bigbossgamingcomuk · 6 years
Freedom Planet 100% Completion Guide (PC/Wii U/PS4/Switch)
Beginning of the End:
So, you’ve recently bought Freedom Planet? And the achievements interested you? Look no further, this guide shall give you all information you need to get all of them. The majority of completion needed for this game comes down to the achievements, which are available in any and all versions of Freedom Planet.
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Lilac Achievements:
Dragon Power
Clear all Lilac stages
Target Master (Lilac)
Clear all target rooms in Shang Mu Academy as Lilac
Rising Slash Finish
Defeat an end boss with Lilac’s Rising Slash
Dragon Cyclone Finish
Defeat an end boss with Lilac’s Dragon Cyclone
Dragon Boost Finish
Defeat an end boss with Lilac’s Dragon Boost
Lilac the Switch Skipper
Skip the switch door in Dragon Valley as Lilac
Boost Perfectionist
Destroy a Chopper with a single Dragon Boost as Lilac
Ledge Taunt
Rest on the ledge during Lilac’s fight with Spade
Clear Sky Battalion without using Torque’s plane
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Carol Achievements:
Call of the Wildcat
Clear all Carol stages
Target Master (Carol)
Clear all target rooms in Shang Mu Academy as Carol
Wild Claw Finish
Defeat an end boss with Carol’s Wild Claw
Wild Kick Finish
Defeat an end boss with Carol’s Wild Kick
Motorcycle Finish
Defeat an end boss while riding Carol’s motorcycle
Milla Achievements:
Spirit of the Hound
Clear all Milla stages
Treasure Hunter
Dig into a treasure spot as Milla
Target Master (Milla)
Clear all target rooms in Shang Mu Academy as Milla
Phantom Block Finish
Defeat an end boss with Milla’s phantom blocks
Super Shield Burst Finish
Defeat an end boss with Milla’s Super Shield Burst
Card Achievements:
Card Collector (Dragon Valley)
Collect all 10 cards in Dragon Valley
1. After the first side ramp near the beginning of the level, jump over to the platform with a spring on it and that’ll lead out towards the card.
2. Underneath first side ramp, head left and drop down a hole.
3. Once you reach the spring that takes you to the hanging bars on the ceiling, make your way up ladders to the top-most platform.
4. After crossing a bunch of platforms you will find a ladder leading up to the next card.
5. Up by the push block in the second area.
6. When you ride down the wall to the water at the beginning, go left and break through the rock wall above.
7. At the bridge area, push the log away from the hole and jump down the hole. Go left and you’ll find the card underwater.
8. Close to the top between the two waterfalls, just before the snake boss starts attacking you.
9. Soon after the waterfall area you’ll find this card against the wall to the right.
10. The 10th card is in the underwater pathway to the left of the waterfalls.
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Card Collector (Relic Maze)
Collect all 10 cards in Relic Maze
1. Ride the bar at the beginning of the stage and the card will be at the top.
2. In a location not far from the first card, ride the large platform that swoops down and you’ll see it.
3. Once you see the spikeball and fireball traps head straight upwards. The card will be at the top.
4. At the end by the button that destroys the yellow barrier.
5. At the top of the first loop-de-loop.
6. Look up after you get past the last few rotating barriers and it’ll be in the corner.
7. When you head down the Lift, head left and Dragon Boost up the hole.
8. Once a large spike ball breaks out of the wall beneath you and go into the hole it came from.
9. In the area with the giant falling drills, stay at the top and it’ll be just after you go by the drills.
10. In the corner of the Mantalith boss arena.
Card Collector (Aqua Tunnel)
Collect all 10 cards in Aqua Tunnel
1. Underwater, to the left of the first few platforms that spin around downwards.
2. Once you reach the door in the ground that opens with the button next to it, jump into the wall to the right first instead.
3. Go up first before dropping into the water jet at the beginning of the level.
4. Continue swimming in the water and make your way up to the grassy place. Once you’re up there, go left until it drops off & just fly for a bit.
