This site lists the current editions of academic journals in the fields of biblical & theological studies. For a list of featured journals click "Index of Journals." Send your journal recommendations via the "submit" button.
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2016 Update*
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies AJPS is a publication of the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio, Philippines. APTS is “a cooperative ministry of the Assemblies of God national churches of Asia, Pacific Oceania, and the Assemblies of God World Missions-USA. A multi-national Board of Directors representing these various entities governs the school. The faculty and administration of APTS are also multi-national.”
Biblica “Published since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Biblica is a research journal and appears four times a year. It is dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literature, and covers fields of research, such as exegesis, philology, and history. “
Biblical Theology Bulletin “Biblical Theology Bulletin is a distinctive, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal containing articles and reviews written by experts in biblical and theological studies. The editors select articles that provide insights derived from critical biblical scholarship, culture-awareness, and thoughtful reflection on meanings of import for scholars of Bible and religion, religious educators, clergy, and those engaged with social studies in religion, inter-religious studies, and the praxis of biblical religion today. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).“
Bibliotheca Sacra “For or over 165 years Bibliotheca Sacra’s studies in theology, Bible exposition, ministry, and current issues have provided an invaluable resource for serious Bible students. Its articles by respected theologians and reviews of the latest publications will enhance your ministry and deepen your theological insights.” This journal is published by Dallas Theological Seminary and wil reflect the perspectives of that instiution.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research “The Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) is a widely circulated English-language academic journal in ancient Near Eastern studies. Founded in 1919 by the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), a consortium of research and educational institutions, BASORserves as a forum for scholars worldwide. Subject areas include archaeology, history, anthropology, literature, philology, and epigraphy. The journal publishes technical reports of original research, preliminary reports of ASOR-sponsored excavations, reviews of current scholarship in the field, research notes, and book reviews.”
Catholic Biblical Quarterly CBQ is published by the Catholic Biblical Association, whose purpose “is to promote, within a context of faith, scholarly study in Scripture and related fields by meetings of the association, publications, and support to those engaged in such studies.”
Christian History Magazine "Christian History Institute (CHI) is a non-profit Pennsylvania corporation founded in 1982. We provide church history resources and self-study material. Our aim is to make Christian history a delight to the widest possible audience, using modern media such as video and the internet. We strive to make our output look good and communicate well while sticking to the facts.” This is not a peer-reviewed academic journal, but it is still a helpful resource for an introductory study of church history.
Early Christianity An international, peer-reviewed joural, this journal “is concerned with early Christianity as a historical phenomenon. Thereby, Early Christianity aims to overcome certain limitations which have hindered the development of the discipline, including the concept of the "New Testament" itself. The journal, then, is taken to cover not only the first Christian century but also the second. This journal will not, however, give any special prominence to reception-history or to the second century. The total phenomenon called "early Christianity" comprises a kaleidoscopic range of individual phenomena, including communal structures, social norms, discursive practices, points of conflict, material remains, and much else – far more than just the production and reception of texts. This journal will strive to reflect this multiplicity of contexts, in the expectation of new light on our subject-matter from a variety of angles. ”
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses “Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses- (ETL), founded in 1924, is a quarterly publication by professors of Theology and Canon Law at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve). As a peer-reviewed and internationally distributed journal, it publishes articles, notes and comments, and reviews (in English, French, German) on all aspects of theology and canon law for an academic readership. The journal appears in four instalments (March, June, September, December). Each issue contains ca. 180 pages, for a total of ca. 750 pages per volume.”
Éstudios Bíblicos “Estudios Bíblicos es una revista cuatrimestral editada por la Universidad San Dámaso en colaboración con la Asociación Bíblica Española. Desde 1929 es la revista de referencia de los estudios bíblicos en España y una de las más prestigiosas en su campo a nivel internacional. Utiliza el sistema de evaluación Peer review o doble árbitro externo ciego. / Estudios Bíblicos is a quarterly journal edited by the Universidad San Dámaso in collaboration with the Asociación Bíblica Española.Since 1929 Estudios Bíblicos is the reference journal of biblical studies in Spain and, internationally, one of the most prestigious journals on this topic. It employs the Peer Review System, and accepts articles in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.”
