♡ When ur gay for ur best friend ✧ The angels think you're cute! ♡ A heart's a heavy burden ✧ 100% used as a way to gush & vent! I have no intent of harming anyone in real life!! Regardless, if me following you makes you uncomfortable please pm me and I'll unfollow you!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

If you haven’t heard there is a literal massacre going on in Sudan.
People are getting kidnapped, arrested, raped and killed. This has been going on for a few days now but naturally there’s hardly any media coverage.
There are a few ways to help:
- Emergency Medical Aid Donation
- Facebook campaign raising funds for food and other necessities
- International Rescue Committee
- Save The Children
Even if you can’t donate please help spread the news!!
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for when u love something
edit: was i drunk when i put that first image in god damn
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I love masterposts and I love Pokemon, so I thought, why not combine the two? Let me know if any links are broken or you want me to link to something you think belongs here!
Play Pokemon Games
VisualBoyAdvance (Game Boy Emulator)
DeSmuMe (Nintendo DS Emulator)
Downloads of almost every game
Some silly official flash games
Pokemon Shuffle for 3DS
Pokemon Shuffle app
Fanmade Pokemon dressup
The Ultimate Pokemon dating quiz
Pokemon TCG online
Watch the Pokemon Anime
Every dubbed episode
A lot of dubbed episodes on the official site
Subtitled episodes
…and some help with torrents
Download HD episodes
Nintendo Anime Channel for 3DS
Pokemon TV app
Pokemon Origins miniseries
Pokemon B2W2 animated trailer
Pokemon ORAS animated trailer
Game Strategy
Walkthroughs + ORAS walkthrough
Simple breeding guide
Advanced breeding guide
Join a trading network
Type weakness chart
Smogon PokeDex
Every item ever
Shiny fishing crash course
Build a perfect team
How do I EV train?
Shiny hunting tips
Calculate your Pokemon’s IVs
What is the DexNav?
Glitches and where to find them
Pokemon battle simulator
Read Pokemon Adventures
Read Pokemon ReBurst
Pokemon XY Battle Sprites
A ton more sprites
Pokemon fusion
Random Pokemon Generator
How to colour the Pokemon Adventures manga
How to colour the Pokemon Adventures manga (2)
Pokemon scans
Pokemon cardex
Buy from the official Pokemon Center site
pkmncollectors (buy and sell merch)
Ken Sugmori art
Pokemon production art
Japanese vs English episode comparison
Fun Stuff
Pokemon anime reaction images
Make your own trainer card
Figure our your favourite Pokemon
GTS trades that will never happen
Pokemon anime character sorter
Pokemon adventures/special character sorter
Pokemon region themes
What does your favourite Pokemon say about you?
50 Pokemon problems
The legendary Ash coma theory
Join the Pokemon trainer club
Twitch Plays Pokemon
The quiz from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon + explanation
Thanks, Bulbapedia (fun facts)
Pokemon @ TV tropes
Pokesho art
News & Info
Complete ship list
Find a Play Pokemon event near you
A book documenting the early 2000s Pokecraze
For Your Blog (IMPORTANT: Credit the OP unless they state that they don’t mind being uncredited)
Tiled backgrounds x x x x x x
Pokemon icons x x x x x
Pixels x x x x x
Trainer Card Theme (pastebin link)
Pokeball theme
Town theme
Pokemon cursors
Pokemon 2.B.A master album
Kanto Pokerap
Johto Pokerap (aka: Pokerap GS)
Hoenn Pokerap
Updated Pokerap (fanmade, unfortunately)
Every English Pokemon opening
Catchatronic mix
…and that only scratches the surface. Your Pokemon journey awaits!
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The Arcana but it's Drake &Josh
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I hate it when you’re reading smut and you can’t figure out what position they’re in.
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DIY Survival Doll for the Person Who Has Everything
Do you need an original gift for that hard to shop for friend? I can guarantee you your gift recipient does not have this!
