The Desk of BHS
10K posts
Observations, anti-nihilism, and geek obsessions from BHS, author of Tasakeru, Stars Above, Respect, Shattered Skies: The Morning Lights, and other stuff, and host of YouTube's Silent InvenTOYry. Personal account for AskOutcasts. Expect delays, plus frequent non-sequitur humor, nerdy fanboying, magical girls, gushing over Steven Universe, and llamas. M | he/him | ace/aro Become a Patron!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bhsdesk · 6 years ago
This is Goodbye.
So here we are. I was going to spend time today thinking about how to say goodbye to this blog, but then... well. Something happened that hit me like a gut punch, and it’s been distracting me all day. I’ll talk about it more in my next Blogress Report.
Tumblr used to be the only social media site I was actually invested in, a place for creators, for weirdos, for rejects. My kind of place. It just felt different from a Facebook or Twitter or what have you... and with the way those two sites have become garbage fires, I was grateful for Tumblr more than ever. Tumblr helped me discover myself during an extraordinarily difficult time in my life, it helped me expand my horizons far beyond what a sheltered, disabled white boy mostly stuck at home could hope to experience. I genuinely feel that thanks to people on Tumblr, I’ve overall become happier with who and what I am.
But now I no longer feel welcome. Tumblr has turned its back on people like me and embraced the worst kind of hypocritical, puritanical self-righteous bullshit from its parent company. I cannot and will not stand for this; it goes against everything I believe in.
So I am not only participating in the Log Off protest starting at midnight tonight... I will be leaving Tumblr altogether, no matter what the outcome of the protest is. I will not stay on board with a place that believes people like me don’t have a right to equal expression. This blog will stay up, at least until I can transfer the important stuff, but I will no longer interact with it.
I’m trying to make Pillowfort my new social media site of choice. You’re welcome to follow me on there if you’d like.
The Steven Universe Commentary and Star VS Commentary archives are in the process of moving to a new Wordpress blog: . The import process isn’t finished yet, and not all of the SU commentary is there as of this writing, but it’s a start, at least. New commentaries will go up on my Pillowfort (linked below), starting tomorrow night with SU’s new episode.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by my little corner of the internet over the past six years. I appreciate each and every one of you that I was able to talk to. @inkdearie​ in particular, you’re an angel and my best Tumblr friend, and of course @thesilvergoddex​ and @beloved-monsters​, the power couple of all power couples, you guys have been a constant highlight of my experiences in this place.
See you around.
Where to Find Me:
Tasakeru -
DeviantArt -
Pillowfort -
Twitter - -
AO3 -
WattPad -
Twitch -
Youtube -
Patreon -
Steven Universe and Star Vs Commentary Archives (Under construction) :
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
Surviving the Tumblr Hellfire
A collection of posts with advice for getting you and your blog through whatever this mess is.
Check if your blog has been incorrectly flagged as NSFW (and if it has, get it unflagged before Dec 17th)
See all your blog posts that have been flagged (because tumblr didn’t feel the need to notify you?)
New posts not showing up on your blog and how to fix it (you have not been muted)
Exporting your blog (Tumblr)
Backing up your blog (to WordPress)
Alternative way to backup your blog
Masterpost of Tumblr alternatives
Complaining to Tumblr about this mess
Advice for those who’ve never dealt with a fandom purge before
All of these posts link back to original posts of other blogs, I mostly made this for myself but decided to make it shareable, please respect the following:
If you click through to ANY of these posts, even if you don’t use them, reblog them individually if you’re going to like/reblog this post. 
Share and add to this post if you can <3
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
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Signal Boost.
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
Please don’t fucking log off tumblr on the 17th as a protest. All that’s going to do is give tumblr more reason to shut this place down because of revenue loss.
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
A Few Things About Pillowfort
Alright so I’ve seen a LOT of opinions and incorrect information all over the place regarding the platform and Im sick of it. What a time to spread misinformation tumblr, never change.
