chemo day log
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Chemo cycle 1 day 9
During chemo felt fine. Just the bleomycin today. At around 2 pm my body just, imploded, and all of my energy is gone. Nausea also kicked in really hard so I took a pill. 2 hours later still no effect. Had to call out of math class today and now I'm waiting for my mom to come pick me up. Hopefully this'll go away by Friday cuz I kinda made plans to see IT with friends that morning. Still need to work out the details.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Chemo cycle 1 day 5
5 days in, 5 days without a bowel movement. Starting to get concerned. I've taken 2 different kinds of stool softeners and neither have worked yet. Told doc about stomach thing and he said that Mexican and Chinese food seem to irratate people less with my problem. He also said that he read the reports from the banking place and both seemed pretty bad, so he kinda warned us that banking might not be worth it. Meeting with pastor over lunch after this. Idk how much I'll be able to eat, I left him the decision on where we go. Maybe soup will work, I haven't had any since I started.
Edit : went to bathroom to pee and decided to sit and try. Well it worked, somewhat.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Another rant, chemo cycle 1 day 4
Apparently I'm ok with eating spicy food. Stomach isn't rejecting it like sweet or salty ones. Still no fatigue. Just head and stomach aches. No more heat flashes but still constipated even after taking stool softeners. I'm told that I should drink more water to help with that, so I'm trying to drink more. No idea what my stomach is doing and I'm just dealing with it. Also have to fast after dinner Friday because I need blood testing done for the sperm banking place. Usually have 90 days to do it, but in California you have 7. Stupid California laws. I've talked to all my teachers about me being in chemo and they have all said they'd work with me should I need it which is nice. One of them even said he'd pray for me. That actually surprised me. I like him already.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Chemo cycle 1 day 4
Not much different. Still no movement probably because of how little I'm eating. I don't understand my appetite. Something would look and smell delicious but the moment it hits my tongue it's the complete opposite. I have to force myself to eat, which isn't fun. The stool softener I took yesterday and later that night hasn't kicked in. My stomach gnaws but accepts nothing. No fatigue yet. Just the same as the other days.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
After chemo rant, cycle 1 day 3
Not really any fatigue, little nausea. Not much else to say that I didn't earlier. Just got a lot of english homework to do so I got something to take my mind off things. I hate annotating by the way. I understand the logic behind it but I don't like it and I'm bad at doing it.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Chemo cycle 1 day 3
Ate a pop tart before, was not hungry for a bit but now my stomach is gnawing at me. I asked a nurse and she said appetite fluctuations are normal. Guess I just have to figure out what my body wants somehow. Even without using the cream on my port a hour before the needle doesn't hurt much at all. It must be the spray thing they use or just me closing my eyes and breathing deeply distracts me enough so I don't feel it. No hot flashes like the 1st day, but yesterday I was told by a friend at school that my feet looked like they were sunburned, but the weren't. I told him that chemo can leave me flushed. My biggest problem so far is eating. I'd be dying for food, but the moment I look at it or smell it, I immediately don't want it amymore. I know I have to eat but... I don't know. I guess I have to force myself to eat even though I don't want to. Still no fatigue and I haven't gone to the restroom as much as the 1st day, no idea what that means. While writing this I realized I haven't had a #2 in a while or felt the urge to. I'll ask a nurse and take some laxatives when I get home.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Aftermath of cycle 1 day 2
No fatigue as of yet, a little nausea but I took a pill for it. Kinda stressing over school and classes. I only ate a spam musubi and a powerade for lunch. I think the musubi is causing the indegestion that I'm feeling and acidic burps that are coming up to my throat. Otherwise I am feeling fine except from what I mentioned before. I need to eat better but at the same time I have zero appetite.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Cycle 1 day 2
Got to the doctor's late today because I also had to prep for school that starts today. Got test dose of bleomycin about a half hour ago. No visible reactions yet. How they administered it was not how I expected. They injected it with a needle into the iv line and not directly into my body. The nurse did say that that is also how the whole dose of bleomycin will be administered. Also she mentioned a self injecting cylinder needle thing for the blood booster that I will be getting on Friday. So far so good, nothing happening yet.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Aftermath of cycle 1 day 1
Survived the 1st day. Not experiencing the fatigue like they said I would, but I do have a headache. The hydration did it's job, had to pee 4 times within an hour and a half, then another time when I went to pick up my college books about 30 mins later. Currently waiting in special resources center to get support from the school and to tell teachers about what's going on. I don't feel strange but I did notice that I got some hot flashes towards the end of my last bag and had more jitters/leg shaking than usual. Could not sit still for more than 3 seconds without feeling tingles in my legs until they hurt to hold still.
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biory77 · 8 years ago
Chemotherapy cycle 1 day 1
So far so good, only pain during initial poke. Taking cisplatin and etopside. No nausea as of late, have gotten a shot and have pills for the nausea. Slight headache atm but hopefully won't bother me too much. Currently reading "the last page" by Anthony huso. Parents going to bring me some food. Will be out around noon. Bleomycin starts tommorow and will have test dose before it. Hopefully won't have a skin reaction to it or it won't bee too bad. Will throw off my school schedule on Tuesdays because that is the day I get the bleomycin so it will take longer than today. I started this posting thing mainly as a way of documenting the ordeal and so I can look back and see if anything significantly changed. Wish me luck.
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