5. At the beginning of section 2 of the stage, you can see this one under a green pipe. Keep going forward so you can get underwater, then you can swim back to it.
6. Below Card 24 in the underwater tunnel.
7. In the vertical part of section 2 you can reach this card by flying through the ceiling.
8. When you reach section 2’s third area, go down into the water as soon as you can and you will find a passage leading to the 8th card.
9. Once you find two lakes of green slime, go across the bottom first so you can spring up to reach this card.
10. This one is just before the end boss of the level.
Card Collector (Fortune Night)
Collect all 10 cards in Fortune Night
1. Towards the top at the beginning, go across the curling bridge and loop around the red and green ramp to find the card.
2. On a balcony before you reach the yellow shield-car. It is at the point after you pass Serpentine’s spaceship for the first time and make sure you stay on the bottom level.
3. Before continuing to the next area, hop on the first red roof when you see the Zao-faced lanterns in the air.
4. Begin at the end of the Yellow Springs on each side. Keep walking to the right until you see a ladder, drop down from there and go left past the moving blocks. Continue down the next ladder and hop on the train.
5. At the beginning of section 1’s second area where the trains begin to appear, jump onto the Spring and head up to the top of the red roof.
6. After your next encounter with Serpentine’s spaceship, head up the road. Once you’re up, head through the middle section and go down the red/green snake. Continue until you see a Zao Statue. Jump on the Ferris Wheel to find this card.
7. Keep to the bottom and the card will be underneath an escalator in a tube.
8. Head up the escalators until you see some spikes and a swing, however don’t use it. Instead, keep moving right and jump onto the middle grassy platform and continue over the springs. Jump again onto the next middle platform. The card is a few steps away after that.
9. In section 2’s second area, head to the bottom and go underneath a long rising platform. This card will be in the pathway below.
10. When you reach the elevator, drop down all the way to the bottom of the stage and the card will be on your left.
Card Collector (Sky Battalion)
Collect all 10 cards in Sky Battalion
1. Once at Metal Ship, boost upwards at the green balloon and get to the lone floating missile.
2. Not long after the first card, head downwards and then left.
3. When the gold-trimmed floor starts to become wood, boost up to the top right.
4. While on the Fire Ship, just before you get on Torque’s plane, go up to the top of the ship’s front bow and the card will be there.
5. After landing on the start of the ship, head to the top right and boost to reach the orange gate.
6. After the loop-de-loop with fire-emitting engines, head up to the top left.
7. On the Fire Ship just before the fight with Spade, go to the left of the spiked fan.
8. To the right of the moving crystals, Dragon Boost into the spikes on the top right wall so that you can reach the area at the top left.
9. While on the Earth Ship, use the large wind current to get yourself to the floating missiles
with the use of Lilac’s Dragon Cyclone move.
10. At the part with the falling platforms and crystals, make your way across them with out falling down to the bottom.
Card Collector (Jade Creek)
Collect all 10 cards in Jade Creek
1. Get your way back up again after the second card.
2. Drop down into the water after the first card.
3. Stay up the top of the Level.
4. Soon after a collapsing platform, jump off of it before it reaches the bottom and go left as you’re doing this.
5. Take the spring in the water to give you the speed needed to reach this card. It will be on your left.
6. Drop down into the water as soon as you can.
7. Ride the clovers at the beginning, and the clover on the left right next to the wall should take you to this card.
8. Swim around the submarine’s water filled area until you find an orange tower.
9. Go underwater to the gray bottom of the submarine and there’ll be a card.
10. On of one of the towers.
Card Collector (Thermal Base)
Collect all 10 cards in Thermal Base
1. At the beginning of the moving engine platforms, Dragon Boost upwards to reach a ladder you can climb.
2. When you get to the room that’s filled with wooden boxes, it’ll be behind the second row of boxes.
3. To the right of the first locked door, go under the platforms that constantly move up and down.
4. Close to the 3rd card, boost up to the top of the pathway.
5. Boost upwards after getting the Key Card from the above narrow passageway.
6. Below the metal pipes, go to the area at the left nearby the jump pads.
7. Its on one of one of the conveyor belts with gems nearby it, towards the top and ceiling of the stage.
8. After getting out of the water, get yourself up over to the left-most platform.
9. Jump off of the circular metal sphere to the left and ride the engine platform.
10. Before grabbing the second Lever to fill the area up with Water, go down into the drains and pass a few spikes to get the Key Card needed to reach this card.
