benisnokingsley · 2 years
Ben had the day off, a rare thing for him so he had planned to just take it easy. The most difficult activity he had planned was to go out for coffee- it truly was a harrowing event. He was half asleep, the bags under his eyes more evident than an other feature on his face. In all honestly, Ben just wanted to stay in bed and sleep, but that really wasn’t the healthiest thing to do, even if his body craved it. That was how he found himself at Starbucks, sunglasses still on. 
When Ben got his order and turned to leave, his attention was called. He did all he could to suppress the sigh that threatened to escape him, since it had been Aksel who recognized him. He instead gave a soft smile and nodded. “Hello, Aksel. I hardly even noticed the suit.”
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Where: Starbucks Pike Place Market
Who: open to all @seattlehqs-starters​
Aksel was in a suit. He hated suits unless they were brightly coloured or had a gothic appeal to them Today it was a simple, grey, slightly over sized, suit. He looked like he had just fallen out of law school. The truth was he had been at meetings all morning with his team. The management and agent had been present along with his P.R team when he told them that he and Matt were looking into adopting. They had all sat and talked then when the meeting ended, Aksel was left with a lot to think about. 
Instead of heading home, he was in desperate need of coffee. strong coffee to clear his head. He walked into Starbucks and waited in the queue and saw someone he knew. “ Hey how's things?” He asked with a friendly smile then looked down at the suit he was wearing. “ I know… this is an awful suit.”
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benisnokingsley · 2 years
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“Okay, but the library here sucks for Russian books.” She mused over her shoulder at Ben, as she added another book to the growing pile in her arms. “They have like six, and I’ve read them all already.” She understood that Russian wasn’t a hugely popular language, and so Alyria was willing to buy her books, but she couldn’t possibly keep them all - her apartment was just too small for that. Especially with the amount that Aly read. 
“Do you think they take requests?” Ben asked. “If it’s something you’re passionate about, you can always do something about it.” He wasn’t too sure himself seeing how it was to be expected that the library only had certain funds available. Russian wasn’t too popular, so they probably didn’t want to invest in books. 
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benisnokingsley · 2 years
Jay believed he had thick skin. His childhood had built him a little tougher, but at the heart of it; he was a sensitive soul. He wanted to succeed in life and being hit with not constructive criticism but insults, did affect him. But he knew Ben was right he needed to not be offended by it. “ That is a good point. When you are your worst critic, you don’t expect someone else trying to apply for the position. “ He replied trying to make a joke of the situation. “ You’re completely right though. “ 
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“I wasn’t trying to be right,” Ben huffed as he leaned against the bar, drink swirling in the glass he held. “Think of it this way, you take their word, and it’s seen that you’ve shown growth.” Ben offered a polite smile before he took a swing of his drink. “All you can do now is hope that your next day at work doesn’t involve similar comments or incidents.”
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benisnokingsley · 2 years
“ She has been growing like a weed. “ Serena laughed at the sight of her who wasn’t paying any attention to her mother. Her focus was on her uncle and the gift he handed over. “Hey! What do we say little miss? “ Serena signed to her daughter as well as spoke it. Knowing that she was just overly excited to have someone else in the house to pay attention to her. ‘Thank you. ‘ The little girl finally got out in words that were mumbled. She then sat on the floor at their feet to open the gift while the remained able to talk. “ I am cooking dinner. You’re more than welcome to stay. I am not as great as Jamie, but I get by. “ She joked as Jamie had actually taught her a lot while she was pregnant and even after Winnie was born.
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Since Winnie had begun learning sign language, Ben had begun o do the same. He wasn’t fluent, but he knew how to get by, and so he signed ‘you’re welcome’ before he turned his attention back to Serena. “You’re right when it comes to how quickly she’s growing,” he stated with a chuckle leaving his lips. “Feels like only yesterday when I first saw her. Time just won’t stop moving.” He hadn’t expected to eat food at Serena’s home, but what would that mean for him? Another night eating out? “Sure, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
[ phonecall || ben & jamie ]
Ben: Was working when he heard the murmurs about his brother and the article that had come out. During his break he read the gossip, feeling sick to his stomach and only getting sick with each sentence he went through. He didn't have to think twice to call his brother, muttering to himself as the rang.
