bemeiqi · 7 months
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hello hello! i'm kero and i'm so excited to bring meiqi to wannabe! tumblr's still a new platform to me so i apologise in advance for any mistakes or anything i make! ANYWAYS! below the cut is more information about her (her bio is still a work in progress) and some possible ideas for plots! i'm always open to different ideas and brainstorming so just give this a like and i'll send you a dm and we can figure it all out from there! :D
basic background:
she was born in changsha, a city in china to a single mother and was raised by her mother and her grandparents (as well as friends and the occasional boyfriend)
she's always had a passion for arts and her want for fame has been around ever since she started ballet as a child
so, at the ripe age of 18 and with years of begging her mother for this, she moved to korea to pursue her dream of fame!
sure, she only knew basic korean but, how hard would it be?
spoiler: much harder than her optimistic self went in expecting
she was taken aback by the competitiveness of the auditions and training processes and decided to revaluate her decisions
she didn't want to give up on her dream, just take her time to work towards it and let herself get used to the new environment before stressing herself out more
so she started studying full-time and taught herself the language, now tutoring other foreigners in korean language to earn extra money to pay for her rent without relying fully on her family at home
but she's still practicing her skills, don't worry!
she's settled into korea well at this point but, she has anxiety and has for years, which sometimes makes life a little bit harder, but nothing she can't handle!
possible plot ideas:
someone she met while studying and the two bonded over their shared dreams, becoming pillars for each other and working together to overcome challenges, never leaving each other behind. unless..?
someone she met while attending a public dance class, she can't help but feel like she's competing with them as she sees them as good, thus making her competitive side come out and win the contest in her mind.
i can't really come up with that many ideas at the moment so...i'll be more creative in dms i PROMISE!
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