berlinstories · 6 years
week 02
In the second week of our trip, we visited some more exciting sites such as the Tempelhof Airport, Lake Studios, the Floating University and an artist residence. 
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Little known fun fact: The Hunger Games trilogy was mainly filmed in Berlin. The interior scenes of Katniss Everdeen’s character and the other components took place inside of the Tempelhofer Airport. This airport was originally designed in the 1920s and was taken over by the Nazi government shortly before the second world war. 
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Closed in October 2008, this abandoned airport is now a place for walking tours and its outdoor field where the runways are, has been left untouched. The park is mainly used by locals who go on hikes, bike rides and host family picnics. Since the autumn of 2015, a small part of the Tempelhof Feld now doubles as an emergency refugee camp. 
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The artist residence we visited was at a spacious, beautiful spot downtown. There was an artist from California who had been camping out nearby the Tempelhofer Airport, where she wanted to put herself in the shoes of the refugees and took it upon herself to spend an entire month sleeping just outside of the airport. (Not pictured: Her photography and captions which documented her thoughts and feelings on the topic along with a recap of her days.)  
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I don’t have many photos from this event, although this was definitely one of my favourites! We had the opportunity of attending an art event which showcased the works and experiences of LGBT creators from Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. I liked being able to speak to the different artists who had various perspectives on what it means to be queer and how they move through the world. I also scored this lovely postcard after writing what feminism means to me on a poster! (My answer was that it should always be intersectional and inclusive). 
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I think the Floating University was also one of my favourite places we visited. I thought it was really neat how a bunch of students came up with an idea that combines sustainability and education but in a fun and engaging way. A lot of the materials used to construct this ‘university’ were recycled/repurposed and they also grew their own tomatoes and other produce to make their own food. 
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On the last day, we had some free time so Kim and I went exploring around Museum Island. This is probably one of my proudest photography moments!
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Does popping bubbles at touristy sites make me feel like a kid again? Yes. Am I ashamed? Not at all.
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I felt the need to get some shots of the best dishes I tried during this trip. I definitely became some sort of vegan donut connoisseur after this. 
The fancier looking desserts are from an upscale plant based restaurant called Kopps. It was just as good as it looks! 
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- Ebony 
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berlinstories · 6 years
fünke fünke FUNKHAUS
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By: Rachel Kirstein 
Funkhaus is a musical institution and multipurpose collaborative space with a rich history. Once the largest radio broadcasting site in the world, Funkhaus was built in 1951 as a way for the German Democratic Republic to compete with political ideology coming from West Berlin radio broadcasts. The building was a sort-of mini-village as 3000 workers filled its halls, studios, and social facilities, but it was also a high-tension environment where the Soviet secret police installed wiretaps behind every clock to monitor Funkhaus activities. After the fall of the wall, the building could have become an empty shell, a decaying remnant of what it once was, due to its ambiguous ownership. Instead, Funkhaus became a treasure trove for creative producers such as musicians and filmmakers, as it rents out studios (including one of the largest recording studios in the world); continually invests in new recording, sound, and architectural technologies; hosts events; and has developed a coworking space for creatives. Its historical background shines through rooms preserved in a way that makes you feel like you’ve stepped out of a time machine and into the mid 20th century.
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That week, Funkhaus was hosting PEOPLE Fest, a festival where musicians get together and collaborate on new music with people they wouldn’t necessarily typically work with. During the tour, I managed to sneak around listening in on Bon Iver rehearsals and Feist recording sessions, was met with welcoming smiles from the individuals working the festival, and had brief conversations with musicians passing through the wood-panelled halls. The open-minded, community-based mindset that permeates Berlin culture was truly palpable in that moment. Here, Funkhaus provides the physical and historical base upon which communities can gather and create. The institution thus exemplifies the ways in which Berlin-based initiatives and spaces honour their past while blending it with present uses— uses that are often grounded in notions of multifaceted creative expression and collaboration.
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^ bonus pic: pizza from our Funkhaus lunch ^ 
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berlinstories · 6 years
an ode to Lidl
By: Rachel Kirstein
this post is entirely dedicated to the Wonderful World of Lidl. for context, Lidl is a discount grocery store that somehow has better quality food than most of the very much NOT discount grocery stores in Toronto. and, as if it couldn’t get any better, it was a mere five minute walk away from our hostel.
