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what the fuck did I just download
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angel numbers seen today in the order in which i remember them
2022- found on penny while i wondered if i should trust coin flips to guide me to my path of highest good
22 - three times
saturday 05/04/24
63666 - when thinking about what to do about rm and whether or not i should talk to them
222 - walking to work at io with cc
4044- talking about 2wiy dd set last night
444 - the views on my last ig post saw when thinking about whether or not the talk p wants to have is just an opportunity to talk shit to my face
777- talking about how 2nd city is more sketch comedy and io is improv and cc is talking about speaking things into w distance and opportunities being handed to you
sunday 5/5/24
444 the likes on a screenshot of a tweet on my dash the screenshot reads “nice spotify lik. did you know the sun has shone brighter and the moon has looked more beautiful everyday since i’ve known you.” and i wondered if i would ever get to feel like that about someon who felt like that about me before i saw the 444 it had 2.2 M views
111- on the same thread as above the tweet said “hey! i went ahead and searched through all of time! there is only you.” and i thought clouded in even more doubt “will i get to love like trhis? could i be loved like this?” before i saw it had 111 likes and 22 reposts
60666 - seen while moving on license plate while grappling w the reality that i could be a better friend
888- seem on license plate right after the 60666 made me feel dread nervous
711 177 - licsense plate seen while taking the train to bs with t wondering about how to be the best me
7676, 4444, 3131 - license plates seen in shredder bs car
7777 - seen when thinking about how i want to become a writer and i wanna watch and read and write in the car with b and t to beach license plate
60606- seem thinking about how actors want to pretend what they do is hard because it is being technically good at acting is excruciating but also plenty of people have the ability to be good enough as long as they’re charming with confidence and personality license plate otw the the beach w b and t
5555 - singing best american girl thinking about how it doesn’t apply to me and wasn’t written for my experience but i can still enjoy it street address of an apartment
5555 - license plate b and t otw to the beach thinking about if i’m hallucinating the amount of angel numbers i’m seeing day to day or if there’s an outside reason trying to find th logical explanation for why i’ve seen so many angel numbers on the daily since i moved to chicago
888 - phone number in window of a nail salon in car w b and t to get milkshakes thinking about how i could work on my voice for hours a day then smoke if i was a pop star but i’m not a pop star but i can still work on my voice everyday cause i wanna sound like the pop star version of myself
1111- thinking about if 7 is too early to get back to the bash street address in car w b and t on way to get milkshakes
*below seen in carried back to the city from bs house driven by b in shredder*
1111 - street address b driving me and t back to the bash thinking about how i want to be who i am in chicago with t and b back home too
999 - street cleaning company seen in car ^ wondering if i’ll ever have a love like b and ts
0888 - last four numbers in the phone number for a pizza place seen while thinking about how i have to practice my head voice and also wondering if i’ll ever have a love like b and t have for each other
6222 - adresss for unique furniture thinking about how i need to get to know myself
1111 - seen while talking to t about seeing angel numbers and them telling me there was a 7777 bus on our way to bs from the station yesterday.
555-5 - phone number for laundromat right as i was about to tell t and b a nice story about my hs friend
777 - license plate seen talking about how to better adapt heathers the musical to be more like the movie
222 - seen on license plate thinking abt how much i enjoy tris and beccas friendship and how i’m never nervous about them hating me when we’re hanging out
444 - seen on license plate correcting myself on something i had gotten wrong
333, 111, 333 - seen in license plates thinking about how i don’t want b and t to forget about me and i want us to stay friends
999 - phone number taxi cab
333 - license plate seen talking about how i already know what i want but i don’t i’ve been trained to pretend i want something i don’t because i don’t get what i want and i’m learning to believe myself when i want something
in the car with mom and dad on the way to ks
5055,999 - two license plates seen when i was talking about sometime you work well with people you don’t like personally or you respect people you don’t respect because they’re good at what you’re good at which is an antiquated way of thinking for me like maybe i should decide who i work with based on if i respect them personally maybe i can’t respect the work without respect of the human being
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hey guys new diagnosis just dropped: EVIL AUTISM
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unbelievable that its 4/20 and absolutely nobody has put the objectively best rage comic on my dash yet. i have to do everything around here
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Bullying Celestia would be really easy. All you’d have to do is open a history book and go ‘damn girl you let that happen? Wouldn’t have been me’
ultimate checkmate for like, most monarchs and deities tbh
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the girls watch breaking bad
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the pig episode in my little pony tales
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rainbow dash gets a temp job at the post office
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The thing with amateur local theater is it is almost always bad BUT keeping it alive is the most important thing
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My boys go to Mothcrotch academy so they get 365 days off a year to ski or ride.
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me and the homies
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hell is a teenage girl..heaven is a teenage girl in her room
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