betasgrimorie · 2 years
Hot Chocolate Magic ☕
with hot chocolate season on the way, there are a lot of subtle ways to work a little magic into your mug! a compiled list of easy recipes to have some magic in your day
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for all recipes, melt chocolate in the microwave, and mix in heated milk.
Caramel 🍬
½ cup milk, 5 oz. chopped milk chocolate, 3 tsps caramel, ¼ cup heavy cream.  for love, kindness, domestic works
Cinnamon Spice 🍃
1 cup milk,  5 oz. chopped dark chocolate, ¼ tsp cinnamon, a pinch cayenne pepper. divination, fortune, healing, power, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, spirituality, wealth, and wisdom.
Orange  🍊
1 cup milk,  2 oz. chopped dark chocolate, ½ tbsp sugar, ½ tbsp grated orange peel. for beauty, divination, fortune, love, purification, and wealth.
White Lavender 🌾
1 cup whole milk, ½ chopped white chocolate, ¼ tsp lavender flowers. for chastity, happiness, love, peace, protection, and purification.
Peppermint 🍬
1 cup whole milk, ½ cup chopped milk chocolate, 1 peppermint candy.  for healing, love, psychic abilities, and purification.
Pumpkin Spice 🎃 
1 cup whole milk,  1 tsp. chocolate powder, ½ tsp pumpkin spice, 1 tsp. maple syrup.  for banishment, divination, healing, prosperity, and protection
Hazelnut 🌰
1 cup whole milk, a pinch salt, 1 tsp cocoa, 2 tbsp nutella or ¼ tsp hazelnut extract.  for fertility, protection against evil, creativity, intuition, and psychic abilities
Vanilla 🌾
½ cup milk, 5 oz. chopped milk chocolate, 1 tsp vanilla extract. for happiness, love, and lust.
Peanut Butter 🌰
1 cup skim milk,  2 oz. chopped dark chocolate, ¼ cup peanut butter, add cream to taste. for wealth, love, and fortune.
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
Simple Home Wards
For outside:
Drive sturdy sticks into the corners of your property to bolster those areas and strengthen wards. It adds firm definition to where you are warding. Using sticks from your property is a great way to connect everything on your land
Hammer three nails in the ground near your front door to act as a potent warning to spirits below.
Use solar powered lights to line your path to the door to keep it feeling bright, warm, and inhabited. Keep a small light on your keys and it will help to keep you from getting lost. Make sure to program all lights and keychain lights at the same time to sync them together.
Enchant wreaths to draw in abundance and repel misfortune and negative entities.
Choose a striking door knocker to act as a guardian against thieves and predators.
Plant hardy flowers and bushes that are native to/thrive in your area around all entrances and exits. Find out what the bees in your region like (if possible)!
Use windchimes to ward off entities looking for stagnant places. Sound and motion tend to clear away that kind of energy.
Draw (or use energy instead of a drawing utensil) a sigil on the outer walls of your home, especially on pillars and doorframes. You can do this before your home is completely built if you are in that process!
Draw similar sigils and/or statements on your driveway in the summer to bake them into your land and charge them. You can use water in a squeeze bottle to do this as well, and it will fade away immediately if your area is hot.
During the winter, you can also use water to cut through the snow or to freeze onto your property. Be careful, of course, and bear in mind where you or your pets may walk.
Use potted flowers to hide non-deteriorating crystals and wards. Put permanent wards inside the pots before planting.
For inside:
Enchant and place coins or other small tokens above every doorway and in every windowsill of your home to draw in wealth and repel malevolent forces. Bobby pins, dimes, toothpicks. It all works, but I recommend charging them every month or so.
Hang tapestries or other kinds of wall decor to break up stretches of potentially stagnant spaces. Clocks move and typically have a sound, which have always served me well in cleansing and keeping up with the flow of energy.
Salt lamps are actually quite useful. They are very dangerous for animals and small children, though. If you're good with the lamps being safe, they are excellent at cleansing, warming up, and protecting an area.
