Dealing with the Challenges of a ADHD Child
All of us can be or rather have been restless, disruptive, impulsive and talkative. But it becomes a point of concern when these traits show in your children and make it difficult to control and it starts to interfere with their daily life. This is the immediate sign toward Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. The clinical psychologist hospital has defined it as a neuro-developmental psychiatric disorder with symptoms that often continue into adulthood. Mostly this tends to appear before the age of 12 and diagnosis is done six months after the initial exhibition of symptoms.
What causes ADHD?
In spite of being a topic of much research and study, the exact cause is not known in the majority of cases. If we look at the studies, we find that it has conservatively pointed out on poor dietary habits, watching too much television or poor parenting. But the latest research has also hinted at the genetic origins.
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What can be expected?
Symptoms can be broadly divided into three main groups – Inattentiveness, Hyperactivity, and Impulsiveness. Inattention involves your child being disorganized, having an inability to focus or pay attention, trouble staying on the topic while talking, forgetfulness of daily activities and easily being distracted. Hyperactivity includes restlessness while seated, regularly getting up to walk or run around, trouble doing tasks quietly and excessive talking. Impulsivity includes impatience, trouble waiting to talk or react and frequently interrupting others.
Will my child outgrow ADHD?
The ADHD will not come in the way of living long and successful lives albeit the symptoms cannot be eradicated but they do decrease with time. ADHD does not have a cure but there is every possibility to control and manage it. Treatment includes either counseling in the best psychiatrist hospital in Delhi   or medications or a combination of both. Behavioral management techniques and medicines are effective at helping them deal with ADHD.
The proper care for the child suffering from ADHD:
Assessment with the expert – The expert is the first person you should approach if you suspect ADHD. Many times children may just display characteristics of disorders with similar symptoms which might mislead the parents into believing that their child is suffering from ADHD.
Accept it – If it is found out that your child is suffering from ADHD, you just need to accept the same without any sense of guilt. ADHD is not something that develops in the later stages of life, it is rather a disorder in certain areas of the brain.
Appreciate them – Your child will face life just like every other child out there, and this could be a challenging task. It won’t be easy for them to cultivate self-confidence all by themselves, so it is important that you pitch in. No matter how small of an achievement, make sure your child knows that you appreciate them and love them. This will go a long way to help them with their confidence and self-esteem.
Avoid punishment – Unfortunately children with ADHD are largely unknown to their behavior or the consequences. Therefore do not use the means of physical punishment and avoid raising your voice. Instead, try to go for calmer explanation to make them understand what they did wrong and lead their attention towards something else. No two children are the same, even those with ADHD. So there will be a difference in the symptoms or behavior. The same child may not even exhibit the same behavior more than a few times, and they may exhibit new ones. It can be frustrating at times, but try to keep a cool head.
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Physiotherapy : The multifaceted Answer to Most of Your Pain and Injuries
Many people dismiss physiotherapy or rather lump it as an "alternative treatment". One may be aghast to know that it is often confused with chiropractic therapy. So we take it that you too have the same old question; is physiotherapy going to work for me? Yes it will.
Physiotherapy can even treat long-term problems and the physiotherapy specialists can save you from the agony of popping expensive medicine and expensive treatment. So how exactly physiotherapy can treat a variety of pains and injuries. Let us find out.
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It can relieve pelvic floor disorders
The need of physiotherapy in India is on the rise due to the pelvic disorder cases wherein the muscles tighten, get shortened or fall into a spasm after pregnancy or childbirth. The pelvic floor muscles are engaged at the time of sexual activity as well as bladder and bowel function. This muscle helps in supporting the spine and abdominal organs. Therefore, any dysfunctions in the pelvic muscles can lead to excruciating pain during intercourse or even during general or abdominal pain. What's more? These symptoms do not get detected in MRI or ultrasounds. With the technique of "trigger point release" in physiotherapy, these spasms can be gotten over.
It combats obesity
The efficacy of physiotherapy lies not just in its ability to counter grave pains and injuries but to also administer physical movement, chronic pain recovery that can control obesity. The physiotherapist in Dwarka educate the patients about the physical impact that excess weight has on the musculo­skeletal system—the physical backbone of our bodies. Along with tackling the issue of sore knees and tendonitis through traditional physiotherapy techniques, the physiotherapy hospital  can design personalized exercise programs that do not jack up the vulnerable joints
It can relieve chronic pain
After a detailed examination, the physiotherapy hospital promotes program of physiotherapy that can ease chronic pain by strengthening the muscles that surround painful joints or muscles. Physiotherapy programs can improve balance and stabilize lumbar spine.
It can cure back pain
Poor posture, muscle strain or arthritis is some of the most teething trouble that cause back pain. As opposed to medication that prescribes heavy dose of antibiotics, physiotherapy treats the problem by applying some common principles. It is more of a three-fold approach. This includes:
·         weight management (to reduce stress on joints),
·         Strengthening of muscles that improve mobility and reduce recurrence of pain.
·         And “re-patterning” of muscles.
It is done with a series of dynamic exercises that change the coordination of all the muscles of a particular area.  It is to be noted that at least a couple of dozens of muscles are composed in and around the lower back. Hence the physiotherapy hospital advocates the strengthening of all 24 muscles together.
It teaches breathing techniques
Physiotherapy conducted by the best physiotherapy hospital goes beyond musculoskeletal system (the joints and muscles which allows us to walk and maintain our posture as we stand). Physiotherapy also addresses conditions in the autonomic nervous system—the involuntary muscles and nerves that control our organs. There are cardiovascular physiotherapists teach patients of asthma or sleep apnea the various breathing control exercises. One such exercise is blowing up a balloon. Some other exercises focus on improving the mobility of chest and neck muscles through stretching and strengthening programs.
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What is a Paediatric Neurologist?
