bi-spy-with-ace-case · 14 days
ATLA Martial Arts: Spear Hand Training
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You know that one part of the Toph and Aang training montage where Toph tries to teach Aang how to stab into rock with his fingertips? This is based on an actual technique for strengthening your “spear hand” jab in martial arts. You fill a bucket with pebbles or uncooked rice and continuously stab through it with your fingers. The idea is to strengthen your hands by creating microscopic fractures in the bones that will heal up and allow your fingers to become denser and sturdier. Since Toph is a hard-nosed Earthbending teacher, she makes Aang do these exercises on solid rock.
If you want to see a demonstration of this training method, click here. If you want to see Toph’s version, click here.
Learning about this exercise got me thinking about how Avatars typically struggle with the element opposite to the one they grew up in. A lot of it relates to the differing mentalities behind each bending art, but I also think it might be a physiological challenge as well. Toph grew up Earthbending so her build is literally thicker and denser than Aang’s build. She’s strong, but probably not very flexible or agile. Aang is Mr. Twinkletoes so he starts off as all grace and no force. Compare the difference in body type on their character models:
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Going from air to earth is probably a bit like going from gymnastics to power lifting. It also makes me wonder if part of being the Avatar means never being the best bender in one element. You can’t optimize your body for one specific style when you’re expected to master four very different ways of fighting.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 28 days
Jack and Maddie Fenton had used IVF to get Danny, and...did a little bit of Mad Scientisting.
They'd made a clone of the embryo, solely for DNA/genetic purposes, just in case the kid they had needed something like an organ transplant later in life. Then they froze it.
They could just rapidly age the other embryo, after all, and if they did it in a controlled environment then, per their studies, it shouldn't develop awareness nor a soul.
And if it turned out they didn't need it, they could just send it to an IVF clinic! They just went ahead and put in some automated protocols to send out the embryo if it came to that. A push of a button and boom! No need to think about it further.
The embryo would either help their son live, or it could help another couple realize their dreams of having a child. A truly flawless plan!
However, as Jazz was moving out, a couple of things got mixed up.
They didn't mean to, but they pushed the button. The embryo got sent out.
In Gotham, an IVF clinic usually only meant for the very rich received notification that an embryo was on it's way, per their request for one from a family with a history of physical prowess and smarts, guaranteed to have black hair and blue eyes.
In a rush, they called Jack and Janet Drake to let them know the good news. The couple had been having a difficult time conceiving, and had finally accepted that they may need to use other people's DNA for a child strong enough to survive.
Eight and a half months later, Timothy Drake was born.
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 1 month
Imagine jokingly slapping your coworkers ass and you break your hand. That’s what happens when a random Daily Planet Employee slaps Clark Kent’s ass. How tf would Clark respond.
Twin after I asked them this question: “canonically his skin is like non Newtonian fluid. If you normally touch his skin it’s gives like a humans, but if you hit it with force it suddenly becomes harder than steel.”
Me: “ok so I slap him I’d break my hand.”
Twin: “no, normal force doesn’t do anything. You’d have to be hitting him SUPER hard. Like the-force-of-a-bullet hard.”
Me: “you misjudge how hard I can slap someone’s ass.”
Twin: “I’m fairly certain you can’t out-slap a fucking bullet”
So I raise you this, this premise but DPxDC.
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 9 months
"Oh my god he’s dead- we killed a vigilante, OHMYGODOHMYGOD—" A hysterical voice screeched out, decidedly feminine and loud enough that the comn line picked it up.
"He broke in here for no reason first! We have probable cause as to why you brained him with our wok!" The second interjected, calmer than the first, but there was still a line of tension, like they were uncertain about what they were saying.
"Oh my god, oh god we’re literally so dead Batman’s literally going to murder me and you and us and—"
"We're already mostly dead, he can't kill us. Although I thought he had a no killing rule anyways, so maybe we’re safe? Ancients, that is a lot of blood. You think we should call an ambulance?" Static filtered through the comn line before stabilizing again and wow. The residents of the apartment were really just having a full conversation over an unconscious Nightwing- in earshot of a microphone recording every word- like this was a normal occurrence. Maybe it was a normal Friday night for them, Barbara couldn't exactly judge.
"I'm not calling an ambulance, they might arrest him. Hell, they're probably gonna arrest us! Danny, we're fucking unresgistered metas in Gotham, I’m a clone—"
"—Not metas and I won’t let anyone arrest you—"
"—It's the same thing to the government at the end of the day. You're right though. I think I hit him too hard, we're going to lose the deposit with the amount of blood getting everywhere. Head wounds bleed a lot right? Maybe he's not dead."
"He's not dead, we'd know if he was."
"Oh. Right. Man. That is a lot of blood, our IKEA rug is ruined. I liked that rug, you think we could ask him to buy a new one when he wakes up or is he on the normal vigilante salary of nothing?"
