Biking With Vintage Upcycled Charicycles in Dubai
We can all relate to the amazing feeling of riding a bicycle... The breeze against your face while feeling the movement of all of your muscles, a sentiment that makes you appreciate the freedom of being on one.
Since the 1800's many different versions of the bicycle have been created, deriving from the french word bicyclette, German Baron Karl von Drais, a civil servant to the Grand Duke of Baden in Germany, was the one that created what was considered to be the first verifiable bicycle.
He patented his design in 1818, which was known as the first two wheeled, steerable, human machine, called the 'velocipedes, hobby-horse or dandy horse.
In the beginning, bicycles were seen more so for the elite, as it was an expensive hobby so to speak, but as soon they were becoming more and more popular and production started to increase, they became a practical asset. Women were soon riding bicycles, and with that came the change in fashion with bloomers in and corsets out!
And while evolution may have changed the frame and wheels of the bicycle, today we can still see traces of the first bicycle made, although ours just carry a little more pzaz.
While some of you may think that Dubai is still not so friendly on biking, things are starting to change! A new initiative was recently launched #cycletoworkuae that's encouraging everyone to start cycling, there are some cool spots to check out, if you haven't already done so that we highly recommend.
"In the heart of Dubai, the Nadd Al Sheba Cycle Path offers 8km, 6km and 4km loops that are just for cyclists. These are floodlit at night and have amenities like showers to use afterwards. Further out of town, the Al Qudra cycle path is an 86km cycle route through the desert. The UAE's burgeoning cycling community has found ways to make this a civilised affair: their regular Saturday morning ride to Bab Al Shams resort beside the cycle path."
With Dubai investing a lot in building more cycling paths, it seems our life of bicycling in Dubai is just beginning! Lucky us!
Now imagine being able to ride a bike that you were able to customize?!
With Charicycles, you can do just that. Like a tailor, you tailor make your bike. A bike with a basket, one that you could paint whatever color you want- from cotton candy blue, to macaroon mint ice cream.
Descending from a historic lineage of the Japanese bicycle, they find bicycle frames that have been forgotten about or put aside and restore them into the beautiful bikes they once were with an added vintage twist. The beauty of up-cycling... An art in itself. Why add waste to the environment when you can make something old perfectly new again?!
Embedded in their culture is the mere simplistic thought that every child deserves to feel that sense of freedom we all feel when riding a bike.
To add to that culture, as much as we think breakfast is important for a child's brain to function, the way a child gets to school is just as important. The factor of exercising the brain. A research recently done, found that children who walked or rode their bicycle to school did much better on tests than their peers who rode the school bus or got a lift.
A child can learn both balance and coordination skills when riding a bicycle, while increasing stamina. Starting to build your muscles at a young age, moving your hip and knee joints only helps you later on as an adult. Especially if you continue riding. For both children and adults going for a bike ride can do wonders for the mind. It is also considered to be one of the sports that causes less injury and strain to the body even while working all your muscles.
With that being said and the weather being perfect in Dubai, now's the time to head out to the corniche, where you can cycle from Jumeirah beach hotel to Sunset beach. A gorgeous view that will have you smiling the whole ride.
You can also use the dedicated track that's approximately 1.5 km, riding up to Jumeirah Open Beach at the top of Jumeirah Beach Road, right next to Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa.
There are many cycling groups out there and some specifically tailored for women. For example, @uaecyclingforgirls on Instagram, meets on weekends for recreational cycling around downtown Dubai, Emaar boulevard, Dubai Cycling Course and Dubai parks. The Extempore Abu Dhabi Ladies Bicycle Group in Abu Dhabi meet on Fridays, to bike, have coffee, and enjoy a beautiful day of cycling in the capital.
With over a half billion bicycles in China and approximately 100 million bicycles manufactured worldwide each year, it's time we in the UAE step up our cycling game!
You are on en route to a gorgeous up-cycled vintage bicycle that you had a hand in making and more importantly, had a hand in making a child smile.