A paediatric neurologist, or child neurologist, is a medical expert who deals with the diseases and conditions that affect the nervous system of the children. If your child is ha such medical conditions as delayed speech, autism, seizures, poor muscle tone etc then you have to seek the advice of the neurologist for evaluation. Such neurologists have the expertise to deal with children right from adolescence to adulthood. In addition to the required educational degree for, a child neurologist also has the required training to deal with the cases of child neurology.
In addition they may team up with the child's primary care doctor/GP to diagnose all the difficult and critical condition faced by the child. Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is one such scenario wherein the consultation with a paediatric neurology specialist is a must. It should be done so as to deal with the sensory issues or behavioral issues associated with autism.
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What Do Neurologists Do?
The best pediatric neurologist diagnoses and treats a variety of conditions. Some of them are:
·         seizures,
·         Head injuries, or muscle weakness.
Attention defecit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is another aspect of a child's personality which can be managed and taken care of by the paediatric neurologists. Many children have developmental disorders and coordination issues including speech delays, fine and gross motor delays which can be addressed by the same. A neurologist may also treat children who have learning disabilities or learning delays. At times, a developmental doctor may even refer a case to a neurologist if there is a possibility of any serious issues.
What can be expected during the appointment?
The initial appointment is likely to take up to an hour since it is important to conduct a detailed prognosis. The paediatric neurologist will not only examine the physical condition of the child but would also ask a series of questions to check their behavioral pattern that may well give an assumption of their mental development. Post evaluation, the child may be advised to undergo a medical test or two to rule out or to diagnose certain conditions.
What are the types of tests that child neurologist might perform?
To start with, they would check patient's history and would also look for the marks on the skin that might indicate toward signs of syndromes or genetic causes of autism like tuberous sclerosis. As for test, an EEG would be administered to detect the seizures. In an EEG, electrodes are placed on the head to measure the neuro activity of the brain. For detection of seizure, most paediatric neurologist administers extended EEG. An additional test of MRI could be done. If the child has a focal seizure i.e. if he or she always has a seizure that involves only one arm or leg, there might be a need for an MRI to see if there is any abnormality in the region of the brain that controls that limb. Usually there are two peaks in which the children are prone to seizures. The first is during the toddler's years from age 1 to 4 and the other in the teenage days.                                
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Acute Pain Management Techniques: How to Treat the Pain Before It Becomes Chronic?
Having a long standing pain is something nobody wants to face in their lives. A pain can either be acute or chronic. As a matter of fact that, the pain specialist in delhi are of the opinion that an acute pain can very much translate into chronic pain. What is the solution? To enjoy a painless life, it is advised that the patients stay under the observation of pain management hospital in Delhi. These hospitals counsel the patients and harness the inclusive pain management techniques. But first we must have a clear cut idea as to what acute and chronic pain is.
Difference between acute and chronic pain
Acute pain is pain that lasts less than 3-6 months. Vis-à-Vis, the acute pain can also be the one which is directly related to tissue damages. Therefore the pain is considered to be the symptom of an injury or diseased tissue. By and large some of the common instances of acute pain are cuts and burns, labor pains, dental works broken bones etc.
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Unlike acute pain, any kind of chronic pain may last for several months and the level or intensity of the pain does not get reflected in the extent of the damaged tissue. There are basically two types of chronic pain. One is the pain due to an identifiable generator such as injury. The second one is from a pain without an identifiable injury; it could be a case wherein the pain occurs after an injury is healed. Chronic injury's effects can disrupt normal life. In fact anger and depression has also been categorized as a chronic pain by the pain management hospital in India.          
The techniques that cure chronic pain
The pain management hospital in Delhi have specialized care under a team of various medical professionals who specialize in anesthesiology, neurology. Additionally these hospitals also provide the techniques of mental well being with the help of psychiatrists who have complete specialized fellowship training in pain management. Some of the techniques administered by them are:
1.       Nerve blockers: Local anesthetics can be used to block the group of nerves associated with pain.
2.       Non-prescription, non-habit forming drug treatments: These are basically some anti-inflammatory medicines that are to be taken as per the advice of the doctors to stay uninterrupted by minor aches ans pains.
3.       Physical therapy: A traditional yet effective way of pain management, it is also called passive therapy that promotes alleviating pain with hot packs, cold packs, and ultrasound. If one were to go for active physical therapy, they must introduce themselves to stretching, pain relief exercises, strengthening exercises, and low impact aerobic conditioning.
4.       Psychological counseling: The pain specialist in Delhi can also double up as someone who can help in addressing the chronic pain through interactions, relaxation training, stress management, and pain coping skills training.
5.       Behavior modification techniques: The best example is cognitive behavioral therapy, a psycho-social intervention to treat anxiety and depression.
6.       Alternative pain management treatments: Some examples may include relaxation, hypnosis, and bio feedback.
To conclude, it is important to underline the important of emotional health as any sort of chronic pain may interfere with all the aspects of your life. It is the same reason as to why the psychologists are regarded as the integral part of a comprehensive pain management program.
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How the Best Hospital in India are Redefining Wellness in Senior Citizens?
Not all methods of wellness and recovery can be medical in nature. Even those that are; they have to have a touch healing and compassion. Of late the best hospital in Dwarka have emphasized on this aspect of healing and care as well. Let's find out how it is being done.
1. Social
Nowadays the hospitals are conducting full enrichment programs during the recovery periods of the patients. This program focuses on the social aspect of wellness.
Some of the ways these programming programs go about are by offering cooking classes for residents, where they can not only learn more about cooking techniques, but also socialize with each other.
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The idea is to provide these people the social cohesion and not restrict them to a rocking chair!
2. Emotional
The benefits of Yoga are known to many but the fact that laughter Yoga is also a great stressbuster is known to a few. The best hospital in India conduct laughter yoga course, an exercise routine that combines deep breathing from yoga and laughter to oxygenate participants’ brains, making them feel healthier and energetic. The realms of yoga utilize the scientific conception that has concluded body's reception to be the same for both real and fake laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits.
