°。 ❀ Merula Snyde °。 ❀
24 posts
୨୧ blog for ms. snyde ୨୧ rp ୨୧ run by @fatherwonka ୨୧ 
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 5 years ago
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Hii guys! It’s been SOO long since I posted on this account, but I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY, THAT IT’S BEEN LIKE-- 3 YEARS? AND I’M OBSESSED WITH MERULA ALL OVER AGAIN.  I’m thinking about starting this blog up again and acting like Merula and responding to posts, etc etc etc.  I’d love to hear your guy’s opinions!!  -FatherWonka
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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I’m going to befriend ALL of these losers
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
Merula: *throws rocks at MC’s window*
MC: *yelling loudly* you have a wand for a reason!
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
Dating Merula would include…
(Hogwarts Mystery Merula Snyde headcanons)
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You two arguing a lot (playfully). You two will also be a little competitive, after all, old habits are hard to break.
Her getting in fights when someone insults you. No one can insult you except her although she would only do that to you playfully.
You hexing people for judging Merula. Just because her parents are Death Eaters, doesn’t mean she would end up the same.
Her always calling you her favourite cursed student.
Her calling you by your last name whenever she is angry. You would probably do the same to her.
Her being affectionate in private. She would definitely hold you close and give you kisses whenever you alone. In public she would just hold your hand, people don’t need to see you two being affectionate.
The only time when she acts affectionate in public is when she hears people talking thrash about your relationship. People don’t like you two together means she will kiss you just to annoy them.
You flirting with Merula to fluster her and make her yell at you in embarrassment. You love seeing her flustered.
Merula would try to flirt with you to make you flustered. You would just point out what she was trying to do with a smirk. Although you could feel yourself getting flustered often.
Her slowly becoming friends with your friends. Ben would still be a little nervous around Merula. Tulip and Merula would definitely still argue from time to time.
Her being jealous when you get a lot of attention from other people than her and your friends. She doesn’t like sharing you with others.
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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cute witch
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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privet 🐍
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
MC telling Rowan they’re gay be like
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
Did you see the form the boggart takes for MC when they say ridikulous? (Can’t fcking spell) Honestly it’s more horrifying than the form it took before.
Haha, yeah.
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
Just you wait, Merula. I'm gonna romance the shite out of you, no matter how much you claim to hate me😘✨ -MC
I doubt that, but go ahead and try.
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
Why is Merula a Bully?(Theory)
So a lot of us have noticed that Merula can be a bit of a b*tch to us in the game. She called us out on day one for seemingly no reason. She claims to be the better witch, when it’s obvious we are. Well I’m here to tell you, IT’S ALL A FRONT.
I guess I’ll start as to why she made us her enemy on day 1 for no apparent reason. We know very little about Merula’s family, aside from the fact that her family served “he-who-must-not-be-named.” After his fall though, her parents were caught and sent to Azkaban. That’s some pretty heavy stuff, almost like finding out BOTH your parents were caught drug dealing in the Mafia. That in itself seems like reason enough to act out. Children are not always like their parents (Hence, Malfoy).
She uses bullying as a way to vent her frustrations. This actually is often the case with bullies, especially fictional ones, is that they act out at school because life is probably messed up at home. She knows her parents served the Dark Lord and were caught and sent to Azkaban, she probably recognizes she’s failing her house by acting out and also failing her classes. What’s more she most likely recognizes that we’re a great witch/wizard trying to do our best and uses our brother’s betrayal to remind herself that “there are people who’ve done worse, so I don’t have to feel bad about my situation.” 
The girl aims for recognition, she lives in our shadow, and deludes herself by saying “she’s a better witch.” Maybe not because she is, but because she wants to be. She may also be saying this as a goal. They say that if you tell yourself something enough times, it’ll become true. So she tells everyone she’ll be a better witch because she tries hard to be. She had a lot of messed up stuff just happen to her, it’s no wonder she’s so messed up herself.
I also want to point out that not everything Merula says is bad. In the story perhaps, but in class sessions, if you look at what she says another way, you can see that she’s trying her best and can be a good person. Instead of reading her dialogue as a villain, try reading it as someone who aims to be better.
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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She is sooooo tsundere
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bestwitch-at-hogwarts · 7 years ago
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