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some nights, many of us were too tired from the (exciting, interesting, riveting) jam-packed days to venture out into the Berlin restaurant scene. it was these nights when we would pay a visit to good old Lidl, purchasing a plethora of fresh produce and ready-to-eat food to put together informal antipasti selections. we’d reflect on the (exciting, interesting, riveting) things we’d seen and experiences we had that day (but mostly rave about how good the food is and wow CAN YOU BELIEVE how little it cost????) as we passed around hostel-supplied paper plates filled with an odd-but-perfect mix of Lidl-sourced food.
my personal favourite was the sliced black peppercorn-coated salami that was somehow always on sale for 89 cents???? magical. other group favourites and frequent purchases included: salami sticks, lindt chili dark chocolate, marinated artichokes, croissants, couscous, bulgur, red cabbage coleslaw, carrots, doughnut peaches, figs, avocados (for like 50 cents), pre-made salads (two euros), and nuts. the bill would rarely supersede 16 euros. sometimes the marinated artichokes would randomly have a single dolmades in the package because why not????  (i always took it as a sign of good luck.) just when you think you have Lidl ALL FIGURED OUT, Lidl goes and surprises you. whatta gem.
here’s to you, Lidl.
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berlinstories · 6 years
Week 2 Catchup:
By: Josie Slaughter
August 17th: Teufelsberg
This day started out with a workout. We were headed to an area just outside of Berlin that was a former spy tower, and thus, hidden and tucked out of the way in the forest. We collectively got through our mini morning hike up to what was dubbed by the group to be Trash Mountain.
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Trash Mountain was our biggest walking day with about 35,000 steps according to my phone but was well worth it! We got there eventually and met with our guide, grabbed a good German bier and explored the Teufelsberg grounds.
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Teufelsberg was super interesting for anyone interested in history as the mountain was man made after WW2 with all the rubble after the war. It was then utilized as an American spy tower during the Cold War with major spy technology and equipment of the time, with its remints still there today. After the Cold War finished and the spy tower no longer had any use, it ended up getting caught in a real estate deadlock between buyers and now is currently sitting there without any practical use. However, in the spirit of Berlin became a space for squatting, graffiti and tours for people like us. The tower itself is no longer safe to go up but seeing the mass amounts of graffiti around was show enough and fit the Berlin vibe we’d been experiencing all trip.
August 21st: Boros Collection
The day started out nice and sunny as we went as a group over to a bunker. When I heard we were going to a bunker I was expecting something war torn, underground and industrial. Of those, the only thing it was, was industrial. The bunker was essentially a very large, above ground concrete block from the outside. As we entered, we were told not to take pictures inside the bunker so we settled on a group photo first outside.
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The bunker has a noticeable banana on the front as its identifier as it was dubbed the banana bunker during WW2 when it housed fruit imports from Cuba. The bunkers former life included being a Red Army prison as well as formerly a techno club. The Boros family ended up purchasing the bunker and converted it into the housing for their contemporary art collection. Seeing this was such a cool experience, especially with our guide who was very knowledgeable and let us know the stories behind many of the artworks as well as the noticeable history of the bunker. Over the years the bunker received different marks around it after being repurposed so many times with different marking and paint from its different past lives that was such an interesting backdrop to have modern art placed in front of.
August 21st pt. 2: UfaFabrik
After looking at art all morning, we then went off to UfaFabrik. Initially, I wasn’t sure what to think in terms of creative industries works as we were essentially just in a small neighborhood in Berlin. However, after touring with our guide who told us the history of the founders wanting to co-work, co-habitate and create their own economy was something super intriguing and different from anything I’d ever seen. UfaFabrik had their own bakery, school, apartments/housing, animal farm, karate studio, live event venue and even more that I can’t name it all. It was like a communist compound of people just working in their own society with their own economy that they were supporting and able to sustain for decades now. One of the key favourites was stopping by the petting zoo and seeing the bunnies.
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UfaFabrik really made me look at alternative ways of life that don’t have to follow the same moulds of funding models and that businesses don’t have to have the same goals and procedures. UfaFabrik was more than a non-profit but creating their own sustainable community by each person pulling their own weight and working together in what seemed like real harmony.