The technique has proven to change participants’ moods, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, improve relationships and create a positive mental state.
3. Spiritual
At times the spirituality takes the control over the medicinal properties provided a patient shows a spiritual bent of mind. Therefore these hospitals are now coming up with the right set up of spirituality so the recovering patients become more connected with them and with nature such tai chi and meditation classes to relieve stress and promote calmness.
4. Vocational (Occupational)
Among PVN’s amenities are woodworking, computer, business and sewing centers, where residents can gather to cultivate their hobbies, develop interests and learn new skills.
This dimension of wellness also includes volunteering, something the community strongly encourages. In other words, if you think of the physical aspect of wellness, there has to be a common goal. The best hospital in Delhi that conducts these wellness camps rightly ask one question; What do you want to do with good health? “A lot of people create physical wellness programs, but how do you tie that into what else you want to do? That’s where volunteerism and engagement come into play.
The vocational courses also give due importance to the nutritional assessment and intervention- both individual and group.
What makes these healthcare initiatives unique?
Nationally recognized leadership in innovative programs for older adults
A dedicated team of experts with specialized training and experience in wellness     and recovery health care
Seniority— a comprehensive approach to care for patients 65 and older, their families and caregivers
At a time when a lot of countries are engaging in questionable medical practices rampantly, India is putting in its best endeavor to keep its service accessible, affordable and appreciable.
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New Treatments for Heart Failure
A whole range of new drugs has come to enrich the therapeutic arsenal that best cardiac hospital in India have to treat heart failure, which is a severe condition.
With age, it happens that the heart becomes gradually unable to perform its pump function, which leads to ejecting blood into the circulation during each of his contractions. Certain diseases such as myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension or, more rarely, primary disorders of the cardiac muscle (cardiomyopathies) can also promote this state of affairs by decreasing the ejection capacity of the heart (infarction, cardiomyopathy) or by increasing the resistance to blood flow (hypertension). In all cases, this results in the appearance of heart failure which causes, by reflex mechanism, hypertrophy, or even dilation of the heart chambers.
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After years of evolution, heart failure can affect respiratory function by causing edema in the alveoli of the lungs. While the left part of the heart is the most frequently alone to be concerned at the beginning of the disease, heart failure can reach the right side of the heart in the second time and cause stagnation of blood in the liver and legs, which can increase in volume.
New therapeutic weapons
Heart failure is a severe condition. Long considered a pathology of aging because observed most often in older people, there was no effective treatment. It is not the same today, and a range of new drugs have come to enrich the arsenal of therapy, which doctors have.
In the past, the treatment was based on the use of diuretics to eliminate excess water and salt and to facilitate cardiac work. These products are still used, but today they are associated with another class of drugs, Angiotensin II Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, which oppose the constriction of vessels by acting on their wall. ACE inhibitors are currently prescribed as first-line therapy in patients with heart failure, and their interest has been demonstrated in many international studies. Nevertheless, they could, in turn, be challenged in a few years by other drugs, which intervene on other vasoconstrictor systems or increase the action of endogenous vasodilators present in their natural state at the same time.
Yesterday's enemy changes sides
Another class of drugs, beneficial to cardiologists, is beta-blockers, drugs that work by blocking the effects of adrenaline. Curiously, beta-blockers have long been contraindicated in heart failure for various reasons and mainly because they slow down the heart. But it was discovered a few years ago that they had a beneficial effect on this condition. They are now a treatment of choice for heart failure class II or III, and several recent studies have confirmed that their use improves the symptoms of patients (shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.) and reduces the number of deaths.
Against arrhythmia, different solutions
Cardiac arrhythmia- Best cardiac hospitals in India are also giving increasing importance to the management of cardiac arrhythmias, which can be severe and even sometimes cause death in heart failure patients. Digitalis, which for decades has been the flagship treatment in this area, is increasingly being replaced by other kinds of anti-arrhythmic drugs.
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Common Skin Diseases and Conditions Reported in the Best Dermatology Hospitals in Delhi
Skin is the first layer of the body which is exposed to every kind of temperature and climatic changes. What’s more? There are many skin types with each of them demanding different types of skin care. The lack of any kind of skin care or even some hereditary factors leads to a host of skin diseases and conditions. In fact, there are hundreds of minor as well major skin conditions that affect humans. The most common skin conditions can have some symptoms that are similar, so it is important to understand the differences between them and consult with the best dermatology hospital in Delhi.
Therefore, a consultation with the dermatologist in Dwarka is needed to diagnose and treat the commonly occurring skin diseases to ensure their lifestyle is not affected. Some of the common skin diseases include:
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1.       Acne- It is the most widespread skin condition, acne comes in many forms. Among such acne types, there are pustules, a common occurrence of red pimples that have pus at their tips. Next up are Papules. These are raised red bumps that are given rise by the infected hair follicles.  Nodules are the painful lumps that lie underneath the surface of the skin. Cysts are larger, painful, pus-filled infections that generate beneath the skin. Though the dermatologists in Dwarka do their best to treat the acne problems with creams, some cases need medication whenever necessary.
2.       Fungal nail infection- Another common condition in which fungus breeds near, beneath, and around the nails, most commonly in the feet. This build-up of fungus causes the nail’s edges to crumble away.  This development also produces a rather unpleasant looking white-yellowish scaling and flaking on the surface of the nails. Treatment is usually an anti-fungal cream or other fungal treatment.
3.       Athlete’s foot- A rash caused by a fungus that rapidly multiplies in warm, damp conditions, such as athletic shoes. Symptoms include dry, itchy, red skin. The skin between the toes or under the foot may be soggy, white, cracked, or scaly. It often itches and causes soreness. The problem usually arises quickly. Athlete's foot is treated with medicated ointments and good foot hygiene
4.       Age Spots- Age spots or liver spots are flat spots on the skin with more pigment than the surrounding area. This may be caused by prolonged exposure to the sun over the years. These spots cause no symptoms themselves, but most patients do not like their appearance. They can be treated in a variety of ways, but medical treatment is not necessary.
