Scarsac Rep.
8 posts
Mitch. Space. Cool stuff.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
We found Jane Marchingburg. Kind of.
I decided to tell the group my motive. My motive being to find Jane Marchingburg, my coworker. She was last seen on Sandust on a mission to try to collect intel on Sandbirds. Her last recorded words were "These damn Sandbirds are everywhere."
We were fueled up and Watər was unlocked so she could go anywhere. Rolema overheard our plans to go to Sandmoon and invited herself to join. She said that she was a great mechanic and can be a sort of "on deck" helper. She wanted nothing in return so we decided that it would be of no harm to have her come along. We went the next day. Rolema then did something we didn't think of before. She put her hand into the scanner. Watər knows her name and her behavioral patterns. Us three were hesitant to do so at first but we did. Wiffles results came back normal. My results came back normal. The scanner could not pick up Noctis at all. She detected something in the scanner but she could not read it as she is unable to read specific text. Noctis didn't seem surprised but he didn't seem like he expected this either. The rest of the ride went off without a hitch.
Once we arrived to Sandust, Rolema revealed something to us. Something I wish she would have told us sooner. She is blind but can see the future. She has been relying on muscle memory her whole life. It gets easy when you've lived in the same place for who knows how long. She says she was born with the ability to see the river of our future branch off to different streams. Usually they all ended up converging together again- a common outcome. She did not see any common outcome. Instead, all of the rivers flew in and out of each other. Their waters turned rough and unpredictable. Only one stream made it out of the mess but Rolema could not track that stream. She discouraged us from going onto dustmoon but that didn't stop us because Wiffle said something smart.
He said that the very fact that there even IS an outward stream meant that we had to leave these rough waters eventually. Time only moves one way. He also pointed out that its much better that the rivers intersect because it meant we could choose a different path. Rolema was touched and decided to let us go. She stayed on the ship to see if she could upgrade Watər in any way. Us three put on our suits and stepped onto Sandust.
There were holes into the ground everywhere. Large, gaping manholes dug deep into the planets core. For now, us three didn't care because I was the only one who wanted to be there and the pitfalls were not my business. For the next hour or so, we just walked across the sand wasteland while talking. Wiffle really likes horses. Like, he LOVES horses. Look, I am no man to judge but horses? He's clinically insane. Horses. Jeez.
We walked for a while more before we noticed something off. Sandust is the only planet other than earth that has alien life, sandbirds? Thats what they're called I think. Whatever they're called, there were no aliens on Sandust. We figured that they were just on the other side of this small, small moon. They weren't. However, we did find a Scarsac patented shipwreck site. Most of it was singed or bent in a hideous manner. Everything about it was a mess and I hated seeing a piece of equipment from MY company tarnished and in ruin. Jane was one of the best pilots we had so how did this happen? We even accounted for the Sandbirds and how thry would interfere! Why did Jane fail? I just don't understand!
Whatever. We searched the ship only to find out that everything, electronics included, were either missing or trashed. It almost hurt me to see what had become of this small piece of the company. At least Wiffle was there to comfort me with his insane ramblings. I find comfort in his cracky but deep voice. Noctis noticed something that we didn't, however. He noticed that some electronic components seemed to be ripped out by something but others are just gone. The NavComp was taken out. Jane may be a pilot but she's no good at disassembling a ship. What the hell took the electronics out of our damn ship?!
Jane. Wr need to find Jane. We found Jane and she was in the tunnels. Thats what the holes were- they were entrances to tunnels. Jane looked scared and scrawny. Apparently, she dug the tunnels and ate the Sandbirds. Almost all of them were killed by her and the final 20 are in the tunnels being forced to breed. We brought her back to the ship and freed the final birds. She had ripped some machinery out of the ship to make light in her tunnels. She said that she just ripped all of it out. Oh, also apparently we can totally breathe on Sandust without a suit. We brought her to the ship but Wiffle and I had to pee. Rolema and Noctis both screamed. She was gone. We didn't see her anywhere. We kept looking and looking but she wasn't anywhere. When we came back to the ship, there was something there that hurt my head. It just gave everyone a headache. It was some sort of runic code, much like the one we saw. Why did she leave us?
