its now or never,
22 posts
dylan frye | 20 | werewolf just some weirdo who eats a lot and asks a lot of questions
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
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I don’t know, actually.  The only secret I really tried to keep to myself got cornered out of me.  I tell the gang everything, and honestly I really like it that way.
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
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I don’t know if this question means physically, or what I do to help it.  I guess I’ll answer both.  Physically, I get really tense and my eyes usually dry up.  And you know when you forget to breathe?  That happens too sometimes.  To try to calm down I like going out into the trail by my backyard, sitting in the dirt and laying with the ferns.
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
emoji asks 💫 (must be answered truthfully)
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? 
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
😘 talk about your crush or partner
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
💙 what annoys you about some people? 
😤 do you get angry easily?
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? 
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
☕️ talk about your ideal day
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
💧 when was the last time you cried?
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
💚 who are you jealous of and why? 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? 
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
😪 what are you sick of?
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? 
🐴 opinion on __?
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
🐵 which quotes changed you?
💭 do you keep a diary?
💫 who inspires you?
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
Character’s full name: Dylan Frye Reason for name and/or meaning of name: His parents had a list of other, more whacky names chosen out for him, but decided to name him Dylan on a whim when he was born Character’s nickname: Dyl, he’s trying to get his friends to call him ‘fleas’ endearingly because it makes him laugh Birth date: May 3rd
Physical appearance Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher Gender: Cis-male Height: 5′11 Build: Lean, but strong Eye color: Dark brown Glasses or contacts?: He’s supposed to wear reading glasses for his schoolwork, but he doesn’t wear them as often as he should Distinguishing marks/scars: Dylan has a scar above his left knee from falling as a kid that is vaguely in the shape of a pizza, which he thinks is really on brand for him Hair color: Black Type of hair: Curly Hairstyle: He usually has the sides and back shaved with the top longer Clothing style:  Dylan can most often be found wearing t-shirts, jeans, and whatever comfortable shoe is closest to him.  He tends to run pretty warm, so he usually forgets to grab a sweater or a jacket.  He either wears neutral and muted colours, like dark greens and blues, or bright whacky patterns, there really is no in between Facial Hair: He usually has a little bit of scruff on his chin Make up:  He loves to paint his nails
Personality Good personality traits: Observant, Eccentric, Loyal, Easy-Going Bad personality traits: Indecisive, Hot-Tempered (mostly around the full moon), Surly, Withdrawn Mood character is most often in: Dylan is typically pretty easy going, and when he feels comfortable enough around someone, he tends to be quite witty, liking to laugh at himself and the world around him Sense of humor: He has a very easy sense of humour, and would rather laugh at things than let himself get upset by them Articulation: Dylan usually talks slowly, taking the time to find his words.  However, when he gets particularly excited, he will rush to get his words out in an absolute jumble, almost difficult to understand.  He also is a big hand talker Character’s greatest joy in life: He loves being around his friends, but he also loves being in class, expanding his mind Character’s greatest fear: Hurting someone when he’s in wolf form during the full moon Character is most at ease when: He’s by himself resetting in the forest Most ill at ease when: He’s around people that he doesn’t feel comfortable around or doesn’t understand Enraged when: The full moon is close Depressed or sad when: The full moon is close.  There’s also a tiny little voice in the back of his head that wonders why his parents would have a child if they knew they were going to pass on the werewolf gene, but he loves his parents fiercely and doesn’t want to delve too deeply into that kind of thinking Priorities: Dylan would do anything for his friends, but he also would do anything for his family and his pack Life philosophy: Life’s too short to sweat the small things Greatest strength: His confidence in himself Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His blind desire to follow his friends and family, sometimes forgetting that they’re only human (well, half human in his parents case)
Goals Drives and motivations: Dylan is really driven by his own curiosity, as it makes him seek the answers to the millions of questions he has about the world around him.  He’s also really driven by his friendships and his loyalty to his friends Immediate goals: He wants to graduate with a B.Sc. with a reasonable average Long term goals: Dylan would love to do research into the werewolf gene and find out more about the science behind his werewolf body
Childhood Hometown: Bridgemead, Massachusetts Type of childhood: Dylan had a pretty happy childhood, his parents had an open door policy and always took the time to answer his hundreds of daily questions.  When they told him about his werewolf gene, it only strengthened their bond more, and once he turned, they started to feel like an invincible family unit Pets: None, but Dylan is begging his parents to get a cat Most important childhood memory: When his parents sat him down, talked him through puberty and told him about his werewolf gene Dream job: A physiologist Religion: Nothing specific, but he does believe in a higher power
