bibliophileangel · 10 years
Thank You All
I’m sorry that I’ve been so absent.  After a lot of consideration and the fact that my real life has become too hectic, I have decided to shut this blog down and make it an archive.  I want to thank all of my followers and RP partners, past and present, for all of the fun and joy that you brought me while I was role playing.
You can find me on my personal blog: cameandgavewithouttaking
Message me and catch up!
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Thank You All
I’m sorry that I’ve been so absent.  After a lot of consideration and the fact that my real life has become too hectic, I have decided to shut this blog down and make it an archive.  I want to thank all of my followers and RP partners, past and present, for all of the fun and joy that you brought me while I was role playing.
You can find me on my personal blog: cameandgavewithouttaking
Message me and catch up!
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Thank You All
I’m sorry that I’ve been so absent.  After a lot of consideration and the fact that my real life has become too hectic, I have decided to shut this blog down and make it an archive.  I want to thank all of my followers and RP partners, past and present, for all of the fun and joy that you brought me while I was role playing.
You can find me on my personal blog: cameandgavewithouttaking
Message me and catch up!
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Thank You All
I’m sorry that I’ve been so absent.  After a lot of consideration and the fact that my real life has become too hectic, I have decided to shut this blog down and make it an archive.  I want to thank all of my followers and RP partners, past and present, for all of the fun and joy that you brought me while I was role playing.
You can find me on my personal blog: cameandgavewithouttaking
Message me and catch up!
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Thank You All
I'm sorry that I've been so absent.  After a lot of consideration and the fact that my real life has become too hectic, I have decided to shut this blog down and make it an archive.  I want to thank all of my followers and RP partners, past and present, for all of the fun and joy that you brought me while I was role playing.
You can find me on my personal blog: cameandgavewithouttaking
Message me and catch up!
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Send 'Kissed'
and I’ll generate a number from 1 to 45 to determine where your muse has kissed mine and how my muse reacts!
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Azi sat back on his heels and lifted his arms above his head so Meg could pull it off and throw it somewhere in his room.  He took a moment to admire her in his shirt before skimming his fingers over the hem and slowly inching the shirt up.  The teenager admired every inch of skin as he peeled the shirt off and threw it to the floor.
"So beautiful," he murmured and lowered his lips to her collarbone, nipping and kissing the skin lovingly.  It was actually happening.  Every dream he'd had about Meg...every fantasy...it was reality now and he was going to savor every moment he had.  He placed the condom on the bed beside them and kissed down her body.  Azi's heart hammered in his chest as he reached the waistband of her jeans and seeing her panties teasing him in places underneath.  He quickly popped the button and unzipped the fly, desperate to see more of the body he'd wanted for so long.
High school!AU | Aziraphale &Meg
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Aziraphale listened quietly.  Back in those days, he did not envy the angel that had been tasked with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  To know now that it was Raziel that had been chosen made his heart ache.  He would have to tell Crowley when he saw the demon again that he owed him a bottle of wine.  They had placed a wager on whether or not it was Michael that was tasked to destroy the sinful cities.
"I'm sure that if I were under the notice of our archangel brothers, I would have been cast out.  As it were, my, er, stunt with the flaming sword got me demoted.  I was a Power as a guardian of the gates.  I was made into a Principality afterward.  Though I can't complain about it now.  I am in constant pursuit of knowledge and I must say that it is enjoyable to me."
The smile faded slowly from his face.  He knew that it was now his turn to say why he was considered a heavenly outcast.  "My story isn't nearly as heartbreaking but is still a testament to my rebellious nature."  He cleared his throat before continuing.  "Against the edict of our Father, I helped avert an apocalypse.  A demon called Crowley and I were aware of the Antichrist being born and an unsuspecting family raised him.  He didn't have any outside influence from Heaven or Hell.  Of course...the world was almost at its end when we were able to locate the boy and the four horsemen to put an end to the whole mess.  Crowley and I enjoyed Earth too much to see it destroyed I suppose and we helped to steer the boy to the correct decision."
He ducked his head.  "I have not heard from Heaven since but I am quite sure that our brothers are fighting to have me fall...particularly Metatron and Michael."  He leaned over and patted Ry's leg sympathetically.  "I understand what you are going through my dear.  It appears that you and I are cut from the same cloth."
Little Fugue
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
"I was rather fond of taking photographs of you but only because you were always so willing to open up to me."  Azi thought for a moment at Sherlock's request and finally nodded.  "Let me fetch them from my closet," he whispered and disappeared to his small room.  He kept them in a box toward the front of the closet so they were easy enough to retrieve.  With shaking hands, Azi took a deep breath and returned to the sitting room.  Mycroft would have him buried alive if he found out what he was doing.
"Here they are," he told his friend and opened the lid of the box.  He took out the first album and handed it to Sherlock.  The first picture wanted to make his heart shatter.  "Th-This one here was one I took before the dinner that got us separated.  You-You had just admitted that you thought you were falling in love with me."  As Azi studied the photograph and young Sherlock's expression, he knew right then that the teenager in that picture had meant every word he had said that night.
