bellethebookworm · 4 years
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
All I can say is... WOW. When a book can take you on a such an emotional journey you know it’s a good one. This is the first book by Gillian Flynn that I have ever read and I was not disappointed at all by it. In fact I look forward to eventually picking up some more by her. 
This book definitely gave me bad vibes. As someone who is unashamedly recovering and attempting to better myself after self harm this book did trigger me and I feel as though that it was took me so long to finish it and also write a review on it. The characters in this book had such depth that I was amazed by how much back story they had. 
Let’s just say that although it was a heartache and a half I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone! 
4/5 Stars
Finished On: January 21, 2020
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bellethebookworm · 4 years
Mean Girls by Micol Ostow
I suppose when I started reading this book I knew that it was going to be word for word the script of the movie. I suppose when I assumed that would be what would happen that I should have known what I was getting myself into. Initially I couldn’t put the book down, but then I hit the point that I feel I hit even when watching the movie that I just don’t like. When Cady becomes something she’s not.
Granted, that’s how story telling goes. You love the protagonist and somewhere in the middle something has to happen to them otherwise it isn’t considered a story. BUT I felt personally vicitimized by Regina George. 
Some of the best parts of this book was being able to hear exactly how some of the lines were being said as they were going through my head. I think this book was a good read and I am happy to add it to my read shelf FINALLY! 
4/5 Stars
Finished Reading On: January 16th, 2020
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bellethebookworm · 4 years
Ghosts Among Us by Leslie Rule
A friend of mine let me borrow this book it feels like eons ago. She has an obsession with anything horror related and therefore she was instantly drawn to this book. I was hesitant. I believe in the paranormal (sorry, not sorry) and was not sure if I could physically read this book and think about my own experiences.
All that being said I was  PLEASANTLY surprised that I could not put it down. I started this book with the intentions of finishing a different one first and this would be the pick up and read when I had nothing better to do but again, I could NOT put this down. I liked that Leslie Rule added in her own writings in between those that are stories from other people.
For my first read of 2020, I think this was the best! I can't wait to eventually read more from her and possibly look into books by her mother, Ann Rule as well. 
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4/5 STARS!
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bellethebookworm · 4 years
Peace Out 2019, Here’s to 2020
Well, today is the LAST day of 2019 and I haven’t felt more relieved about it. But here we go. This past year I have read 23/20 books (on my personal GoodReads). I am looking forward to the new year, new me nonsense and I am excited to announce that for 2020 I will have a goal of 30 books to read. 
So for now, I am going to try to get a book as closed to finished as I can today so that I have a finished one right away for the new year! Lots and lots of loves book worm peeps. 
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bellethebookworm · 5 years
2020 Reading Challenge
Hi everyone! :3
So I planned to blog about my reading challenge for 2019 but let’s face it... You all know I didn’t end up doing it. So here it goes. A new years resolution of mine is to cut back on my personal social media usage, find myself a little more and read a TON. I typically pick reading challenges that are around 20 books. I plan to pledge more to the Goodreads challenge this next year coming up and I can’t wait to update you all on what I have decided next Wednesday, January 1st, 2020. 
Until then, keep reading friends! We have 4 days and 6 hours left of 2019. Make the best of it!
Sincerely yours,
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