Card Collector (Trap Hideout)
Collect all 10 cards in Trap Hideout
1. Get up above the ground block in the air near the start of the level.
2. A floating pillar in between hill-like tires.
3. Below one of the large ropes, in a corner with chests.
4. Close to some wooden boxes and explosive spheres.
5. On three pillars made up of tires.
6. Once you’re in the second area, climb up to the logs that hold some sphere bombs.
7. Just before the area with the large amount of springs.
8. After getting onto the barrel in the second area and breaking the floor.
9. On a collapsing platform at the start of the 2nd section.
10. In the tower climbing section, on a line of spikes.
Card Collector (Pangu Lagoon)
Collect all 10 cards in Pangu Lagoon
1. On a floating crystal platform that moves up and down.
2. When the path forks into up and down, take the downwards path and follow it to the end.
3. After the first towers that you boost your way up, head downward to the area with many crystals.
4. Use the boost increasing ring to reach the platform with a single chest.
5. After breaking through the first wall with the giant bow.
6. Go left after going down the first slope.
7. Use the spinning top to reach the floating platform to the right.
8. Quickly go over the vanishing blocks.
9. Keep going right, and find your way to the top to find this card.
10. Boost up to above the giant swords in a narrow corridor.
Card Collector (Battle Glacier)
Collect all 10 cards in Battle Glacier
1. After the rising platforms, go to the top right.
2. When the robot worms start to dig out the ground.
3. On a platform that is created via some appearing purple blocks.
4. Use the moving hanging bars to get upwards to the point where the card is visible.
5. Boost up past the metal walls and break the ones at the top left.
6. Skip the first twirling slide and boost up to the next one.
7. After beating the cycloptic robot mini-boss, the purple dragon blocks will turn into gems and you’ll be able to collect the card.
8. Dragon boost upwards past the blocks that can be blown up to reach the crane that lets you get to the star card.
9. Take the upper path way when you encounter the green and red blocks.
10. After the green and red block maze, use the levitation machines to float to an alternate route and then blow up the metal walls with the drill missiles.
Speedrun Achievements:
Speedrunner Clear
Clear the game in less than 90 minutes
Dragon Valley Speedrunner
Clear Dragon Valley in 5 minutes
Relic Maze Speedrunner
Clear Relic Maze in 8 minutes
Aqua Tunnel Speedrunner
Clear Aqua Tunnel in 5 minutes
Fortune Night Speedrunner
Clear Fortune Night in 8 minutes
Sky Battalion Speedrunner
Clear Sky Battalion in 7 minutes
Jade Creek Speedrunner
Clear Jade Creek in 8 minutes
Thermal Base Speedrunner
Clear Thermal Base in 9 minutes
Trap Hideout Speedrunner
Clear Trap Hideout in 6 minutes
Pangu Lagoon Speedrunner
Clear Pangu Lagoon in 8 minutes
Battle Glacier Speedrunner
Clear Battle Glacier in 12 minutes
Final Dreadnought 1 Speedrunner
Clear Final Dreadnought 1 in 5 minutes
Final Dreadnought 2 Speedrunner
Clear Final Dreadnought 2 in 9 minutes
Final Dreadnought 3 Speedrunner
Clear Final Dreadnought 3 in 6 minutes
Final Dreadnought 4 Speedrunner
Clear Final Dreadnought 4 in 8 minutes
Miscellaneous Achievements:
Gem Hoarder
Clear the game with over 6000 crystal shards
No Death Clear
Clear the game without losing any lives
Claw Bypass
Skip the Claw boss in Relic Maze
Disco Fever
Bust some dance moves in Fortune Night
CPU Finish
Let one of your teammates finish off Robopanther
Rolling Stones
Get a boulder to wrap around the screen
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Push Block KO
Destroy the Eye Golem in Relic Maze with a push block
All Bone, No Brain
Trick the Bone Golem in Relic Maze into destroying itself
Preemptive Strike I
Destroy both of the Mantalith’s arms before the fight begins
Preemptive Strike II
Destroy Prince Dail’s shield before he finishes his monologue
Secret Melody
Play the Secret Melody on a piano
Milla Unlocked!