We uh. We went to earth. We chilled for a few days and gathered our thoughts. There was no way that Jane could have just disappeared. I told Scarsac and they told me to find her. They also said that they'd be giving me more aid in my investigation. I haven't told them about Noctis or Wiffle. Rolema "unblocked" Watərs communication system. There was a lock on what Watər can and can't do that was placed manually.
There was something wrong with Rolema. She seemed bashful and shy. She called to the backroom where she told me something I won't forget.
She can see Mimicmoon.
She is the only one who can see mimicmoon. Of course, no one else has tried. I asked her ehat it looked like and she said it was hard to describe. A teal planet shattered into pieces, those pieces orbiting what remains of Mimicmoon. She then smiled right after. She then told me that everyone she tells immediately forgets the description she gave. She then called Noxtis and Wiffle in. She then told them the same thing with the same result. So this means that we're special somehow. I'm excited that I'm finally special. And now, we're headed to Mimicmoon.
I am so scared for Jane. I don't know where she is but I hope she's okay. I hope you're okay viewer. It's been a while.
Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
Epic I
Bees on a farm. All of the bees live in a hive. They can leave at any time but leaving takes time. There is a farmer. The farmer collects honeycomb from the farm. The farmer sells the honeycomb and makes money. He puts the money towards the farm to make it bigger and have more protections. The queen bee can leave at any time and the other bees will follow. Every single bee is fine with their hive being taken away once in a while because they can always rebuild. The farmer never takes the entire hive. He only takes small pieces. The farmer is only interested in one type of honeybee. But maybe other farmers are interested in different types of bees. It doesn't matter because this isn't about the other farmers or the other bees. The cycle of making and taking honey goes on for years. The farmer works through sweat and tears.
AUTOLOG 211 [PN-004] 1800 hours
Crew status - Acceptional
Thruster status - Acceptional
Pressure levels - Acceptional
Spore levels - Down by 20%
Spore recharge order had been issued
Fuel levels - Acceptional
Power steering - Operating
Autopilot has been turned on since 1400
K. Status
Power levels - Acceptional
Spore absorption - Down by 10%
Glass stability - Acceptional
Crew reports
Crew Nurse Xekud: A sprained ankle caused by crew member is lowering Posideons Spore concentration. Once crew mechanic Typhly recovers, Spore levels should be acceptional once more.
No other crew reports given.
PN-004 Will arrive at their destination in 178 hours and 31 minutes.
Welcome back to Astronomy United, a monthly overview over one of our galaxies many fine planets or moons! Today we will talk about Sandust, earths 2nd closest moon. Discovered in 1995, Sandust is home to one of Earths finest deposits of the richest sands. Recently however, holes have been found to be dug out by another stimuli. Is it a new breed of alien? If so it can't be the birds that live there because they can't dig. Is it just a geographic feature of the planet? We just don't know. Isn't it interesting?? Time for some trivia!
True or false - We only see one side of Sandust.
What was the name of the Astronomer that discovered Sandust?
What was the name of the first rover sent to Sandust?
Answers/ 1.True 2.Becklehart 3.Cephalon 349
Come back next time where we cover a different celestial body in the great big sky. Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
I feel a hunger but no appetite.
We landed on Ravenmoon for oil and gas. We had to wear the spacesuits that Watər said was safe. We walked on the thick, black crust of the moon and looked forward. It was a flat planet with small, cooled over bubbles of rocket fuel. There are a few geysers that spew out and break the crust, only to be covered over again.
We didn't want to stay long but we did. My companions, Noctis and Wiffle, led the way to a good geyser only for it to stop three steps away. It almost seemed unnatural. One moment it was spewing black liquid and then it just stopped. But then we saw something we hadn't seen before. A building on Ravenmoon. Scarsac has some ties to big corporations and I asked them after our expedition. There were no records of anything man-made on Ravenmoon. Noctis hast seemed very reliable for historic events and Wiffle is insane. I'm surprised that Wiffle has even survived this long. No matter- there's a building on Ravenmoon. Of course we entered because we're all curious idiots. The front room was an air lock. However, both glass doors were cracked so we didn't take off our suits. Inside was.. odd. It seemed like a research lab at first with multiple boxes of papers and computers and desks. We were intrigued and idiots so we looked through the stacks of paper. There were no mentions of Ravenmoon. It was all dated 2123. Each and every paper had a orange stain on one part of it. Every. Single. One.