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Bikes for Sale - Get Your Own Customized Bikes Online
Biking is enjoyable and cool especially when we select an appropriate kind of bicycle. Now-a-days we get an option of customizing our bikes based on our needs and trends. So just choose the model, fit, paint colors, parts for the bike and the company will create it for you. And your dreams will come true.
When you're checking bikes for sale, you must be clear about the availability of different types of bikes in the market. Basically, there are three types of bikes available in the market for sale: Track fixie bikes, road fixie bikes and fixie mountain bikes.
Bikes that are utilized to ride on track are known as track fixie bikes. These are mostly in used in Olympics tracks. It has strong frame and its wheel does not have any quick release choice. It is for speed rather than comfort. Bikes that are used to ride on city roads are called as road fixie bikes. These bikes are very famous and many people prefer this bike. Fixie mountain bikes are not much familiar compare to others. People with strong willpower will use this bike as it requires more energy to ride this bike in the rough terrain. So based on what type of rider you are; a racer, a road rider or a mountaineering, you can select the bicycle type.
There are many companies who offer customized bicycle online for sale. To buy fixie online you to have to the website of the bike company and then select the model you want. Once you selected the model you can go for customizing it according to your need. You can choose different colour option for frame, chain, handle, bars, pedals, etc. Choose a bicycle that fits you right. There are various combos with different framework available online.
After selecting the required colour, parts and the model you can add this to the cart of the company website and can make the payment. You must be aware that while buying through online you have to pay shipping charges and other delivery charges. Once the order is confirmed the company will build your favourite designed bicycle according to your specifications and will deliver to you in 2-10 days of time frame based on the location. So by sitting at home you can purchase your own custom designed bike. This is also an easy and cheaper way of buying a custom bicycle.
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A Bike Wall Mount Is A Great Solution For Cyclists That Lack Space
Gas can cost a small fortune these days, so many people are purchasing new bicycles instead of cars. Not only do they cost so much less than owning a car, they help to keep you in shape and help reduce your carbon footprint all at the same time. But now that you purchased the model of your dreams, where do you plan to store it?
If you have a home with large yard, you have many options. You can purchase a locker or shed made especially for the job, or you can leave it outside chained up. But depending on your circumstances, these may not be options for you. You may want to consider the use of bike wall mount instead.
Apartment Dwellers
If you live in an apartment and have no outside storage at all, a bike wall mount should work well for you. If you choose to simply lean your bike against an apartment wall, it can be easily knocked over due to its protruding handlebars. Using the bike wall mount keeps it out of the way and prevents it from falling down and getting damaged.
These racks also come in many different styles and colors, so you are bound to find one that matches your home's décor. Your hanging two-wheeler actually adds a quirky piece of artwork to your home, too.
Organize Your Garage
Maybe you own your own home with a garage, but your yard is too small for a shed or storage locker. Many people with kids choose to keep their bikes in the garage, however, if you use your garage for storage, it can get quite crowded. A hanging rack can be a great solution for saving space.
Simply look around the garage and find an open wall without any shelving for the best placement. Search for a low traffic area and place the rack at approximately waist height, just so the wheels no longer touch the ground.
You can also use the holder as a maintenance stand if it is strong enough. This will prevent you from straining your back the next time you need to perform routine repair work, such as replacing a broken chain.
Different Types
The bike wall mount comes in many variations. There is one where the whole unit is hung from the front wheel, and another that has long arms on which you balance the top tube of the frame, which is the most common. Another type is installed at ground level and it simply captures the front wheel.
All of these models have their advantages and disadvantages, so you should do some research prior to purchasing to determine which one best meets your needs.
Regardless of which stand you choose, each can be easily installed. All you need are a few screws or bolts, which usually come with the rack as a kit. Using a drill, you should have the rack up in no time flat. It is very important, however, to use a stud finder to ensure that the rack is hung securely. Otherwise, your two-wheeler could fall and destroy property or injure someone.