Clear Relic Maze as any character
The post Freedom Planet 100% Completion Guide (PC/Wii U/PS4/Switch) appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: https://bigbossgaming.com/freedom-planet-100-completion-guide-pc-wii-u-ps4-switch/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2019/01/20/freedom-planet-100-completion-guide-pc-wii-u-ps4-switch/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 6 years
Dark Souls 100% achievement completion guide
Dark Souls 100%
The beginning
So, you want to not only finish Dark Souls but you also want 100% it too? Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Creating your character
We’ll begin this journey with our character creation. To stand the best chance of getting all the achievements you’ll want a character class and starting gift that works for you.
Let’s go over each of the gifts you can choose:
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Twin Humanities:
These can be used to return you to human form or kindle bonfires.
While this gift can be useful, it’s less good than it could be due to being able to get some of it very early on, there are much better gifts you could choose but it’s not the worst.
Tiny Being’s Ring:
Grants 5% maximum HP boost. 
This one just plain sucks, a plus 5% to your HP does barely anything at low Max Health and once you can make use of it, there’s no point because the Ring of Favor and Protection outclasses it in just about every way.
This does nothing, no I’m not kidding this item is completely useless, don’t pick it.
Old Witch’s Ring:
Enables talking to Quelaag’s Sister. 
If we base this item’s usefulness on it’s gameplay value, then it’s about as valuable as the Pendant. However if you like lore then it might just be worth getting, since you can’t get it again until late into the game.
Master Key:
Opens any basic lock. 
This item for new players sadly isn’t actually that useful unless the player has prior knowledge of the game’s locations, you can buy it from Domhnall later on and the Thief class starts with this item by default. If they do know the locations well then the key is one of the better items you could choose.
Divine Blessing:
Fully restores HP and removes negative status effects.
While this is definitely a good item at first glace, you sadly only get 1 if you choose it as a starting gift or choose, because of it being such a good item it tends to be far too valuable to use. Even with it being rare you can still get it later on so I reckon you should stay away from this one.
Black Firebombs:
Explodes upon impact when thrown. More deadly than a standard firebomb. Player starts with 10 black firebombs if chosen.
These explosives are for sure worth it just because of the shear amount of damage they do when thrown, due to this they best used for boss fights. By choosing and using these you can kill the Asylum Demon the first time you meet it, rewarding you with the Demon’s Great Hammer.
Now that we’ve decided on our gift lets move on to the classes:
Starting Stats:
Vitality: 11 Attunement: 8 Endurance: 12 Strength: 13 Dexterity: 13 
Resistance: 11 Intelligence: 9 Faith: 9 Soul Level: 4
Starting Equipment: Longsword, Heater Shield, Standard Helm, Hard Leather Armor, Hard Leather Gauntlets, Hard Leather Boots
The Warrior is a good choice if you want a balanced class to play as, thanks to it’s reliable equipment loadout and comfortable starting stats there no reason not to recommend this class to a new player.
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Starting Stats:
Vitality: 14 Attunement: 10 Endurance: 10 Strength: 11 Dexterity: 11 
Resistance: 10 Intelligence: 9 Faith: 11 Soul Level: 5
Starting Equipment: Broadsword, Tower Kite Shield, Knight Helm, Knight Armor, Knight Gauntlets, Knight Leggings
If you’re a fan of bulky, tank-like, characters then the Knight is probably for you. The equipment works well towards the class’ strengths of high HP and protective armor. Although there is the issue of slow rolling due to the armor’s weight but if you can get past that, then you have a class you’ll most likely enjoy.