They all seemed to be wordy reports about oxygen levels and reports on how animals act in space. Nothing interesting or of note. God we were idiots. We surveyed the base and found a chair with wires hooked to the metal neck and wrist restraints. It looked ancient but recently used. There was a thick layer of dust but some spots were new and shiny. One part of it said "P.W.X" It was odd to say the least- like we were seeing different patches sewn together from different times or spaces. Its odd to say the least.
The next rooms were offices belonging to different people. One had a little red button..
I pressed it...
It turned red.
It beeped.
It stopped- it left us silent.
And then it played a little tune- something familiar- then it said to wait for a response.
We waited- and waited- wait-
Nothing.. absolutely nothing- just silence. We left the room
There was also a little box that could send things.. somewhere. At least that is what it seemed to do. All it did was give the item out in a layer of dust and the occasional crust.
We walked down the hall into a boarded room. The wood was rotted and we were all strong enough so we entered. Idiots. We all got a headache and it started to bleed. It just started to bleed. The room and windows and blood everywhere. It was oddly bright for blood though.
And then it stopped. We found a singular paper from a lengthy report about an entity making contact through animal bones, feathers, scales, and other remains. The name is censored out. The names of the people were censored. My head aches as I type this. We refueled on a geyser and talked about what happened. None of us had a clue. We brought a few items of interest back to the scanner (a rusted bolt from the P.W.Z, The paper from the blood room, etc.)
Here's what she had to say:
(Bolt): A bold made of solid tungsten. It is made to be sturdy. Whatever it was drilled into is probably ages old. Half of it seems old but the other half seems to show signs of recent use within the last week. Screws like this are common in Trentmern, Asia, and the western side of Canada.
(Blood room paper): The paper is relatively new but the censorship ink is not. I have not been programmed to be able to read specific text however.
We went back to earth. And we just chilled. We thought for a while and this is my report. Mr and wiffle have been talking and I can safely say that he is insane. Noctis is distant and smells of Blueberries. At least, thats what Wiffle and this strong nose said. I apparently smell like oranges. Orange is my favorite color so I was pleased.
Everything is a lot of things and I'm scared but hopeful.
Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
I write this from space.
Its a day late because space isn't very comfortable with social media posts. Anyways, the key went to a ship. We found it in a garage at the edge of town in some field. Of course we entered to find a barely dusted, tidy, and quite handsome interior. There was an air lock for putting on and taking off suits. Inside, it was circular shaped with a conversation pit in the middle surrounding a holo-vision and fireplace combination. There were rooms with nothing but a cot. Noctis found some sort of scanning room. It was simple really, just put the object of interest on the silver pedestal and let Watər do their job.
Watər is the ships A.I. She came alive when we entered the cockpit and stepped on a pressure plate. She seemingly knows nothing about any planet except on how to get there. After the great wave, everyone came to the general concensus that we should go to space and not do any stupid wars because we're all going to die anyways. Watər only knows directions and what we place in her scanner. Noctis placed some things in Watərs scanner as me and Wiffle investigated. Apparently Watər had some sort of quest out in her hard drive that she has to do. We need to go to Ravenmoon because Watər is locked until we do. So we decided to leave the next day. Believe me, we tried everything we could to unlock Watər but she needed to go to Ravenmoon. I don't know why and neither does she. She says its a command given to her. Who told her to go to Ravenmoon?
We left this morning. Noctis knows how to Pilot and apparently Wiffle is good at talking to robots and using magic. He has a control over fire. I think I said that before? I checked out the rooms on our way to Ravenmoon. It takes seven hours to get there so we're still on the way. Noctis put it on autopilot and is making their room look nice. My room is not getting much love though because I didn't come to decorate.
So we're in space. That's it. Noctis is wise, Wiffle is insane, I am Mitch, and Watər is locked. Once we left for space, Wiffle started to feel "uneasy". He said something about how stars are just light bulbs and that he's strapped to a chair. Wiffle is insane yet I am drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I hope I do not burn.