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berlinstories · 6 years
Endless Inspiration
By: Angela Tran
I’ve heard about artist residencies here and there but I never really understood what they were about. It wasn’t until I eventually visited one in Berlin, that I realized how beneficial they were. Somos Art House is a former “Kaffehaus” turned into an exhibition space that organizes its own Artist Residency program. Artist from around the world can apply for a 3 month contract to live and work in this amazing place. Accepted applicants have the opportunity to collaborate with each other and eventually exhibit their work at the end of the 3 months. 
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We were able to speak with an artist from America who’s project was currently on display at Somos’s exhibition room. Her performance involved sleeping at Tempeltof (an abandoned airport) and documenting her experience every night. It was a powerful piece and she was able to get to where she was because of the environment she was in. Somos house provided her with a place of endless inspiration. She was able to pick the brains of her fellow resident mates who all came from different parts of the world and specialized in different practices (painting, activism, research, etc). The diverse perspectives are something she would not have been able to experience without the residency program. I felt very inspired by this and I hope that my final project can also have the potential to bring many perspectives into one space. 
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berlinstories · 6 years
A Secret Beer Garden
By Angela Tran 
Once again, I had a second opportunity to see two sides of a site visit. The first side was during the day with the University gang and the other was at night with some new friends I had made. Klunkerkranich is this secret beer garden hidden on the roof of a mall. The mall itself was extremely dull looking so it was refreshing to find out that it housed a beer garden with an amazing view of the city! 
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When we arrived on the rooftop, we were greeted with amazing circus decor. During the day it was quiet and peaceful -- it was a place for friends to catch up and families to spend time together (there was a small sandbox for the kids).
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I visited Klunkerkranich a few days later and decided to take some new friends to this secret gem. When we reached the rooftop of the mall, there was a line that stretched to the end of the parking lot. Once we finally got in, I almost did not recognise the place! It was so interesting how a space could change so drastically! It was much more lively and “mysterious”. The rooftop was decorated in neon lights and the view of the city was even more gorgeous than during the day (Unfortunately, I did not think to take pictures that night. But trust me when I say it was magical). 
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berlinstories · 6 years
Floating University??
By: Angela Tran 
“Floating” and “University”, two words that you would never think of putting side by side each other. But as we learned early on during our trip: In Berlin, anything is possible. Honestly, I did not know what to expect when I read on our itinerary that we would be visiting a “Floating University”. At most, I expected a University surrounded by a small moat of water. Boy was I wrong.
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I felt like I just step foot on some apocalyptic town -- everything was DIY and always changing. Structures were built in a way in which they were functional, but could be moved around whenever needed. In fact, when we were touring this place, there was a man building more walking planks to extend the University. I thought it was so neat how this University could implement ideas in such a short period. If we wanted to build a new facility at Ryerson it would take ages, but here , it could just take a day. 
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This University really embodies the idea of hands-on learning and I find it so fascinating that students can so easily add onto the structure as they like! I feel honoured to have stepped foot onto such an amazing project. It’s a perfect example of how Berlin teaches its students to upcycle and re-use materials that are readily available. I feel very inspired and they have taught me that sustainability and creativity can definitely go hand in hand. 
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berlinstories · 6 years
By: Lucie Mink
On the evening of Friday, August, 24th, we made the pilgrimage to Malzfabrik, yet another abandoned industrial site converted to a multi-functional creative community space. 
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Malzfabrik serves as an art studio space and collective community which helps foster and incubate socially engaged art projects. On this evening, Malzfabrik was hosting an exhibit put on by a group of female-identifying artists selected from various parts of the world such as Asia, Australia and elsewhere, with the focus on feminism and female-focused artwork in different forms. 
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There was painting, quilting, tarot readings and performances, most of which required or encouraged attendee participation. I enjoyed participating in painting, stitching/sewing and learning about all the various forms of feminist art that these women were trying to cultivate at this super fun event.
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 Malzfabrik was the perfect place to host this event, as it was as authentically self-made as the artists themselves. I believe that authenticity is a key component to the success of these types of creative spaces, as it attracts a more genuine and honest demographic.