Starting Stats:
Vitality: 10 Attunement: 11 Endurance: 10 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 14 
Resistance: 12 Intelligence: 11 Faith: 8 Soul Level: 3
Starting Equipment: Scimitar, Leather Shield, Wanderer Hood, Wanderer Coat, Wanderer Manchette, Wanderer Boots
While this class’ stat line may look similar to the Thief’s, it has a somewhat different playstyle compared to how Thief tends to play. Due to it having a low Soul Level, therefore a bit more potential when it comes down to leveling up your attributes, having an interesting weapon and a useful armor set I’d say Wanderer isn’t a bad choice.
Starting Stats:
Vitality: 9 Attunement: 11 Endurance: 9 Strength: 9 Dexterity: 15 
Resistance: 10 Intelligence: 12 Faith: 11 Soul Level: 5
Starting Equipment: Bandit’s Knife, Target Shield, Thief Mask, Black Leather Armor, Black Leather Gloves, Black Leather Boots
Starting Items: Master Key
This is a class I personally like thanks to Master Key being a great starting item, the good stat line and the Target Shield being to parry with. While I don’t really care much for Bandit’s Knife as a starting weapon, I would not blame you for choosing this class.
Starting Stats:
Vitality: 12 Attunement: 8 Endurance: 14 Strength: 14 Dexterity: 9 
Resistance: 11 Intelligence: 8 Faith: 10 Soul Level: 4
Starting Equipment: Battle Axe, Spider Shield, Brigand Hood, Brigand Armor, Brigand Gauntlet, Brigand Trousers 
Bandit starts out with an awesome early-game strength based weapon, decent armor and nice attributes so I don’t see much reason to overlook it as a potential choice.
Vit: 11 Att: 9 End: 11 Str: 12 Dex: 14 Res: 11 Int: 9 Fai: 9 Level: 4
Equipment: Shortsword, Short Bow, 30 Standard Arrows, Large Leather SHLD, Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots
I don’t really like Hunter that much, it just seems a little generic when overlooking all of your class options. 30 Arrows isn’t gonna last you long when you begin your adventure, this class in terms of stat line I feel is just a smidge too much like Thief and Wanderer. 
Vit: 8 Att: 15 End: 8 Str: 9 Dex: 11 Res: 8 Int: 15 Fai: 8 Level: 3
Equipment: Dagger, Small Leather SHLD,  Sorcerer’s Catalyst, Sorcerer Hat, Sorcerer Cloak, Sorcerer Gauntlets, Sorcerer Boots
Starting Spells: Soul Arrow
I don’t really have any problems with this class, more or less because it starts out will useful equipment for early on and the starting attributes are a large boon the playstyle that the Sorcerer offers.
Vit: 10 Att: 12 End: 11 Str: 12 Dex: 9 Res: 12 Int: 10 Fai: 8 Level: 1
Equipment: Hand Axe, Cracked Round SHLD, Pyromancy Flame, Tattered Cloth Hood, Tattered Cloth Robe, Tattered Cloth Manchette, Heavy Boots
Starting Spells: Fireball
Pyromancer is a very powerful class to begin your journey with, thanks to Pyromancey itself being quite a strong form of magic. It also has a lot of potential since it’s attributes are fairly well rounded and the low Soul Level allows for a lot of customization early on.
Vit: 11 Att: 11 End: 9 Str: 12 Dex: 8 Res: 11 Int: 8 Fai: 14 Level: 2
Equipment: Mace, East-West SHLD, Canvas Talisman, Holy Robe, Traveling Gloves, Holy Trousers
Starting Spells: Heal
Estus Flasks, tending to be in short supply makes miracles rather useful within your adventure, as they give you move ways to heal you’re self. Granted, the cast time of Miracles is sometimes longer than you’d like, especially when in combat situations. The power of this class comes from the Mace you start with being a good bludgeoning weapon, beginning with a Talisman so you can try your hand at miracles and the armor is alright for what it is.