Études théologiques et religieuses (also here) “Fondée en 1926, la revue Études théologiques et religieuses est une revue à comité de lecture qui publie quatre numéros par an. Organe de diffusion de la recherche scientifique des Facultés de l’Institut protestant de théologie dont elle relaie les travaux, ETR participe aux débats qui animent les sciences religieuses et qui traversent en premier lieu le champ théologique dont elle entend favoriser la visibilité. Par la spécificité de ses domaines d’enquête – biblique et exégétique, historique, philosophique et éthique –, elle se situe à un carrefour d’usages scientifiques qui dépassent l’histoire du protestantisme pour embrasser le vaste champ des études du religieux.“
Ex Auditu “Ex Auditu began as the journal incorporating the papers of the Fredrick Neumann Symposium of Princeton Theological Seminary. After the first four volumes the journal began publishing the papers from the North Park Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture. The intent from the first has been to provide a forum for doing interdisciplinary theology from a biblical perspective for the benefit of the Church. Each annual publication focuses on a topic crucial to the life of today's Church. Additionally, each issue contains an annotated bibliography and a sermon, which makes it a practical guide for pastors.“
Filología Neotestamentaria “This journal is the result of initiative taken at the Chair of Greek Philology of the Department of Antiquities of the University of Córdoba, Spain. Within its Scope lies every aspect of New Testament Greek philology, namely textual criticism, grammar, semantics, lexicography and eventually semiotics and its relationship with Classical or Hellenistic Greek. It is published in Córdoba (Spain) by EDICIONES EL ALMENDRO DE CÓRDOBA, SL once a year (September).”
Harvard Theological Review “The Harvard Theological Review is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal established in 1908 and published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Harvard Divinity School. It covers a wide spectrum of fields in theological and religious studies; its range is not limited to any one religious tradition or set of traditions.”
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel “(HEBAI) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal focusing primarily on the biblical texts in their ancient historical contexts, but also on the history of Israel in its own right. Each issue has a topical focus. The primary language is English, but articles may also be published in German and French. A specific goal of the new journal is to foster discussion among different academic cultures within a larger international context pertaining to the study of the Hebrew Bible and ancient Israel in the first millennium B. C. E.”
Horizons in Biblical Theology “ Horizons in Biblical Theology publishes articles that address all aspects of the relationship between biblical studies and theology. This includes traditional historical readings of biblical texts, thematic studies within biblical texts and theology, explorations of methodology and hermeneutics, and even readings from within confessional traditions. The journal welcomes both technical articles that address historical and linguistic issues in biblical texts and theoretical articles that address innovations and difficulties in theological reading of texts. Contributions are peer-reviewed.“
Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology “Since 1947, Interpretation has offered pastors, scholars, and theologians a valuable resource for study, preaching, and teaching. Each issue explores a theme or biblical book with writers who have relevant expertise. Four to five major articles, "Between Text and Sermon" essays, and book reviews offer a variety of options for adding to and enhancing our readers' knowledge.“
Jahrbuch für biblische Theologie
Journal for the Study of the New Testament “ (JSNT) is one of the leading peer-reviewed academic journals in New Testament Studies. All the many and diverse aspects of New Testament study are represented and promoted by JSNT, including innovative work from historical perspectives, studies using social-scientific and literary theory or developing theological, cultural and contextual approaches.“
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament “(JSOT) offers the best in current, peer-reviewed scholarship on the Old Testament across a range of critical methodologies. Many original and creative approaches to the interpretation of the Old Testament literature and cognate fields of inquiry are pioneered in JSOT, which showcases the work of both new and established scholars.”
Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research “(JBPR) is a new international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to narratively and rhetorically minded exegesis of biblical and related texts. Topics include theological and pneumatological interpretation, the role of spiritual experience within authorial, canonical, and contemporary contexts, and the activity of Ruach Yahweh, Ruach Elohim, and various identifications of the Holy Spirit. The journal hopes to stimulate new thematic and narrative-critical exploration and discovery in potentially under-explored areas of research.”
Journal of Biblical Literature “(JBL), the flagship quarterly published by SBL, ranks as one of the top journals worldwide in the field of biblical studies. JBL was first published in 1881 and is now available in both print and electronic formats. The journal maintains a balance between articles covering the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, as well as including some scholarship on extra-canonical materials and occasional work on more general topics such as biblical theology or ancient religious practices. Each issue of JBL includes approximately six full articles, plus one or two critical notes and approximately ten book reviews.”
Journal of Early Christian Studies “(JECS) focuses on the study of Christianity in the context of late ancient societies and religions from C.E. 100-700. The Journal publishes the best of traditional patristics scholarship while showcasing articles that call attention to newer methodologies and themes often absent from other patristic journals. Every issue features an extensive book review section.”
Journal of Pentecostal Theology “(JPS) is the first academic serial to publish constructive theological research from a Pentecostal perspective on an international scholarly level. Guest articles from and exchanges with leading scholars from outside the ranks of Pentecostalism (e.g. Jurgen Moltmann, Harvey Cox, Stanley Hauerwas, and Clark Pinnock) are regularly featured, fostering the fruitful ecumenical and theological interchange that continues to expand between global Pentecostalism and the full spectrum of ecclesial and theological traditions.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society “ Founded in 1949, the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) is a group of scholars, teachers, pastors, students, and others dedicated to the oral exchange and written expression of theological thought and research. The ETS is devoted to the inerrancy and inspiration of the Scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Society publishes a quarterly journal, the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS), an academic periodical featuring peer reviewed articles, as well as extended book reviews, in the biblical and theological disciplines. ETS also holds national and regional meetings across the United States and in Canada.”