“Mhm. I'll go get the med kit, you handcuff him to the table so he doesn't jump us when he wakes up. Keep the mask on- I don’t want to piss off whatever buddies he’s got listening in.”
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 1 year
“the universe is cruel” “the universe is beautiful” “the universe is terrifying—”
the universe is a neutral entity
“the universe is indifferent, it doesn’t care—”
incorrect! the universe does care. it just doesn’t revolve around you
“the universe is so big and we’re so small—”
what is so bad about being small? is it not freeing to know the things we do are insignificant compared to the vast universe?
why should we burden ourselves to the point that we believe our burdens need to be like Atlas? why should we carry the universe when it is simply here to give us a home in its expansive space?
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 1 year
Hello friends, there's a dogwhistle I've seen used a couple times on tumblr that I want to discuss.
Fellow neurodivergents especially, please listen-- towards the end of this post I describe how some in our community have been using it without knowing what it means.
A fairly common antisemitic dogwhistle used amongst alt-right circles on the internet is being a "noticer," "noticing patterns," "pattern noticer," etc. I've seen this from a couple Tumblr blogs I follow reblogging memes and such that use this term but don't provide any context about what sorts of "things" they may be noticing.
Here's the meme that I saw a blog I'm following reblog last night.
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Seems pretty harmless, right? It's a meme with a cute cat.
In alt-right circles, what they are referring to "noticing" is the conspiracy theory that Jews control the world/"noticing" evidence of an imagined globalist (read: Jewish) world order/etc. If you see a meme that uses terms like "noticing patterns" that doesn't elaborate what those supposed patterns are-- just leaves you to fill in the blank yourself-- take a look at the types of things OP might be posting. The alt-right has an idea that it's forbidden to talk about who might be behind the "conspiracies" they talk about (again, the target is frequently Jewish people) so lack of context is often a red flag.
I sent the blog who reblogged this an ask informing them that the meme was a dogwhistle. If you see someone reblog something like this, check what they've been posting. If this seems like an isolated incident, the person probably reblogged it not knowing what the term actually meant. That's why dogwhistles are so effective-- to the average person they look harmless if you don't know what to watch out for!
Let's take a look at how alt-righters use this term.
Here's an alt-right definition of it from Urban Dictionary.
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Oh boy, this one gets a bigotry bingo for all the dogwhistles used here. If I miss any, feel free to comment. Here are the ones I found:
-Noseticing: Noticing plus nose, based on the stereotype for Jewish people to have large noses.
-"those who cannot be named"/skirting around saying Jew: again the idea that it's forbidden to talk about who they think is behind their conspiracy theories.
-"world events and agendas": idea that Jewish people have a Globalist agenda etc etc
-Degeneracy: Nazi term to describe the behaviors/people they find undesirable.
-Early life: refers to the section in a person's Wikipedia page. If a person was brought up Jewish, it'll usually say so there.
-Oy vey: a Jewish exclamation of exasperation that Nazis have unfortunately co-opted when talking about Jewish people.
Here's probably the most obviously antisemitic meme I found.
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The title and first bullet point include the "noticer" term. This meme also talks about a "group" who controls wealth. Who might the poster be referring to here?
Here's a Twitter account with many similar alt-right terms. Explicitly identifies as a Nazi and ethno-nationalist, etc etc.
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A couple other pages. I clicked on them to see if I could find any more examples but the first seemed pretty blank and the second... Well, I don't have a twitter so I couldn't view.
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Let's unpack these a little. The first one has "13 outta 52," a statistic used among white supremacists to depict Black people (especially African-Americans) as "savage": 13 referring to the percentage of America that is Black and 52 referring to the alleged percentage of murders in the U.S. that are committed by Black people. "109 countries" refers to the idea that Jewish people have been expelled from 109 countries during history. (Which isn't entirely true. Some "countries" in this count are actually cities, regions, etc.) Some white supremacists may use the number 110 instead to suggest that it should happen again.
The second one has a blurb alleging a global sterilization effort and concerns of fertility. This is likely in connection to pro-natalism for white people. If Nazis want a so-called "Aryan nation," they're going to want white people to populate it, and so they encourage white people to have babies for their cause. Nazi Germany employed this tactic as well, even awarding "Aryan" German women who had four or more children for their contributions to the Nazi cause.
The reason why I'm emphasizing that context matters is that some neurodivergent people have seen this and co-opted it into neurodivergent circles. As a person who is Jewish and autistic, this is pretty alarming to me. I'll show a couple examples from Tumblr:
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I've left out the URLs of the OPs because I want to give the benefit of the doubt-- they both explicitly refer to being a "pattern noticer" in terms of neurodivergence. And it's easy to see why introducing this term to ND folks would be an easy way to get a dogwhistle passed off as harmless! Since autistic people often have analytical minds, we often make connections that others might not be able to see. But unfortunately, using terms like this only makes it much easier for antisemites to fly under the radar.
Stay safe and let's keep Tumblr free of this shit.