Vit: 11 Att: 11 End: 11 Str: 11 Dex: 11 Res: 11 Int: 11 Fai: 11 Level: 6
Equipment: Club, Plank SHLD
Deprived as a class honestly isn’t that good, especially for a first time player because of the overly balanced stats and somewhat mediocre equipment you start with. However if you like challenge runs of games or just want a bigger challenge in general, this class is fine for that.
  Achievement Hunting
Alright now for what you really came here for, the actual achievements! Lets begin with our first kind of achievement:
Light bonfire flame.
Estus Flask:
Acquire Estus Flask.
The Estus Flask is given by Oscar of Astora in the Undead Asylum.
Reach Lordran:
Arrive in Lordran.
Ring the Bell (Undead Church):
Ring Bell of Awakening at Undead Church.
Ring the Bell (Quelaag’s Domain):
Ring Bell of Awakening in Quelaag’s domain.
Reach Anor Londo:
Arrive in Anor Londo.
Reaching Anor Londo requires that you get to the top of Sen’s Fortress, for the gargoyles to carry you there.
Acquire the Lordvessel.
You are given a Lordvessel after the Ornstein and Smough boss fight, by Gwynevere or if you kill Gwynevere.
Rite of Kindling:
Acquire the Rite of Kindling.
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Art of Abysswalking:
Acquire the Art of Abysswalking.
More specifically you need to get the Covenant of Artorias from Great Grey Wolf Sif, who can be found in Darkroot Garden.
Defeat Seath the Scaleless:
Defeat Seath the Scaleless, inheritors of souls.
Defeat the Four Kings:
Defeat the Four Kings, inheritors of souls.
To actually fight the Four Kings you need to keep the Covenant of Artorias equipped for the whole fight, otherwise you will instantly die when you enter into the pitch black Abyss.
Defeat Gravelord Nito:
Defeat the Soul Lord Gravelord Nito.
Defeat Bed of Chaos:
Defeat the Soul Lord Bed of Chaos.
To Link the Fire and Dark Lord:
Reach “To Link the Fire” ending and Reach “The Dark Lord” ending.
I’ve grouped these two together because if you choose one of them you can’t get the other one until you finish the game again. So you technically can and can’t miss them both.
Upgrade Related
This set of achievements requires you level a weapon until you can’t increase it’s strength anymore. To do so means you’ll need several types of titanite shards, chunks and slabs, which you’ll then use to modify many different weapons to get each achievement. Certain blacksmiths will give certain kinds of reinforcement specific to them only. Below each achievement description I’ll list each blacksmith that does that kind of reinforcement.
Strongest Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through standard reinforcement.
Andre of Astora
Crystal Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through crystal reinforcement.
Giant Blacksmith
Lightning Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through lightning reinforcement.
Giant Blacksmith
Raw Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through raw reinforcement.
Andre of Astora
Magic Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through magic reinforcement.
Rickert of Vinheim
Enchanted Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through enchanted reinforcement.
Rickert of Vinheim
Divine Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through divine reinforcement.
Andre of Astora
Occult Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through occult reinforcement.
Andre of Astora
Fire Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through fire reinforcement.
Chaos Weapon
Acquire the best weapon through chaos reinforcement.
Covenant Related
The covenant achievements must be completed by finding each the leader of each one and asking them if you can join their’s. You don’t need to actually join the covenant, all you need to do is receive the option to join. I shall list the person you need to talk with underneath each achievement.
Covenant: Way of White
Discover Way of White covenant.
Petrus of Thorolund or Rhea of Thorolund
Covenant: Princess’s Guard
Discover Princess’s Guard covenant.
Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
Covenant: Blade of the Darkmoon
Discover Blade of the Darkmoon covenant.
Dark Sun Gwyndolin
Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight
Discover Warrior of Sunlight covenant.