Rugs can be used to make wards all ob their own. You can create a design on the underside if you want, or just use energy to enchant it.
Wipe vents down with some sort of ritually clean and positively charged solution. Gem elixir, moon water, herbal tincture, etc.
Enchant fixtures already setup to protect you and your family. Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, security systems, locks, etc. Use energy opposed to physical materials for most of these to protect their functionality.
Ward your attic. Birds get in, squirrels get in, entities and energies get in.
If you have a chimney, ward the fireplace or surrounding objects. Grates and screens are awesome for this.
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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im gonna scream this is a park near my house
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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some witch/wiccan symbols from one of my grimoire pages! i also have 2 sigils at the bottom lol ignore them and sorry my its a bit messy im not very good at handwriting but im trying my hardest lol :/ i want to do more pages of alchemy symbols etc later on but rn im doing other stuff so i dont know where to put them
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
A Primer On Planetary Magic - Incense Reviews
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As I’m falling again deep down the rabbit hole of classical astrology, conducting my own renaissance studies on the matter and delving into various calculations, I figured : why not going in there fully, and assess a little routine for myself ? We shall see if it strengthens the work in any way - which, naturally, I have little doubt it will. Mundane occupations being what they are, mind, I am determined to keep this routine fairly simple. All I’m going to do is to pay especially close attention to the subtle pressures of celestial bodies and their placements on a daily basis for a week length. But, more specifically, and this is the meat of it, I will work on the importance of invocations, reciting the proper Orphic Hymn each day on the right hour (as per Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book I, Chapter LXXI) - and seize that opportunity to complete a full-length (but long overdue) review of @thedesertgod friend B’s planetary incenses.
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As specified in her post on the subject, Trio emphasizes the fact that these high quality incenses are hand crafted by a reputed magician of her knowing, partly based on the suffumigations recommended by Agrippa, and partly conceived based on their own correspondences. Most of the ingredients are home-grown, and even though not knowing the full composition can be somewhat of a deal-breaker, one can understand why B would like to keep the recipes for themselves. Now, if you live in the EU like me, unfortunately despite the attractive cost of the lot, the shipping and courier price of these little gems is, quite frankly, prohibitive. For me, I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Chicago on my holidays, so this is how I managed to snatch a bundle for a very reasonable expense. Crafted under all the correct influences, infused with all the expected energies, these are potent blends that can even act on their own accord in a charm bag or mojo hand. This power shows right away, that’s for sure. Cherry on the cake : they ship quickly, and are packed with the utmost care in sturdy little boxes, very handy for travelling.
Monday - Moon Incense
« HEAR, Goddess queen, diffusing silver light,
Bull-horn'd and wand'ring thro' the gloom of Night.
With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide
Night's torch extending, thro' the heav'ns you ride:
Female and Male with borrow'd rays you shine,
And now full-orb'd, now tending to decline.
Mother of ages, fruit-producing Moon,
Whose amber orb makes Night's reflected noon
Lover of horses, splendid, queen of Night,
All-seeing pow'r bedeck'd with starry light.
Lover of vigilance, the foe of strife,
In peace rejoicing, and a prudent life:
Fair lamp of Night, its ornament and friend,
Who giv'st to Nature's works their destin'd end.