5.       Impetigo- A common and contagious infection of the skin. It is one of the most common skin infections in young children and usually causes itchy sores and blisters to appear around the mouth and face. When the crust bursts or breaks open, they leave a crust. When the same crust dries out, it leaves a red mark that fades without leaving any scar on the skin. According to the skin specialists of the best hospital for dermatology, this condition takes 3 weeks for complete cure. However, a proper treatment reduces the process to one week.
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Why the Super Specialty Hospitals in Delhi Score Over the General Hospitals?
A general hospital is one in which patients with all types of ailments are treated under the same roof. While the superspecialty hospitals in Delhi  is one, which specializes in the treatment of a particular or a group of related ailments with advanced medical technology  and equipment. These hospitals are established with the intention to provide supreme medical attention and the most precise care in the emergency situations. There have been studies to analyze the importance as well as the pros and cons of both the types of hospitals so that you can make the best choice for the best hospital of India and how they contribute to the reputation of our country on the global platform.
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General and super specialty hospitals: the current scenario
During the past decade, the rapid growth of superspecialty hospitals in Delhi has focused on the welfare of the patients and they have also laid emphasis on the ease of access. Most of the hospitals in Dwarka have been built with the strategy to stay accessible in terms of transport so the patients and their family are able to reach the hospital through metro trains. As part of their policy to help patients benefit the most out of the treatment, these hospitals have also extended their services with regard to cashless treatment. The best hospital of India also ensure that the patients can capitalize as much from their insurance and medical plans as possible. As opposed to the conventional notion that the superspecialty hospitals in Delhi focus on profitability, the motto is basically to facilitate all the procedure of medical care. When compared to the general hospitals, the best hospitals in Dwarka have been consistently trying to better their infrastructure by employing well trained staff and experienced doctors.
  In what can be defined as one of the misfortunes, the general hospitals end up providing hasty and preventive medicines and hence the treatment is not curative. The initial challenges of the patients’ medical condition may be curtailed but they keep recurring. This is where the hospitals in Dwarka bail them out.
The advantages that super specialty hospitals provide when the need arises:
1.      The super specialty hospitals can draw large volumes, thereby reducing costs and improving the quality of the services provided to you.
2.      Super specialty hospitals have the potential to increase their standards of quality, thereby encouraging the general hospitals to improve their quality standards too as a result of competition.
3.      The super specialty hospital regularly delivers better amenities for its patients and also achieves a higher percentage of patient satisfaction.
4.      Specialized hospitals also put greater management responsibilities on the doctors that help to improve quality as well as productivity.
Though one cannot deny the selfless services provided the general hospitals, there are certain benchmarks on which they fall short:
1.      Their sheer size itself is a big issue, especially when it comes to hygiene, quality of services provided and maintenance
2.      There may be less of a personalized care since there are a variety of patients with a variety of ailments under one roof
3.      Studies have found out that competition from the specialized hospitals has affected the financial well-being of the general hospitals through competition for doctors and staff members, efficiency in providing emergency services etc.
 Therefore, going by the current scenario one can come to the conclusion that more and more super specialty hospitals have become the need of the hour and the patients too should not be too concerned about the expenses since they get the most dedicated team of doctors and super-specialized care in return.
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Traveling After Heart Surgery: What You Should Know?
During holidays, it is common to see people organizing to travel, however, recently operated and suffering from heart failure do not have to give up the long-awaited rest because of surgery, quite the contrary, need to follow the medical guidelines and take some care while traveling.
According to best cardiac hospitals in India, the postoperative period should not be a limitation for those who plan to travel by plane at the end of the year. For the cardiologist one of the options is to use elastic stockings (in some cases the use of anticoagulants is recommended), to move every 2 hours, to hydrate frequently and not to drink alcoholic beverages during the trip.
The newly-operated heart patient requires extensive care in the event of travel, as it is one of the surgeries that causes the most inflammatory process. Those who have severe or decompensated heart failure should avoid aircraft because travel reduces oxygen tension in the cabin and can make a difference in patients who are recovering on longer journeys.
If the patient has shortness of breath, dizziness or palpitations in air travel, it is advisable to immediately inform flight attendants so that they can assess the situation and if necessary call a doctor on the flight.
Recently operated, they should always have at hand a report of the diseases and medications commonly used by the doctor of cardiac hospitals in Delhi in which the current state of the patient is recorded and the recommendations in the event of any occurrence.
The patient's medications should be next to him in the handbag associated with a full prescription. The same risk factors discussed above are more frequent and severe in the elderly population. Arrhythmias may be a consequence of these air travel risk factors in decompensated or poorly medicated patients.
The probability of a person suffering a heart attack or having stroke during air travel is very low. However, it can happen. Among the causes that could lead to this can highlight the increase or decrease of blood pressure (anxiety, salty food), thrombosis (immobility), dehydration, alcohol use and change of time zone about medications commonly used.
In case it is difficult for the patient to remember any of the measures or tasks, he may use some kind of -audible alarm to remind him of what he should do.
Daily weight: It must be weighed every day when getting up and after urinating. If possible, try to use the same scale. This way you can see if you are accumulating liquids quickly.
Taking the Blood Pressure, at rest and at different times: At some time during the day, whenever possible, it is necessary to measure blood pressure. In most people (healthy or hypertensive), blood pressure varies throughout the day.
Measuring heart rate at rest: The heart rate is another interesting measure. Arrhythmias of the heart can increase or decrease the frequency of the heart. In heart blocks, the heart rate drops, so much so that sometimes a pacemaker is necessary.
