This to shall pass
This to shall pass
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I want to be transparent with every single one of you reading this today. For the past month, I have been in a slump. A slump that is full of darkness… Making me question everything I believe. (Let me be clear here, I believe in Jesus Christ and stand firm on the foundation of my Christian faith) When I say I have been questioning things, I’m not speaking of my Christin faith. I’m speaking of life
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Discipline with Grace
As parents we love our children in ways that we can not explain with words. We use our actions to express our love for them, Right? Well God did the same for each of us. He couldn’t put into words how much He loved us, so He sent His one and only to die for us on the cross. He took action to express His great unfailing love.
(For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that…
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When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, something starts to happen. True repentance  leads to a whole different life style. Not by your power, but the power of God. When you truly repent and turn your life over to God, you no longer want to live as you once did before. Your heart begins to change. You begin to think differently, speak differently, and  act differently. Jesus starts to work…
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We deceive ourselves when we believe we can over come sin without God and His Holy Spirit. The power of sin is found in deception which is based on lies from the enemy..
He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. 2 Thessalonians 2:10 NLT
Sin digs down and hides within us. Sometimes we…
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“Crumbs on the Floor”
“Crumbs on the Floor”
Every single day
I wake to crumbs on the floor, four children running around screaming at each other, fighting over the tv, and fussing over the littlest things. As I walk through the dining room I glance over at the messy living room and just shake my head, thinking to myself “ I just cleaned that yesterday!”
God is teaching me to enjoy the mess and just relax. One day there will be no mess…
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Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, says the Lord, Plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.”
  How do you think of yourself? Do you think of yourself as God thinks of you?
If you’re thinking the way God thinks of you, then you will fall into God’s plan for your life and you will have what God wants for you. Proverbs…
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What's the big deal about "Prayer"
What’s the big deal about “Prayer”
Prayer? Why should we have to pray and ask God for things when He is all powerful? So many times I have asked this question. (With a smile on my face) I am going to share with you what God is teaching me about prayer and WHY prayer is so very important. 
 Have you ever seen or been in a relationship with no communication, no meetings to spend time together? I personally haven’t.  We need…
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Every single day I see people of all ages who are more worried about the “worldly” things. That they forget the importance of seeking God and His will. God says in His word
 “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” Matthew 16:26 ”
The World wants to drown out Gods voice and sugar coat His Word. We can…
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Giants we fight
Everyone has their own giants that they struggle with. Below I’m going to list a few
Self- Worth
Mental illnesses
Death of a Child
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Purity
Eating struggles
So what are we going to do about these giants?
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"God's Forgiveness"
“God’s Forgiveness”
“Sin’s and God’s forgiveness”
The Gospel is the good news- God in Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, rescues his people from their sin and its consequences. To understand what we have been rescued from and what we continue to fight, we first have to understand sin, temptation, and forgiveness. We will never be completely free from sin. Sin is the rejection of a person, before it is breaking…
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God's voice VS Satan's voice
God’s voice VS Satan’s voice
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Decision Making 101
When faced with decision’s you should ask yourself some questions:
1. Is it consistent with scripture? 2. Is it consistent with the character of God? 3. Does it least to change or growth in your life? 4. Is there a sense of healing and a release from past sin? 5. Is there a sense of peace, less anxiety, a feeling of contentment where there was once striving? 6. Does it lead to…
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Daily Battle / The Mind
Daily Battle / The Mind
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         Seems like every day there is something new stirring up within the mind. The enemy likes to keep our mind in the muck and away from God. He “Satan” knows that if our mind is set on the kingdom of God, and far from the worldly things, then he, himself is in big trouble. God has already won the battle for us, through his son Jesus Christ. If we can just focus on Jesus, (Our Anchor) then…
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Amen 🙌🏻 #christianity #jesussaves #jesuschrist #powerofprayer #godisgood #godislove #godisincontrol
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#thankulord #jesusfirst #jesussaves #jesuschrist #jesusislord #kingofkings #lordoflords #godisgood #godislove #godisincontrol #godlywoman #godly #christianity #biblejournaling #scripture #nonreligious #relationshipgoals #jesusislove❤
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#thankulord #jesusfirst #jesussaves #jesuschrist #jesusislord #kingofkings #lordoflords #godisgood #godislove #godisincontrol #godlywoman #godly #christianity #biblejournaling #scripture #nonreligious #relationshipgoals #jesusislove
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#grace #truth #pray #life #believe #jesus #godisgood #motivation #prayer #christ #amen #christian #joy #happiness😊 #jesuschrist #spiritual #happy #beautiful #holyspirit #thankful #christianity
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#grace #truth #pray #life #believe #inspiration #jesus #godisgood #motivation #prayer #christ #bible #amen #christian #joy #wisdom #scripture #happiness #jesuschrist #spiritual #happy #beautiful #church #bibleverse #holyspirit #lord #inspire #biblejournaling #bibleverses #thankful #instagood #christianity #quotes #positivity
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