I’m an extreme newbie on pillowfort but I wanted to clear up misconceptions and dumb talking points:
It Doesn’t ‘Cost Money’ in the way you keep suggesting
Pillowfort was a kickstarted platform and it is still in BETA (keep this in mind it’ll come up a lot) - It costs $5 to get a ‘key’ and enter. There are no subscription fees, no secret additional costs, its literally just $5. The cost is there to help support the building of the website, since the website is NOT owned by a giant company (like the one screwing us rn) so the money goes directly into supporting the platform.
I understand there is a barrier for people who are extremely poor or unable to easily make online purchases. They have stated on their twitter that they are looking into ways to make it more accessible right now with Tumblr shutting down the way it is. Also there have been people floating around willing to buy keys for friends, followers, mutuals, etc.
It’s not “Broken” or “Down” and it being offline for MAINTENANCE is a Good Thing
Pillowfort has been offline for a little bit because they are working on fixing security issues, yanno, making sure the website is safe and functioning for its users. Its unfortunate with the timing, considering how many of us are ready to pack up and leave now. They have said they are pushing to have it open Dec 4 or 5.
I’ve seen people say that their servers crashed, or that they dont trust a website that isn’t online 24/7 and thats all hogwash and you know it. Pillowfort is in BETA and they are still building functions and ironing out kinks, thats a GOOD thing. I would rather ride a rollercoaster that shuts down for maintenance for an hour every day rather than ride one that hasn’t been repaired until the tracks literally snap. Pillowfort is new and under construction, you gotta learn to be patient and understanding.
There are PLENTY of people using it and more coming!
I keep seeing people say “but its empty! no one is there!” like yeah Becky, its NEW. But there ARE a lot of people online using it, there are easy to find communities already up and running and with tumblr doing what its doing there are going to be WAY more people showing up. Joining any new social media is going to give you that awkward time where you have only 5 people you follow cause youre not sure how to use it yet, let yourself have those growing pains.
Its Not ‘Ugly’ or ‘Bad’ its UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Gods help me. They are still building the website and have a huge list of things they are looking to implement soon once the foundation is secured. There is transparent blogs from the developers where you can suggest what you would like to see if its not there already. Its NEW its UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
You “Don’t Trust” them? Okay have fun on twitter?
I dont even know what to say to people huffing and saying they dont trust any alternative. Like, do you trust tumblr? Do you? 
The fact is, if you PERSONALLY aren’t interested in another blogging platform that takes the good shit from tumblr and LJ and other sites and makes it new and their own then thats fine. But you dont need to spread misinformation to people to discourage them from trying it for themsleves. 
If you just dont want to use it until its ‘busy’ or whatever, then just shut up, take down everyone’s usernames, go to twitter or facebook or club penguin or whatever, and wait. But please stop spreading misinformation.
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Pillowfort has accounts on Tumblr and Twitter and have been VERY vocal. Go and read and look into things yourself.
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
Call your reps
Most of you by now have read or heard the truth regarding the Net Neutrality comments.
Yes, it has been confirmed that the anti-NN comments last year are fraudulent, and the perpetrators all come from one location.
This means 3 things.
1) We now have irrefutable grounds to prove that the Net Neutrality repeal is, in fact illegal, due to interference from a hostile foreign power.
2) Ajit Pai has confessed to violating the law.
3) Pai has committed treason.
The next steps now is to, ironically enough, contact all of the reps and AGs that you know that are not complicit and demand (yes, demand) the following:
1) That procedures begin to reverse the illegal repeal at once.
2) That Ajit Pai be removed from office and arrested on the charges of treason.
Signal boost!
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
From Fanlore:
“Others pointed out that Tumblr’s implementation was chaotic and lacked human review. For example, fan art that depicted robots having sex with tentacle monsters was deleted for bestiality, which led one fan to mourn that even Hollywood Oscar award winning movies were at risk:
“I guess this means The Shape of Water is a no-no as well? /stares mournfully at gifs of fishloving" [25]
When the artist attempted to explain to Tumblr that the “characters” were cartoon dinosaur robots, they were told: “"This termination is final, and replies to this message will not be reviewed.” [26]
Complicating matters was Tumblr’s shadow ban of certain keyword searches that could have assisted in ascertaining the extent of the impact: searches for “tumblr purge” led to no results. [27] Other banned searches included “fandom wank” possibly due to one of the words also having sexual connotation in the UK. The list of search terms blanked included: “"breast cancer,” “safe sex” and “chronic pain”.[28]
Perhaps one fan summed it up best:
“Tumblr dies the way it lived: completely fucking ridiculous.