Recognize signs of alarm (decompensation): The patient must know the symptoms or signs of alarm in heart failure are. If these symptoms occur you should contact your doctor without delay.
Frequent and progressive exercise: It is highly advisable that the patient with heart failure perform physical activity every day, progressively. Walking, swimming or cycling are great ways to train.
Do not forget to take the medication: The patient should never try to forget to take the medication. Failure to treat is a frequent cause of decompensation of heart failure.
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Hepatic Care: The Worst Enemies for Liver Health
Liver is the largest gland in our body, so it is very important to take care of it too. It is a visceral organ that has most functions in our body, among the most important:
The blood is filtered and is cleaned of toxins.
•    Vitamins and glycogen are stored.
•    Proteins are synthesized.
•    Bile is essential for digestion, especially for lipids and carbohydrates.
•    Digestive level, nausea, lack of appetite, gas, vertigo, constipation or vomiting
•    At the skin level, it is very common yellowish complexion, oily skin, dandruff and it is also possible that alopecia occurs
•    Metabolic level, fatigue, migraines or headaches, headache, blurred vision problems
•    Greater allergy symptoms
Liver problems are closely related to vesicular difficulties. When someone is overloaded or works worse, so is the other.
1.    The high content of sugars in the diet
2.    High-fat content in the diet
3.    Drastic diets for weight loss
4.    Excess alcohol
5.    Diet with high salt content
6.    Smoking
7.    Lack of sleep
•    Simply, eliminating the actions that can cause liver damage. It is an effortless way to preserve its function.
•    Increase the content of foods rich in sulfur and lecithin, such as garlic, onion, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. And with a high content of lecithin: egg yolks, legumes, sprouts and fish
•    Eliminate industrial foods with high salt content, additives, preservatives and artificial sweeteners from the diet
•    Do not take iron supplements unless they have been prescribed by the doctor, because when the liver is not fully active iron can become a toxin. Likewise, a high content of hepatic iron can feed bacteria and cause infections. However, in a healthy liver, a multivitamin supplement that contains iron is correct.
•    Add in the diet, fresh foods, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, which are rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc, and selenium
•    Before taking any medicine, even if it is a counter, it is preferable to read the leaflet and consult the correct doses and possible damages
This is one of the plants most used to detoxify the liver. Burdock, in addition to detoxifying, helps to restore liver function and protect it. It has high antioxidant capacity. It is also a natural agent used in liver cancer treatment.
Use the root of dandelion to cleanse the liver and treat vesicular problems. The components that have the source stimulate the production of bile and thus also improves the digestion of food.
The boldo is another plant with hepatoprotective action and above all, serves to improve the problems of the gallbladder, since it has great choleretic and diuretic capacity.
Milk thistle seeds are the best known when suffering from liver toxicity and inflammation. They protect the liver and eliminate the harmful effects of alcohol and other toxins, such as drugs or foods toxic to the liver. This natural product is used in the preparation of liver cancer treatment medicines.
Garlic is food with high sulfur content that activates liver enzymes; these enzymes are responsible for hepatic reactions to eliminate toxins.
This plant, although was originally from Africa, is already cultivated everywhere, and in fact, the crops are very important, both for the large quantity and for the quality of the artichoke.
It is an amino acid composed of glycine, L-glutamic, and L-cysteine. It is produced in the liver but can also be taken externally, since it is found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and meat.
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9 Truths and 1 Lie about Cardiovascular Disease
According to WHO, every year, 17.3 million people die worldwide from cardiovascular disease. The estimate for 2030 is worrying, as the total number of deaths is expected to reach 23.6 million.
Here's the truth and lie about cardiovascular disease:
Ethnicity - There are non-avoidable, controllable, or treatable risk factors, such as ethnicity.
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Hypertension - Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) or High Blood Pressure (BPH) alone is the leading cause of heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, artery, eye involvement, cancer and even AIDS. Experienced doctors at best cardiac hospital in Delhi can reduce the rate of such diseases.
Family history - If close relatives, such as parents and siblings, have or have had heart problems, people are more likely to develop the same diseases. This is another non-preventable, controllable, or treatable risk factor, but serves as a warning to family members.
Age - With aging, problems that affect the health of heart increase, and consequently, the risks of developing diseases also increase. Another risk factor that is not preventable, controllable, or treatable, but serves as a warning to family members.
Excessive Stress - Consequence of the pace of modern life, stress is inevitable, and you must learn to live together because it is also related to increased cardiac risk.
Alcohol consumption - Excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful to cardiac health and is related to the development of hypertension, change in heart rhythm and weight gain.
High Cholesterol - Important element for various organic processes, among them, the formation of cells, the production of hormones, vitamin D and acids that help to digest fats. The problem is that humans only need a small amount of cholesterol in the blood, produced almost entirely by the liver. The surplus eventually accumulates in the walls of the arteries, increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems, such as myocardial infarction or stroke.
Sedentary lifestyle - Lack of physical activity is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of hypertension, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other diseases.
Smoking - The biggest preventable cause of death in the world is smoking. Smokers are at risk of sudden death up to four times higher than nonsmokers. Cigarette addiction increases the chances of having a myocardial infarction, stroke, known as stroke, angina and other diseases such as cancer.
Only obese have heart problems - Obesity is only one of the factors that accelerate the process of coronary atherosclerosis, which may increase the chance of developing hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, but people who are thin may also be affected, especially if they have risk factors.
Diet to take care of the heart:
1.    Eat fruits and vegetables daily: According to the best cardiac hospital in India, it is estimated that the low intake of fruits and vegetables is responsible for 1.7 million deaths per year. The cardiovascular diseases represent a large part of them.
2.    Reduce your salt intake: Excess salt is harmful. An investigation estimated that reducing the population consumption of salt by 3 grams a day (we take about 10 g / day) would exercise the same benefits as eliminating smoking.
