bendandfly · 3 years
Aerial Advanced Tricks + Sequencing
Join Lauren Mason for this 2-hour workshop on advancing your aerial yoga repertoire tricks and sequences! Experience creative sequencing, exciting tricks/flips, and unique transitions using the aerial hammock as your apparatus.In this workshop, we will be learning new and interesting ways of moving in and out of different aerial skills and postures, and then connecting them together to create fluidity and artistry within your practice.**Prerequisites: To be able to invert independently and confidently.Designed for intermediate-advanced students with a consistent aerial practice.Please BYO Mat, T-Shirt & Socks đź“·
Non-Members: $45 Members: $31.50 Loyalty Members: $22.50
Member discounts not available in B+F App – to redeem member discounts go to the events page on our website, MindBody desktop site or in-studio.
Workshops are non-refundable, but in situations where attendance can’t be made, credit can be awarded to a client’s account with 6 days notice of cancellation.
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bendandfly · 3 years
The beautiful Bend & in Fly is one of the best yoga studios in Brisbane situated in laidback and trendy West End, making it a popular spot for yoga in South Brisbane. Just minutes from the city’s CBD, Bend & Fly is conveniently located for yoga classes in Brisbane wherever you’re coming from.
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bendandfly · 3 years
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bendandfly · 3 years
Improve Technique And Overcome Injuries With Personalized One On One Yoga & Aerial
While there are endless benefits to practicing yoga and aerial, getting these benefits requires correct technique which can be delivered through personalised guidance in the form of one on one yoga or aerial sessions.
What Is One On One Yoga/Aerial?
If you join a gym and aren’t too sure what you’re doing, you hire a personal trainer. This helps to keep you safe, goal oriented and progressing. It’s the same for yoga or aerial. To be put simply, one on one yoga is like personal training, minus being yelled at or being made to feel like you’re going to pass out or vomit from over exertion. In a one on one yoga session, you’re the focus of the teacher. The teacher and you will discuss your goals and format a plan to get you there, in a nice yoga way.
One On One Yoga – The Origin Of Yoga
Traditionally, yoga teachings were passed down from teacher onto students in small, intimate groups, quite often in a mentor set up. This allowed for intricate technique to be developed. Nowadays, group classes allow for mass groups of people to participate all at once, but removes the personalized attention.
Development for Beginners and Advanced
Being a beginner in a group yoga or aerial yoga class can be quite daunting, especially when surrounded by seemingly experienced others. Sometimes essential verbal cues from the teacher can be missed or misunderstood, and so trying to copy what the person next to you is doing seems like the next best thing. In this instance, looks can be deceiving. The person next to you might be fully engaging certain muscles unbeknownst to the untrained eye of an outsider. They may be working with an injury, or just straight out doing it wrong…by once copying someone’s incorrect form themselves! As a beginner, it is so very crucial to build a correct foundation so that the subsequent levels are laid correctly. This too is pertinent for the other end of the spectrum. As an advanced student, you’re similar to a beginner student, in that you’re learning new poses for the first time.
Refining Technique
In a fitness class you’re able to gain some strength and fitness by following the instructor’s cues, similar to that of a group yoga class. Like a fitness class, if you’re not too sure of specific technique, it can be hard to obtain personalized assistance during the class from the teacher. The teacher will do their best to help everyone they can, but unless the 60-minute class was extended to become a 4-hour class, it’s near impossible. In a one on one session, the teacher is able to analyze your technique and provide specific guidance on how to improve it. From there, you’re able to continue your practice in a group setting with correct technique and form.
Personalized Practice for Injuries
When injured, a common belief is to reduce or stop physical activity. While for many instances this can be the safest option, yoga is actually a physical exercise that can offer rehabilitative and restorative qualities. Under the guidance of a teacher in a personalized session, the content is tailored to suit your needs. This could be rehabilitating an existing injury, or improving technique to prevent future injuries.
One On One and Duos
Personalized classes at Bend + Fly are available as one on one or duo sessions. While the most obvious difference between them is quantity of participants, this does not alter quality. Some people are more comfortable in small group settings versus a one on one set up, and vice versa. While a one on one session will obviously mean the whole focus is on the one individual, a duo session just means the time is shared with the others. Duos are suited to pairs of people with similar goals, which might be honing the skills of advanced yogis or yoginis. Whereas a one on one is more suited to individuals with quite unique needs, like rehabilitating an injury.