Queen of the stars, all-wife Diana hail! 15
Deck'd with a graceful robe and shining veil;
Come, blessed Goddess, prudent, starry, bright,
Come moony-lamp with chaste and splendid light,
Shine on these sacred rites with prosp'rous rays,
And pleas'd accept thy suppliant's mystic praise. »
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Where the Orphic Hymn stipulates a fumigation of aromatics, Agrippa is a bit more specific, and a tad more fancy - from the head of a frog to the blood of a mesntruating woman, from camphor to white poppy, hyssop and olive tree. I have also previously seen mugwort and clary sage being added loosely to any lunar incense inspired or derived from the old master’s advice. And is that some myrtle pods one can see burning on my charcoal ? The composition here is rather powdery, with tiny elements and herbs eager to jump out of their box. Muted colors - pale greens, faded yellows, a sample of browns. It burns very quickly, with a sizzle, crackling gently. It teases the charcoal’s ember. The scent is light and dry, bittersweet really, quite volatile but still very pungent. Oddly, it smells a bit of cooking, and one is tempted to taste it under the tongue - you could salt a meat. A round scent with subtle undertones. Quieting. The smoke is thin and white, with the faintest blue coloring its trail. It reminds me of a prophetic incense I once crafted, and I bet it could be of excellent use for all sorts of divinatory arts. It was neatly trance-inducing, and would be worth testing outside, in the open air, under the moon herself. All in all, a surprising scent, not quite what I expected, but very satisfying as it covered some herbs I for one certainly never consumed by fire before, even though identifying them was a challenge. When you work with local plants, that is bound to happen, and that is why broadening the perspective thanks to the work of other practioners is always rewarding. A very nice opening, and a welcomed reminder if need be to buy from reputable people, or at the very least from persons you trust to provide excellent sources and quality services.
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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hello, witchy friends! i created this list to help some fellow beginners out! i hope you like it
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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Wheel of the Year : LITHA
The Summer Solstice is the most powerful day of the year for the sun energies and as our first potion of the Wheel of the Year, “Litha Potion” is perfect to enjoy these hot days even if some of us aren’t that comfortable with heat.  Instructions:
Light the candle every time you make a step of the process to concentrate the fire energy into every ingredient.
Mix the almond gum powder with 2 cups of water in a container, cover it and let it set for 24 hours.
Put the lemon and mint in a large jar.
Pour over enough boiling water to cover the lemon.
Add enough honey  to make it sweet enough.
Let it cool.
Strain the liquid into a glass.
Get your almond gum and strain out the excess liquid.
Add this to a lemonade, and stir.
Refrigerate and add some crushed ice, and then its ready to be served!
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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Mabon A super cute tutorial that will leave your home smelling deliciously and with the best autumn vibes! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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Here is the Samhain Potion of our Wheel of the Year Collection!
To banish demons inside us, both metaphorical and literal and to have a fun time with the coven and the dead!
You can do this until the 2nd of November don’t worry.
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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Yule Positive Spell
♡Happy Solstice!!! Hope you all have a merry Yule!!!♡ We want you to finish this year with the best of energy and positive vibes, so here below will be the steps to take in this longest night of the year.
Gather your items and light the candle. You don’t have to pronounce words but if it helps you visualize, you can do it. Think of how the fire of the candle will cleanse your loved ones and your soul.
Place the red ribbon in the bottle and thing of how this color is the color of love and how it connects you all.
Place the cinnamon with the chestnuts and imagine its all your loved ones together and yourself in this peaceful night even if you wont be able to see them all.
Write your intention on the paper. Any positive emotion or wish you want them all to have.
Put the paper in the bottle and grab the candle. Drip the melted wax on the contents inside.
You can keep thinking on this peaceful moment and the positive energy you are creating to charge yourself more.
Extinguish the candle
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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Imbolc Spell
°˖✧ Welcome Spring and wake up from the Winter rest ✧˖°
Imbolc is a time for cleansing and planning, knowing that spring and more energy is on its way ❁*✲゚*
Go on a stroll in nature, it could be a park or some woods near your house and gather some small rocks or maybe some birch from there, think about the things that you want to accomplish in this year and know that they will come true if your intention is true <3
Focus on that and with it in mind go to make this little spell.
Put the rocks inside the jar which are the stepping stones for your goals, one for every big goal you have, then add 3 little seeds inside it, representing all the growth you are gonna make.
Then write in a piece of paper your intention, or maybe use a sygil to represent it or both.
Lit your candles (2 or more) around your jar and in this moment try to bring all your energy to the positive things that will come with spring.