Journal of the Jesus Movement in Its Jewish Setting “(JJMJS) is a peer-reviewed academic open access journal, published electronically (immediate free online availability) in co-operation with Eisenbrauns, with support of McMaster University and Caspari Center. In addition to the open-access format, Eisenbrauns publishes hardcopies of each issue (order here). The journal publishes one (1) issue per year. The journal aims, uniquely, to advance scholarship on this crucial period in the early history of the Jewish and Christian traditions when they developed into what is today known as two world religions, mutually shaping one another as they did so. JJMJS publishes high-quality research on any topic that directly addresses or has implications for the understanding of the inter-relationship and interaction between the Jesus movement and other forms of Judaism, as well as for the processes that led to the formation of Judaism and Christianity as two related but independent religions. The primary fields of study are: Christian Origins, New Testament studies, Early Jewish Studies (including Philo and Josephus), the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, Rabbinic Studies, Patristics, History of Ancient Christianity, Reception History, and Archaeology. Methodological diversity and innovation is encouraged.“
Near Eastern Archaeology “(NEA) brings to life the ancient world from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean with vibrant images and authoritative analyses. NEA (ISSN 1094-2076) is published four times each year (quarterly); March, June, September, and December.All manuscripts submitted to Near Eastern Archaeology are subject to a peer review by independent scholars. All articles are sent to two external specialists in the field who are asked to evaluate the manuscripts for their academic quality; these assessment include comments on the contribution and a recommendation to the editor (accept / minor revision required / major revision required / reject). The time assigned for the review is normally 30 days; the peer review process and (if required) the resubmission of revised manuscripts is handled through NEA's Editorial Management system. The system mandates authors in the case of revisions to state how the reviewers' points of critique have been addressed. NEA's Editorial Board assists the editor in the peer review process, e.g., through the recommendation of external reviewers, acceptance decisions, and the academic revision of manuscripts.”
Neotestamentica “Neotestamentica is the Journal of the New Testament Society of Southern Africa (NTSSA), which has been published annually since 1966 and currently provides two issues per annum with a total of about 450 pages. The journal showcases South African and African scholarship, including the publishing of contributions from the annual conference of the NTSSA. Submissions by international experts in the field of New Testament are also most welcome. A critical book review section is included in each issue.“
New Testament Studies “(NTS) is an international peer-reviewed periodical whose contributors comprise the leading New Testament scholars writing in the world today. The journal publishes original articles and short studies in English, French and German on a wide range of issues pertaining to the origins, history and theology of the New Testament and early Christianity. All contributions represent research at the cutting edge of the discipline which has developed a wide range of methods in recent years. The periodical embraces exegetical, historical, literary-critical, sociological, theological and other approaches to the New Testament, including studies in its history of interpretation and effects.”
Novum Testamentum “International coverage of New testament studies, including literary and textual criticism, critical interpretation, theology and the historical and literary background of the New Testament and early Christian literature.“
Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies “ Since its founding in 1970, the SPS has become an international society of scholars interested in Pentecostal and Charismatic studies. The Journal has become a major medium for the international discussion of scholarly issues related to Pentecostal and Charismatic studies. Pneuma publishes peer-reviewed articles on matters related to the special interest groups of the SPS, namely, biblical studies, history, theology, missions, praxis, ecumenism, ethics, philosophy, and religion and culture. The Journal cherishes an ecumenical and an international vision as well. “
Revue Biblique “La Revue Biblique est l'organe de l'École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem. Elle publie des articles, des chroniques, des recensions, des comptes rendus, concernant l'étude de la Bible et des disciplines annexes: textes et inscriptions, histoire, géographie, langues du Proche-Orient ancien, apocryphes, rabbinisme, archéologie de la Palestine et des pays voisins (avec illustrations), théologie biblique, patristique et herméneutique.” (peer reviewed)
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament “ When the Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament was first published in 1987, it was expected to become the principal forum of Scandinavian Old Testament research. Reality has surpassed the expectations of the founders, as Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament is rapidly becoming one of the major outlets of international Old Testament scholarship, although without losing its specific Scandinavian character. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is made via e-mail to the Editor.”
Scottish Journal of Theology “Scottish Journal of Theology is an international refereed quarterly journal of systematic, historical and biblical theology, founded in Scotland, edited in Edinburgh, Yale, Princeton and now Cambridge, and published by Cambridge University Press. (This journal) provides an ecumenical forum for debate, and engages in extensive reviewing of theological and biblical literature. ”
Studia Theologica: Nordic Journal of Theology “Studia Theologica is an international journal presenting Nordic contributions to the field of international theology.The journal is issued under the auspices of the Nordic Theological Faculties and has presented theology from the Nordic countries for more than 60 years, both for a Nordic and an international audience. Studia Theologica covers different fields and publishes articles of current interest to all theological disciplines. In addition, it publishes the annual Mowinckel lecture from the University of Oslo and summaries of Nordic dissertations in theology. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.”