Present Current location: Bridgemead, Massachusetts Currently living with: His parents Sexuality: Pansexual Politics: Democrat Occupation/education: A physiology student at Bridgemead college Mode of transportation: Dylan walks a lot, and enjoys doing so, but he does borrow his parents car from time to time, and his parents will usually drop him off at classes, or he’ll take the bus
Family Parent one: Ava Frye Relationship with them: Very close, she is a strong female influence in his life and a big part of the reason that he identifies as a Feminist Parent two: Watson Frye Relationship with them: Very close but not quite as close as he his to his Mom Other important family members: He considers everyone in Bridgemead’s pack part of his family and they all had an impact on him in one way or another
Favorites Color: Bright sunshine yellow Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers Food: Burgers and fries Film: E.T Drink: A virgin Pina Colada Form of entertainment: Playing Sudoku or Crossword puzzles Most prized possession: A piece of volcanic rock from a family trip to Alaska
Habits Hobbies: He likes to read, go for runs, swim, and dance really uncoordinatedly.  He also likes to take a lot of time to think about really unimportant but bizarre questions like “is cereal soup?” Plays a musical instrument? The kazoo Plays a sport? Dylan always wanted to play football, and will sometimes play around by himself in his yard How he would spend a rainy day: Probably still in the forest outside Spending habits: He will always spend his pocket money on snacks Smoking/drinking/drugs?: His parents always offered him sips of alcohol when he was growing up so it took the mystery out of it, and he really doesn’t like the taste.  He hasn’t ever smoked or done drugs, and doesn’t really plan on it, but he isn’t against other people doing it Nervous tics: Dylan usually has a hard time standing still, and taps his fingers or pen on the table or desk when he’s thinking really hard Usual body posture: He usually has pretty decent posture
Traits Optimist or pessimist?  Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Logical Leader or follower? Follower Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? A little bit of both Prefers working or relaxing? Working Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident Animal lover? Of course
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: Dylan is pretty confident in himself, he marches to the beat of his own drum and he doesn’t really mind being called an oddball One word the character would use to describe themselves: Pretty damn rad What does the character consider their best trait?: Being positive What does the character consider their worst trait?: Being hot-tempered What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: Probably his hair or his smile What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: Probably nothing How does the character think others perceive them?: Dylan imagines that others think he is a little bit odd, and he thinks that they’re probably right What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: There’s definitely a small part in the back of his mind that thinks about what having kids with his werewolf gene could mean, but he has never wanted to not be a werewolf.  He would definitely change the mood swings that come with it though, if he could
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Dylan tends to see the best in people, even if he doesn’t relate or connect to them Opinion of the Scooby Gang: He loves his friends so dang much Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? He tends to be pretty honest about what he’s thinking or feeling Most important person in character’s life: Probably his Mom, they have a really special bond Best friend/s: Dylan considers the entire Scooby Gang to be his best friends, but out of the gang he’s closest to AJ Darke, Arabella Bryne, and Kody Pierce Dating experience: He really doesn’t have much experience in the romance department, especially being a bit of a loner before meeting the gang Romancing: If Dylan likes someone, he gets really nervous and fumbling in front of them, always trying to play it cool, but usually having the façade backfire on him
Extra Physicality: He’s pretty fit, and the whole werewolf thing gives him a bit of a lift in the strength department Species: Werewolf How do they feel about it?: He’s definitely normalized the whole werewolf experience, because his parents are both werewolves.  Though he hasn’t been making the monthly change for that long, he’s known about it for so long that he forgets that it isn’t exactly normal.  Dylan is pretty much at peace with being a werewolf, but he always dreads the full moon and the pain and memory loss that comes with it How do they look in their supernatural form?: He is larger than a regular wolf, but considered average size compared to the other wolves in the pack, and his usually brown eyes glow a dark amber when he’s in his wolf form
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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       holding out her hand, finn moves to help dylan with all the bags in his arms. she bumps her shoulder with him softly. “hey, if anyone can figure it out, you can. i know your team is in the right hands. maybe all of us are picking up the pieces to the final puzzle. maybe it’s not supposed to make sense yet. i have to believe that. anything you wanna share?” she sighs loudly as her shoulders sag. they continue to walk and she glances around before leaning in again. “local legend says in 1843, there was a large sex party in the woods that were broken up by some sort of loud bellowing howl echoing all around them. i had never seen that before. as the validity… not entirely sure.” she pauses in her step. “oh, um. i wanted to get something to eat. but i can walk with you. did i interrupt?” 