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 1 year
DPXDC prompt #22
Jazz at first wanted to be a Family Therapist because of how her parents were absent minded through hers and Danny's childhood, but that changed when she saw first hand the unseen side of hero work.
The side where they are plagued with trauma and insecurity and fear... She couldn't stand to look at Danny and not do something.
So... she decided to open a Therapy Clinic to the Hero Community.
She is very popular with the younger heros, so when someone, a reporter, ask her why she did what she does, Jazz just answers honestly.
"At first I wanted to be a Family Therapist, but when I found out my little brother was a superhero and saw first hand the emotional damage heroism did to him... I couldn't stand there and do nothing, now because he was pushed with no choice into hero work Danny is King to a whole dimension of the undead, and unable to chase his dreams... I don'twant others to end up like him."
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 1 year
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 1 year
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me and my girlfriend were talking abt the funniest possible ladynoir reveal scenario. we agreed unanimously on “wedding day”
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
Tim is trolling to, though, because he was canonically already a little stalker when dick was robin (he figured out the identities because of the quadruple backflip!), And it highly likely that he saw dick connecting to his namesake at least once.
Also he approached dick that time with the whole 'become robin again' thing, and dick prob wasn't the nicest back then, even if that could be accountable to grief.
I just know Jason is so fed up with the rest of the Batfam not knowing how much of a shitbag Dick was when he was a teenager. I know this man looks like a complete nutcase when he tries to convince Tim or Damian that Dick had his asshole phase, too. Don’t believe his fucking golden boy, depressed, running on fumes, burnt out, “I’d give everything and then some for the good of the world” act. He’s a lying liar that lies. It’s ALL lies.
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Mr. Professional Older Brother was a goddamn menace to society, and Jason Todd is gonna PROVE IT, DAMNIT.
“I know what you are,” says Jason.
“Lol,” says Dick. “Lmao.”
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
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Posted on Facebook September 24, 2015:
This post confession from Cochlear Implant user, in contrast to happy first time CIs videos. Its true because I have talked to CI users Deaf youth yesterday while waiting to meet Pope Francis at the Embassy.  They did mentioned about having bad headaches and the sensory is very painful. So they ended up not wearing them anymore. Doctors/Audiologists “best recommendations” CIs is about busine$$ which it disgusts me. Another person wear hearing aids like me but I don’t wear them anymore cuz it doesn’t work for me to be able to hear so he said prefer hearing aids over CIs cuz it’s cheaper plus less risk over expensive cochlear implants and more likely high risks. In my opinion, hearing aids or CIs doesn’t cure for deafness.
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
I firmly believe that except for Cass (because Cass scares him lowkey) the only of Bruce’s kids he can't yell at or lecture when they're in a bad mood are Dick and Tim.
Tim and Dick watch Bruce yell at the rest of their siblings like damn that could never be us. Cause Bruce knows that if he yells at Tim, Tim's moving out because he is ALWAYS looking for excuses to not come home. Tim doesn't even say shit either—he's out of the Manor before the next morning and Bruce knows he's seeing Red Robin not Tim for the next two months.
If Bruce makes the mistake of even slightly raising his voice at or taking a patronizing/disrespectful tone when Dick's in a bad mood, Dick immediately chooses violence. He goes straight for the jugular—aren't your parents dead as hell? At least mine taught me a craft before dying. I'm sure they hired someone to shoot them so they won't have to deal with your big mouth and ugly attitude. Furry ninja looking motherfucker. It's all rapid-fire too, so Bruce can't even process the first one before the next one comes
Dick "knows life on the hardest mode only" Grayson and Tim "I did my job as Robin, anything I'm doing for you right now is a FAVOR" Drake don't have his time
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
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I can’t believe I’ve never drawn anything marigami related despite it being my favorite non-lovesquare ship.
anyways heres my glaciator 2 rewrite and also they’re girlfriends now I don’t make the rules
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
Superman is like. outwardly identical to a human but are his Internals the same as a human?? what's the situation there. i think it would be very funny if his insides were totally different personally.
like it's just as well he's invulnerable bcos if he ever had to go to a doctor it would be a disaster. what if one time he did manage to get hurt while doing superhero stuff & they had to take chest x-rays... he's just sitting there poker-faced while the doctors try to figure out what they're even looking at
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
Izuku: *Knocks Aizawa's coffee right onto the floor, all while looking him dead in the eyes.*
Aizawa: He's an asshole.
Aizawa: He's, perfect! I love him and would die for him.
Aizawa would die for this cat that hates him.
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
ok but if the vestiges can control what quirks he uses and quirks are genetic. does this mean after the vestiges give him their original quirks their family menbers' are next. they just like. find random semi useful quirks to appease him. quirks for the quirk god
Vestiges: If we give you a quirk will you chill?
Izuku, endless screaming about OFA
First: Is that a yes?
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bi-spy-with-ace-case · 2 years
I'm not sorry for disguising a science lesson as a fanfic. I am unrepentant. You are going to read it anyway.
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