Theologische Rundschau “Die Theologische Rundschau (ThR) ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende Rezensionszeitschrift. Sie zeigt Stand und Tendenzen der theologischen Forschung auf: in umfangreichen Literaturberichten, in kürzeren Diskussionsbeiträgen, die in das jeweilige theologische Gespräch eingreifen, in thematischen Aufsätzen, die einige wenige Neuerscheinungen zum Anlass wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzung nehmen, in Einzelbesprechungen. Die Theologische Rundschau überbrückt seit über 90 Jahren die Kluft zwischen Theologie und Kirche sowie zwischen den theologischen Disziplinen. Im einzelnen Jahrgang der ThR sind alle zentralen theologischen Disziplinen vertreten. Die ThR bietet nicht nur das Referat, sondern auch das weiterführende Urteil. Die Beiträge werden in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht.“
Theologiesche Zeitschrift “Founded in 1945 by Karl Ludwig Schmidt, the Theologische Zeitschrift (ThZ) is published by the Faculty of Theology of the University of Basel. The editors are professors Reinhold Bernhardt (Systematic/Dogmatic Theology) and Hans-Peter Mathys (Old Testament). The periodical, which is published with the support of the "Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences" is not devoted to any field of theology in particular. It follows the liberal Basel tradition and has a wide interdisciplinary, international and interconfessional horizon. In keeping with this international outlook, it is multi-lingual. German, French and English texts are accepted. ThZ has a worldwide circulation, and is read in 30 countries on almost all continents. Since its foundation, the journal's aim has been to promote inter- and intra-disciplinary dialogue on theology. For that reason, the ThZ publishes research papers (albeit only original articles) and book reviews taken from all areas of theology and related fields – especially articles that are of interest to more than one field of theology”
Trinity Journal “Trinity Journal is a theological journal published twice each year by the faculty of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.Since 1980, Trinity Journal has served scholarship and the church worldwide by making timely essays and reviews available to libraries, pastors, scholars, missionaries, and interested Christian lay people . Articles deal with classic biblical, historical, and theological issues, many of pastoral importance and most of timeless significance to Christians. Authors are abreast of recent research, and they write not just to fellow scholars, but to informed Christians who want to keep their theological basis for ministry fresh and growing.“
Vetus Testamentum “Vetus Testamentum is a leading journal covering all aspects of Old Testament study. It includes articles on history, literature, religion and theology, text, versions, language, and the bearing on the Old Testament of archaeology and the study of the Ancient Near East.” Published since 1951, articles in this journal are in English, French, and German.
The Westminster Theological Journal “(WTJ), published semi-annually, is one of America’s premier conservative theological journals, specializing in all aspects of theology, church history, and biblical interpretation. The journal’s inaugural issue appeared in 1938, making it one of America’s oldest continuous running theological journals. The journal exists to further Reformed theological scholarship and through it to serve the ministers and members of Presbyterian and Reformed churches. Each issue includes a number of scholarly articles and book reviews by seminary faculty, scholars active in their fields, and graduate students.”
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum/Journal of Ancient Christianity “(ZAC) is a refereed academic journal which aims at encouraging the dialogue between scholars of church history, history of religion, and classical antiquity with all its subdisciplines (classical and Christian Near Eastern philology, ancient history, classical and Christian archaeology, as well as the history of ancient philosophy and religion). In this context, ancient Christianity is understood in its complete prosopographic and doxographic breadth, with special emphasis on the influences of peripheral groups and related movements.The Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum seeks to take into account that ancient Christianity developed through processes of reception and interchange with its Jewish and non-Christian environment, and can, therefore, only be researched in an interdisciplinary way. ZAC seeks to provide a forum for interdisciplinary exchange, and to act as a mediator between those disciplines that deal with ancient Christianity.”
Zeitschrift für Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft “(ZAtW), which is published in four issues of 160 pages each plus supplements, has been the leading international and interconfessional periodical in the field of research in the Old Testament und Early Judaism for over one hundred years. Open to various ways of posing the questions of scholarship, the journal features high quality contributions in English, German, and French. Through its review of periodicals and books, it provides fast and reliable information concerning new publications in the field.”
Zeitschruft für Die Neuentestamentliche Wissenschaft “(ZNtW) is an international journal for the exegesis of the New Testament and knowledge of the early church (patristics). Appearing annually in two issues of 150 pages each plus supplements, it features original contributions in German, English, and French which have been written by well-known scholars worldwide. By accepting only high quality research papers which advance scholarship, the editors seek to retain the recognizably high niveau of the journal.”
Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte “Die (ZKG) zugleich die Zeitschrift der Sektion für Kirchengeschichte im Verband der Historiker Deutschlands, bietet als konfessionsübergreifendes wissenschaftliches Fachorgan neben zusammenfassenden Darstellungen größerer Themenkomplexe auch Einzeluntersuchungen (Miszellen), Textpublikationen sowie literarische Berichte über wichtige kirchengeschichtliche Neuerscheinungen des In- und Auslands. Aus besonderen Anlässen (Jubiläen, Gedenkjahre und dergleichen) erscheinen, integriert in die einzelnen Jahrgänge, Themenhefte zu zentralen Arbeitsgebieten der gesamten Kirchengeschichte. Die Herausgeber, international anerkannte Gelehrte ihres Fachs, bürgen für Qualität und Ausgewogenheit der Beiträge der einzelnen kirchengeschichtlichen Epochen von der Alten Kirche bis zur neuesten Zeit.
Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschiche/Journal For the History of Modern Theology “ (JHMTH) is an academic journal. It is intended for theologians, historians, philosophers, scholars of religion and representatives of other academic disciplines. The journal contains contributions on the history of theology since the Enlightenment. History of theology is understood in the broad sense of the term.”
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche “(ZThK) is a quarterly scientific journal, (discussing) the central themes of theology and ecclesial practice. The target group is mainly students and teachers, as well as pastors and teachers who wish to gain insight into current theological research regularly.“
The following journals are important but will not be updated here, either because their content is not conducive to this blog's goals, or because they or no longer published. In your journal research, however, these are important resources that you need to know about and include in the course of your studies.
New Testament Abstracts “Founded in 1956, New Testament Abstracts (NTA) has become an indispensable research and bibliographic aid for scholars, librarians, clergy, and students of the New Testament and its historical milieu. Every year NTA abstracts at least 2,150 articles chosen from more than 500 periodicals in numerous languages. Nearly 850 current books are also summarized annually.”
Old Testament Abstracts Founded in 1978, OTA is “a journal that abstracts articles, books,and book reviews on the Old Testament.”
Theologische Literaturzeitung “Die Theologische Literaturzeitung (ThLZ) erscheint monatlich (in Januar/Februar und Juli/August als Doppelheft) und bespricht nahezu alle wesentlichen Neuerscheinungen der deutschsprachigen Theologie, aber auch eine Fülle von Publikationen aus dem anglo-amerikanischen und skandinavischen Raum sowie u. a. französische, spanische und italienische Titel. Die Rezensionen erscheinen in der Regel auf Deutsch, englisch- und französischsprachige Beiträge sind jedoch ebenfalls möglich.“
Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers *
Semeia * (ran from 1972-25002)
Finally, the following are links to other indices of academic journals in the fields of biblical, theological, or religious studies.
Journals, by Dr. Mark Goodacre’s NT Gateway.
Religious Studies Web Guide, by Saundra Lipton, Librarian at University of Calgary.
Brill Online: Books and Journals. This is Brill’s list of eight academic journals in the field of Biblical Studies.
MMLJournalFeed - Theology There is not a lot of information on the “about” link, but this anonymous journal feed is massive and covers multiple subjects.
The following are journal indexing and abstracting services for biblical and theological studies. Thanks to Trinity Journal for this list.
ATLA Religion Index One: Periodicals
Book Review Index, Gale Research Co.
Bulletin signaletique
Christian Periodical Index
Current Book Review Citations
Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses: Elenchus Bibliographicus
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau fur Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete
Mosher Periodical Index
National Periodical Library
New Testament Abstracts
Old Testament Abstracts
Religious and Theological Abstracts
University Microfilms Inc.
Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie: Indicies Theologici
*This Tumblr’s reach exceeded its grasp. The intent was to update the blog each quarter with the table of content for the most current editions of the journals listed above. That task proved to be too much to accomplish during an academic year. Instead, this blog will maintain a list of peer-reviewed journal that are relevant to the field of Biblical & Theological studies. The journal descriptions are copied from the each journal’s “about” link. The linked journal list has also become part of the larger projects at and
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Anja Klein, “>>Zeit heraus aus Babel<< Beobachtungen zum Zweiten Exodus im Deuterojesajabuch,” 279-99.
Martin Kessler, “Reformationstheorien um 1800: Charles de Villers und die Preisaugfabe des französischen Nationalinstitutes,” 300-36.
Religionsaffanität: erkundungen im Grenzbereich von Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften,” 358-77.
Michael Kricke, “Die Bedeutung der Kompetenzorientierung für Verständnis und Praxis des Religionsunterrichts,” 378-401.
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Volker Gäckle, “Die Relevanz des Landes Israel bei Paulus,” 141-63.
Albrecht Beutel, “Martin Luther im Urteil der deutschen Auflkärung. Beobachtungen zu einem epochalen Paradigmenweschsel,” 164-91.
Thomas Kaufmann, “Antisemitische Lutherflorilegien. Hinweise und Materialien zu einer fatalen Rezeptionsgeschichte,” 192-228.