Visit us for more information: https://bendandfly.com.au/benefits-of-personalised-one-on-one-yoga-aerial/
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bendandfly · 3 years
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bendandfly · 3 years
Becoming The Hero Of Your Yoga Practice In 2021
We believe there is a hero within each and every one of us waiting to be awakened into the world. This year, we’ve decided to focus our energy on stepping up to that level of greatness by becoming the heroes of our Yoga practice. When we realise how to become the heroes of our Yoga practice we naturally begin to become the heroes of our entire lives.  Let this year be the year you transform your life by channeling intention, consistency and compassion to achieve your yoga goals (& life goals). Let’s awaken. 
What Does It Mean To Have A Yoga Practice? 
Put simply, having a Yoga Practice is all about self devotion and creating habits around Yoga in-studio and at-home.  Sound’s delightful. But for many, creating yoga practice that we show up for regularly is no piece of cake. And we are not just talking about students here, teachers too! Despite common belief, most teachers don’t find the time to practice Yoga as regularly as you might think. So, as part of our collective New Year resolution, we have decided to share our insight into these the heroic qualities – Intention, Consistency and Compassion – to support you to become the hero of your yoga practice.
From Good Intentions To Healthy Planning 
From here, you might want to get clearer by creating a plan for how you’re going to achieve these intentions. We suggest planning and mapping out your weekly Yoga time, just like you’d schedule a meeting or brunch with friends. 
If we can learn to do something consistently, then we can begin to see that we are completely capable of changing our behaviour. This is where the superpower lies. 
So, for us to become our own Yogic Hero’s we must first learn to become consistent students. This doesn’t mean a 60 min class a day; let’s be real, we can’t all fit that into our schedules. But, consistency asks us to carve out equal(ish) time each week for yoga. Remember, it’s more beneficial to do a little something regularly than a 60 minute power class every once in a while. So, honestly consider your lifestyle and how much time you have each day to dedicate to the practice. Maybe it’s 3 classes a week and 2 shorter self-practices at home. Maybe it’s less, maybe it’s more. Whatever your weekly yoga schedule looks like, aim for consistency
From Consistency To Incorporating A Self-Practice At Home 
We get it — life gets busy and getting to more than 3 classes a week isn’t compatible with everyone’s lifestyle. This is why we believe every yogic hero must remain open to cultivating a little self-practice at home. Realising that you can practice Yoga, breathwork and meditation anytime, anywhere will empower you to practice yoga more consistently than ever. With our new BFTV at-home yoga classes, you can make your practice your own, choosing your own style of yoga and  length of class based on how you feel that particular day. How empowering! 
Starting Slowly 
The key to becoming your own hero is to start slowly. To create a consistent routine, make sure you start small, set realistic goals, and build in recovery days. With the B+F app, it’s easy to plan your classes.  You can select classes that align with your current fitness level, time availability, and desired intensity and style. If you’re wanting some shorter classes to cultivate your at-home practice, our on demand class library will meet all your needs. At Bend and Fly there is truly something for everyone.
 Listening To Your Body 
It’s easy to get swept up in the charisma of our Yoga instructors (they are incredible!). However, sometimes we focus so much on them that we may lose track of us. The only way to honour your own body compassionately is to continually ask for its feedback.
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Paying Attention To Your Peak
In many classes there’s generally a moment where we feel like we want to stop—and that’s a good thing. Most classes have a peak. A peak feels great because you’ll know you’ve pushed yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone. So while it might feel like a challenge, pushing yourself can sometimes be one of the most compassionate acts. Key word: Sometimes. Make sure you don’t push yourself beyond what’s right for you.
Practicing Gratitude
A gratitude practice is a quintessential ending for every practice. Too often, we beat ourselves up over what we didn’t do or our bodies limitations, rather than acknowledging our growth and progress. If you missed a class and end up doing a walk or 15 minute BFTV class instead, remind yourself that a little movement is better than none. To be compassionate is to practice gratitude for your amazing body without exception.
Cultivating a Yoga practice is more than just a physical journey, it is also an inward journey. Let this year be the one where you step up, create new habits and new practices which will empower you to live on a whole new level, the level of greatness. Let this year be year where you become the hero of your Yoga Practice. 
