” Kevin felt weird for a moment. Why would one of her best friends doubt her? Was there a reason to? “Did... did you hear something? Did something happen that I don’t know about?”
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@birdofparadisefalls // Eilonwy wishes she didn’t do that thing she did. That thing where she got so caught up in her research of some such topic that she completely forgets the time and has about a minute and a half to get down the block to the subway. And she’s done it enough that she knows she could catch it if it was just two minutes, but one and a half? A little too close. And it was especially too close now that she’d just mowed–or almost mowed–down a girl on the corner and they were maybe now lying in a tangle of limbs on the pavement. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” Eilonwy exclaims, trying to get herself into a position to fix everything, but realizing that her face might know the coldness of concrete for another moment until her hand found a good way to push up. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…!”
Kevin was looking at her phone. Reading a bunch of comments that were just pissing her off, some people telling her she didn’t have any proof that she didn’t know what she was talking about with all her theories. People so desperate to see their idol stay standing rather than listen to the truth. She probably would’ve made the mistake of commenting back to them if it hadn’t been for crashing into someone. Kevin stumbled down, dropping her phone. She looked up to the other young woman, who seemed more frazzled about the whole thing than Kevin felt. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” she rushed, getting herself up before offering a hand to the other to help her in turn. “It’s no big deal. I should’ve been paying more attention. You alright?” she asked, looking herself and the stranger over to make sure nobody looked injured. They both seemed fine, it could’ve been worse. “Oh, crap,” she started, looking around. “I dropped my phone, do you see it?”
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“Oh, shit, you’re right. You better get another costume quick, then, I know you have to go up against kids to get stuff in the right size.” The whole razor blade comment made him scoff, and it was his turn to roll his eyes. “Only if it was especially for you,” he assured lazily, fishing for a cigarette and sticking one in his mouth. “Well, yeah, I’d celebrate. I know you don’t get invited to the good parties but they do exist, you know.”
Her nose scrunched up a bit and she let out a huff. “Is making fun of my height really the best you’ve got?” Kevin almost called those sorts of jabs low hanging fruit, but she didn’t want to set him up for another joke. Not that she really cared about what he had to say about her. “Well, it's a good thing I know better than to take candy from creepy old men.” She crossed her arms. “I have been invited to some good parties. Just because we don’t show up with gold-trimmed costumes doesn’t mean it’s not a good time. You’re not special by saying you go to parties.”
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Kevin as Fake News
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He had picked up candy at the insistence of his sons, and now, walking out of the store with bags full of more bags and a sucker in his mouth, he found himself running into Kevin. Next time, his kids could do their own Halloween shopping. “And I suppose nobody told you that, either, seeing as you’re here looking like a gnome? Same size, at least.”
Kevin rolled her eyes. “At least gnomes are cute,” she snapped. She looked at the bags of candy he had. “I wouldn’t go trick-or-treating anywhere near you. You’re probably the reason they had to start checking for razor blades in the candy.” She realized it was probably Dug or one of his other kids who asked him for candy. How could someone so sweet come from someone so... ugh, whatever. “So would you even be celebrating Halloween if it weren’t for your kids? Or are you one of those people that turn their lights off and ignore everything going on around you?”
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After she stocked up on bags of Halloween candy--for herself and for trick-or-treaters on Halloween--Kevin found herself practically crashing into someone as she left the store. She looked up and let out a groan. “Hey, didn’t anyone tell you, you’re not supposed to put on the ugly masks until it’s the 31st? It’s so tacky to dress up before Halloween.” she taunted.
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Dani laughed, just giving a shrug, “Yes way.” She replied with a laugh. She listened as the other girl spoke, a smile still on her face and a light sparking in her eyes at the mention of what she did. “Oh! You work with animals? What do you do?” she’d always loved them, and always wanted even just a pet. But with four kids, her parents didn’t want anything else running around. “Trust me, don’t I know it. But that’s why it’s a good journalist’s job to get the truth out there, and fast. get your facts straight and make sure the world knows’em and hopefully people listen to you. But…yeah, especially with social media now? Some random person can say the queen dropped dead and if enough people repost it, the truth is done for.”
She closed her textbook and nudged it all away for now, a smile on her face again, “Well thanks, here’s to hoping I get to be a real one one day after college.” She held her hand out, shifting in her seat more towards her. “I’m Dani.”