Praying at the Altar of Sunlight
Covenant: Forest Hunter
Discover Forest Hunter covenant.
Covenant: Darkwraith
Discover Darkwraith covenant.
Darkstalker Kaathe
Covenant: Path of the Dragon
Discover Path of the Dragon covenant.
Praying to the Stone Dragon
Covenant: Gravelord Servant
Discover Gravelord Servant covenant.
Interacting with Gravelord Nito’s sarcophagus
Covenant: Chaos Servant
Discover Chaos Servant covenant.
Quelaag’s Sister
Collection Related
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When it comes down to these ones, for you to be able to finish them you need to collect all of the kind of item that you need. There are quite a few of them so once more I’ll provide a list of each one you need.
Knight’s Honor:
Acquire all rare weapons.
Boss Soul
Moonlight Butterfly Horn
Crystal Ring Shield
Quelaag’s Furysword
Chaos Blade
Greatsword of Artorias (Cursed)
Greatsword of Artorias
Greatshield of Artorias
Golem Axe
Dragon Bone Fist
Lifehunt Scythe
Dragonslayer Spear
Smough’s Hammer
Darkmoon Bow
Tin Darkmoon Catalyst
Great Lord Greatsword
Tail cutoff
Drake Sword
Dragon King Greataxe
Priscilla’s Dagger
Moonlight Greatsword
Dragon Greatsword
Gargoyle Tail Axe
Gravelord Sword
Dark Hand
Enemy Drops
Black Knight Sword
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Halberd
Black Knight Shield
Channeler’s Trident
Crescent Axe
Crest Shield
Demon’s Catalyst
Giant’s Halberd
Izalith Catalyst
Silver Knight Straight Sword
Sliver Knight Spear
Silver Knight Shield
Stone Greatsword
Stone Greatshield
Corpse/Chest Loot
Dragon Crest Shield
Havel’s Greatshield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Velka’s Rapier
Astora’s Straight Sword
Black Iron Greatshield
Effigy Shield
Wisdom of a Sage:
Acquire all sorceries.
Aural Decoy
Cast Light
Crystal Magic Weapon
Crystal Soul Spear
Dark Bead
Dark Fog
Dark Orb
Fall Control
Great Heavy Soul Arrow
Great Magic Weapon
Great Soul Arrow
Heavy Soul Arrow
Hidden Body
Hidden Weapon
Homing Crystal Soulmass
Homing Soulmass
Magic Shield
Magic Weapon
Resist Curse
Soul Arrow
Soul Spear
Strong Magic Shield
White Dragon Breath
Bond of a Pyromancer:
Acquire all pyromancies.
Acid Surge
Black Flame
Chaos Fire Whip
Chaos Storm
Fire Orb
Fire Surge
Fire Tempest
Fire Whip
Flash Sweat
Great Chaos Fireball
Great Combustion
Great Fireball
Iron Flesh
Poison Mist
Power Within
Toxic Mist
Undead Rapport
Prayer of Maiden:
Acquire all miracles.
Bountiful Sunlight
Darkmoon Blade
Emit Force
Gravelord Greatsword Dance
Gravelord Sword Dance
Great Heal Excerpt
Great Heal
Great Lightning Spear
Great Magic Barrier
Karmic Justice
Lightning Spear
Magic Barrier
Seek Guidence
Soothing Sunlight
Sunlight Blade
Sunlight Spear
Tranquil Walk of Peace
Vow of Silence
Wrath of the Gods
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Optional Boss Achievements
Defeat Dark Sun Gwyndolin:
Defeat Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the Darkmoon God.
Gwyndolin can be found in Anor Londo, past a statue that requires you to wear the Darkmoon Seance Ring in order to make the statue vanish.
Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla:
Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla, the Lifehunter.
Priscilla lives in the Painted World of Ariamis, which can only be accessed by obtaining the Peculiar Doll, found in a return visit to the Undead Asylum. You must then touch the giant painting in Anor Londo while holding the doll, afterwards you shall be transported the painted world.