Make this DIY Survival Art Doll filled with things you will need if the SHTF. This is the most original doll/plush hacks I’ve ever seen.
*Can’t sew? Use a muslin cloth doll base (super cheap at craft stores or online), or use existing plush.*
The creator of the Survival Art Doll from the blog Stuff You Can’t Have wrote:
Whether earthquake, tornado, terrorist attack, the rapture, or an alien invasion from outer space, you have only to grab your survival doll and run.
Concealed within this innocent-looking, seemingly worthless doll is everything you will need to survive just about anything that could possibly happen.
What are the features of this Apocalypse Doll?
Arms - filled with rice
Legs - filled with dried beans
Head - made with a plastic bottle with hardware like fish hooks, nails, safety pins, twine, and fishing line.
Heart - filled with silver dimes
Felt heart conceals a cache of silver dimes. Minted prior to 1964, these dimes are comprised of 90% pure silver and can be used for negotiable currency after the global economy collapses.
Torso - survival gear (lots of suggestions at the link)
Petticoat - layered petticoats printed with a survival manual
A two-layer petticoat concealed beneath the dress contains a complete survival manual. Contents range from first aid, constructing a raft, and building shelter, to crafting primitive weapons and purifying water.
Find out all the details for the OOAK Survival Doll from Stuff You Can’t Have here.

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Games that count 0 as a life instead of stopping after 1
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kaomoji parts
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i had them stored away over time of collecting
very fun to use
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Hey so like. When I point out that calling a Japanese/Asian character a rat is racist ppl go into a panic and start asking a whole bunch a questions and making excuses… Like, look. breathe. Second. Don’t do that shit. You freaking the fuck out and making excuses is only going to make you look bad. Actions speak louder than words. Just stop calling Japanese/Asian characters Rats okay? Stop making “Ouma/Komaeda/Sou’s a rat boy” jokes. Like if you just stop doing it and spread the word everything will be fine. If you feel guilt you can make up for it by spreading awareness.
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I'm fuckin screaming what is this
Hey so like. When I point out that calling a Japanese/Asian character a rat is racist ppl go into a panic and start asking a whole bunch a questions and making excuses… Like, look. breathe. Second. Don’t do that shit. You freaking the fuck out and making excuses is only going to make you look bad. Actions speak louder than words. Just stop calling Japanese/Asian characters Rats okay? Stop making “Ouma/Komaeda/Sou’s a rat boy” jokes. Like if you just stop doing it and spread the word everything will be fine. If you feel guilt you can make up for it by spreading awareness.
#They'd be called rats REGARDLESS OF THEIR RACE IT'S A PERSONALITY TERM WYD#fake racism bc boomers don't know what they're talking abt#refer to old ww2 posters in the replies#these boomers don't even know what rats & asian ppl look like they look NOTHING ALIKE#they're racist not the term RAT#they're just dumb#op i assure u these characters are not referred to as rats because of ancient racist propaganda and stupid ppl#it's because the characters in question are SNEAKY like THE ANIMAL RAT#sneaky BASTARDS#does not matter if they're asian#the majority of ppl who play a game full of asian/japanese ppl are bound to not be racist anyway#granted there certainly may be ppl who are!!!#but they're stupid and don't deserve to play the game!!!!!#racist ppl suck but ppl who use the term rat to describe ppl or characters are not#pls breathe honey it aint that deep
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a reminder
that theres nothing “neurotypical” about saying that “your mental illnesses are no excuse to be toxic and to abuse/manipulate your friends/partners”
and yes, this applies no matter your circumstances lmao you dont get a free out of jail card because your unhealthy behavior is caused by symptoms - if someone tells you that your behavior is hurting them or you YOURSELF realize that your relationships arent healthy on your part, its on YOU to
1) communicate with the other person to try to work around it, so that you can see whether your needs are compatible with what theyre capable of giving you in terms of friendship/partnership. sometimes needs are incompatible, and sometimes relationships dont work out despite mutual (platonic or romantic) affection because there are too many factors that make the relationship more harmful than beneficial - even if its harmful only to one party.
in a relationship, it’s the responsibility of both people to make sure that there is enough communication and safety for people to establish boundaries and voice their needs so that theyre heard. voicing needs doesnt mean that they HAVE to fulfill them even at the cost of their own wellbeing; it means compromising and discussing what can be done so that the relationship isnt draining for either party.