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“Oh hey, thanks!”  Dylan let Finley help him with the bags.  If he had a free hand, he probably would have scratched the back of his neck.  “I went a little overboard, I think.  That’s what I get for going shopping when I’m hungry.”  Chuckling, he nodded, “I should be saying the same to you, you’re the smartest person I know.”  And he meant it.  “True, we’re strongest when we all work together.  I just hope that we’ll be able to help, you know?  There are a couple of names that my mind keeps wandering back to, but I don’t know if that’s because they have any significance, or just because I’ve known them for so many years.”  Bursting out laughing, Dylan nodded seriously, “Alright, this town really is more exciting than I think anyone gives it credit for.  I could totally see that happening.”  Dylan waved his hand, groceries crinkling in his bags.  “You didn’t interrupt anything, sounds like I interrupted you.  I’m headed back to the library ... you think I can sneak these into the basement?”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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AJ’s eyes widened and she fought back laughter. “That’s okay. As for Delia, she’s currently trying to romance one of the werewolves in town and invited him over for tea. Last I saw he was desperately trying not to break one of her delicate teacups. I’m hoping she’ll be able to give me advice on this ghost thing when he leaves.” She only knew in the first place that he was a wolf because Delia had told her so, she tended to give her more details than she asked for or wanted in the first place. “I can handle this bag, I promise… but thanks, Dyl.” She gave him a sweet smile. 
Turning her body again so she could continue trying to figure out where the door was, she nodded at his question, brows knitted together. “Got anything on top of Scooby stuff? Schoolwork?” She asked idly and then as he offered to come with her, she exhaled. “Yeah, actually, it would help. I think it’s down that alleyway.” She said, pointing before she began walking. “Come on, let’s get this over and done with. I feel like it’s gonna be weird.”
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“Oh damn Aunt Delia!  Do you know who it is?  I can put in a good word for her.  Not that she needs it, her personality speaks for itself.  I guess it’s serious if she knows about the whole werewolf thing.”  Dylan didn’t know why anyone would give a werewolf something they didn’t want to be broken - he made sure to drink only out of plastic mugs and cups because he was always accidentally breaking things.  It was really easy to forget the heightened strength thing.  “Yeah, any advice is welcome.  I didn’t think it was all going to be easy, but I really didn’t think it would be this hard.”
He smiled back, rearranging his bags on his arms so that the weight was more evenly distributed again.  They weren’t heavy, but he was realizing that maybe he’d gone a little bit overboard.  Ah well.  “I’ve got a mountain of biology work already, and midterms in a few weeks.  Feels way too early, but I guess they know best, right?”  He trusted his professors.  Dylan nodded, easily keeping up with AJ as she lead the way down the alleyway.  “Did she give you any info about it, or are we going in blind?  Either way, let’s get weird.”  He was on board.
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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“It hasn’t been that long since we’ve eaten but I can’t say I’m not hungry too,” she murmured, though she’d been doing her best to figure out how to control it so she wasn’t seen eating all the time. She didn’t want anyone questioning why she was eating as much as she was because she couldn’t explain it herself, nor did she want to try and understand it. As the bag was pushed in her direction, she crinkled her nose and shook her head because while she appreciated the gesture, she needed a little more than kernels. 
With a sigh, she looked down at the list she had been given. “Yeah, I feel like we’re going to have to go through everyone then if you don’t know of any connections.” Jordana had been hoping for a quicker way but that didn’t seem to be happening. She was actually surprised at how many new clients there was but one of them must have had a connection. Smiling at the suggestion, she quickly stood up and pulled on her jacket. “Please…fresh air sounds amazing right now,” she murmured, pulling her hair out from underneath the lapels. “Maybe I’ll even let you buy me a coffee.”