Its been fun. I think this is going to be a great start. I'm having fun making jokes and talking to my three companions :)
Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
Nothing new yet. We went back to the hospital basement to see that nothing had changed. It was still an empty room with nothing in it.
We went searching for whatever these keys might lead us to. Noctis took them to his room and found out that they go to some sort of spaceship. Where would we be without them?
Wiffle and I have been bonding. Apparently, the insane are the best listeners; they have nothing else to do. I don't see any sort of humanity left in that man however. It concerns me but somehow I am still drawn towards him.
Scarsac sent me an "appreciation box," a box containing gifts and trinkets such as key chains, a Swiss army knife Mk. 2, candies and sweets, a postcard, and a hoodie. I gave the hoodie to Wiffle as he doesn't own one. It fits him very nicely.
We went back to the adventurers guild to see if anything related to a spaceship was posted but all we found were mundane tasks. We also decided to tell Rolema, the bartender who reminded us that passenger space travel is authorized with an inspected and registered ship. She also reminded us not to go to Mimicmoon.
In case you don't know, which is likely, Mimicmoon is a planet revolving around the sun that we simply can not observe. Scientists have tried but any picture taken of the planet turns the viewer insane. That makes me wonder if Wiffle suffered such a fate. Luckily, with enough filtering we were able to see what the victims did. It was a shattered mirror with a blue haze reflecting off. Any drones or rovers sent out provide the same image and no one knows why. No one has ever been to mimicmoon and I doubt anyone ever will.
There is nothing more to report. Noctis has been distant. Wiffle is insane. Rolema doesn't care. I really only have what little people follow me. That also reminds me to ask this:
How do I extend my reach to more people? I'd like for others to feel the joy I feel when writing this. I've tried using hashtags and I will continue to do so.
Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
As we all know, yesterday was St. Patrick's day. I could not do my update as it would destroy the vow of silence that is legally mandated.
It was a cult. There was writing in the alley- thieves code that no one can deciper without getting arrested for being a thief. We searched around the are for a few hours, finding a button hidden behind the dumpster. We pressed it and it revealed a staircase down into the basement of the hospital. Us three readied ourselves for combat just in case. We descended and found ourselves in a small room with a branching door way. There was a sigil on the wall and a matching one on the floor wrote in old blood. Its been there for a while. There was a man in the corner under one of the fake torches. He had a bag on his head and he was chained up. It seems that the uniforms weren't passed out yet as they were handed to everyone- us included. The leader was a woman with a blindfold on. She wore a copper tiara, red and white silky robes, and an evil eye necklace. She held a candle stick with no holder and some of the wax tricked its way to her hand. Everyone else just looked normal. Noctis didn't seem bothered. Wiffle is insane. We fit in pretty well, taking a seat and listening to the blind woman speak of her visions.
And then it was initiation time. The blind woman told us three to stab the man with a bag of his head. Then we were apart of the cult. She called me first. I took the knife she gave me and looked at the man. He was scared and very conscious. I stabbed her in the neck. She seemed surprised but when you've been stabbed in the neck, you can't say that you saw it coming. Everyone gasped and screamed and ran out. We took the bag off of the man and brought him to the hospital. We had to leave the woman in the basement.
Noctis explained something about this town to me and Wiffle. Weird things happen here. Weird as in Magic things happen here. This town profits off of magic which in turn makes it a special town. There are other guards here making sure that magic stays to a minimum. Telling the guards and police of a cult will not end well for anyone involved, including us. Anyone who's lived here knows that.
The man is recovering in the hospital and we said we found him in the alley behind the hospital. We went back down to the room the next day to investigate and search for any sort of clue. We found keys on a Keychain in the middle of the floor and no body. No blood sigils. Just a singular Keychain. I picked it up and immediately felt tingly. It was like it wasn't supposed to be there but it was and now we have it.
I dont think I should have grabbed it. I now have a headache that hurts very badly. I need to find a use for this key or get rid of it somehow. And what happened to the body? The body of the blind woman just disappeared. Who cleaned the room? Where does the key go to? It looks like a key to a vehicle of some sort. My companions say that the key makes them feel weird also.