The Dark Soul:
All trophies acquired.
This description above is inaccurate, you actually need every other achievement besides this one before you get it. If you have got this then congratulations, your journey is complete and I thank you for reading this guide.
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The post Dark Souls 100% achievement completion guide appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: https://bigbossgaming.com/dark-souls-100-achievement-completion-guide/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/07/01/dark-souls-100-achievement-completion-guide/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 6 years
Rayman 1 – Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I get to Candy Chateau?
A: Candy Chateau can only be unlocked by collecting all of the Electoons in the game (every single one of them).
The post Rayman 1 – Frequently asked questions appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: https://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/04/16/rayman-1-frequently-asked-questions/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/04/16/rayman-1-frequently-asked-questions/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 7 years
Spelunky – What are items used for?
  The post Spelunky – What are items used for? appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: https://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/03/20/spelunky-items-used/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/spelunky-what-are-items-used-for/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 7 years
Spelunky – What are items used for?
This is a melee weapon that kills anything it touches in one hit.
While not very powerful as a weapon it has it’s uses as a digging tool that can break one block near to the player several times before it breaks.
  The post Spelunky – What are items used for? appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: https://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/03/20/spelunky-items-used-2/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/03/20/spelunky-what-are-items-used-for-2/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 7 years
How do Kali altars work in Spelunky?
Kali altars are altars which are covered in blood. These can be found in almost any level except for Olmec’s lair, King Yama’s lair and bonus levels that are not the Haunted castle. If an altar is destroyed the player will lose favor with Kali. If enough of this favor is lost then Kali will inflict punishments such as summoning spiders, a ball and chain or a ghost that can instantly kill you.
You can also place knocked out or dead creatures on the altar to sacrifice them to Kali. If you sacrifice enough creatures Kali can reward the player with items like a cape, jet pack, compass, spectacles, spiked shoes, climbing gloves, bomb paste, spring shoes, a bomb box and a pitchers mitt. It is also possible to be given the Kapala an item that collects blood from enemies to restore your character’s health. Another possible reward from the altar is invigoration which gives 8 health to the player character.
Creatures that can be used for a sacrifice include mantraps, shopkeepers, black knights, yetis, hawk men, scorpion, devils, spelunkers, damsels, hired hands, scorpion flies, tiki men, Vlad, cavemen and vampires.
The post How do Kali altars work in Spelunky? appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: https://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/02/26/kali-altars-work-spelunky/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/02/26/how-do-kali-altars-work-in-spelunky/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 7 years
How to get all the achievements in 7 Days to Die
Crafting Achievements
Alexander Bell
  Benjamin Franklin
  Henry Ford
  Thomas Edison
  The post How to get all the achievements in 7 Days to Die appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: http://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/01/23/get-achievements-7-days-die/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/01/23/how-to-get-all-the-achievements-in-7-days-to-die/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 7 years
What is vampirism in Rogue Legacy?
The post What is vampirism in Rogue Legacy? appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: http://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/01/15/vampirism-rogue-legacy/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/what-is-vampirism-in-rogue-legacy/
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bigbossgamingcomuk · 7 years
Super Meat Boy – What is the hardest level?
When it comes to how difficult a level is in super meat boy there are usually several aspects to determine how tough a level is. Some of the aspects include is how long the level is, the level having lots of obstacles, if the level has a light world or dark world counterpart or how fast paced the level is. Some of the hardest levels in the game have a focus on one or a combination of these aspects. For example The Kid from I wanna be the Guy warp zone is a hard level because of how long it goes on for and having to go back the start of the level if you decide to exit it.
The post Super Meat Boy – What is the hardest level? appeared first on Big Boss Gaming.
Source: http://bigbossgaming.com/index.php/2018/01/11/super-meat-boy-hardest-level/
from Big Boss Gaming https://bigbossgamingcom.wordpress.com/2018/01/11/super-meat-boy-what-is-the-hardest-level/
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