Close the jar and put it in your altar as an intention for the upcoming months.
*In this imbolc time you can also clean your altar and set it for new intentions and take away what does not serve you anymore either by burning or proper discard.
**If you can, plant another 3 seeds outside or in pots, whichever is best for that particular plant
Above all enjoy this time, have a meal and relax, with your coven or solo❁*✲゚*
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
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Beltane Celebration
Hi lovely ones! We know it’s super late but we have been working hard on new surprises you will like a lot! We promise! But for now, here’s the Beltane Spell Celebration of this month.
You will need previous Moon Water already made and you will pour it carefully inside a clear vase of your choice.  After this step is done, light up the white candle and think of the elements in front of you. Make a silent wish.
Now place the flowers inside the vase while making a blessing to someone or something for each flower you put.  Once it’s all done, please take a moment to think about the meaning of this celebration time.  Of How it’s related to have fun, fertility, abundance, romance, celebration and protection.
If you are ok with it, you can also offer these to the faeries around your home and expect magical energies through all the month.
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betasgrimorie · 5 years
Ailments of the fairy folk
I thought it would be interesting to list all the ailment (the ones I know and wish to share) that fairies can cause harm to mortal beings. Enjoy! Some found in folklore, others from personal experience, and some from a mix of both
Strike of the eye, eye struck, eye bite, or evil eye
Typically, it can range from being hexed to even cursed. The victims are plagued by bad luck. Some bits of folklore and stories of fairy doctors say that one can tell if they have been “bitten by those fairies eyes” from the victim’s eyes. A strange bruise or blue mark might also appear on their skin usually near the face. 
Fairy Wails, Banshee’s song, or the Fairy Dog’s howl
The victim is said to hear a fairy’s call, one which they were not meant to hear. Some say it is soothing, while others say it is frightening. Either way, it is something that can lead to some strange occurrences. Not always negative, it can sometimes lead to prophetic visions and even the fairy sight. Though, it can also lead to one’s death or expose them to illness of ghastly winds from the underworld and the dead. 
 The Fairy Strike, fairy struck, The fairy grasp, Cravings of Fairyland
The victims tended to be either youths or the elderly. They were people that fell and began to wither, whether it be physically or mentally. It is said they are being stolen away by the fairies to become their brides, grooms, nursemaids, or slaves. The people will wish isolation, no longer crave food, and lose interest in all that they once love. They merely want to sleep. 
The Fairy Bleat, Fairy Blast, or  “The Wind”
This is caused from a gust of wind sent from an angry fairy, which can cause a darkness of heart or for the heart to be swallowed up. They are weak and all strength is sucked up. They might also shiver and be cold, yet it is summer and warm. They might also become grayer in complexion. 
The Fairy Stroke (also called the Fairy Blast too) 
When someone is hit by a fairy, they will show signs usually lumps, tumors, bruises, strange marks (even claw marks), or even become paralyzed (both temporarily and permanently) 
Fairy Taken, Fairy-napped
Both physically or mentally, an individual has been taken away by the fairies. If physically, the person is missing (maybe replaced by a fake like a doll, animal, or even log). If mentally, the person is not responsive to anything or anyone, rather they lay in a state of sleeping. This usually is the result of the fairy grasp.
The Fairy Song, fairy’s flute, siren’s call
The call to those unknowing. It is hypnotic and pleasing to our ears. The victims forget themselves and are drawn to the call. Sometimes its straight into the sea, where they drown. Other times, its right into a fairy fort and to a Fairy Queen. 
Fairy Darts, fairy arrows, elf darts 
Small arrows and darts that fairies use to attack various creatures from crows to people. They typically aim around the joints and can cause pain, redness, and swelling. For cows, it might cause their milk to sour or go dry. 
Fairy Nightmares
When the fairies tug and pull at a sleeping person’s body (their hair, limbs, clothing, etc) and torment them in their sleep. 