A bike wall mount is inexpensive and convenient. Installing one will give you the peace of mind just knowing that your property is safe and secure, and you won't have to worry about it being in the midst of foot traffic.
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Hating Bikers Is in Our DNA
Denver had this big event a few weeks ago called "Bike to Work Day" encouraging people to ride to work. There were several vendors offering free breakfast, water, and random stuff that you toss in your kitchen junk drawer (which we've worked hard to eliminate). We decided to participate for our first bike ride to work. There really is no excuse for us to not ride. It's less than 2 miles with plenty of bike lanes. Plus, it's faster than walking/bus and it's a good way to get the blood flowin in the morning.
The ride in was a piece of cake. There wasn't too much traffic at 7 AM to worry about and it only took around 15 minutes to get to work vs. the usual 20-25 minutes. My biggest concern has never really been about the traffic though - it's always been about being a sweaty mess. The last thing I want to do is walk into work with a stanky wet dress shirt. Fortunately I was good to go. The road was only slightly uphill and you have to stop pretty often to check traffic. One thing that sucks from the ride in was the helmet forehead stamp. My cheapo helmet leaves a red bar across the front of my forehead if I wear it for longer than a few minutes. My hair usually looks pretty lame anyways but the helmet makes it look even worse. Stupid helmets! I wonder how much safety they provide. I'd love to throw mine in the trash. Why doesn't anyone make a cool looking helmet? How hard can it be? Why do I have to have this big plastic mushroom? I guess you get what you pay for but don't worry, I won't stop wearing it Megan!
Beyond the helmet, biking to work is awesome and I will continue to do it; however, I haven't figured out why people (myself included) have the urge to get angry when they approach a biker on the road via car. Why do we get so pissed if a biker isn't hugging the edge of the road? How dare bikers slow me down for two extra seconds! I paid taxes for this damn road! Even in a biker friendly town like Denver, we've had some mean looks on our bikes or close calls when people are turning. I think I need to get this jersey although it would probably piss people off more.
I admit, I am the biggest hypocrite. While I'm driving, no biker better get in my way cause I got places to be. I also can't stand to see them cruise through a red light - totally unfair. But if I'm biking, I find myself enjoying the ride so much that I'm occasionally cruising in the middle of the road. And, I ain't got no time for a red light. I'll cruise through those if nothing is coming. Remember, I got places to be!
So the next time you see a bike on the road, cut them a little slack. They're probably just enjoying a nice cruise and aren't trying to be some a-hole biking stud. Riding a bike makes you feel like a kid and following the rules is the last thing a kid worries about.
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Explore Options in Specialized Bikes
Creating specialized bikes allows for countless customization options that can make new cycles perfectly fit your needs and style. Here are important features and innovative designs to explore before ordering your own.
With movement, drag works against the cyclist. It's impossible to eliminate this force completely, so designers aim to reduce it as much as possible. Aerodynamic experts utilize high-tech tools to produce the most aerodynamic specialized bikes possible. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) enables experts to simulate air flow across specific shapes and surfaces. With this information, the team is able to design the frame that best fits you. A comprehensive Racing Data Acquisition System (DAQ) gathers information about speed, power, rider position, and wind direction to precisely measure the drag. The team then uses this data to design the sleekest body possible. Experts also have access to a fully functioning wind tunnel that simulates various riding situations with movement and wind speed for testing purposes.
Frame design and materials also set specialized bikes apart from pre-fabricated options. Frames consist of various composites, chosen based on the type of bicycle. A strong heavy frame would be excellent for a mountain biker while a speedy lightweight model would be preferable for a racing cyclist. Aluminum alloys offer strength, affordability and are light weight. Various combinations will determine the final stiffness, strength, and weight of the product. After the frame is constructed according to material specifications, testing follows to ensure that every frame performs to your expectations.
