bewitchedandblessed · 6 months
he scoffs at the declaration. "i'm not worried about anything going to your head. you might be the most down-to-earth person i've ever met in my very, very, very long life."
gabriel has known plenty of mortals with over-inflated senses of self. roman is nowhere on that list. nowhere even near it.
"i mean, i think the fact that you're implying you're not special really proves my point here."
@babyitsmagic / @bewitchedandblessed
THE GOLDEN LIGHT OF HIS desk lamp pools over the edge of the table , throwing soft shadows in the rest of the garage . it's hardly evening , but the time of year has the night creeping overhead earlier && earlier each day . it's not even late enough for dinner yet ( though roman hasn't exactly had lunch either so — maybe they can cut even somewhere between meals ) . it's unclear to him if gabriel eats but still — he orders him something . just for old time's sake .
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" YOU HAVE TO stop showing up unannounced , " roman says , as if he's at all disappointed by this change of pace in his daily routine . " you're gonna start making me feel special . " he throws him a playful side smile before carefully rolling up a sheet of music he was working on .
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bewitchedandblessed · 8 months
fc change coming for leo. when i have the muse i'll test run dar.ren bar.net.
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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"I am a very all or nothing kind of person, Arden, and I mean that more literally than most. I want...everything or I want nothing. I do not know if it's fair to ask that of you. Of anyone, really."
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“Then we fail. I mean, I’d rather try and have some happy moments to hold onto after it’s all said and done. Isn’t that better than us just leaving it here and spending forever wondering?”
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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"What if letting you try is just setting us both up for failure?"
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“That seems like a pretty bleak outlook on things. Why don’t you at least give me a chance to prove it to you?”
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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"They do not feel like the kind of problems one can keep, even with the best of intentions."
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“What makes you so sure I’m going to break them?”
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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"Maybe He does, but it hasn't been your time yet." Raphael wasn't one to question the grand plan. There was likely a reason she had survived this long, but equally likely they'd crossed paths today for a reason. "Does Jophiel know where to find you? Or have you at least been hiding from him?"
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"If He wanted me dead, I'd be dead already. I haven't exactly been hiding, Raph." Not to mention she had been around Michael fairly often even after she had left, so it wasn't like she was being subtle either. "You never answered my question."
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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His movements were slow as he reached up to wipe the lipstick from his face, the feel of the cosmetic on his skin bothering him far more than the knife at his throat. "Sapphira, have you forgotten my domains?" He was the angel of loyalty and vengeance, one of the only angels who would never fall. Michael was more likely to leave than he was.
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"Well that's a very hurtful thing to say," she pouted before leaning in and pressing a kiss to his cheek, leaving behind a red lipstick print. She could have moved the knife, it would have been the friendly thing to do, but she wasn't entirely sure he'd let her walk away given that response. "Are you really saying you didn't miss me even a little?"
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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"You should be dead," he answered. Not a particularly wise response given their current positions, but as far as he was concerned, it was true. She was a traitor. The fact that she was still alive was... kind of unsettling. Even if a small, treacherous part of him was glad of it.
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It was a stupid, reckless, idiotic move but Saph hadn't seen him in so long and she just couldn't quite help herself. No one had ever accused her of having self-control after all. Her free hand pushed her hair back, revealing her face as she leaned over him, curious as to how he would respond.
"You've gotten rusty."
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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"Don't make promises to me that you're gonna break."
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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“I cannot actually remember the last time I was this happy.” He looked up, not pausing from scratching behind the ears of one of the many dogs around him. “I did not mean for that to sound as sad as it does. I am just… ecstatic right now.”
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bewitchedandblessed · 11 months
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It’s hard to catch an angel off guard, especially Raphael, who’s spent so much of his life fighting. But somehow the other has done it and as his back hits the ground, a small part of him is impressed. The rest of him is a mixture of concerned and angry as a knife presses against his throat. “Can I help you?”
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"syd, i'm starting to think you wouldn't recognize casual if it came up and introduced itself to you," she teases. not that she minds. if anything, it's working in her favor. "but i think if we're being honest with ourselves, we've both been all in for a while, haven't we?"
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“i’m trying not to get, you know, get my hopes up. but if you don’t want casual, how far in the opposite direction are you trying to go? because, fuck, i’m all in if you are.”
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"well that was certainly not a cool and casual thing to say, so i guess i'd have to agree. ...what if i don't want casual?"
@bewitchedandblessed for lucinda <3
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“maybe i just don’t know how to be cool and casual with you, lucy.”
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what's your muse's favorite weird food combo? for leo !!
@heartfullofxfright || headcanon asks ( accepting )
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"I think this one's more common now, but like... french fries dipped in milkshakes. It always tastes fuckin' fantastic. One of the less common ones is apple pie with cheese on it. It's gotta be sharp cheddar though."
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"Do you think he can help?" Michael had a few people he could call, but he didn't really want to pull anyone into this if he could help it. He wanted to explain his choices even less.
“I have a brother.” Normally, in a situation like this, she’d go to her sister but she didn’t trust Michael and Sonja to play nice. “And if he can’t help, he’ll get his mother involved.” Which was a whole can of worms she would like to avoid if possible.
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[text; sawyer 📚😊💛] there's a surprise??? [text; sawyer 📚😊💛] there's a surprise AND i can't leave early?? how is this both exciting and devastating?
[text to: michael 💕] okay now who’s being unfair dropping cute bombs like that sir
[text to: michael 💕] don’t do it!!! the surprise won’t be ready if you leave early (and no. i will not tell you what it is.)
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He was tempted to say no, purely out of spite, but honestly? He figured they'd both be happier if he took her somewhere else. "Fine. Where do you want to go?"
She opened her mouth to say she’d be happy to go, but shut it quickly, looking more than a little sullen. She was just injured enough that there was no way she could get anywhere safe. “If I give you an address, could you just drop me off there?” If nothing else, she knew Cain was right about the bar and she’d be able to get the medical attention she needed.
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