Fool of the Forth, glance of the fool, Mad Eye
One of the more deadly ailments, the fool of the forth is believed to be incurable, though some swear that Biddy Early could cure them half the time. Basically, the victim looks into the eyes of the Fool and become mad. It can lead to them committing suicide, eating strange and dangerous things, becoming a wrathful beast, or even attacking friends/family. Some experience partial Mad Eyes, due to not directly looking at the fool of the forth. These cases can lead to severe symptoms that are temporary or very minor symptoms that stick with them. 
That’s all I’ve got to share with you guys, hope you enjoyed! Some sources below :) 
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland: The Fairy Doctor
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry: Witches, FairyDoctors: Witches, Fairy Doctors
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betasgrimorie · 6 years
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A Mercury Retrograde Tarot Spread
1. Signifier: Mercury Retrograde  - Place The Magician reversed in the center of your spread to represent Mercury moving backwards.
​2. Artifact - What is Mercury dredging up for me in this retrograde period?
3. Affect - How is it (the “what” represented by card #2) affecting me?
4. Signifier: Action - What would I like to do with this pattern/energy/baggage/what-have-you?
Cross the reversed Magician with: The Hierophant to learn from or teach something, Justice to set something right, Death to lay something to rest and move on, Temperance to integrate and balance past and present, or The Sun to rekindle something.
5. Lesson - What do I have to learn from it now? ​ 6. Resolution - How can I best resolve it? What strategies can I draw on to learn from it, set it right, lay it to rest, integrate it, or rekindle it? Notes The signifiers are optional. I know some folks are averse to consciously choosing and placing cards in a spread. If that’s you, no worries, you can skip the center cross.
You do, however, need to consciously decide what you want to do with the pattern you’re examining here in order to know what question card #6 addresses. It takes different strategies to rekindle a forgotten talent than it does to lay an old blockage to rest. For this reason, I recommend that you draw cards 4-6 only after you’ve drawn and analyzed cards 1-3.
You can use this spread anytime you’re feeling haunted by your own past. It doesn’t need to be a Mercury Retrograde to ask the same basic questions. Just use a personal significator, upright, for card #1, and ask, “what old pattern is haunting me?” or “what past baggage is on my case now?” for card #2.
For the full blog post head to: http://www.interrobangtarot.com/blog/a-mercury-retrograde-tarot-spread
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betasgrimorie · 6 years
I’ve got another quick and easy tarot trick for y’all! The featured card for this one is The Hermit because I always associate it with taking time to care for yourself. 1. Find The Hermit in your deck. 2. The card below is what’s stressing or draining you. 3. The card above is something you can do for yourself.
hope it helps make somebody’s day a bit better!
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betasgrimorie · 6 years
There are seven days of the week, & seven major planets of astrology. Each day corresponded to a planet/god-ess, & thus, each day is drenched in their power. The day of your birth can reveal powerful, interesting secrets about you & your own destiny. Which day were you born on?
“Monday’s child is born with Grace”
Monday is the day of the moon, otherwise known as ‘moonday’. Artemis/Diana is your patroness goddess. The Lunar Forces bless the child born on monday with tremendous psychic abilities, a gift to understand others & the gift of empathy.
Monday children are very sensitive, yet, they get easily angry as they feel very frustrated with the emotions of others. Usually, they are gentle & soft spoken as the light of the moon sweetens them from the inside. Most monday children are said to suffer from insomnia as the moon watches them at night & cannot easily let her children fall asleep. Monday children have a natural ability for glamour/beauty spells, & they also have a very powerful healing magic. The key to unlock their power is water, as the ancient magic taught us that the moon rules over all waters.
“Tuesday’s child is born with Valour”
Tuesday is the day of Mars, associated with Tyr’s the Norse War god & Mars/Ares. The passion of Mars blesses the children born on Tuesday with a fiery will & great enthusiasm! Tuesday children act spontaneously & love to alway take what they want. They are warriors, & this is either easily noticed or ignored. Their calling is to claim their power & become the brave children of mars, as the God of War intended.