Id like for more people to know about this little adventure I'm having. I just dont know how I can do that. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
I would like for you to meet my companions!
I kept investigating the tavern and learned of the Adventerer Guild hidden in the basement . You went to the restroom and pulled on the barrel decoration. The wall folds back and a staircase is revealed. Downstairs was a myriad of creatures that you'd only hear about in stories and legends. Vampires, witches, minotaurs, fairies, you name it. After standing in awe, I made my way to the quest board, a small wooden board at the back of the secret tavern. I was running low on gold personally so I figured I'd take a quest. The one I picked seemed easy- investigate an alley way for 50 gold. I wasn't the only one interested however.
A man by the name of Wiffle grabbed it at the same time I did. His hand was veiny and strong. He had a ring on and it was cold to the touch. Not cold enough to sting but cold enough to shock. His eyes were warm and piercing. He wore black rags and robes- contradicting my white shirt and orange striped slacks.
His hair looked soft. The kind of soft that you'd run your hand through forever with a smile. Of course, thats just a guess. The strange thing is that neither of us pulled the paper into our hands. We just stood there, holding it while glaring at each other. Eventually a third hand grabbed the paper out of both of our hands.
A short, cloaked, and topped figure of no gender. They looked at the paper through their thick glasses. Their face was shaded and smooth. I couldn't help but dart my eyes back at Wiffles hand and back to this figure.
They nodded their head and looked up to both of us. "Come along now. We're doing this together," they said in a voice that was not low nor high. Just a voice. Wiffle giggled, a giggle that only maniacs made or enjoyed. It was a confident giggle and hearing his voice made me feel something I havent felt before. A feeling with no name.
We walked out of the Guild and agreed to meet tomorrow. Noctis, the name they gave us, insisted on us being armed and ready. I'm not too big of a fighter and from the short stature and general vibe of Noctis, they're not much of a fighter either.
Wiffle said he had nowhere to sleep anymore. Noctis didn't seem to care. I did. I allowed that man to stay in my hotel room just a few blocks away. I do not regret my choice. He is sleeping peacefully on the couch as I write this at the desk. I do not know him well. He is insane. He lacks the self control and narrative we all have. He does not care if he lives or not. He scares me but I am drawn to him.
This isn't about this man. This is about me and my search for my coworker. I hope that my attention does not divert from that.
How would you feel if I made a little history post once a week or so? I worked at a Historian at Belgium Lake University for three years so I feel like I would know some history facts that are lesser known. Please tell me if you'd be interested.
Thank you.
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billwillkilldill-blog · 4 years ago
Hello people of earth and Dustmoon! My name is Mitch and I work for Scarsac inc, a company that makes money and owns things and sells things for people to buy.
I am 25, athletic, and work and office job. I type different symbols and lines on a computer and I am given money at the end of the week. I pay my bills, buy my food, mow my lawn, and vote like a good citizen should. My company may sound vague but I'm glad to work for them. Scarsac is a good company; they help find kissing people and donate to the homeless. They have vegan meal options at lunch time.
Not everything is all great at Scarsac however. One of their lead military representatives has gone missing recently. Jane Marchingburg was a coworker of mine and she went into space towards Dustmoon, the only other planet proven to have life, for some field research. Apparently my boss wants ME to go find him. He says that money is tight so I will have to find some way to get a spaceship. I suppose that Jane took the last one.
He gave me some money, rations, firearms, and an old touchscreen to contact him and Scarsac on. He sent me on my way to a hotel in Olde London. For those who have never been, imagine London back pre-wave. Somewhere around 2018? Thats what this place looks like. They have the best food and attractions, its almost like an amusement park.
Anyways, I will be blogging my experiences on this journey for the public to enjoy! (Of course I asked Scarsac for permission and they said yes.)
My first point of interest is The Leaky Window, Olde Londons most famous taverns. It has old music, old fashioned food, and is a staple in Olde Londons culture. Plus, I've always wanted to go. Not like a tourist, like I've always had this draw towards Olde London. I cant explain why. I'm just glad to be here.
I will post here weekly. If I cant post, I will disclaim something of the sorts. I thank you all for being here with me this Wednesday night.
Thank you.
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