Sabine: Let me get this straight Let me run something bi you Wedge: Let's pan this out Ezra: Let's ace-ess the situation Kallus: I'm gay
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Sign for the pride parade tomorrow :]
Couldn't let my opportunity slip away to recreate this master piece
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happy pride month.
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post-finale hurt/comfort
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some times its the muscle who just needs to be held
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part of my hurt/comfort painting series based off these sketches
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@iftheresaproblem-whatever found this bikini from h&m and i-
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The amount of times I went to the vet and panicked because I was just staring at “breed” and just wanted to put “stripey gray”
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What a mood tho
Lyrics don't matter if the song is cool. "One Night in Bangkok" is a guy rapping about how he can't do sex because he likes chess too much, and everyone loves that song.
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Okay in my defense if you didn’t want to see kallus in the dress you wouldn’t follow me
(for @hayesflint and @never-ending-fanfic)
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a bunch of extra concepts for ch3 of Warrior and the Lasat by @solsilverpine
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I just loved this scene so much, i wanted to do them all. kal is really going through it, hey
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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my understanding of things...
David Tennant: wears a shirt and publicly says trans kids have the right to exist. Otherwise continues to just do his thing as a beloved British actor with no social media.
The UK Right: has an absolute fit, tries to call him a pedo, but it backfires and gets one of their own fired
David Tennant: wears pride pins in public venues and is supportive of his kid. Otherwise continues to do his thing and has a massive year as a beloved British actor with no social media.
LGBT Britain: give him an ally award for... Not stopping being a good dad and wearing pins while on TV.
David Tennant: accepts award with grace and humility and understanding that the bar for allyship is in the floor, and says he wishes a right wing politician would shut up (presumably about trans people).
Rishi Sunak and the Tories: tries to go after DT for impinging on freedom of speech.
When the Tories go down in flames, can we credit DT? Just a little bit? For lolz?
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He looks so snuggly in the second pic 😭
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i just love him alot ok
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Is this because i left-?
Tagged by @hayesflints
@5wolfdog5 @seth-silver-ink @anatolysyoghurt
I was tagged by @kamikazequail in this post HERE. It is such a long chain that I am making a new post.
So, Can You Fight God?
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I tag: @shreedle @a-little-harmed-shinra and @memoryoflife.
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