bina2425 · 7 years
So, I NEVER post here 😂
No real reason to, and often times I forget I even have a tumblr 🙄
But then something happens and I’m reminded that this is a good place to post things I want to say, that no one will see. My sister follows me here, but so far I’ve told her everything I’ve posted about or I don’t mind her seeing, I just don’t want the whole FB world to see but I need to get it out. I think I know, or have at least spent a significant amount of time talking to like one or two more people that follow me. So I don’t mind posting for people that either I never talk to, or that won’t read it anyway (besides my sister). This one will be a shocker for her. Sorry sis, I told mom, but hate talking about it. Only posting now because it’s over (mostly).
A week and a half ago, I was sexually assaulted by a coworker. In my apartment. That the company I work for owns. This was someone that I trusted. Someone I allowed into my home. Someone I cared about.
I had told him several times that I wasn’t interested in him. Even told him that a guy I was talking to at the time was my boyfriend (although he wasnt) hoping to get him to at least stop joking about me being into him.
See, for some reason he took my food preferences and translated it into partner preferences, or at least that’s how it seemed. So for him, my love for chocolate means that I’m into African Americans. And my love for tacos, apparently means I’m into Hispanics. And while I’ve dated a few of each it’s never gotten to the point of being -that- intimate.
Unless you count one partner that was half of each.
So, since he is African American, and he knows how much I love chocolate, he always cracked jokes. But I thought that was it. Just jokes. Especially when I was telling him I wasn’t interested. And that I was “seeing” someone.
Even with all of this he still thought I was interested. So the situation escalated and he wouldn’t stop. Until I panicked and begged him to. Once he heard the panic he finally did.
But it was to late.
I was terrified of him after that.
And now I’m struggling. Because even though I know I clearly stated to him (and other coworkers) that I had a “boyfriend” and that I wasn’t interested I still feel like I didn’t do or say enough to get him to understand.
I feel like it’s my fault he lost his job, because I hadn’t originally planned to tell my bosses what happened. They’re like family to me, but I didn’t think they’d believe me. He never seemed like he was that kind of a person. And I hate that I lost a friend. Someone I trusted.
The only reason I’m posting this now, is because he left today. He went back to the state he’s from and I can finally feel safer in my own apartment again.
After a week and a half of living next door to him after, and wondering if anything would even be done about it on a corporate level. I still don’t know the answer to that. But he chose to leave on his own. And I finally feel safe again.
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bina2425 · 7 years
okay I know that there are terrible terrible people out there but listen
I also know that there are people who stop and smile at tiny plants growing out of sidewalk cracks, people who laugh so loud they snort, people who compliment others randomly, people who take pictures of their friends because they love seeing their friends happy, people who ramble about things that they’re passionate about, people who blush and stutter, people who are kind, people who are warm, people who love and love and love and love.
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bina2425 · 7 years
Don’t fuck around & lose someone you can’t replace.
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bina2425 · 7 years
wouldnt it be cool to just like not feel nervous about everything all the time
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bina2425 · 7 years
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bina2425 · 7 years
if it’s not a “my parents adore you” and “my sister asked if you were coming to her soccer game” or even a “babe you are doing so good, i can’t wait to see how far you’ll go in life” kinda love then i don’t want it
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bina2425 · 8 years
Reblog if you think that gender can be fluid
And that stereotypes are just stereotypes
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bina2425 · 8 years
Find your own ideas!
So, I posted a thing on fb trying to decide how I want to dye my hair. And even had a discussion in which i made my choice clear. And a "friend" copied my post saying her and her sister are doing the exact same thing. Now, I realize I'm copying someone else's' idea, however why in the name of anything good is one of my "friends" copying my exact idea? Like really? Find your own idea or do it a little different from mine! Geez lousie. Idk why it's bothering me so much but it really is. Not to mention she is naturally blonde and dyed her hair red and claimed to be a "natural redhead" um...no your not I am.
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bina2425 · 8 years
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Samantha Bee explains why the outcome of the Brexit referendum makes it even more important to reject Trump his racist sentiments in November
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bina2425 · 8 years
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Women are using a powerful hashtag to fight back against emotional abuse
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bina2425 · 8 years
The older girl would be my daughter
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bina2425 · 9 years
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bina2425 · 9 years
Last time I cried over an actor’s death it was Robin Williams. Now it’s Alan Rickman.
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bina2425 · 9 years
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#chris evans #in where he is actually steve rogers
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bina2425 · 9 years
Saw Stephen Fry live last week, and he told us this story: Just after the first Harry Potter book had been released, he was offered the role of narrating it for audiobooks. He hadn’t read it, and was simply told it was a children’s book, so figured it would be an easy afternoons work. When he met JK Rowling, she mentioned that she was writing a sequel. Stephen replied very condescendingly “good for you”.
A few years down the line, the books are selling well, and he is doing the recording for the Prisoner of Azkaban, when he runs into the phrase “Harry pocketed it”. Stephen could not say this line. It always came out as “Harry pocketeded it”, unless he said it ridiculously slowly. They tried time and time again to get it right, but to no avail. Eventually, he called up JK and asked if he could say “Harry put it in his pocket” instead. She thought for a moment, then said “no”, and hung up.
The phrase “Harry pocketed it” appeared in the next four books.
Petty Revenge: Your daily dose of the best petty revenge stories. | cr
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bina2425 · 9 years
Saw Stephen Fry live last week, and he told us this story: Just after the first Harry Potter book had been released, he was offered the role of narrating it for audiobooks. He hadn’t read it, and was simply told it was a children’s book, so figured it would be an easy afternoons work. When he met JK Rowling, she mentioned that she was writing a sequel. Stephen replied very condescendingly “good for you”.
A few years down the line, the books are selling well, and he is doing the recording for the Prisoner of Azkaban, when he runs into the phrase “Harry pocketed it”. Stephen could not say this line. It always came out as “Harry pocketeded it”, unless he said it ridiculously slowly. They tried time and time again to get it right, but to no avail. Eventually, he called up JK and asked if he could say “Harry put it in his pocket” instead. She thought for a moment, then said “no”, and hung up.
The phrase “Harry pocketed it” appeared in the next four books.
Petty Revenge: Your daily dose of the best petty revenge stories. | cr
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bina2425 · 9 years
misha looks so good wtf
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