2) apologize for hurting them, take accountability and look into resources to change your behavioral patterns (if it’s a persisting thing). google is your friend. talk with a school counselor/therapist/etc if you have one available for you. go to a library, see if theres any books on mental health and relationships that might help you out. there ARE resources for mentally ill people and for people who need help at unlearning toxic behaviors caused by trauma or other similar factors. Use them.
trying to opt out of responsibility because your hurtful behavioral patterns are caused by trauma/mental illness is you excusing your toxic and/or abusive behavior and is incredibly unhealthy not only to you but people around you. it should be obvious why that’s not something the ND tumblr should encourage.
we need to be better and STOP protecting abusers and excusing abusive/toxic behavior under the guise of “mental health positivity/acceptance”
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warning signs of toxic, abusive friends
given events in my personal life, I made a list of red flags showing that one of your friends or several might be manipulative and abusive.
when you express the ways in which they have hurt you, they blame you, yell at you, and make you out to be the “problem”
they get upset for things you do but do those same things themselves, ie: hypocrisy
they treat you differently than other friends, ie: they’re meaner
if you’re always the one that reaches out to them and they tell you that you aren’t trying hard enough if you ever stop
they bail, ditch, or ignore events that are important to you
and get mad at you if you call them out on it
they use you to get things (money, gifts, attention) but never return the favour
they knit pick the smallest of issues and blow them out of proportion
they twist situations where they wronged you into you wronging them
they “team up” with other people against you, meaning they turn others against you
they never say sorry
when other people in your life don’t understand why they are angry with you, or actively tell you that you’re not doing anything wrong, ie: only the toxic friends are the ones that have these issues with you
they use your weaknesses to their advantage to harm you or win a fight
I know it’s hard, but run. they are not worthy of you, no matter what they trick you into believing.
you are not a broken mistake. you are not unworthy. other people will love you. they have convinced you of otherwise.
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how to tell if your “friend” is not being a friend:
every time you talk about a problem, you have to spend time convincing them it’s a real problem
you have to convince them that your feelings are real and justified
you have to explain to them, more than once, to stop saying things that genuinely make you feel awful
you have to be understanding of their point of view entire time, but that doesn’t work both ways, they don’t do it back
you have to be understanding to the point where you accept that they wont ever see your point of view
if your problems make them uncomfortable you have to stop talking
they compete with you and try to prove you that their situation is worse no matter what you struggle with
they try to convince you to get over yourself and to not think of yourself too highly
they make you feel like your opinions, actions or emotions are stupid, and like you should be ashamed for expressing anything to anyone
they pick up on your vulnerabilities then use them against you in critical times
they say things they know will hurt you, to get to you
they hurt you to prove their point and think it’s legit reason to cause you pain
they talk down to you, act as if you’re not capable of making good decisions, scare you into not doing as you wanted, make you feel inadequate and inexperienced in comparison to them
they don’t care if they tire you out with their problems
they don’t care if you’ve already given them more than you comfortably can give
they don’t find you worthy of their compassion and care
they don’t think you’ve deserved their attention or admiration
they neglect you and then come back to you when they need you
they act as if it’s normal for you to spend much more energy and time on them than they do in return
they expect unlimited compassion, kindness, energy, time and care from you, and act as if it’s the least you could do for them
they don’t even consider going that length in return
if they forget, even for a second, that you’re a human being
they’re not to be trusted.
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