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“See, it’s not just me.  You have to feed your brain otherwise you won’t be able to think straight.”  That was a biological fact, right?  Dylan nodded, sighing.  “I was hoping that I’d be able to look at the names and figure something out right away, but that’s not happening.  We’ll find something.  Eventually.”  He stood up, following Jordana’s lead, happy that she had agreed to go for a walk and hadn’t just brushed him off like she was always doing.  He really wanted to get to know her better, and he didn’t usually feel that way about many people.  Pulling on his own jacket, he laughed.  “I’d be happy to.  There’s a café not too far from here that makes the best bagels, and their coffee isn’t half bad either.”
Leading the way out of the library basement where the Scooby Gang had taken over, and then out of the library, Dylan inhaled the fresh air happily.  There was a bite to it, as there always was towards the end of September.  Winter was coming, and Dylan couldn’t wait - it was his favourite season.  Shoving his hands into his pockets, he peered in Jordana’s direction.  “Have you learned your way around town yet?”  He wasn’t sure how long she’d been in town, but he didn’t think it had been very long.  Without waiting for her to answer, he was about to ask another question when the most delicious smell he’d ever smelled before in his life hit him in the nose, and his mouth started to water.  “Do you-” stopping himself short, because he remembered that asking her if she smelled specific things didn’t go over so well, he grabbed Jordana’s hand and started pulling her in the direction that his nose was leading him.  “I don’t know what I’m smelling, but it needed to be in my belly yesterday.”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
{ open to: anybody! as long as ur not gonna make kody work 😡   location: scooby gang hq }
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          throwing his hands up in defeat, the groan that leaves kody’s mouth goes on for longer than necessary, and sounds a little more like he’s shouting in distress than bored, like he really is. “please, can we pleaaaase do something else. i swear i’ve been going through this client list for days now and my brain is fried. all of these people are boooooring.” dramatically, his head falls down onto the keys of his laptop that he’s brought along for research, unknowingly typing a string of nnnnnnnnnn keys into the google search bar. “i promise i’m not gonna tell aj we were slacking!” not that she’d seriously reprimand them if it came up, but he still feels the need to stress that, considering she is the one who dolled out their tasks. “i need something fun to happen. can we just do something fun for like at least ten minutes so i don’t go totally cookoo bananas?”
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At the sudden shout, Dylan whipped his head in Kody’s direction so fiercely that his neck cracked.  “Ow”, he laughed once he realized that Kody wasn’t in any immediate harm, hand moving up to massage the back of his neck as he moved his head from side to side.  Apparently you needed to move slowly after looking down at a desk for the better part of an hour.  “I’m down, what do you want to do?”  The continued and lingering feeling of not being able to make any connections even though he felt like they were right there in front of his face was frustrating.  A distraction was welcome, that was for sure.  “I won’t either, the last thing we want is AJ’s wrath”, he joked, knowing full well that they wouldn’t be told off for taking a break.  He hoped.  “I won’t let you go cookoo bananas, don’t worry man.”  Dylan’s eyes scanned around the room, looking for something ordinary that they could turn into a distraction.  “Wanna play garbage can basketball, or were you thinking of something more lit?”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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When her mother passed away, and more recently with the disappearance of her sister, the void Kenny had felt in the pit of her stomach was seemingly impossible to fill. She filled her time with art, music, film, even a job that she didn’t technically need since her father insisted on giving her an allowance. But nothing could seem to stop the endless flow of questions as to why these two occurrences had to happen to her, of all people. Surely there are people deserving of the pain more than an artsy stoner who prefers complex fictional characters to actual people. The other’s voice is familiar in her ears, though Kendall’s gaze is that of confusion until she’s able to locate the source. “Dylan,” she starts, offering a bit of a nod once he’s approaching her. “It’s… definitely going,” she responds, shoulders lifting in a shrug. “How’s the client research going?”