3.    Replaces refined cereals with whole grains: The scientific evidence that shows that replacing refined grains with whole grains is heart-healthy is overwhelming. Examples of whole grains are: Whole Grain Rice, Oats, Millet, Quinoa, Whole Wheat Couscous, Corn Cob or Homemade Popcorn, Whole Wheat, Spelled, Barley, Rye
4.    Eat more vegetables and dried fruits: Nutrition experts do not stop insisting that we include vegetables in our menus as often as possible. The health benefits of heart are beyond doubt. As for nuts, these are among the foods that have the most scientific evidence regarding their benefit for cardiovascular health.
5.    Fish instead of meat (No more than two times a week): The benefits associated with fish intake, as detailed by the cardiac hospital in Delhi, occur because those who eat fish do not eat meat, and abusing it increases the risk of suffering from numerous ailments.
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An Overview of Prostate Cancer and Its Treatment
In the human body, the prostate gland is found only in males. The prostate gland produces a seminal fluid that nourishes and channelizes the sperm. It is common to see prostate cancer among men aged over 60 years the increasing age does become a factor. Therefore, the best way to deal with prostate cancer is early treatment available in the radiation oncology services in Delhi. Any delay or neglect may lead to the spreading of cancerous cells to other tissues of the body.
The causes of prostate cancer are not fully understood. However, like other cancers, prostate cancer also occurs when there is a growth of abnormal cells, which continue to live and form a tumor, later to invade the surrounding tissues.
Those with prostate cancer suffer from symptoms like trouble to urinate, decreased force of urine, blood in semen, pelvic discomfort, bone pain and erectile dysfunction.
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There is a greater risk of prostate cancer due to old age, family history of prostate cancer, and obesity. The complications of prostate cancer are evident over a long period of time. It is seen as spreading to other nearby organs or travel through the bloodstream or lymph to affect the bones. Prostate cancer can cause urinary incontinence, a condition where the bladder loses control and there is uncontrollable wetting. Another complication of prostate cancer is erectile dysfunction, an inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity.
Males above 50 years of age should as a matter of routine get tested for prostate cancer, as early diagnosis helps in providing better and effective treatment. Two tests are prescribed by the doctor as part of diagnosis of prostate cancer. Digital rectal exam (DRE) helps to note the size, texture and shape of the prostate gland. The Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Test studies the amount of PSA in the blood. A higher level of PSA in the blood indicates prostate infection and possible prostate cancer. The transrectal ultrasound helps to evaluate the condition of prostate gland. The prostate biopsy may be advised if the doctor finds the case to be complicated. The tissue collected from the prostate is analyzed to identify the cancer cells.
Treatment at the radiation oncology services hospital depends on the stage of prostate cancer.
·         Stage 1, when prostate cancer is confined to the prostate.
·         State 2, when prostate cancer though confined to the prostate is more aggressive, larger and spread to both sides of the prostate cancer. Stage 3, when cancerous cells spread from prostate to seminal vesicles, and Stage IV when cancer spreads from prostate to bladder, lymph nodes, bones, lungs and other organs.
The regular treatments for prostate cancer include radiation therapy (brachytherapy) and hormone therapy. Advanced prostate cancer is referred to hormone therapy and surgery. Radical prostatectomy is a process where the affected prostate gland and its surrounding tissues are removed completely.
Prostate surgery is performed by a robot or by making an incision in the abdomen, or between anus and scrotum. Laparoscopic prostatectomy is the process where surgery is done through a small incision in the abdomen with the assistance of a tiny camera (laparoscope). Other treatments include cryosurgery, chemotherapy, and biological therapy.
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6 Essential to Save Yourself from Cervical Cancer
It is no mystery to anyone that cancer is perhaps one of the most deadly and intriguing diseases of today. Its causes are varied, and its effects on our body are unpredictable. This is why it is essential that you know how to take care of your body and how to prevent cancer.
When the cells begin to spread uncontrollably through your body, cancer is generated, which causes your body to have a lack of control in its functions. In women, it is natural breast and cervical cancer (the latter also known as cervical cancer), so we must pay particular regard to our habits and health to prevent it.
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Cervical cancer occurs when the cells that line it generate abnormal changes in its functioning (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, squamous intraepithelial lesion, and dysplasia) that are detected with the Pap test; and that if not treated can be fatal. That is why to prevent it we must take actions that make you more aware of your health.
Six tips to prevent cancer of the cervix
Get vaccinated against HPV
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the known causes of cervical cancer. There are plenty of arguments about the application of this vaccine (because it is done at an early age) in treatment of cervical cancer.
Protect yourself by having sex
Apart from protecting yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, you will be taking care of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, especially if you do not have a stable partner. Always have a condom on hand!
Know your background
Family history is significant because it helps us to decipher the level of risk that exists in our health. Cancer is often hereditary, so knowing the past of women in our family is a great help to understand the risks we can take.
Do not smoke
The toxic substances of the cigarette weaken your immune system, making it harder for the body to eliminate cancer cells. The cigarette can also cause lung cancer, among other types of cancer.
Eat a healthy diet
What do you have to lose? Carrying a healthy lifestyle is beneficial in every way to your health. Everything we eat is reflected directly in our body. Avoid eating processed meats, white flour, and sugars. Go ahead and eat more organic fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water and lead a more active life.
Always protect yourself
If you are a woman who does not have a stable partner, it is best always to use condoms so that you can protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, HPV, and even HIV.
In the end, leading a healthy lifestyle can help you prevent diseases in general, including cervical cancer. Doctors recommend that you do the screening tests every once in a while, to detect any anomaly early if there is a risk. As well as, we recommend that you have regular visits to the gynecologist for treatment of cervical cancer. In health, it never hurts to have a checkup!
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How an IVF Treatment Specialist Helps When You’re not Getting Pregnant?
