bendtheruies · 2 months
♔ . . . Hello! This is Ahnjong speaking! Yes... Yes. I am the crown prince of this lovely kingdom! Nice to meet you!  In this kingdom we have sorcerers, demons, vampires, angels and all kinds of mythical creatures, we even have non mythical creatures, just humans I suppose.  Me? I'm cursed to become a vampire I suppose. I'm here to introduce you all to the people of Orfeo, if you're interested that is... More info for characters is linked to the crowns beside the names! ** ♔ . . . Royals: Prince Ahnjong . . . ♔ Princess Siwoo . . . ♔ Seojun . . . ♔ ♔ . . . Demons: Donghan . . . ♔ Joonwoo . . . ♔ Eunwoo . . .  ♔ Jiwoo . . .  ♔ Mireu . . . ♔ ♔ . . . Angels:  Haneul . . . ♔ Jiho . . . ♔ Ichika . . .  ♔ Sumin . . . ♔ ♔ . . . Sorcerers: Junho . . . ♔ Chikako . . . ♔ Cosmo . . . ♔ Jiwon . . . ♔ ♔ . . . Vampires: Dohyun  . . . ♔ Cepheus . . . ♔ Hyeonjeong . . .  ♔ Jeonghwa . . . ♔ Siu . . . ♔ Chinhae . . . ♔ Bonhwa . . . ♔ ♔ . . . Others: Ujin . . . ♔ Jongsu . . . ♔ Daejung . . . ♔ Minsu . . . ♔ Hyunki . . .  ♔ Jungwoo . . . ♔ Seongjin . . . ♔ Hakkun . . . ♔ Míngzé  . . . ♔ Sujin . . . ♔ Nari . . . ♔  **character logs still under construction!!
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bendtheruies · 2 months
♔ . . . The rules will be fairly simple and hopefully just as easy to follow... 1. Please keep in mind the admin of this account is legal and will often post slightly more mature content. If anything needs tagged please direct those needs towards soren so he can ensure those needs are fulfilled as soon as possible. 2. All ocs within this au are created by the admin or originate from certain tv shows the admin has seen or even are credited towards music video concepts he has seen. 3. Will not include nsfw content for the safety of all people who interact with this au. 4. Will tag all things related to s/h, ab//se, dr/g ab//se and other related content. 5. Please withhold from spamming this account because it will become quite cluttered and hard to keep up with responses if there are too many notifications. . . . do you wish to continue?
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bendtheruies · 4 months
Wreath... A symbol of everlasting life, no beginning and no end.. An endless circle which may hold mysteries..
♔ . . . This story starts with a small kingdom by the name of Orfeo.. The land was prosperous, beautiful, flourishing. To the north of Orfeo towered Exalos, the feared mountain range and to the south was the sparkling sea of Gravaria.  The monarchs who ruled over these lands were fair and far too generous to the greedy kingdom they cared for. The king was kind and gentle, the queen beautiful and sensitive.. Their eldest son Lee Ahnjong was often seen as the figurehead, a fascinating male to most. His younger sister was intelligent and witty yet kind as the royal family was known to be. Ahnjong's baby brother was adored and loved by all..
But. Not all good people get good things and not all stories end well.. This is where the story of Orfeo takes a turn for the worst.. What was behind closed doors of this peaceful royal family was a deeply embedded curse upon the heirs to the throne. A witch who was long since passed away laid a curse upon the first king and the curse was a vampire curse. The heir to the throne would be born with no traits of the wretched beast named the vampire but as the heir grows older they begin becoming fascinated with blood, eventually getting their first taste and if the heir does not keep their thirst in control.. Do not keep their inner monster at bay, then they could succumb to the worst of it.
Weakness eventually leads to the passing away of the heir, which oddly was a common thing amongst the cursed royal family. Ahnjong's family.. That's a wonderful example of succumbing to the beast inside. The father, the sweet and gentle king, eventually succumbed when Ahnjong was only 18 and in a crazed hunger devoured his wife and their youngest child before passing away himself. It was quite the odd occurence and Ahnjong wasn't even yet trained in any sort of diplomatic policies so he wasn't crowned king, But.. if the heir wasn't king then what was of the kingdom of Orfeo..?
Well that's something for you to decide.. Will you take up ranks with the young prince of Orfeo or will you turn against the fallen kingdom?
continue? yes or no . . .
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