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“Kendall”, Dylan nodded back seriously, trying to match her tone.  Kenny could be a bit hard to read sometimes, and he honestly would have been lying if he tried to say that he wasn’t a bit intimated by her.  Still, he was happy to run into her outside of the library.  And ... you know, not in a cemetery.  It dawned on him that he probably should have asked a different question.  They had all been doing nothing but researching and then talking about their research with one another, but it was already out of his mouth before he could stop it.  But hey, he really was interested in what everyone else was doing, since his own research kept coming up short.  He grimaced, “Yeah, that’s where I’m at too.  I feel like I’m constantly missing something, even though it’s right in front of my face.  What are we going to do if we can’t figure this thing out?”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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       after work, all finn wanted was a large plate of waffles with too much syrup. and a large cup of coffee to feed her caffeine addiction. anything to get through the next few hours. just because her official work day was over, didn’t mean she wasn’t about to pile back into the basement for more research. the voice draws her attention as she filters through her thoughts. she smiles when she sees dylan and lifts a hand to wiggle her fingers at him. “long time no see.” she takes a step closer to him and offers a little shrug with a grimace. “about as well as can be expected. there’s a lot of information to go through. what about you? anything successful?”
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Dylan would have waved back, but his arms were so full that he did an awkward sort of shoulder wave, grinning at his friend.  “I’m pretty much in the same boat.  I think there’s something there, but I can’t seem to make any connections in my head.  We’ll get there, I’m sure.  Or ... I hope.”  Adding on as an afterthought, he asked, “Have you come across any fun town tidbits that you didn’t already know?  I’d be interested.”  Grinning, he realized that he had intercepted her, as she had seemed to be walking with purpose.  “Where are you headed?  I can walk you, if you want.”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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With all the time AJ spent with the Scooby Gang, it was easy to forget that she technically had a job. She was reminded of that fact when she went to visit her aunt Delia to get some guidance, the other woman sent her back out with a grocery list. Currently, she a was hauling a paper bag full of organic ingredients and was reading the directions to a store she’d never heard of before. Squinting at it, her attention was drawn away by a familiar voice and her brows furrowed as her chin lifted and she spotted Dylan coming closer. “Hey there.” She greeted, readjusting the paper bag on her hip as she took in the mountain of shopping he’d apparently done. 
“Well, I went to visit Aunt Delia, so…” She chuckled, the two of them knowing she didn’t actually work for the woman much for her money. Usually if she went to her, she was looking for help. “She sent me out on a wild goose chase for some weird store. You stocking up?”
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“Ah, Aunt Delia.”  Dylan nodded knowingly.  “How’s she doing?”  Glancing down at the bag AJ was holding on her hip, Dylan shifted his bags around and held out an arm.  “Need a hand?”  He didn’t have all that extra strength for nothing, after all.  “Weird store?  One in town?”  Realizing that he’d just asked her a handful of rapid fire questions, he chuckled. “Sorry, I don’t mean to ask you twenty questions.”  Not that it was out of the ordinary, he almost always turned to AJ for direction and answers.  He just didn’t want her to feel like she always needed to have them.
Dylan let his gaze fall to the bags he was carrying, shrugging.  “A bit, I don’t think these will last long.  I’ve got a few overnighters ahead of me, so I want to make sure I don’t go hungry.”  Hopefully she didn’t poke fun at his snack selection.  “Where’s the store?  I could walk with you, if you want some company.”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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Jordana had a disadvantage when it came to the others because she didn’t know any of the names, meaning she had to keep asking. Her notes were plastered with little post-it notes but so far, nothing seemed to be standing out and she knew it would soon be time to move on to the headstones. It was somewhat frustrating that nothing seemed to be useful but she was determined to keep going, to give something to the investigation, even with her own two papers which were due. It would no doubt mean an all-nighter the night before they were due, something that had become a common occurrence lately.
Reading about the lastest name, Jordana looked up with a furrow of her eyebrows, quickly grabbing the piece of paper to throw back at him, though a little harder and hitting him on the head. “How can I come up with anything when you’re crunching in my ear?” With a roll of her eyes, she sat back in her seat and gazed at him. “No nothing, all the names are starting to roll into each other.” Honestly, she was thankful for the break. “I’m guessing you haven’t come up with anything yet either if you’re starting to pester me.”
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The balled up paper smoked him in the head, and Dylan burst out laughing - he should have seen that coming.  It bounced off his head and onto the floor, rolling underneath one of the filing cabinets.  “I’m hungry!  How am I supposed to make any miraculous conclusions on an empty stomach?”  After a minute, he remembered his manners.  “Want some?”  He shook the bag of popcorn in Jordana’s direction.  It was mostly kernels at that point, but still.  He could share.  
