Business Name: Better Baseball Player
Street Address: 1717 W. Nelson Street, Unit #3
City: Chicago
State:   Illinois (IL)
Zip Code: 60657
Country: USA
Business Phone: 312-678-5596
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.betterbaseballplayer.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4al8dBJY41RSXG8oZ1b9OA
Business Description: Better Baseball Player created Vision Pearls baseballs to solve a problem in baseball training: the lack of practical baseball training aids to enhancing vision and tracking skills for batters.
We needed a better way to train and emphasize having our players keep their head and eyes on the baseball through the hitting zone, swing, and contact point. The solution: Implementing colored dots on baseballs in the live batting practice setting.
Better Baseball Player hopes to promote this vision training aid concept to other coaches so their players can enjoy better batting and hitting production
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1276700211048857542
Business Hours for location: Monday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM Thursday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM–6:30 PM
Payment Methods: Check Visa Master Discover Amex Invoice
Services: Training baseballs, Colored baseballs, Baseball training aids,Baseball batting aids, Baseball vision training, Fastball baseballs, Flat seam baseballs
Keywords: Colored baseballs; baseball vision training; vision baseballs; perfect game baseballs; two seam fastballs
Business/Company Establishment Date: 04/04/2003
Business Slogan: Play better baseball
Number of Employees: 5
Yearly Revenue: $20 – 50K
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Dave Spiegler [email protected]
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