Marrying a Stranger || shallnotdisappoint
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
The next few days were crazy for Az.  One person at the bookshop was on vacation and another person quit, so he was pulling extra shifts until they could hire someone.  He was only able to text Sam briefly during his lunch breaks and by the time he got home in the evenings, he would collapse into bed and sleep.  The extra money will be worth it, he told himself.  When Az finally had a day off, he quickly logged onto Skype and waited for Sam.
So Close Yet So Far Away || samxboywithxdemonblood
"I don’t know it didn’t seem like you wanted me to." Sam chuckled a bit and smiled at him. Sam saw Az yawn and he knew that he had to go, they both needed to be asleep to get up for their days tomorrow. He smiled at him and nodded. ‘I kinda figured Az, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, I love you too." Sam blew a kiss, and hung up, he got ready for bed then grabbed his laptop to look up plane tickets, as soon as his finical aid came through he was buying one.
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
The angel bit his lip before standing and joining Sam on the couch, tentatively curling his feet underneath him and sitting in a relaxed position.  He leaned in closer as his master opened the book and began to read.  Aziraphale found the words he knew and used them to help him keep track of what was being read to him.  He tried to commit the other words to memory, thankful that Sam seemed to be reading at a slower pace in order to help him keep up.
Without realizing what he was doing, the slave inched closer and closer to his master.  When he finally became aware of what he was doing, he was practically sitting in Sam's lap.  "I'm so sorry," he murmured, a blush painting his face a brilliant shade of red.
Sold to the Highest Bidder || samxboywithxdemonblood
Sam frowned a bit when he told him he didn’t know how to read, that was not good, but Sam could teach him sure, and he nodded a bit. “Sure Az if you want to learn I can try to teach you.” Sam tells his angel. “They punished you for trying to learn how to read?” Sam asks frowning a bit he was glad he’d gotten Az out of there. “Sure I can read to you if you’d like.” Sam told him smiling at him.
Sam picked one of his favorite books off the shelf and then walked over to the couch, he opened the book and frowned a bit as Az fell as his feet. “No, you can sit by me on the couch Az there’s not a reason for you to sit on the floor, like some dog, you are a person just like me.” Sam tells him patting the couch next to him and smiling at the angel, letting him know that he wanted him to sit with him,
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Azi scooted a little closer to Sam until their arms brushed and he got comfortable.  He knew it was stupid to be developing a crush on his soon-to-be step brother, but he could feel it happening.  This isn't good, he thought to himself.  And the thought of sleeping in the same room with Sam tonight had him trying to conceal a budding erection.
As the movie continued, the teenager weighed his options.  He debated on whether or not to rest his head on Sam's shoulder.  On the one hand, it could look like merely a brotherly gesture.  On the other hand, it could be seen the way he wanted it to be seen, as an affectionate gesture.  Finally thinking that he would take his chances, he rested his head on his future step brother's shoulder.
If Only || samxboywithxdemonblood
"There’s really nothing wrong with that Az, I like guys too, I like girls also but I think I like guys a bit more." Sam shrugged and smiled at him. "My dad can be a bit scary but he’ll be okay with it, do you think your mom will be?" Sam asked him, looking at the other teen. "Dean won’t care where you put your dick, those will be his words." Sam blushed a bit and looked at the other teen.
Sam grinned at him as he asked if they could watch The Nightmare Before Christmas next because that was one of Sam’s most favorite movies ever. “Yeah sure, that’s one of my favorite movies ever.” Sam grins at him and goes to get it, then pops it in the player, coming back to lay on the bed next to Az. “I’m glad that you like this movie too.” Sam tells him grinning a bit at him.
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Aziraphale whimpered and begged for Dean as he was taken to a room and hooked up to monitors and an IV.  The cramping wouldn't stop and he vaguely registered nurses frantically working around him and demanding the OB doctor on call.  The Omega was trying to curl in on himself when he heard Dean's voice and took in his familiar, comforting scent.
"Dean," he whispered, tears springing into his eyes.  "I think we were too late.  The pup...it's..."  He was interrupted when the doctor came in. The Omega watched as the ultrasound equipment told him what he already knew.
"I'm sorry Mr. Winchester," the doctor whispered.  "No heartbeat and you are showing signs of miscarriage."  He turned his attention to Dean.  "We're going to have to do a rape kit on your mate and we will need to keep him overnight for observation.  A police officer has also been called to take a description and an account of the event."  He gave them both a sympathetic look.  "I'll give you two a little time before I come back."
The Scars Will Always Remain TW: Rape || Open RP
Dean wrapped his arms around Az as he crumpled into his arms and listened to the other speak. Dean had never felt such rage as he felt then coursing through his veins as he did right then. Someone had hurt his mate, he had been raped. Then he was held at knife point. Dean was right about to tell him they needed to go to the hospital, when the pregnant Omega whimpered in pain.
