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SLOG#3 (December 5th)
Time flies, this semester is coming to a close. I am really glad to take csc104 this term. This course is primarily aimed at students who have no prior programming experience. At the beginning, I also asked friends who have taken this course to give me some advice. Through their suggestions, so far, I got a good mark on this course. Here are some methods and advice about studying csc104 from me.
In the daily life, I am used to reviewing the last lecture notes that instructors posted on the website before taking the class. It only takes ten minutes. During the class, professors will lead us to study some new functions and use the laptop to show how to apply it. So it is helpful to bring a laptop to class. There is a quiz every Wednesday. Also, you will find the weekly-lab-exercise on the website. If you figure the exercise out, it is easy to get the full mark for the quiz. There are two term-tests in this course. They are not hard if you review all lecture notes and finish all past tests posted on the website. Finally, two projects are designed in this course. Compared with quizzes and term tests, project assignments are much harder and it needs the time to design functions for satisfying some complicated conditions. Fortunately, it is a group work and you can use office hour to ask TAs and professor about your questions. After that, you will get an excellent mark that you want.
The core of this course is aimed to design functions. We need to compose or cond every single function and apply them to get what we want. So how to design a function becomes a critical question that we have to think. As far as I am concerned, the most important step is to know the application of each function we studied well and use them masterly. And then, we can write the check-expect step to help me think. I always list some possible functions to help me design. And then, when I fix out a designed function. I will type it on the DrRacket to check whether it runs or not.
All in all, these are some tips and advice on how to prepare this course and design a function. I hope it is helpful and you will be interested in this course.
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SLOG( Nov. 27- Dec. 1)
This week, I finished the project 2 with my partners. I think this project is much easier than the first one. Also, the final is coming. I start to review the lecture notes and do some past tests for preparing the exam. It is a busy and productive week!
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SLOG(Nov.20--Nov. 24)
This week, we learned to combine with recursion and nested lists. The quiz for this week was also easy. And today I received a good mark for Project 1.
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Test 2 week (Nov 13th-17th)
This week, I had the second term test. During the reading week, I read the notes and wrote down the functions what I did not know how to apply. Recursion and Local were two difficult functions for me to understand. So I focused on these two functions for a while. After that, I finished all the past tests that the website posted. This is all I did for the term test 2.
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SLOG(Oct 30 - Nov. 3)
This week, I finished my first project assignment with two partners. It was such a hard project for us. Before starting, we reviewed all functions that we had studied. By the way, the lab exercise 8 was really helpful for this project. There were many hints for the project over there. Also, there were some tricky questions that we can not solve out. We asked TAs and finally got all tests passed. This project is a small challenge for me but I enjoy the group work with my partners.
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SLOG#2 (Oct 23th, 2017)
These days, I experienced my very first term test and four quizzes of CSC104. To be honest, as long as I did enough review, those were not so hard for me. Through the past quizzes and tests, I summarized that the key point to review for CSC104 is to organize the lecture notes and memorize the ways to use the functions that we learned. If I still have something that I am confused about, I will write down a list and bring it with me to the office hour. Besides, I always finish my lab exercises before quizzes. The points that are listed on it were quite similar to the quizzes. Therefore, as long as I finished all of these steps, I will have enough abilities to handle the quizzes and tests.
Until now, we have studied many functions about changing the shapes of images and measuring the lengths or widths of images. What I really enjoyed was to think about how to combine and apply the functions to get the final images in the way I wanted. I always received the sense of achievement when I got the right final images.
When summarizing the past test and quizzes, I found out that I always messed up with functions “Apply” and “Map”. I always forgot which function is used to operate the whole list and which one is used to operate the separate list. Then, my friend told me a method, which is when I am about to use the function “Map”, it is better for me to write the word “list” first to remind myself to do the operation separately. It is really helpful for me to memorize these two functions.
By the way, I have to say that Piazza is a perfect platform for me to ask questions. I am too shy to talk to a professor or a TA in person. But by posting questions on Piazza, I can receive perfect answers from my professor, TAs even my classmates. It makes me feel involved with this class. And it is really convenient for students to discuss questions online.
In conclusion, those above are some feedbacks from the past days. I will keep studying and trying my best on CSC104.
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SLOG(Oct 16 - 20)
This week, I studied Cond, Fractals and Recursion. I still really enjoy applying the functions on my computer to compute some magic things. The quiz during this week is also quite easy for me. I think I will be able to get a good mark, as long as I did the lab exercise. This course helped me a lot on experiencing the charm of computer science, I like it.
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Term Test Week( Oct 9-13th)
This week, I had the first term test for csc104. Due to the test and Thanksgiving holiday, there were no classes this week. I got enough time to organize and review what I have studied. First of all, I read the notes and marked the unfamiliar points. And then, I rewrote all the past tests and changed the mistakes. Finally, I just saw the points that I marked before the test. This is all I did for csc104 during this week.
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I choose to study CSC104 is because I want to know something about computer science. I always think that it is really cool to know how to type programming code. Even though I am not gonna study computer science in the future, but I do want to know something about it. I thought that computer science is so complex and really not approachable before I started the course. Until now, I kind of changed my mind. But I do think that this is only for now, it won't be as easy as now if I go further into computer science. I found this course to be interesting most of the time, but I have to mention that processing those photos are the most interesting part. I found out that the only hard part is to follow the course speed during the lectures, probably because I am not a native English speaker. But that is not a big problem, I can do all the review and catch up after the lectures by watching those videos. The whole course is easier than I expected. I did some review before quizzes, and I am quite satisfied with my performance. I am really interested in coding a simple game in the future.
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