Visit us to know more: https://bendandfly.com.au/
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bendandfly · 3 years
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bendandfly · 3 years
Becoming The Hero Of Your Yoga Practice In 2021
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We believe there is a hero within each and every one of us waiting to be awakened into the world. This year, we’ve decided to focus our energy on stepping up to that level of greatness by becoming the heroes of our Yoga practice. When we realise how to become the heroes of our Yoga practice we naturally begin to become the heroes of our entire lives.  Let this year be the year you transform your life by channeling intention, consistency and compassion to achieve your yoga goals (& life goals). Let’s awaken. 
What Does It Mean To Have A Yoga Practice? 
Put simply, having a Yoga Practice is all about self devotion and creating habits around Yoga in-studio and at-home.  Sound’s delightful. But for many, creating yoga practice that we show up for regularly is no piece of cake. And we are not just talking about students here, teachers too! Despite common belief, most teachers don’t find the time to practice Yoga as regularly as you might think. So, as part of our collective New Year resolution, we have decided to share our insight into these the heroic qualities – Intention, Consistency and Compassion – to support you to become the hero of your yoga practice.
From Good Intentions To Healthy Planning 
From here, you might want to get clearer by creating a plan for how you’re going to achieve these intentions. We suggest planning and mapping out your weekly Yoga time, just like you’d schedule a meeting or brunch with friends. 
If we can learn to do something consistently, then we can begin to see that we are completely capable of changing our behaviour. This is where the superpower lies. 
So, for us to become our own Yogic Hero’s we must first learn to become consistent students. This doesn’t mean a 60 min class a day; let’s be real, we can’t all fit that into our schedules. But, consistency asks us to carve out equal(ish) time each week for yoga. Remember, it’s more beneficial to do a little something regularly than a 60 minute power class every once in a while. So, honestly consider your lifestyle and how much time you have each day to dedicate to the practice. Maybe it’s 3 classes a week and 2 shorter self-practices at home. Maybe it’s less, maybe it’s more. Whatever your weekly yoga schedule looks like, aim for consistency
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From Consistency To Incorporating A Self-Practice At Home 
We get it — life gets busy and getting to more than 3 classes a week isn’t compatible with everyone’s lifestyle. This is why we believe every yogic hero must remain open to cultivating a little self-practice at home. Realising that you can practice Yoga, breathwork and meditation anytime, anywhere will empower you to practice yoga more consistently than ever. With our new BFTV at-home yoga classes, you can make your practice your own, choosing your own style of yoga and  length of class based on how you feel that particular day. How empowering! 
Starting Slowly 
The key to becoming your own hero is to start slowly. To create a consistent routine, make sure you start small, set realistic goals, and build in recovery days. With the B+F app, it’s easy to plan your classes.  You can select classes that align with your current fitness level, time availability, and desired intensity and style. If you’re wanting some shorter classes to cultivate your at-home practice, our on demand class library will meet all your needs. At Bend and Fly there is truly something for everyone.
 Listening To Your Body 
It’s easy to get swept up in the charisma of our Yoga instructors (they are incredible!). However, sometimes we focus so much on them that we may lose track of us. The only way to honour your own body compassionately is to continually ask for its feedback.
Paying Attention To Your Peak
In many classes there’s generally a moment where we feel like we want to stop—and that’s a good thing. Most classes have a peak. A peak feels great because you’ll know you’ve pushed yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone. So while it might feel like a challenge, pushing yourself can sometimes be one of the most compassionate acts. Key word: Sometimes. Make sure you don’t push yourself beyond what’s right for you.
Practicing Gratitude
A gratitude practice is a quintessential ending for every practice. Too often, we beat ourselves up over what we didn’t do or our bodies limitations, rather than acknowledging our growth and progress. If you missed a class and end up doing a walk or 15 minute BFTV class instead, remind yourself that a little movement is better than none. To be compassionate is to practice gratitude for your amazing body without exception.
Cultivating a Yoga practice is more than just a physical journey, it is also an inward journey. Let this year be the one where you step up, create new habits and new practices which will empower you to live on a whole new level, the level of greatness. Let this year be year where you become the hero of your Yoga Practice. 
 Visit us : https://bendandfly.com.au/
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