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berlinstories · 6 years
The Networking Event (lol)
By: Lucie Mink
On Wednesday, we made our way downtown to a swanky entrepreneurial networking event, hosted by Co-Found Berlin. The event was held as sort of a mixer for entrepreneurial-types to meet, connect and pitch ideas to one another. Ticket holders who payed an extra fee were promised an opportunity to pitch their business ideas to the event’s crowd, which included a large group of potential investors. The event was definitely not what we were expecting for a number of reasons. Pros; open-bar (need I say more?), interesting people, free food, beautiful rooftop setting, great photo ops, great potential for connections to be made. 
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Cons; technical issues resulting in pitches not being heard by anyone, heavy male demographic resulting in over-confidence, mostly bad pitch ideas and a lot of mansplaining.
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The open bar, otherwise known as the saviour of our troop, was a great addition to this event and made the evening genuinely enjoyable despite the lack of actual pitching going on.
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 Lesson learnt: if planning to attend any sort of business-based networking function in the future, always make sure there will be some sort of relief available nearby incase things go awry.
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berlinstories · 6 years
By: Lucie Mink
On Monday (Aug 20th), we visited Klunkerkranich, an unexpected open-air bar/restaurant which sits atop a somewhat mundane and very regular looking shopping mall. Klunkerkranich is a bit of a shock, as it is such an interesting place to visit, in such an unexpected place. The entrance to Klunkerkranich is located in the mall’s parking garage, on the fifth floor.
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 Once you access this parking garage, you walk up a ramp onto the roof and behold the unique and wonderful world of Klunkerkranich, which feels like the set of a fairy tale movie. The outdoor restaurant/bar area is mainly made of wood; wooden floors, tables and chairs, giving it an eclectic, shabby-chic vibe. The indoor area is adorned with old lampshades, disco balls, rugs and cozy sofas and pillows. 
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Klunkerkranich features a number of very interesting sculptures of various sizes and other unique artworks, which contribute to the overall atmosphere of warmth and creativity.
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 Although we visited Klunkerkranich for lunch and had a very tame and relaxing time, we have been informed that it is one of the hottest nightlife spots in the city and attracts quite the party on the weekend evenings. I believe that this is a great example of versatility in Berlin’s cultural scene. What serves as a relaxed and family-friendly, rooftop restaurant during the daytime can easily flip into a completely different attraction at night, welcoming all types of people.
 This versatility is very important to the success of smaller, more grassroots types of businesses such as Klunkerkranich, which generally start up independently, and rely on a diverse demographic in order to sustain themselves.
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berlinstories · 6 years
What a night!
By Nicole Ireland
One of our last nights in Berlin was one of my absolute favourites. We went to this exhibit/event called Practical Encounters: Feminism & Queer Cultures in South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and it was a magical night.
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I wanted to do as many of the activities and participate in as many installations as possible. I got a tarot reading that was very validating and reassuring, participated in a project where the artist would write words about ourselves (that we chose) on our bodies as a form of reclaiming ourselves, bought some goodies from a screen printer, chatted with a non-binary artist about the challenges faced by non-binary people in their country, and contributed to a community quilt. Below you can see me with my quilt square that was intended to be a stitched piece but ended up being mixed media, and the remnants of some writing across my chest.
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I felt so inspired that night, I was genuinely sad when we had to leave. Chatting to these incredible women about what’s going on in their respective countries and seeing what they’re doing to fight against it was just amazing. Getting crafty, having some meaningful conversations, checking out some cool art, and supporting these women was the best possible way to end an already incredible trip.
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berlinstories · 6 years
Girl Power!!!
By Emilia
A safe space for women and queer artists to share their creativity and thoughts was very inspiring for a group of young women to visit. We were welcomed into an event which displayed feminist art by South East Asian women who encouraged collaboration and audience participation in their work. From painting colourful vaginas, to tarot readings, this event was inclusive, not only in its subject matter, but also of it’s audience.
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My favourite activity was crafting and contributing a square for a quilt which will sew together the feminist messages created by women from all over the world. I have not enjoyed crafting that much for a hot minute and revelled in a meditation of creative practice as I cut and glued bits of fabric and gold glitter. The participatory culture of the quilt making activity resonated with me, as it felt cohesive with the inclusivity felt at the event.