“I’m a zoologist. So I study them and help them and stuff. I’ve been on a few exhibitions to study more animals. Mostly birds.” She grinned. Kevin nodded. “Yes. Exactly. People are so ready to believe the most interesting or glamorous thing, and they pay no mind to the truth.” She smiled in return. “I definitely think you will be.” Kevin took her hand and gave her a firm handshake like she was raised knowing how to do. Her weird dad always saying how a young man should know how to give a proper handshake. Eventually, he changed his phrasing to just ‘everyone should know how’ but she still remembered the times when she was really young that he kept trying to convince her she was someone else. “I’m Kevin,” she said with a smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
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Whenever Pinocchio made a mistake by opening his sometimes big mouth, it usually went badly if he was alone. Sometimes he had a friend with him to defend him or handle the situation in whatever was the best way, but Pinocchio wasn’t so good at that at his own. A flash of worry struck him when the culprit glared into his direction, knowing he was alone and vulnerable and the people around him probably didn’t give enough of a crap about themselves, let alone the environment. To his surprise, a voice chimed in- one he didn’t think he knew- that was coming to his aid. Naturally, he gave the girl a look that said ‘yeah, let’s get this guy!’ To his delight, the sour-faced individual was doing as they demanded and disposing of the rubbish appropriately. A small win for the natural habitat of New York. With relief, he turned to face his partner in this small victory and smiled warmly, sensing an aura he just knew he could trust! “I think he woulda just kicked me in the balls if you hadn’t been here. Thanks for sticking up for the plants with me.”
She laughed a bit. “I doubt that’s true, but I’m glad I could help. If I saw that, I’d kick him back.” She told him, crossing her arms. “Have people done that to you before? What kind of reaction is that? They’re just like ‘oh, I did something wrong and got caught, so I’m gonna lash out at this person?’ what bullshit.” she shook her head a bit. “Definitely, though, no problem sticking up for nature. I’d do that any day. Sorta part of my job, I guess. Well, more looking out for animals than plants, but still here looking out for nature.”
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Even in the middle of summer, Dani still had a notebook in hand, scrawling out notes while she skimmed the newspaper in front of her. She was always keeping up with the news, always in-the-know of pretty much anything that happened in this city. She paused though at the comments of the girl beside her and she hummed a bit, tilting her head in consideration and nodding a bit. She had a point- Dani didn’t believe in the whole ‘people will believe anything’ thing either; instead she fully agreed that people believed what they wanted and belief was a powerful thing. Still, she was one committed on finding truths, so at the next comment, she couldn’t help but laugh, “Honestly? I’m thinking of being a journalist, ironically enough.” She capped her pen and used it as a place-keeper as she closed her notebook. “But I do agree with what you said, and people believe what they want. I think that’s why journalism is so important. To find the facts, to try and shed light on as much as possible so people can, hopefully, make informed decisions.”
“Oh, shit, no way?” she said, smiling. “That’s so cool. Like I said, I wouldn’t be able to do that full time. Plus, I wouldn’t be able to give up working with animals. Which is my life. Journalism is more like a hobby for me. And yeah. But people get so stuck with their thoughts and opinions and it’s just. It’s stressful. They go with what’s popular and it’s not right.” She shook her head. “But you seem like you’ll be a good, reliable journalist. You’ve just got this vibe.”
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Pinocchio had learned over the years that sometimes it was just better to keep his mouth shut. Just because he knew this fact though, it didn’t mean he always stuck to his own advice. Actually he didn’t stick to it very often at all. “I’s 2019 you know- we really shouldn’t be littering anymore.” The words spilled from his mouth toward the culprit he addressed without a real second thought.
Kevin was ready to yell at the person who had deliberately thrown their paper coffee cup on the ground. But then this guy walked over and did the same thing. Though, his way was probably a little friendlier than she would’ve been. She walked over near him. “He’s right, you know,” she said, folding her arms, glaring at the litterer. “Come on, there’s a trash can right there.” The person rolled their eyes, but they did bend over and pick up the cup, tossing it in the trash, muttering something about the two of them standing there as they walked away. Kevin nodded, satisfied enough. She turned to the guy who’d started the conversation. “Glad I’m not the only one ready to tell people to pick up their trash. I can’t believe people still do this crap.”
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“Everyone always says that people will believe anything they read, but I don’t think that’s true. They believe some of the things, but not the actual truths. People only believe what they want to. Sometimes they get so stuck in their own views that don’t take a chance to see it from the other person’s perspective,” she let out a sigh, looking over to the young woman she’d already started talking to without really seeing if it was someone she knew. “Luckily the whole ‘journalism’ thing isn’t my main job. I don’t know if I’d be able to do that full time. What about you? What do you do?”
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