Martin Honecker, “Sicherheit, Gewissheit, Geborgenheit. Suche nach Verlässlichem in einer verunsicherten Welt,” 229-53.
Johannes Greifenstein, “Öffentliche Theologien im medialen Christentum? Impulse der Diskussion >kirchlicher Publizistik< von 1949 bis 1969,” 254-78.
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Christfried Böttrich, “Das lukanische Doppelwerk im Kontext frühjüdischer Literatur,” 151-83.
Cornelius Vollmer, “Zu den Toponymen Lithostronton und Gabbatha in Joh 19,13. Mit einem Lokalisierungsversuch des Prätoriums des Pilatus,” 184-200.
Stefan Schreiber, “Weitergedacht: Das versöhnende Weihegeschenk Gottes in Röm 3,25,” 201-15.
Matthias Klinghardt, “Himmlische Körper. Hintergrund und argumentative Funktion von 1 Kor 15,40f,” 216-44.
Debbie Hunn, “Does the Law Condemn the World? Law, Sin, and Faith in Galatians 3,22-23,” 245-61.
Benjamin Wold, “‘Flesh’ and ‘Spirit’ in Qumran Sapiential Literature as the Background to the Use in Pauline Epistles,” 262-79.
Ole Jakob Filtvedt, “Creation and Salvation in Hebrews,” 280-339.
Zeitschriftenschau, 304-05.
Eingegangene Bücher und Druckschriften.
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Jürgen van Oorschot and Jan Christian Gertz, “Zum Geleit,” v.
Paul Michael Kurtz, “The Way of War: Wellhausen, Israel, and Bellicose Reiche,” 1-19.
Michaela Bauks, “Erkenntnis und Leben in Gen 2–3 – Zum Wandel eines ursprünglich weisheitlich geprägten Lebensbegriffs,” 20-42.
Gard Granerød, “The former and the future temple of YHW in Elephantine: a traditio-historical case study of ancient Near Eastern antiquarianism,” 63-77.
Daniel D. Pioske, “Memory and its Materiality: The Case of Early Iron Age Khirbet Qeiyafa and Jerusalem,” 78-95.
Edmond L. Gallagher, “Is the Samaritan Pentateuch a Sectarian Text?” 96-107.
Jonathan Yogev and shamir Yona, “Opening Alliteration in Biblical and Ugaritic Poetry,” 108-13.
Zeitschriften- und Bücherschau
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Hans-Christoph Schmitt, “Die Josefs-und die Exodus-Geshcichte: Ihre vorpriesterliche weisheitstheologische Verbindung,” 171-87.
Israel Finkelstein, “Migration of Israelites into Judah after 720 BCE: An Answer and an Update,” 188-206.
Anselm C. Hagedorn, “Place and Space in the Song of Songs,” 207-23.
Jan Dietrich, “Sozialanthropologie des Alten Testaments,” 224-43.
W. Randall Garr, “On the Anternation between Bound and Free Pronominal Objects in Biblical Hebrew,” 262-80.
Bernard Gosse, “Les reprises du Ps 105 dans le livre d’Isaïe comme réinterprétations de la substitution de l’alliance avec David du Ps 89 par l’alliance avec Abraham du Ps 105,” 281-93.
Shira J. Golani, “Three Oppressors and Four Saviors - The Three-Four Pattern and the List of Saviors in 1 Sam 12,9-11,” 294-303.
Benjamin Scolnic and Thomas Davies, “How Kittim became >Rome<: Dan 11,30 and the Importance of Cyprus in the Sixth Syrian War,” 304-19.
Mark Leuchter, “Jehoiakim and the Scribes: A note on Jer 36,23,” 320-25.
Zeitschriften- und Bücherschau
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Jürgen Tubach, “Die Anfänge des Christentums in Edessa,” 5-25.
Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler, “Bemerkungen zu Porphyrios und Bardaiṣan,” 26-68.
Yury Arzhanov, “Archäologie eines Textes: Die Menander-Sentenzen in syrischen Spruchsammlungen,” 69-88.
Nestor Kavvadas, “Translation as Taking Stances: The Emergence of Syriac Theodoranism in 5th Century Edessa,” 89-103.
Ute Possekel, “Selbstverständnis und Bildungsauftrag der Schule von Nisibis,” 104-36.
Grigory Kessel, “‘Life is Short, the Art is Long;: An Interpretation of the First Hippocratic Aphorism by an East Syriac Monk in the 7th Century Iraz (Issac of Nineveh, Kephalaia gnostica 3,62),” 137-48.
Dmitrij F. Bumazhnov, “‘Wahrheit ist Gott’: HI. Isaak von Ninive über die Lektüre der Eremiten,” 149-71.
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Paul Kjoss Helseth, “‘Congeniality’ of Mind at Old Princeton Seminary: Warfieldians and Kuyperians Reconsidered,” 1-14.