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berlinstories · 6 years
Wacky Inventions are Meant to Float
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By Emilia
At the end of what felt like the hottest day of the trip, a very tiered and dehydrated group of Ryerson students made their last stop of the day at Floating University. As we walked across a scaffolding structure with tomatoes sprouting on every level, we snapped out of our tiered state. Our curiosities had been peaked as the idea of a floating university might intrigue a group of students. As we walked over boardwalks leading to other unique structures, I started to notice how inventive the nature of this place was. A university program which invites design and architecture students from 25 partner universities to spend time on a pond and build structures that resemble cut outs from inventions drawn up by a child’s imagination. Floating University not only acts as an education centre, it is also an example of limitless creativity.
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For me, the most impressive invention was the water filtration system in the main structure. A collection of repurposed hoses have been attached to a tarp ceiling to collect rain water, which is then filtered down through multiple recycled bathtubs containing naturally purifying vegetation such as plants and mushrooms. This system runs on 3 levels and uses materials that would have been deemed purposeless without the creative minds of the inventive and forward thinking students.
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berlinstories · 6 years
The Ufa Air is Fresh
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By Emilia
Upon arriving at Ufa Fabrik all I could think about was how fresh the air felt. It was the kind of air that often feels unique to the forest, oxygenated and calming. As we began touring this commune of co-operative living, artistic practice, and eco friendly innovation, we were shown the living wall which surrounds the space. A beautiful wall made up of growing plants that not only acts as an aesthetic addition to the garden, but also has an important role to play in the insulation of sound from the commune’s theatre and musical performances. These performances are some of the many aspects of Ufa Fabrik which also houses a cafe, studios for classes, a bakery, a petting zoo and kindergarten, and affordable living spaces for its community members.
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berlinstories · 6 years
Last Day Lake n’ LOLs,
By: Isabelle Vogel
Our last day in Berlin was bittersweet to say the least. A few of us had morning coffee and croissants while doing some coursework and reminiscing on the entire trip.
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We met the rest of the group at 3 to go to a tour of a dance/movement studio, called Lake Studios Berlin. We were welcomed warmly into a cosy space with MULTIPLE adult swings. After gaining insight to how the studio operates, we went for our last meal together in Berlin
Miranda gave out thoughtfully accurate awards to each member of the group. Mine being the Award for Trans-generational Inclusivity, which had more or less to do with my (minor) obsession with her extremely adorable child. Yes, Eleanor and I hit it off, and she even gave me a nickname, ‘bead’ (in reference to my necklace).
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After dinner, we did our last group activity, which was to return to the dance studio to watch a performance. The performance was wildly interpretive to say the least. It was both impressive and hilarious and was the perfect shocking and uniting way to end the trip. With an experience that I can genuinely say I don’t think any of us will have again.
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berlinstories · 6 years
We joined the GRRRL GNG
By: Isabelle Vogel
On Friday we went to a female centric working space. Their objective being to celebrate equality, gender and sexuality. We were given an inspiring presentation, where we also met a gender neutral dog. They frequently host workshops and on Friday they held an event that consisted of feminist themed art, activities, and a panel. One artist was creating a traveling quilt. Everywhere she went on her tour, she set up a work station for people to create their own square in the quilt, which she would later sew together. I loved this message and was so excited to make my own square, which I, naturally, smeared in glitter.
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My patch is the yellow one on the top far left.
Another artist had everyone write on a poster, what feminism means to them, and in exchange gave out a personalized drawing. Tarot readings were being done and there was another station where people were painting and naming their vaginas. All in all, a magical and all inclusive evening.
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berlinstories · 6 years
Formality is Overrated
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By Emilia
After having spent almost two weeks in this city, an attitude or fearlessness has become evident in Berlin’s creative class. Berliners like Halia and Louisa, the creators of Transmidernity, a poetic documentary film on change makers in a new era of transformation, have followed their vision with spontaneity with no formal film experience. This trust in their idea and in their abilities to respond to financing, equipment, crew and promotion hurtles has been inspiring, in giving me a sense that i am not limited by what I already know, but rather can explore new possibilities in learning by doing.
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