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
Mads watched his posture adjust and his reaction, probably one of at least vague shock, evolve.  She couldn’t say she watched with satisfaction, but maybe it was possible she got a small thrill from being a surprise.  She wasn’t sure she’d ever really have it in her to be quiet or tame anyway.  “Is it?” She mused.  “Hmm.”  Whether that meant he was close to his dad, or not, she didn’t know.  Then again, maybe Chief Kingsley kept personnel decisions close to the vest.  “A good surprise or a bad surprise?  That’s the real question.”
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Of course, the pair weren’t too thrilled when they had decided to cut things off-- when when Ben figured it was best for them to-- but things were civil. It was better to just cut things off before too many feelings got involved or families. The ladder was the main reason, he was sure that Mads knew as well. 
Ben pulled a polite smile on his face and shook his head at her question. “A good surprise. Don’t think otherwise.” He then motioned over to the seat across from his. “Do you have time to sit?”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
Quinn knew there were aspects of his life he didn’t always share with others. He had grown up in such a bad environment that it had made the psychiatrist into  very closed off adult. Unless it was his family, he knew he rarely opened up. However, being around Jamie allowed another side of him to come out and while it was difficult he was making concentrated efforts. Being able to be more open around Jamie’s family seemed like the natural progression. 
“Nice. I need to stop buying thing’s that would only last a couple days and plan for longer than that. “ Quinn noted for a moment before checking his watch. “ I still have a bit of time. Her mom is still  finishing up something with her. “ He added before glancing back at the other man. “ What have you been up tp lately”
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“As long as I’m not keeping you,” Ben huffed as he leaned back, polite smile on his lips. “I haven’t been doing much, mainly working, but I’m sure that is nothing new and not surprising.” It was safe to say that Ben’s life was quite boring, but he liked it that way. He didn’t want to deal with relationship drama or take part in family drama as well. Peace, that was all he wanted, nothing more. 
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
   “I am. You know him….” he answered with a smile. Jamie remembered that he had not come out to his brother’s and it was only Kacie out of all the Kingsley that knew and he knew that Ben will not mind that the person he was seeing was a guy. “You know him. It’s Quinn,” he answered again chuckling.
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“Know him?” Ben questioned. Him? Huh. Ben never thought his brother would have been with another man, not that it mattered to him, it was just unexpected. He didn’t mention anything and instead tried to think about just who it was that Jamie could have been talking about. He didn’t have to think too long, for Jamie spoiled the fun before he was able to start guessing. “Quinn? Really? Well, congrats, I hope he treats you well.”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
For someone who was always on her best, today was not going as planned. Chrissy had always been an emotional person but this was something else entirely. She was already on the verge of tears when she stopped at the pier and found herself looking out at the water. Her heart was in her throat and she was sure she could pull herself together if she just had a moment of quiet but the sound of another’s voice drew her out of her thoughts and she sucked in a shallow breath before she shook her head and met his eyes, her own dark brown hues brimming with tears. “I’m sorry. I just um, no I didn’t say anything.” Her bottom lip quivered as a few tears spilled over her cheeks.
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At first, Ben hadn’t noticed that the young woman had been crying. As terrible as it seemed, if he had seen that she had been crying, Ben probably wouldn’t have said anything. It wasn’t because he didn’t care, because no, that wasn’t it at all. He just was not good with emotional people. One would think that with him working in the hospital, he would have been much better handling such situations, but he wasn’t. Ben stated things far too ‘matter-of-fact’ and it often rubbed people the wrong way. 
Ben’s eyes closed his eyes for a moment. He knew he couldn’t just walk away, but he still didn’t fully understand how to tackle the situation. “You don’t need to say anything if you don’t want to,” Ben settled on as he gazed back at the brunette. “Do you need some water?” 