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
What Pillow Fort even looks like
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This is the home feed and the management system. It operates JUST LIKE the Tumblr dash. 
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You can see who you’re following and such. Personally, I like the added mutuals button. 
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A massive filter and Black List button. 
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No excuse why you can’t filter shit you don’t like. It’s pretty easy to use and part of the program from the get go.
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Search button is with your other things on the user board thing. You can search shit up via hashtags.
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Communities are basically places you can find people to talk to and such. Until I find an 18+ one though, I’m not signing up for one. Fortunately you still get content from the people you follow, so you don’t even HAVE to be part of a community if you don’t want to. I think this tool is what’s good for people like @dinodaddy @itsallprimal @thetriskeliondiaries @instructor144 @sccwriting @itsshinycollectordestinyworld and their D/s stuff. 
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Making posts is standard. 
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However, you can decide who views it, and if it can be commented upon. It’s pretty cool! 
You also get the post to be searched via tags as shown above.
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Look, it’s my blog!
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Customization options so far. 
And those are the features for Pillowfort. I personally enjoy them. There will probably be more once it gets bigger, and they leave the io thing. SO far it’s functional, but the increase in traffic makes it a little slow. 
What do ya’ll think? 
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
Hurry and pressure your reps now! Especially these people here: And of course, don’t forget to sign here if you’re an American: Make sure to spread both of these links around as much as possible and do not stop calling your reps and pressuring those that voted against net neutrality to change their vote!
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
UHM.... SO....
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This is real.
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
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@queensparklekitten I was wondering when somebody would bother trying to translate my (deliberately) mangled French. Nice work.
Good luck with the rest of it. No, seriously, good luck. *cackles*
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
Hey everyone, just a heads-up that we haven’t sent out invitations yet; there are a couple things on the site that we want to patch up first, as well as the already heavy site traffic complicating things. We plan to send out invitations tomorrow, and will be staggering the backlog of invites over a couple days since we have literally thousands to send out. So if you’ve donated since November 16th you will get your invitation over the next few days; sorry again for the delay, and thanks for your patience! (You can also request a refund if you decide you are no longer interested, just email us at [email protected]).
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
EDIT 2: I’m in the process of attempting to move both the SU and Star commentary archives to Wordpress, in case the site goes down. If this actually works, you’ll be able to find them preserved for posterity there. Link forthcoming.
Steven Universe Commentary is Moving
In light of Tumblr’s absurd decision to ban all adult content, thereby alienating half or more of its remaining userbase and putting thousands of people’s livelihoods at risk, I cannot in good conscience continue Steven Universe commentary on this site.
I will of course always be grateful for the SU fans and watchers that have followed me here, but this is a shameless attack on free speech and free expression, and I won’t stand for it.
Once Pillowfort is back up and running, I’ll be resuming SU Commentary on there when the new episodes begin in mid-December.
EDIT: Naturally, this goes for my Star Vs. Commentary too.
Thanks for everything. Give them hell.
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
HEYO heres some of the other places i am
message me if you want my discord and we can talk it out but since this is the final straw for me in the heat death of this website im gonna probably be posting on pillowfort instead of this shit ass website
find me on pillowfort @ thesilvergoddex
find me on twitter @ nbknyght
find me on ao3 @ thesilvergoddess
when pillowfort comes back up, ill add you all
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
Where To Find Me
Tasakeru -
DeviantArt -
Pillowfort -
Twitter - -
AO3 -
WattPad -
Twitch -
Youtube -
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bhsdesk · 6 years ago
How will pillowfort handle nsfw content? Will it be allowed?
Yes, we allow NSFW content, we just asked that it be tagged with a ‘NSFW’ flag (available when you’re creating your post) so that it can be filtered out for the convenience of other users who wish to screen out such content.
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