Dylan shrugged, “I I know most of the names, and I could probably tell you what they look like and what they do for a living and what their kid’s names are, but I don’t know what kind of connection they had to Mr. Williams.”  He was determined not to let himself feel useless - they would figure it out, one way or another.  Teamwork made the dream work, after all.  He just hoped that they weren’t completely on the wrong track.  Ignoring the jab, he asked, “Do you want to go for a walk, or something?  Clear our heads and give our eyes a break?”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
STATUS: open
LOCATION: town square
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Dylan had been haunted by the list of client names since he laid eyes on them, and was starting to think he was seeing the names in his sleep.  It was a little frustrating, not to be able to draw connections between the information that he’d been given.  Between starting a new semester and trying to solve the mystery, he knew he was going to need to load up on snacks.  And so, he left the grocery store, arms laden with bags full of all of his favourite snacks to keep him going.  Walking deeper into the town square, he was happy to see the familiar face of one of his friends, and he called out, “Hey stranger!”  Once closer to them, he lowered his voice a little, “How’s your search for info going?”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
LOCATION: scooby gang headquarters
TAGGING: @thejordana​​
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Dylan’s eyes were almost starting to burn as he combed through the list of clients AJ had given him for the third time with his purple highlighter.  So many of the names looked familiar, some of them he knew immediately, and some of them he had to rack his brain to remember why he recognized them.  He wanted to make sure that he had done all of the recon on the client list before he moved to the pictures of the headstones, but he was already a little worried that the headstones would be hard to read, and even more of a dead end than the list of clients.  Dylan was determined not to be discouraged just yet, though, and was even more determined not to let his mind wander to the mountain of school work he already had.  He’d already devoured his share of the Chinese food, and was now snacking on popcorn, trying not to crunch too loudly.
“Pst!  Hey, Jordana”, he whispered loudly once he was done his popcorn, deciding that his eyes needed a break.  “Psst!”  Crumpling up a spare piece of paper, he tossed it lightly in Jordana’s direction, hoping to get her attention.  “You come up with anything yet?”
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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        watching dylan use his super-powered-sniffer to suss out the area actually has kody a little bit jealous. he knows that within his newfound and secret vampirism lie several superpower-like abilities, but not only does he not know exactly what they are ( google has been the least amount of help, considering most of what he’s read about happen to be fictional ), but he has no idea how he could possibly access them if he needed to. all he knows for certain are: seeing in the dark? easy peasy. lifting a large object? piece of cake. death? seemingly impossible… keyword: seemingly. he wishes he had his own special power that he could share with the group ( or even one he could keep to himself that would at least benefit them ) like dylan does… instead, all he has is a dirty little secret that often has him wondering if he’s putting them in more danger than he is helping. “ummm…” he mumbles, now sitting on his knees, still attempting to decipher the dates on the headstones. “…old? that’s about all i can tell.” he laughs, trying to use his sleeve to wipe away the dust and debris that have formed. it doesn’t do much, but it does help him learn the first name of one of the deceased. “we’ve got a patty here!” he exclaims, smiling wide as he points at the headstone. “some lady named patricia i guess?” 
his gaze shifts up to the two trees again once dylan has mentioned their unusual smell. eyebrows narrowing, he rises back to his feet and slowly approaches one of the trees, eyeing it up and down. “i’m pretty sure these are oak trees… they look strong like them but…” he looks back to dylan, shrugging a shoulder. “what do they smell like?” 
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Dylan laughed with his friend, “Fair enough, there’s probably nothing out of the ordinary about the headstones.”  He looked back up at the trees, entranced by how big and mighty they were.  “I’ve always wondered about what it would be like to be a tree.  Do you think they’re sentient?  People always say that they aren’t, but I don’t know.”  Lost for a few moments, he eventually crouched down, squinting at the headstone once again.  “Patricia!  I wonder what her life was like.”  If it wasn’t weird to hang out in a cemetery, Dylan would have wanted to go back to it and allow himself time to read through the headstones more thoroughly, and try to imagine what people’s lives had been like.  But they had a job to do, a reason to be there, and he tried to bring himself back to the present.