Self righteousness is one of their characteristics as a child, but as they grow up, they will realise that more opinions are needed to be expressed & to see both sides. They are also prone to accidents, but considered very faithful & mighty. They have a natural ability for offensive spells, fighting evil & exorcisms. They are also very good at channeling enthusiasm & inspirations - hence, the key to unless unlocking their powers is enuthusiasm & inspiration.
“Wednesday’s child is born with Agility”
Wednesday is the day of Mercury, associated with Odin the Norse god of Wisdom & Mercury/Hermes. The Wisdom & Agility of Mercury blesses the child born on wednesday with avery strong, practical & powerful mind. Curiosity is second nature to them & they have a natural talent for business & communication.
Their calling is to discover & learn more & more every day. Children born on wednesday are gifted with the ability to cope with different stimuli st the same time, giving them the ability to multi-task & make them great at almost any job. It it said that children born on wednesday are usually very happy with their lives. Wednesday children also have a natural ability in astral projection & telepathy, as their consciousness is extremely powerful & they know how to control it. The key to unlocking their magical powers is their curiosity.
“Thursday’s child is born with Nobility”
Thursday is the day of Jupiter, associated with Thor the Norse God of Thunders & Jupiter/Zeus. The Royal nature of Zeus blesses these children with optimism & good luck. They have a strong sense of justice, which blesses them with respect from others & gives them a strong ability to know exactly what’s good for them - & chase that from a young age. They attract attention & opportunities - hence, doors open right infront of them.
These children are gifted with the ability to find their way to success - although, this may take time. They are often well behaved, yet, sincere which sometimes causes them problems. They have a natural ability for good luck spells & spells for any kind of success/or evolution. The key to unlocking & igniting their powers is optimism.
“Friday’s child is born with Charms”
Friday is the day of Venus, associated with Freja the Norse Goddess of Love & Beauty & Venus/Aphrodite. The Great Enchantress of the Pantheon blesses these children with a natural ability to enchant almost anything once they accept their nature & realise how beautifying they are. They are extremely talented artistically & have an amazing ability to bring peace, harmony & beauty wherever they go.
It is said, that the shadow of children born on Friday can beautify anything that falls on to it. As they grow older, they tend to understand their powers more & begin to realise that beauty can be found in the most unusual/strange/amazing places. These children are kind hearted with the ability to soften people whose hearts are/have been broken. They have the natural ability for love, beauty & peace spells - & generally they know this. The key to unlock their powers, direct their charms & make their spells even stronger is satisfaction!
“Saturday’s child is born with Power”
Saturday is associated with Saturn/Kronos. The God of Time blesses these children with extremely magical powers. Saturn is said to be the planet of the witches, thus, children born of this day are said to have very strong, sometimes ridiculously strong, abilities.
These children are hard workers, who are determined to go as far as they have to in order to find exactly what they’re looking for. They can endure match, & are very patient. They tend to be materialistic & often, this is a prison that their spirit desperately wants to try to escape. Once these children realise their divine nature, nothing will be able to stop them. These children are born with the ability to manifest anything they say - as long as they believe it. They have a natural ability to perceive evil influences & send them afar! The key to unlocking their power is honesty.
“Sunday’s child is born with Light”
Sunday. The day of the sun, associated with Apollo, God of Sun & Light. These children are blessed with generosity, valour & honour. They are great at sports, talented in the arts & possess great magical powers.
These children are noble, but not humble & they are very generous, as long as it is appreciated. They are optimistic, feeling that life will soon smile at them. Generally, that hang with many people - who most likely admire them - but only have a few strong friends. They are sensual people, but somehow very hurt by love. They have good hearts & like to help anyone in need. They have a natural ability to cast any spell - as long as it requires a candle as the flame symbolises their divine nature & origin from the sun! They are inspired people who have their way with magic, & the key to unlocking their powers is faith.
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betasgrimorie · 6 years
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M A G I C • H E R B S
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