John Wind, “The Keys to the Two Kingdoms: Covenantal Framework as the Fundamental Divide Between VanDrunen and His Critics,” 15-34.
Pierce Taylor Hibbs, “Imaging Communion: An Argument for God’s Existence Based on Speech,” 35-52.
David P. Barshinger, “Spite or Spirit? Jonathan Edwards on the Imprecatory Language in the Psalms,” 53-70.
Vern S. Poythress, “Correlations with Providence in Genesis 1,” 71-100.
Greg Goswell, “The Shape of Messianism in Isaiah 9,” 101-10.
Christopher G. Petrovich, “First Corinthians 11:2-16, Calvin, and Reformed Praxis,”
Reviews, 135-79.
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Katharina Greschat, “Christianus sum et episcopus. Der Bischof Cyprian von Karthago und sein Werk im Licht neuerer Forschungen,” 1-13.
Folkart Wittekind, “Eschatologie. Zur Diskussion in neueren Sammelbänden,” 14-55.
Michael Meyer-Blanck, “Praktische Theologie 1999 bis 2014,” 56-102.
Jan Dochhorn, “Septuaginta Deutsch (II),” 103-116.
Kietrich-Alex Koch, “Römische Kunst in Spätantike und frühem Christentum bis Justinian,” 117-20.
Katharina Greschat, “Edition und Erforschung lateinischer patristischer Texte. 150 Jahre CSEL. Festschrift für Kurt Smolak zum 70. Geburtstag,” 120-23.
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Ruth Conrad, “Öffentliche religiöse Festkulturen als Thema der Liturgik. Ein Forschungs- und Literaturüberblick 1994–2014,” 125-79.
Christoph Schneider-Harpprecht, “Seelsorge zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Ein Buchbericht zur deutschsprachigen Seelsorgeliteratur 2000-2014. Teil II (1),” 180-213.
Andreas Lindemann, “Neuere Literatur zum >>Synoptischen Problem<<,” 214-50.
Melanie Köhlmoos, “Gottes Vorstellung. Untersuchungen zur literarischen Ästhetik und zur ästhetischen Theologie des Alten Testaments,” 251-53.
Melanie Köhlmoos, “Helmut Utzschneider/Stefan Ark Nitzsche, Arbeitsbuch literaturwissenschaftliche Bibelauslegung. Eine Methodenlehre zur Exegese des Alten Testaments,” 253.
Andreas Lindemann, “Kirchen in Gemeinschaft – Kirchengemeinschaft? Impulse der Leuenberger Konkordie für die ökumenische Zukunft,” 254-56.
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Iain R. Torrance, “Editorial,” 253-54.
Ashely Cocksworth, “Revisiting Karl Barth’s doctrine of baptism from a perspective on prayer,” 255-72.
Paul Dafydd Jones, “On patience: thinking with and beyond Karl Barth,” 273-98.
Matthew Baker, “‘Offenbarung, Philosophie, und Theologie’: Karl Barth and Georges Florovsky in dialogue,” 299-326.
Brad East, “An undefensive presence: the mission and identity of the church in Kathryn Tanner and John Howard Yoder,” 237-44.
Article Review: Paul L. Gavrilyuk, “Christopher Beeley, The Unity of Christ,” 345-50.
Article Review: Brian E. Daley, “Christopher Beeley, The Unity of Christ,” 351-55.
Response: “Response to Brian Daley and Paul Gavrilyuk on The Unity of Christ,” 356-65.
Book Reviews, 366-77.
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Najeeb Awad, “‘Through you, men live endowed with reason’: Gregory Nazianzen’s trinitarian thinking as a window to his personal character,” 127-42.
Sharon L. Putt, “The foundational efficiency of love: reconciling with Aquinas,” 143-63.
Paul D. Molnar, “Thomas F. Torrance and the problem of universalism,” 164-86.
Markus Thane, “Speech-act theory to enhance Karl Barth’s homiletical postulation of a sermon’s ‘revelatory compliance’,” 187-200.
Mats Wahlberg, “Why isn’t faith a work? An examination of Protestant answers,” 201-17.
Noel B. Reynolds, “The Gospel according to Mormon,” 218-34.
John M. G. Barclay, “Paul and the Faithfulness of God,” 235-43.
Book Reviews, 244-52.
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Robby Waddell and Peter Althouse, “The Living Tradition of Pentecostals and Charismatics,” 173-75.
Jon Bialecki, “The Third Wave and the Third World,” 177-200.
David M. Gustafson, “August David and the Free-Free,” 201-23.
Christopher J. Richmann, “William H. Durham and Early Pentecostalism,” 224-43.
Brandon Kerston, “Spirit Baptism in the Pentecostal Evangel 1918-1922,” 244-61.
Derek M. Geerlof, “Augustine and Pentecostals,” 262-80.
Book Reviews, 281-311.