“That’s what I was thinking, too.  They smell like oak, but there’s also a sweet smell.  You know when you get to the bottom of a packet of sour patch kids?  And there’s the sugar in the bottom and it smells really sour and sweet?  That’s what I’m picking up on.  Weird, right?”  Maybe he was just being paranoid.  In any case, thinking about sour patch kids was making him hungry.
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betaxbe-were · 4 years ago
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“You are starting to make me think you got me to join a cult. Next you’ll be talking about matching bracelets or something,” she chuckled, running her hands up and down her arms. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Dylan, there wasn’t anything not to like but the fact he smelt familiar always sent fear down her spine and it wasn’t as if she could explain it to anyone. They wouldn’t understand. Part of her wanted to ask him if he felt the same thing but then that would be admitting that she was different and she wasn’t going to do that any time soon.  “For once I won’t be mean and say I told you so if it turns out I was right, think yourself lucky,” she murmured before walking away, missing the fact that he holds out his hand. She can’t say she’s all that surprised when he runs past her and part of her wants to do the same, to stretch her legs because they were aching to do so but she bit down on her bottom lip instead, trying to control what she was feeling. The best thing for her to do would be to walk away from Dylan and try and keep as much space between them as possible but he hadn’t done anything wrong for her to do that, plus she didn’t want him asking questions as to why. Instead, she was going to have to deal with it. 
Letting him talk, mainly to himself, Jordana made sure to follow after him but swallowed down the number of smells she was getting. One standing out clearer than anything else. She didn’t know if it meant anything but above everything else was a distinct smell of blood. Not sure whether to say anything, she didn’t notice he’d stopped until she bumped into his back and she looked around him to see what he was doing. “I don’t smell anything,” she lied, somewhat grateful that he had picked up on it so she didn’t have to mention it. “You’re probably just imagining it.” Jordana should have known that he would follow the scent anyway and as he walked away, she allowed herself to sniff at the air for a minute. He was right, that much was clear but she didn’t know what it would mean in terms of them looking for something. It could have been nothing. After a few seconds, she followed after him and jogged a little until she was caught up. “How are you able to smell blood in a container?” She figured she would ask, curious to see what he would say. “You must have a good nose on you.” Tucking her hands in her jacket, she looked around the area before they came across an opening. Walking a little faster, she noticed something on the ground and she bent down to see a vial filled with a quarter of blood. “Looks as if your nose was on point.”
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“Are you just saying that because deep down, you know that you’re wrong?”  Dylan can’t help but tease, even though he wouldn’t have minded hearing a ‘told ya so.’  “Sorry!”  He grimaced when she walked into him, turning around to make sure she hadn’t stumbled.  It was a little surprising to him that she was claiming she couldn’t smell the blood, because it was pretty freakin’ clear, at least to him.  But maybe he’d just had more practice sniffing things out, or getting used to his abilities.  As much as he found the back and forth banter amusing, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit defensive about the accuracy of his nose.  Without it, what did he have to offer group on this investigation?  “Imagining it?  There may as well be a neon sign pointing to it.”  It was almost involuntary at that point, he couldn’t help but want to investigate further.
Finally stopping again, Dylan quirked a brow and looked at Jordana again.  “That’s kind of my whole thing as a werewolf, isn’t it?  Super sniffer, super strong, all that.”  He wasn’t sure of what she was trying to do.  Did she genuinely not experience any of the same things that he did?  From what he could tell, the whole Bridgemead pack had a heightened sense of smell.  Maybe she hadn’t fully tapped into hers yet.  Or maybe she was pretending that she wasn’t like he was.  He couldn’t really tell.  Lost in thought, Dylan barely noticed that Jordana had already made her way into the clearing.  He looked around for a moment, seeing if there was anything odd, or even dangerous looking when Jordana spoke, and he ran over to her, bending down to take in what she was looking at.  “Damn.”  He had been certain that he was right, but hadn’t stopped to think about how strange it was to see a vial of blood, as if they were in a Spirit Halloween store in the decorations aisle.  “That’s weird, right?  That is definitely not a normal thing that you see in the cemetery.  Do you think someone left it here for safekeeping?  What do we do with it?”  He probably had a million more questions, but it wasn’t fair to expect Jordana to have the answers.
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