Suspension and Shocks
The design team prioritizes suspension to ensure the smoothest ride. By isolating the chain and brake loads, you experience more comfort and better control. Whatever the terrain, the chain and brakes move and rebound independently. The tires maintain increased ground contact for added stability. The end result is less impact, which usually means less fatigue. You will also immediately notice that smooth rides are faster. Even seat posts are designed to flex upon impact, which helps maintain pedaling force. If you're focused on downhill racing, you can put your confidence in special racing shocks designed to provide all the control and adjustability necessary for ultimate performance. With bump absorption and superior traction, riders will achieve impressive speeds on straightaways and corners.
Specialized bikes can be created for men and women in both road and mountain styles. Some products are also designed for multi-use, suitable for both off-road and road riding. You can explore BMX/dirt products designed for tracks and skate parks. With these bikes, riders can handle dirt jumps and street riding with ease. Turbo electric bikes are also available, offering an elite combination of performance and speed. Imagine achieving speeds of up to 28 miles per hour with electric battery technology while experiencing the smoothest ride possible. This sleek design and performance is sure to please even the most experienced cyclist.
Options abound when it comes to specialized bikes. Learn about designs and construction techniques to find a model appropriate for your budget and customization requirements.
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Are Carbon Fiber Road Bikes Better?
If you are watching the Tour de France and you are wondering why their bikes look differently than yours it may be because they are using carbon fiber road bikes and you are probably using aluminum ones. There's nothing wrong with an aluminum bike. They are very affordable, they work and you can get a lot of use out of them. But here are a few reasons why you want to go with a carbon fiber cycle instead:
1. Weight: In some cases a carbon fiber road bike weighs half as much as an aluminum ones. That may not seem like a lot but consider how much of a hassle it is for you to load the bike in a car or on a bus and especially when you have to carry it up the stairs. What if you ride your bike to work? The heavier the cycle the harder it is to bring into the office with you if there aren't any safe places to store it outside. The lighter the cycle the easier it is for you to transport it.
2. Durability: It may be hard to imagine but you actually get more durability out of a carbon fiber road bike than you would an aluminum one. This seems like a crazy statement because heavier usually means more durable but not in this case. Think about it this way, if you watch the Tour de France you notice those racers beating the bikes they are on, pushing up hills, putting all their weight into the frames for hours on end. Think of the pressure those cycles go through in a single race and they hold up without an issue. If a Tour De France racer were to use aluminum one it would break on him within an hour.
3. Better experience: One of the reasons people want to get on cycles is to start having fun on the weekends in a completely different way. Rather than driving to work or when you go out somewhere a bike can give you a quicker route because you won't be stuck in traffic, it is a great form of exercise and you get to check out local parks and scenic areas in a completely different way. Some people even load up their car and drive for a couple of hours just so they can ride their bike in new areas and take in all that it has to offer. Biking isn't a hobby it is a way of life.
Yes you will be paying more for a carbon fiber cycle than a standard one but you get what you pay for in this case. If you plan on using the bike often and you need to transport it a lot, either in your car or by carrying it yourself then you will be very happy that you went with a carbon fiber road bike rather than the standard ones. Ask anyone who has been on both and they will tell you the significance of the difference. You may not be in the Tour de France next year but it's still OK to have the best equipment you can.
Getting the right bike can make a huge difference for how often you use it. If you love the bike you have you will use it after work, to get to work and for exercise as well. That's why it is important to buy the right cycle and the best ones can be found at Stradalli Cycle.
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You already have a leg up on the competition, but just to rub it in be sure to sport the Castelli Unfair Advantage Cap. The rich, sturdy wool blend of this cap automatically sets it apart from the sea of standard cotton caps out there, and offers unbeatable comfort, as well. The script on the front, the unmistakable Castelli logo, and the dashing Italian flag graphic on the bill are embroidered to give it an even classier feel. High-contrast stitching finished off the look. The Castelli Unfair Advantage Cap comes one size, and is available in Red, Black and White.
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