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
“Always is,” Jonah answered as he sank deep into the seat he’d chosen, a slightly bemused look crossing his features. “Just got off a double, yet somehow couldn’t actually face going home just yet.” If anything, he’d need an hour or two to unwind before he even thought about sleeping —- something that was a fairly regular occurrence now. Sleeping usually meant bad dreams and so, not sleeping much at all really.
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“I understand that,” Ben agreed with a chuckle slipping through his lips. There were many nights when he should have gone straight home, when he was dragging his feet, close to the front door steps. However, the moment he reached an open diner, he would sneak in for some quiet away from anything related to family or work. “Hopefully you can have some much needed rest tomorrow?”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
“ We have been great. “ Serena knew Ben wasn’t always available to see them. Serena understood, She herself was always working or taking care of Winnie. She wouldn’t change her life for anything. She loved her daughter more than anything in the world. “ Just busy with work. We have been two teachers so I have been trying to fill in when I can. “ Serena added as she heard Winnie running down the hall to see who was at the door. The little girl being closely followed by their great dane Scooby who always was watching her. Her face lit up at the sight of her uncle and the fact that he brought her presents. Instantly Winnie went into a hug, something she only really did with family or people who she was familiar with. 
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“I’m glad to hear that,” Ben answered sincerely, the faintest smile curled at the corner of his lips. He’d only wished he didn’t have to ask that and truly not know what the answer would be. The truthful one at least, with details and dates for each. Serena, in her own way, was family, she needed to be treated as such. “That’s difficult, I’m sure. It brings more stress for you, even if you are doing it out of the goodness of your own heart.” He stopped when he heard the pitter-patter of the young child’s feet. Ben glanced over his shoulders, only turning fulling when Winnie noticed just who it was. He reached down and wrapped his arms over her tiny shoulders before handing over the gifts. “You sure have grown.”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
   “You should get a text sometime later this week. Dad and our granddad has been in Europe all week working on a few deals and stuff. Might be traveling to Italy for business he spoke as a sigh escaped his lips and he ran his hand through his hair. 
“Well, I might be seeing someone. Not might, actually seeing someone at the moment and you actually know the person.”
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Ben hummed in response to the awaited mentioned of business deals. He hadn’t spoken to his father or grandfather since the last important business update. he liked it that way, even if he tried to keep up on important tabs such as health. 
“Seeing someone?” Ben gazed back up at his brother; while his expression did not change, he was still shocked at the revelation. A Kingsley in a relationship? Let alone, the Kingsley being Jamie? That surely was quite something to hear. “And who’s this?”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
While Quinn was a lot closer to Kacie than any other members of Jamie’s family, he still felt like thing’s were comfortable between him and Ben. He just wasn’t as involved in his life which happens with big families. He wasn’t actually sure how well Jamie knew his own sibling’s consider Quinn’s family had been split apart and brought back together over the years. “ It’s nice to see you” Quinn smiled as he looked over at Ben. “ I’m good. Thing’s are great. I’m picking up my daughter in a bit so I was gonna make her some of her favorite foods and I got her a new stuffed animal. What has been up with you?”
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For a moment, Ben had forgotten that Quinn had a daughter. It wasn’t a detail for him to know anyway, even though for Quinn she was an obviously important fixture in his life. He didn’t let that known, the fact that he had forgotten such a key detail. 
“I was just getting some missing foods for back home,” he motioned down to the bad he had already purchased, filled with different locally grown spices and herbs, along with a few tomatoes. “Am I keeping you from picking up your daughter? I wouldn’t want you to be late.”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
It had been a typical day for Ben at Seattle Grace. Ben had spoken to the nocturnist, reviewed labs, saw patients and families, and soon enough he began his lunch. He usually ate on his own either in one of the offices or in the lounge. Ben chose the lounge this time around, and in typical Benjamin Kingsley fashion, he kept to himself and read a in the furthest corner of the room. No one really called for his attention when they joined, but on the rare occasion that they did, it was either a quick conversation or a greeting. It was safe to say that that was what he had expected when he heard his name. 