Dean frowned a bit looking down as he saw the water was colored red. Moving quickly Dean got the Omega out of the shower and dressed, he got him into the car, and drove to the hospital probably breaking a few speed laws. “My mate, his pregnant, he’s having pain.” Dean called out to the nurses and then they were whisking Az away and making Dean fill out his papers. He swore as he couldn’t go with him. “Look my mate was raped, and I think he’s having a damn miscarriage i need to be with him, can I do this later?” They led him back to a room where a doctor was examining his mate, Dean walked over and took his hand in his squeezing a bit. “I’m back babe. I’m here with you.”
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
"Fuck," Az breathed out and bucked his hips into his mate's hand.  He was surprised and delighted at how eagerly his body responded to Dean's touches.  He parted his lips willingly and met the Alpha's tongue with his own.  He had such a unique flavor and the Omega couldn't get enough of it.  He whimpered and bucked his hips again, praying that his mate instinctively knew what he needed.
Not Exactly A Meet Cute || sammysprotector
Dean licked over the mark on Az’s neck as he bared his mark to Dean. He groaned at his mates words, when he said to knot him because that’s all Dean wanted to do right now was knot his Omega. Dean moved down and kissed his Omega, his tongue sliding over his lips as he waited for the Omega to open up to him, once he had he kissed him deeply. Dean moved his hand down the Omega’s body and wrapped it around his cock, stroking him slowly.
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Sam just rolled his eyes and kept the awkward stance that he was using to hold his niece.  "Whatever dude.  I don't even have anyone in my life right now."  Aziraphale couldn't help but chuckle at his brother-in-law and laid back in the bed, closing his eyes.  He was so exhausted and all he wanted to do was sleep.  It had been such a long day for him and Sam.
"Wake me when they get ready to transfer me," he murmured to Dean in a slurred voice.  He kept his hand curled around his husband's and drifted into a peaceful sleep.  It only seemed like minutes before he was being shaken awake to be transferred to his room.
Dean\\Az[Feels Like Home]
"Well I’ll be here just as much as I can be." Dean tells him smiling at him. "Yeah well I will be around to help you I used to watch Sammy here after all." Dean tells him with another small grin. "I don’t know, you know I have a bunch of money I thought about buying a mechanic shop, see if there’s anything in town, and buy it, what do you think?" Dean asks him, he really loves to work on cars and can see himself doing that.
"Yep pretty much, we should be fine for a while, I got my pay for leaving the army and stuff, and you have your job when you can go back to work, but we’ll be fine, we also have Sam around." Dean grins as he looks at his brother with his little girl, and he looks amazing. "You look good holding her Sammy, you should have one of your own." Dean tells him smiling.
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
The next thing Aziraphale knew, he was on a leash and being led out of the holding area.  He had put up a lot of resistance, but in the end, he knew he had to go.  The man had signed the paperwork and he now belonged to this Dean.  The angel tried to curl himself into a ball as much as he could while standing as the leash was handed over to his new master.  He wanted to cry.  But, he willingly walked with Dean out of the door and into the bright sunshine.  It had been so long since he had been outdoors.  The angel allowed his wings to unfurl a little behind him as he stretched.
As they approached the black Impala, Aziraphale pulled his wings in closer to him again and waited for instructions.  He didn't know this new master and he didn't know his habits.  The only thing he could deduce was that Dean was new to having an angel because of the large packet on angel care that was clutched in his new master's hands.
A Matter of Trust || OPEN RP
Dean listened to the shelter worker talking about Az and what had happened to him, it made him want to puke what he was hearing. The angel had been abused way more then someone should. “I guess it would be for good reason I wouldn’t tell you my name either.” Dean sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He nodded a bit as he was told that he would not maybe ever recover from the abuse that was done to him and dean really couldn’t blame the poor angel for that.
Dean shook his head, and he couldn’t understand some people, but he wasn’t going to leave this poor angel in here, he wasn’t going to make him get stuck with someone that could abuse him again. “Uh, no I’ll take him with me.” Dean tells him, and goes off to do the necessary paper work for the angel, there was no way in hell he was not taking Az home with him.
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bibliophileangel · 10 years
Az felt his face flush and he welcomed Dean's warm weight, returning the kiss and tangling his fingers in the Alpha's hair.  "You're gorgeous," he whispered against Dean's lips.  The Omega wrapped his legs around his soon to be mate's waist and pulled their bodies closer together.  "Need you Alpha...need you right now."
Can’t Fight This Feeling - M!A In Heat || shotgunxshutsxhiscakehole
"Yeah naked is good." Dean growled, getting up and stripping his shirt off his body, his chest muscled and he had a flat tan stomach and a little happy trail leading into his jeans. He undid the button on his khaki’s and let them slide to the floor, then hooked his thumbs into his boxers and pushed them down as well. Once he was naked he went to work on Az’s clothes, getting his pants all the way off him, then his shirt till he was as naked as Dean. "Beautiful." Dean breathed out, as he leaned down to kiss him.
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