bifabelover · 35 minutes
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I swear these fit a few months ago…
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bifabelover · 36 minutes
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My underwear always gets lost somewhere under my fat.
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bifabelover · 38 minutes
honestly the amount of fat hanging off of me is nothing short of insanely erotic 😳🤯
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bifabelover · 10 hours
Thing I like about getting fatter: celluliiiiiite!!!
So before I started gaining on purpose, I had a couple cellulite dimples. There was one on my butt right where the curve meets my hip, and one on my belly, you may have seen it. They used to be small, barely noticeable, but the more weight I gain, the more pronounced they become. Since I started gaining, I’ve developed even more! My ass has all these cute little cellulite dimples, and even on my thighs, I can see the faint start of a network of cellulite. I think my little dimples are really cute, they feel nice, and I love watching them grow along with me.
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bifabelover · 10 hours
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bifabelover · 11 hours
I don’t even have the room for any food at this point
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bifabelover · 11 hours
Safe to say these are now standing pants and not sitting pants 😋 I wore them to a concert and after I ate I had to take my belt off it was just too tight even though I had it bucked in the very last hole lol! I’m really getting fat aren’t I?
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bifabelover · 1 day
Weight Gain is Romantic
Gaining weight in a feedist relationship is so romantic!
It’s romantic to spend time together eating. Whether it’s mutual gaining or a feeder/feedee dynamic, eating a delicious and fattening meal is quality time. You have an enjoyable time eating your fill (and then some), and once you’re stuffed full, you sensually rub your belly(ies).
Of course, as feedists, we��re fans of fatness. It’s sexy! And it’s romantic to get sexier for another person. Every extra pound is a testament to your partner’s love. The longer the relationship lasts, the bigger you get, the more your shared love shows. A big belly is a feedist engagement ring.
But the most romantic part of gaining weight is wearing it on your body. Throughout the world, people do many things to show their love. People get tattoos. Couples get rings. Kinksters get collars. And in feedism, you get fat. You can take off jewelry, but you can’t take off fat. It’s a part of you.
Love is powerful. Love should be a real, tangible thing. And that’s what fat is. It gives love real heft. The weight you gain in a feedist relationship is a physical manifestation of the love in your relationship. And you carry it with you all the time, right there under your skin.
So the next time you jiggle some flab, tell your partner, “I love you.” The proof is in the pudge.
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bifabelover · 1 day
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Summer update #4
PS: She´s back
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Her evolution documented by some older pics
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bifabelover · 1 day
Why you can never go back. Once you're a feedee, you always will be. If you have given in to gluttony once, you'll keep doing so forever.
1. You're fucking up your brain. With every stuffing and every orgasm after and/or while fantasizing about how fat you'll get, you slightly alter your brain to be more obsessed with gaining. Once connections in your brain are made, once a habit is formed, it will stay there forever. You can't un-learn it, it's your new default now. Especially with habits, a simple trigger such as feeling hungry or seeing food can be enough to make you gorge. It are those habits that will be the main drive behind your rapid weight gain.
2. Your fat cells keep multiplying. While they multiply as you gain weight, they're not broken down again as you lose weight (if you'd even manage or want to do so). This means that the more fat cells your body has, the higher the statistical likelihood that glucose will end up in them, making you gain weight back, or making you even fatter. This is the main driver behind the jojo effect.
3. Social changes. The fatter you get, the more you become involved in this community. Here, everybody wants you to get fatter. You keep exposing yourself to people like me who are set out to absolutely ruin your wasteline and make you pack on as much weight as possible. It's obvious that you'll cave eventually and spiral out of control even more. You'll also feel less and less guilty for getting this fat in the first place as you're constantly being praised for it.
4. No options for exercise. When you're 10 pounds overweight, it's somewhat easy to lose 5 pounds. You'll still be able to go to the gym, go for long walks, or get some exercise in other ways to burn off a few calories. But what if you're 50 pounds overweight? Everything is more difficult then, which makes losing weight more difficult as well. What about 100 pounds, or even 200 pounds? The fat will limit your options for exercise. Eventually, the best you can do is go for a short walk around the block, which would burn approx. 50 calories at best, or about ⅓ of a chocolate chip cookie.
5. An environment designed to fatten you. Once you're down deep enough, you'll have an environment designed to fatten you. It'll keep you entertained with mind numbing and worthless content, will trigger and encourage you to eat, will keep you horny and cumming a lot and it'll simply feel too good to give up. By this point, you'll have fetishized ruining yourself with fat.
Isn't that all you've ever wanted? Given how turned on you are now I'd take that as a yes. You know you'd love it so much if this all happened to you. You'd feel so ashamed to just let yourself go like that, but nothing could compare to the feeling of bliss you'd experience when feeling all those rolls of fat on your body.
It's time to grab yourself a snack, piggy ~
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bifabelover · 1 day
Admit it. You want to lose control.
You’re so tired of holding yourself back, aren’t you sweetheart? Watching your weight, being careful not to gain too much too fast… but we both know that’s not what you really want. You want to become insatiable, to fully surrender yourself to your inner glutton and spend all your time fattening up until you’re unrecognizable. I know you want to ruin your body and mind beyond repair simply because it feels so good, because it turns you on more than anything else could.
You want to sit inside and eat, to feel your stomach stretch and groan against the ever-tightening clothes you wear. Everyone can see it, they can see just how much of a pig you’ve been making of yourself. But it’s not enough, is it? You need to get bigger, need to glut yourself on endless fat and sugar until that belly of yours dominates any space you enter. Not that you’ll be doing much of that anymore, not when it’s so exhausting to move when you can just sit and eat instead. I bet just the thought of this outcome is making you horny, isn’t it piggy? That’s good. Give into that. Give in to your desire to be utterly, unapologetically huge.
You know you want to.
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bifabelover · 1 day
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eat chipotle and chat with me about my new growing body🌯✨ watch full video here:link
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bifabelover · 1 day
Tight shirt vs massive tummy: who will win?
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bifabelover · 1 day
Do you have any recipes for gainer shakes? (love your page, btw)
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This one is my favorite! Around 4k calories altogether, it's very flavourful but does fill up the blender entirely- pretty great for capacity training 🐽
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bifabelover · 1 day
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Cheesecake for breakfast?
Yes please ❤️
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bifabelover · 2 days
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Tying him down and forcing him to eat so much that he can’t move 💕
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bifabelover · 3 days
A gym bro’s diet getting sabotaged by having tons of thick, caloric cream used in his protein shakes that steadily adds on the pounds; along with some E for good measure, his defined pectoral muscles soon become engorged, leaky breasts that only seem to get bigger. His washboard abs soon melt into a pot belly of visceral fat and adipose that weighs him down with each passing day, with the equipment creaking for mercy with each futile attempt to exercise like he used to. Eventually, he lets his gym membership lapse and resorts to watching TV with plenty of snacks and a nearly endless supply of milk to suckle on.
-fatpad anon
😵‍💫 you had me at E ohhhh my god. idk there’s something about (willingly or unwillingly) inducing lactation that’s soooo mmmmm. getting supplements buying a pump fondling all the time everything just to induce because they feel oh so fucking tender and swollen
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