Ben gazed up at the mystery company; his lips parted and his brows rose. Madalena. He hadn’t seen her in so long, and they did not leave in the best of terms-- not in terrible terms, but not the best. Admittedly, she looked as beautiful as ever,  but he kept that to himself. It was for the best, just as it was for the best that they had stopped their elicit affair in the first place. “Madalina...” Ben set down his book and coffee, and sat up straight as he addressed her. “What a surprise.”
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who: closed | @benisnokingsley​​ when: Tuesday?  Whenever really?  Non-descript day or time. where: SGH probs
Madalena reminded herself for the third time in no more than thirty seconds that this wasn’t a surprise.  Ben was as attached to this hospital in reality as he was attached to it in her mind.  Though she’d finished most of her residency without knowing him at all, he’d been part of Seattle Grace for her by the time she left.  Though they’d agreed it was for the best, each for their own reasons, that didn’t necessarily make it pleasant or easy, did it?  
She could now answer that unequivocally – no.  That may have also had something to do with the fact that the last time she’d really seen him, she was seeing all of him because he was still mostly naked.
The only way she could hope to have any control over any part of the situation (really, just herself in the situation) was to issue a greeting.  And to try to make it as painless as possible.
“Hello, Ben.  Long time no see.  Looks like you’ve upgraded to kicking ass and taking names.”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
They were all busy with their day to day lives. Serena understood Ben himself had his own life. That he was working and could not always come by to see Winnie. She would never force him or any of Jamie’s family to see her. She was grateful to begin with that they both had them in her life. Jamie’s family had always been so welcoming and warms towards Serena and Winnie. They gave them both way more than they could ever ask for, and there way no way she could thank them enough. When she shot Ben the text she made sure to let him know only if he was able. He definitely didn’t have to bring her gifts, even though they almost always did.
Serena was not surprised when Ben showed up gifts in hand for the little girl the moment she opened the door. “Hey.” Serena spoke in a soften voice as she ushered him in from outside. “ She will be so excited you’re here. “ Serena added closing the door behind him, taking his coat to place in the closet. “ How have you been? “
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When Serena opened the door for him to go inside, Ben gave a quiet and polite greeting before he stepped into the home. “I’m glad to hear that,” Ben replied to Serena when he was told that Winnie would have been excited to see him. He was not the most fun uncle in the world, nor was he the best with kids. Ben was a serious man who had a dry sense of humor, two things that were definitely not popular with kids Winnie’s age... or any age for that matter. Hell, Ben was hardly popular with adults! 
“I really can’t complain,” Ben answered, turning to face Serena with a small, polite smile. “How have you been?”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
There was a part of Jay that was stuck in his feeling’s as he took another drink from his glass, but he knew the other man had a point. As much as he wanted to not take the situation to heart, but the other perspective was helping him keep his feeling’s in check. “ I never considered that. Before I was and architect, i used to wait  tables, so I have this thing about no matter what being kind to the people that are trying to provide a service, but there are always other factors in play. “
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Ben tilted his head toward Jay’s direction at the confession, but he merely shrugged his shoulders in understanding. One can easily take every rude action to heart, and understandably so. The issue was, it usually got to the point with the target of the attitude taking it far too personally. “Now, that doesn’t mean that they should have been rude, but you just never know what happened before. Try not to get too offended.”
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benisnokingsley · 3 years
A nod was Jonah’s response, which he was sure would be enough in that moment. Ben was someone he passed every now and again in work, they weren’t exactly friends, more acquaintances, although he was sure that was something that could change once they had a chance to see each other literally anywhere else. Once he’d grabbed his order, which included a muffin (something he knew he should have said no to really), he headed on over to where Ben was sitting and took a seat. “How you doing, man?” he questioned the second he was settled, taking a sip of the much needed caffeinated beverage in front of him.
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Ben sunk into the aged booth, his warm food and freshly brewed drink in hand. He waited patiently for Jonah to finish his order and merely picked at his fluffy eggs just as his coworker joined across from him. Ben peered up when he heard Jonah approach and smiled politely. “I’m doing as well as I could, and I’m sure the feeling is mutual,” the Kingsley replied, noting how the two had similar schedules, thus similar exhaustion.
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