birdmorty · 4 days
I'll sit with you and give you allll the cuddles
Dish, you gave me a place to go to.
You're my best friend. My partner.
Seeing you automatically makes me feel better.
You're not useless. I love you.
- @birdmorty
"Tha-th-- thank you... Birdy... I-I-I don't mean to m-make you worry about me, all the t-- time, I'm sorry f-f-for that... I-I love you t-too, a whole lot... I-I-I just want things to be- be- normal, for once... J-j-just one moment where I'm n-not scared.."
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birdmorty · 4 days
I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to worry about you.
Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?
Dish, you gave me a place to go to.
You're my best friend. My partner.
Seeing you automatically makes me feel better.
You're not useless. I love you.
- @birdmorty
"Tha-th-- thank you... Birdy... I-I-I don't mean to m-make you worry about me, all the t-- time, I'm sorry f-f-for that... I-I love you t-too, a whole lot... I-I-I just want things to be- be- normal, for once... J-j-just one moment where I'm n-not scared.."
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birdmorty · 4 days
We're here to support you. End of story.
Y-youre not meant to be alone. Y-you're having a hard time a-and I know you're strong enough to get through it. I-i believe in you.
I-i'll always be here.
- @birdmorty
ikbgonna end uobhurting you too. even right now youre hurting on my behalf when youve got so kuch goung on euth you. i should be focused on helping you abd ik off in my iwn little corner
im gonna end up hurting you too. even right now youre hurting on my behalf when youve got so much going on with you. i shoudl be focused on helping you and im off in my own little corner
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birdmorty · 4 days
You worry about us, but we can't worry about you?
Y-youre not meant to be alone. Y-you're having a hard time a-and I know you're strong enough to get through it. I-i believe in you.
I-i'll always be here.
- @birdmorty
ikbgonna end uobhurting you too. even right now youre hurting on my behalf when youve got so kuch goung on euth you. i should be focused on helping you abd ik off in my iwn little corner
im gonna end up hurting you too. even right now youre hurting on my behalf when youve got so much going on with you. i shoudl be focused on helping you and im off in my own little corner
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birdmorty · 5 days
Skittle please
You deserve just as much help a-and comfort as I do
M-Me, you, Dish a-and Effie. W-We all need to be here for each other as much as we can.
Y-you think the only thing y-you should focus on is other people at all times.
Even therapists need therapy.
Y-youre not meant to be alone. Y-you're having a hard time a-and I know you're strong enough to get through it. I-i believe in you.
I-i'll always be here.
- @birdmorty
ikbgonna end uobhurting you too. even right now youre hurting on my behalf when youve got so kuch goung on euth you. i should be focused on helping you abd ik off in my iwn little corner
im gonna end up hurting you too. even right now youre hurting on my behalf when youve got so much going on with you. i shoudl be focused on helping you and im off in my own little corner
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birdmorty · 5 days
I'm back at Dishes
I hope I'm not being too much of a burden to them
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birdmorty · 5 days
Fuck it
Fuck it all
They don't want anymore adventures
No more portals
No more AUs
No more other Mortys. . .
I'm not standing for this
I'm not losing my only friends
I'm leaving tonight
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birdmorty · 5 days
O-okay. . .
"It sucks, I hope he comes back for you. I'm sorry that you're going through this."
🌅Actress Beth @daddyissues-sanchez
I-i don't know. . . I-i thought I'd have more time. . . I-if I didn't run away. . . N-no one else would've gotten hurt. . .
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birdmorty · 5 days
I. . . I-i still don't. . . Feel ready to see him. . .
. . . I can still feel. . .my cheek stinging. . .
"It sucks, I hope he comes back for you. I'm sorry that you're going through this."
🌅Actress Beth @daddyissues-sanchez
I-i don't know. . . I-i thought I'd have more time. . . I-if I didn't run away. . . N-no one else would've gotten hurt. . .
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birdmorty · 5 days
B-but people are hurt. . .
"It sucks, I hope he comes back for you. I'm sorry that you're going through this."
🌅Actress Beth @daddyissues-sanchez
I-i don't know. . . I-i thought I'd have more time. . . I-if I didn't run away. . . N-no one else would've gotten hurt. . .
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birdmorty · 5 days
I-i pushed him to that point. . . A-and I just left. . . A-and things have been going downhill since. . . A-and. . .
I-i don't know what to do. . .
"It sucks, I hope he comes back for you. I'm sorry that you're going through this."
🌅Actress Beth @daddyissues-sanchez
I-i don't know. . . I-i thought I'd have more time. . . I-if I didn't run away. . . N-no one else would've gotten hurt. . .
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birdmorty · 5 days
"It sucks, I hope he comes back for you. I'm sorry that you're going through this."
🌅Actress Beth @daddyissues-sanchez
I-i don't know. . . I-i thought I'd have more time. . . I-if I didn't run away. . . N-no one else would've gotten hurt. . .
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birdmorty · 5 days
He's gone
The garage is empty
The car is gone
I shouldn't have run away
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birdmorty · 6 days
O-Of course it matters. Why wouldn't it matter?
Um. . . You probably need your stuffie back. I-im home so, I have my rat plushie again. Y-you don't need to worry about me
- @birdmorty
i. thanks. ill shoot a small portal to your room and you can put it through? and maybe some painkillers if you have any on hand haha
i hope everything is going okay over there. im sorry things are so stressful for you right now.
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birdmorty · 6 days
I-i'll send what I can find. . .
My dad brought me home. We couldn't get Rick out of the garage. My family interrogated me a bit and then sent me to my room.
A-and you say that as if you're not in a stressful situation too
Um. . . You probably need your stuffie back. I-im home so, I have my rat plushie again. Y-you don't need to worry about me
- @birdmorty
i. thanks. ill shoot a small portal to your room and you can put it through? and maybe some painkillers if you have any on hand haha
i hope everything is going okay over there. im sorry things are so stressful for you right now.
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birdmorty · 6 days
woahwoahwoah is your dad angry at you??
Hhow wouldyou feel if youwere told your son wss hitby yyour fatherinlaw a w-week afterit happened
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birdmorty · 6 days
Icant stopcrying
Imbeing dragged home
Dad's angry
I'm scared
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