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Mirjam Elbers, “Publisher’s Note,” 1.
Peter Althouse and Robby Waddell, “Global Perspectives and Multidisciplinary Methodologies,” 3-5.
Katherine Attanasi, “Pentecostal Theologies of Healing, HIV/AIDS, and Women’s Agency in South Africa,” 7-20.
Hans Olsson, “With Jesus in Paradise?” 21-40.
Rubia R. Valente, “From Inception to Present,” 41-62.
Gregory Kane, “George Jeffreys, the Spirit of Christ, and Early Pentecostal Thinking on Spirit Reception,” 63-81.
William K. Kay, “Peter Hocken: His Life and Work,” 82-110.
Book Reviews, 111-71.
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Richard Bauckham, “Further Thoughts on the Migdal Synagogue Stone,” 113-35.
Richard Roitto, “The Polyvalence of ἀφίημι and the Two Cognitive Frames of Forgiveness in the Synoptic Gospels,” 136-58.
Eckhard J. Schnabel, “Repentance in Paul’s Letters,” 159-86.
Timothy Luckritz Marquiz, “Perfection Perfected,” 187-205.
Tommy Wasserman, “The Coherence Based Genealogical Method as a Tool for Explaining Textual Changes in the Greek New Testament,” 206-18.
Book Reviews, 219-221.
Bärbel Bosenius, “Kannn man die neutestamentlichen Briefe der Gattung ‘Apostelbrief’ zourdnen?” 227-50.
Christoph W. Stenchke, “‘Your Obedience is Known to All’ (Rom 16:19),” 251-74.
Julien M. Ogereau, “A Survey of Κοινωνία and Its Cognates in Documentary Sources,” 275-94.
Ron Guzmán and Micahel W. Martin, “Is Hebrews 5:11-6:20 Really a Digression?” 295-310.
Christoph Guignard, “0323: A Forgotten 4th or 5th Century Greek Fragment of the Gospel of John in the Syrus Sinaiticus1,” 311-19.
Book Reviews, 321-41.
Andrew R. Krause, “In Association with the Ancestral Customs,” 343-59.
Ronald H. van der Bergh, “‘Old Testament Awareness’ and the Textual Tradition of the Explicit Quotations of Isaiah in Codex Bezae’s Acts,” 360-78.
James R. Unwin, “‘Thrown down but not Destroyed,’“ 379-412.
Benjamin Sargent, “The Exegetical Middah דבר הלמד מענינו and the New Testament,” 413-17.
Laurent Pinchard, “Des traces vétérotestamentaires dans quelques variantes du Codex de Bèze traditionnellement jugées harmonisantes,” 418-30.
Book Reviews, 431-51.
Books Received, 453-55.
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Peter J. Tomson, “The Song of Songs in the Teachings of Jesus and the Development of the Exposition on the Song,” 429-47.
Martinus C. de Boer, “The Original Prologue to the Gospel of John,” 448-67.
Hugo Mendez, “‘Night’ and ‘Day’ in John 9.4-5: A Reassessment,” 468-81.
Soham Al-Saudi, “Magie und Apokalyptik im Zentrum lukanischer Geschichtsschreibung - Historizität am Beispiel von Apg 13.6-12,” 482-504.
Simon Butticaz, “Vers une anthropologie universelle? La crise galate: fragile gestion de l’ethnicité juive,” 505-24.
Mary R. D’Angelo, “Roman ‘Family Values’ and the Apologetic Concerns of Philo and Paul: Reading the Sixth Commandment,” 525-46.
Thomas Witulski, “Παπίας ἐπίσκοπος? - Zur Frage nach dem Bischofsamt des Papias von Heriapolis,” 547-65.
Joel D. Estes, “Reading for the Spirit of the Text: nomina sacra and πνεῦμα Language in P46,” 566-94.
Peter Malik, “The Corrections of Codex Sinaiticus and the Textual Transmission of Revelation: Josef Schmid Revisited,” 595-614.
Books Received, 615-19.
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Editorial, 289-91.
Simon Gathercole, “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife: Constructing a Context,” 292-313.
Christian Askeland, “A Lycoplitan Forgery of John’s Gospel,”314-34.
Andrew Bernhard, “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife: Textual Evidence of Modern Forgery,” 335-55.
Myriam Krutzsch and Ira Rabin, “Material Criteria and their Clues for Dating,” 356-67.
Christopher Jones, “The Jesus’ Wife Papyrus in the History of Forgery,” 368-78.
Gesine Schenke Robinson, “How a Papyrus Fragment Became a Sensation,” 379-94.
J.R.C. Cousland, “Toxic Tares: The Poisonous Weeks (ζιζἀνια) in Matthew’s Parable of the Tares (Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43),” 395-410.
John Duncan, “The Hope of Creation: The Significance of ἑφ’ έλπίδι (Rom 8.20c) in Context,” 411-27.
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