If you’re struggling to conceive, you may find it heartening to know that our country has lately provided a good access to medical advice and assistance in regards to fertility. Nowadays, more and more IVF treatment hospital in Delhi are coming up with world-class medical facilities that can set aside the trauma of not conceiving a child.  With 1 in 6 couples experiencing some difficulties to achieve pregnancy, it’d be only wise that we go to the roots of the problems and how to approach the crisis.   According to an IVF infertility specialist, the first and most important factor to be considered is a woman’s age. As more women and couples delay parenthood owing to their career ambitions and not for having what they term as the “right frame of mind to get pregnant”, it is crucial that the women in the age bracket of 30’s and 40’s consider getting medical advice sooner rather than later.
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First, talk to your GP
To get down to the crux of the issue of infertility, the first specialist to go to is the general physician or GP. The procedure of assessment is supported by pre-pregnancy screening tests, recommended three months before you plan on trying for a baby.   GPs also play an important role in the preliminary investigations for women aged below 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for 12 months. The GP may advice the required test after six months if the women are aged above 35.  Some of the important markers that would be assessed in the test are the time period from which you have been trying to conceive, menstrual cycle length, pregnancy history, ovulation assessment and order a semen analysis for your partner.  GPs may even recommend some lifestyle changes, such as dietary changes and exercising. Your entire exercise routine shall be revised if the BMI of your body exceeds the recommended range.   If your GP determines that your situation warrants further investigation, they will suggest an appointment with an IVF infertility specialist.
Visiting your gynecologist
By the time a woman turns 30, she has already visited gynaecologist for quite a few times in her life to get consultation and diagnosis of their health issues. Hence, you are most likely to be at ease to talk to an IVF fertility specialist and discuss the delays in conceptions, conjugal life problems at length.
  As for infertility, gynaecologists primarily help with investigations that revolve around reproductive treatments such as Ovulation Induction (e.g. Clomid). However, if you have not conceived successfully or the gynecologist feels that there is a need for more advanced assisted reproductive treatment options, you may be referred to an IVF infertility specialist.
When to see a Fertility Specialist
An IVF fertility specialist is a specialist trained in gynecology and obstetrics followed by further study in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
  The IVF treatment hospital in Delhi can offer a complete set of fertility tests and treatments – for both men and women. Your GP is likely to refer you to a fertility specialist for most fertility concerns including the scenario wherein there is no obvious reason for the delay in conception. Additionally, they can also address the fertility concerns
·        If the female partner is 30 years or older.
·        If the female partner has a history of having a reproductive organ issue such as PCOS or blocked fallopian tubes.
·        If there is a genetic condition in the family that you are wishing to avoid passing on.
What to expect at your first fertility specialist appointment?
At your first appointment with an IVF infertility specialist, he or she will analyze your medical history, the results of any previous tests. They would subsequently arrange more advanced investigations for you and your partner at an IVF treatment hospital in Delhi. It is advised that the female and male partners attend this first appointment so the assessment can be comprehensive and there can be detailed sessions of discussions that can answer their concerns and help them better understand the options available. ,
The IVF treatment hospitals in Delhi also prescribe some extra tests which may include a vaginal ultrasound, a test to check if the fallopian tubes are blocked (ultrasound assessment of tubal patency) or a laparoscopy to look for conditions such as endometriosis. For men, a test known as semen analysis would be prescribed.
A tailored pathway to pregnancy
The results of all these tests will help guide your fertility specialist to plan the way forward so you can conceive a child with success. These options may range from ovulation cycle tracking, ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI) to IVF and ICSI. Most IVF treatment hospital in Delhi can also provide access to pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) as well as comprehensive donor programs. Your IVF infertility specialist will also undertake the process of coordinating the most appropriate treatment for you.
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Questions to Ask a Pulmonologist
Before we even go any further about the pulmonology hospital, it is important to know who a pulmonologist is and what are the most important questions are that you should be asking. A pulmonologist is a lung specialist who focuses on the treatment of disease and conditions of the lung and respiratory system. Pulmonology also includes some sub-specialties like obstructive lung disease; sleep related breathing disorders, lung transplant specialists, interstitial lung disease, neuromuscular disease, interventional pulmonology and other lung related disorders. If your doctor has referred you to a pulmonologist, you probably need to be evaluated or treated for a breathing related disorder. If you are about to see a pulmonologist, there are certain questions you might want to ask.
1.       What caused my respiratory condition? Sometimes this question is not easy to answer, in other cases, such as COPD caused by smoking or a genetic disorder, the answer may be known and all too clear. Talk to your pulmonologist about contributing factors so you can manage and/or avoid them whenever possible.
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2.       How will my condition or disorder be monitored and treated? Your pulmonologist will definitely be conducting check-up and would let you know can tell you how many times you need to see him or her and any tests you can expect. They can also help you mitigate your lung condition whenever possible by partnering with you in your own care.
3.       What are my treatment options? Your pulmonology specialist in Dwarka can talk to you about any treatments that may be available, including any research studies that are available. 
4.       How will this lung condition affect my everyday life? Make sure you understand and carefully follow any guidelines about diet, activity levels, and medications.
5.       What modifications should I make to enable me to breathe better or have a higher quality of life? Your doctor may prescribe rescue inhalers, breathing exercises or treatments, prescription medications, or even portable oxygen to help you manage your breathing condition.  He or she may also advise you about any activities that may cause you to experience an asthma attack or breathing issue.
6.       What are the side effects of the medications you prescribe for my lung condition? Your doctor can talk to you about what medications may be right for you, and advise you about any side effects to be aware of or look out for.
7.       What is the prognosis? You need to understand not only what condition you may have, but how it tends to respond. Your lung doctor can draw on years of training and working in the field to help guide your expectations. He or she will also be familiar with other patients who are roughly the same age and health and can advise you as to likely scenarios and treatment plans.
