binte-rashid · 5 months
Hikām ibn Salam رحمه الله said:
I was with Sufyan al-Thawri رحمه الله.
Then a woman came to him.
She said: “I want to ask you about something!”
He said to her: “Go to the door and then speak from behind the door.”
[Dhammul Hawā: 135]
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binte-rashid · 5 months
You know what the biggest loss is? its knowing Jannah is as big as the entire universe and bigger, but will not have a place for you in it. imagine the regret, giving in to our desires in this temporary life and missing out on the real reward.
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binte-rashid · 5 months
"Love" in Arabic is called "حب" and it consists of just two letters.
The "ح" guzzles in your throat and it's one of the hardest letters to pronounce correctly. While the letter "ب" is one of those that's easier to be pronounced.
Ibn Qayim رحمه الله said:
the word "حب" was coined from those two letters because its (love's) beginning is difficult to find, just like "ح" is difficult to pronounce. While it's ending is "ب", and it's easier to lose just as how "ب" is easier to be pronounced.
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binte-rashid · 5 months
Sheikh Ibn Uthyameen رحمه الله said,
"These Muslim woman should fear Allah and abandon these western thoughts that the home is a prison."
[Fatawa Noor ala ad Darb]
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binte-rashid · 5 months
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:
"The outside of the grave is just earth, but inside it is regret and torment."
[Kitab ar-Ruh | p. 95]
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binte-rashid · 5 months
A question to all those who don’t know arabic
For how long will you be a tourist in your own religion?!
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binte-rashid · 6 months
Reciting Surah Mulk before going to sleep will protect you from the punishment of the grave. Please make it a habit of reading it every night.
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binte-rashid · 6 months
❝If a heart becomes attached to anything other than Allah, Allah makes him dependent on what he is attached to. And he will be betrayed by it.❞
— Ibn Al-Qayyim (raḥimahullāh)
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binte-rashid · 6 months
"I will happily accept the insult from our society than getting the humiliation from Allah for not obeying His law."
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binte-rashid · 6 months
One-third of Ramadan has passed, and one-third is a significant portion.
Whoever has done good should increase (in good deeds), and whoever has done wrong should be mindful.
O Allāh, accept our good deeds, forgive our sins, and absolve us of our bad deeds/evil actions.
ایک تہائی رمضان گزر چکا ہے اور ایک تہائی اہم حصہ ہے۔ جس نے نیکی کی ہے اسے چاہیے کہ اس میں بڑھے اور جس نے برائی کی ہے اسے چاہیے کہ محتاط رہے۔
اے اللہ ہمارے نیک اعمال کو قبول فرما، ہمارے گناہوں کو معاف فرما، اور ہماری برائیوں کو معاف فرما۔
Sheikh Saleh Osaymi Hafizahullah
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binte-rashid · 6 months
The help of Allah is near, but
how near are you to Allah?
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binte-rashid · 6 months
Imam Ahmad رحمه الله was asked:
“When will you relax?”
He said:
“When I take my first step in paradise.”
[Tabaqat al Hanabila (1/291)]
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binte-rashid · 6 months
One-third of Ramadan has passed, and one-third is a significant portion.
Whoever has done good should increase (in good deeds), and whoever has done wrong should be mindful.
O Allāh, accept our good deeds, forgive our sins, and absolve us of our bad deeds/evil actions.
ایک تہائی رمضان گزر چکا ہے اور ایک تہائی اہم حصہ ہے۔ جس نے نیکی کی ہے اسے چاہیے کہ اس میں بڑھے اور جس نے برائی کی ہے اسے چاہیے کہ محتاط رہے۔
اے اللہ ہمارے نیک اعمال کو قبول فرما، ہمارے گناہوں کو معاف فرما، اور ہماری برائیوں کو معاف فرما۔
Sheikh Saleh Osaymi Hafizahullah
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binte-rashid · 6 months
Did you do Dhikr today?
Give your 2 mins and say:
Subhan Allah x3
Alhamdulillah x3
La ilaa ha' illa'llah x3
Allahu akbar x3
Astaghfirullah x3
Laa hauwla Wala quwwata illaa billaa x3
Subhan Allahi wa'bihamdihi x3
Subhan Allahil Azeem x3
Allahumma Inni As'aluka Al Jannah x3
Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar x3
Keep reciting and sharing it for for Sadqa-e-jariyah
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binte-rashid · 7 months
Do not let this dunya deceive you, take your nafs to account on a regular basis.
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binte-rashid · 7 months
If veil was a small thing then Allah Subhana Watalah wouldn't have mentioned it in such a big book ( Quran ) ✨
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binte-rashid · 7 months
Ibn Umar رضي الله عنهما said:
“If you reach the evening, do not await for the morning, and if you reach the morning, do not expect to reach the evening. Take benefit from your health [in preparation] for your sickness, and benefit from your life [to prepare] for your death.”
Saheeh al-Bukhari 6416
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