Remember that you are an active partner in your own care.  A good pulmonology specialist in India in the  do not mind answering questions because they understand that a well-informed patient not only makes better decisions but is more likely to have a positive outcome because they comply with their doctor’s directions and care.
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Twin Pregnancy Rate by IVF and Artificial Insemination
The in vitro fertilization (IVF) and artificial insemination (AI), the leading techniques assisted reproduction (LDCs), are often associated with a higher likelihood of twins or multiple pregnancies. About 60% of twin pregnancies come from these techniques.
While these treatments may increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancies, best IVF specialist in India aims to reduce this type of pregnancy. The main reason is the high risk they represent the health of the mother and the babies.
Why is the false twin rate higher?
The probability of having fake twins naturally is about 1.1%. On the other hand, having identical twins is 0.4%. In the case of assisted procreation, according to WHO statistics, the twin birth rates (true or false twin) with its oocytes is 19.4% for each IVF transfer and 11.2% by artificial insemination.
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Pregnancy and twin birth rates increase considerably using LDC techniques for two reasons:
•        The transfer of two or three embryos by in vitro fertilization.
•        The ovarian stimulation so that several eggs reach maturation for artificial insemination.
In both cases, the possibility of implantation of several embryos increases, and consequently of twin pregnancy. The goal remains to increase the probability of pregnancy but sometimes leads to multiple pregnancies (of two or more babies).
To avoid this type of pregnancy, best IVF specialist in India prefer to implant a single embryo and control the treatment so that only one or two oocytes reach maturity.
In contrast, various factors influence multiple pregnancies:
•        Maternal age
•        As the mother's age increases, the likelihood of having twins’ increases, especially among 35-year-old women.
•        Hereditary factor
•        Multiple pregnancy rates multiply if they have already occurred in the family.
•        Ancestry and geographical area
•        Twins are more likely to occur in people of color, followed by Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians.
•        Maternal weight
•        A body mass index (BMI) equal to or higher than 30 results in ovulation of more than one oocyte at a time, and therefore more chances of having twins.
•        Having had twins previously
•        Having had a twin pregnancy before multiplies the chances of having two babies because the woman tends to release more than one oocyte per cycle.
•        Having had children before
•        Women who are already mothers of one or more children are more likely to have twin pregnancies than those who have their first pregnancy.
An unbalanced diet is accompanied by a lower twin pregnancy rate, while women who eat a healthy diet and take folic acid supplements have a higher rate.
Are multiple pregnancies of twins more risky with IVF or artificial insemination?
A priori, it is not riskier if it occurs by assisted procreation. Multiple pregnancies are considered high risk, whether natural or not. The mother will be more amenable to gestational diabetes, hypertension, or pre-eclampsia.
In infants, there is a risk of prematurity and low weight, which implies that organs such as the lungs are not mature and therefore limits the chances of survival.
How to have twins by IVF?
You can choose to transfer two embryos instead of one to increase the probability of pregnancy and thus increase the likelihood of twin pregnancies.
However, there is no guarantee of implantation of both embryos.
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Top Reasons to Visit a Pulmonology Hospital
What is a Pulmonary Doctor?
A pulmonary doctor is a specialist who is consulted for treating health issues that affects the lungs. They are also known as the pulmonology specialist in India. Pulmonary doctors are internal medicine specialists who have expanded their medical training with further research and study to work as pulmonology specialist in dwarka. It is a vast field that takes additional time. As a result, the pulmonology specialist are highly experienced and qualified to treat any condition of severity.
Most people only see a pulmonary doctor on rare occasion – when they have symptoms that may be related to a lung issue. However, it is essential to set an appointment or get a referral to a doctor if you suspect your lungs are not working the way they should. Your lungs affect every other system of your body, including your heart and brain.
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When Should You See a Pulmonary Doctor?
A patient often experiences pulmonary complications suddenly, without any clear reason why the problem has arisen. Pulmonary issues can become serious quickly, so it’s a good idea to seek an appointment with a pulmonary specialist in dwarka as soon as you can. A few issues pulmonologists treat include:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic complex of several major lung issues. It mainly consists of chronic bronchitis - characterized by increase in mucous and inflammation affecting the lungs - and emphysema, which can destroy the air spaces in the lungs. Sufferers of COPD may experience a wide range of symptoms depending upon specific issues they are facing. All facets of COPD are characterized by shortness of breath that may occur at any time, often worsening during physical activity. Coughing, wheezing, and tightness of the chest are frequently reported by COPD patients.
COPD produces progressive, irreversible lung damage. With an appropriate COPD diagnosis early on, it is possible to seek treatments that mitigate the damage and increase your quality of life over time. Several COPD medications have become available over the years.
Asthma is caused by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs. These are passages that lead into the lungs and gradually become smaller as they flow toward lung tissue. Bronchi must function efficiently in order to deliver oxygen throughout the lung tissue. During asthma, these airways become constricted and may fill with mucus. Asthma is often caused by food or seasonal allergies. It can also be associated with other disorders or even anxiety. Treatment can alleviate symptoms and asthma itself may dissipate with time.
Lung Cancer
Cancer is a life-threatening disorder in which some cells begin to grow out of control. It leads to the development of cancerous growths somewhere in the body. Given enough time, cancer can spread through the body and emerge in other areas. All forms of cancer have their own specific symptoms. Lung cancer typically presents first as dull or sharp pain in the chest or ribs. Pain may worsen when breathing and peak when breathing deeply. Be alert to shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough – dry, with phlegm, or with blood.
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a rare but serious chronic condition that can be life-threatening. It is genetic and the signs are often present very early in life. During cystic fibrosis, the body produces extremely thick mucus that can block off critical pathways in the pancreas, intestines, and bronchi. This chronic condition is associated with persistent lung infections and progressive damage to the lungs. Although cystic fibrosis symptoms can be severe, it is possible to manage them for many years. A pulmonary specialist in delhi can help you select the right treatment options for you.
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