belleassassine-blog · 6 years
Find me and belle at ===> @wereallmuseshere
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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 ”    I’m  free—
                                                s ȼ Ⱥ ɍ ɏ, ain’t it?    ”
                            Johnny Blaze
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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ind. sel. GAMBIT. dealt by DANTE.                                                                         ( cred. )
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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🕸️        Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook… It’s all a bunch of smoke and mirrors… A cover up for the fear. Because when it comes to being a hero… When it comes to helping people… I’m terrified by what happens when I fail.       🕸️
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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🕷️ - “You used me…? You…used me??” he repeated the words, letting them sink in, feeling equally hurt and angry. Kaine glared at the assassin. “Didn’t think I’d agree…so you took it upon yourself to make the decision for me, right? How kind of you.”
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🗡️ – She could see how hurt he was, and she felt bad for causing it. It would be only fair if he started to hate her, and she had nobody to blame but herself. “I’m sorry...” she murmured as she tried to sidestep him to get inside of the Assassins compound. 
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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Gambit (Remy LeBeau) meets his ex-wife, Bella Donna Boudreaux of the Assassins Guild. 
- Mr and Mrs X #6, 2018
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
🕷️ - Hours later, Flash was spent. Belle took him on a tour through the city, seeing all the sights, both big and small. It was nice to have made a friend, nice to have someone to guide him around and keep hm company, instead of taking it all in by himself.
“Amazing!” he laughed, angling his chair around to properly face her. “I gotta say, this is the most fun I’ve had in a while, Belle.”
🗡️ – After the extensive tour of the city, Belle chuckled as she walked by his chair towards his hotel. She peered his way when he turned, placing her hand on her hip. She nodded, smiling at him. 
         “I’ve had a lot of fun too. Ya made me see my city in a new light.” Sometimes she envied Gambit and his exile, feeling stuck in this city while her childhood friend and teenage lover was out there living free. But going around the city with Flash, seeing his wonder at all the sights... made her feel like she didn’t have such a bad end of the deal. “Thanks. For trustin’ little old me.” 
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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🗡️ – “Ah oui. How much of a mess we made of things. A thief an’ an assassin, friendly with each other...” she chuckles, she is glad that they can be civil and share news about their lives without being at each other’s throat. She missed this. “Mais non. I have to turn ya down. I try to live a quiet life now. As quiet as the Matriarch of Assassins can.” 
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            “Ah, she’s used t’me and how awful I am, don’ worry.” He can’t help but smile at the familiar banter; this is nice, however odd it is. Repairing burnt bridges, making them new - it’s not something he’s good at, or has experience with, but it’s going pretty well, all things considered. “Guild rules tend t’be shitty anyway. I say we oughta go back to just messin’ stuff up, non?”
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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🕷️ - “I thought we were being careful…” he mumbled, still in shock, just trying to process everything Belle was telling him. Kaine let out a sigh, stepping closer to her. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
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🗡️ – She took a step back, knowing that she couldn’t hide from him what she had to say next. “It was no accident. I used ya, Kaine. I wanted this to happen.” She sighed. “I’m gettin’ older. I need a child... a heir for the Guild. Someone to continue my line. And I wanted it t’be yours, but I didn’t think you’d agree.” 
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
Send Me A ❤For A Sinday Gif Of How I Imagine Our Muses
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
Sentence Starters: Archer Edition
[Feel free to add!]
"Bitch, I got ants all over me!"
"Sorry, ignore me. My whole thing is I just crave attention."
"Let's go, bitches! Tiger tranqs!"
"If I don't get something to eat, I'm literally going to die."
"Why do you always never shut up?"
"Private Me, reporting for sploosh!"
"Phrasing, boom!"
"Stop. Stop. My penis can only get SO erect."
"Maybe you can shut your dick holster!"
"I am literally wet with jealousy."
"Goddamn it, shut up, John Williams!"
"Girl, please. Nobody's THAT gay."
"Eat a dick, jungle."
"Who are you supposed to be? Topper Bottoms, stern yet sensual skipper of the U.S.S. Rough Service?"
“Something, something, danger zone! I know. I’m not even trying anymore.”
"Oh, you don't look like a whore. An idiot maybe? Or both! Yes. A whorediot."
"What the shit, _______?!"
"Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass."
"That... got a little dark."
"She is riddled with herpes."
"Just the tip!"
"No words. My words have failed me."
"I gotta go make an old man eat a big bowl of spiderwebs."
"Now who do I have to screw to get a drink around here?"
"Sorry, that's just a sympathy boner."
"I'm scared that if I stop drinking all at once, the cumulative hangover will literally kill me."
"It's pretty hard to stay anonymous when you're the world's greatest secret agent."
"Hey, we're out there risking our lives every—many of the days!"
"Come on! Run like you're younger!"
"Seriously, ______, call Kenny Loggins, because you're in the DANGER ZONE."
"There's not enough liquor and therapy in the world to undo that."
"We touched penises."
"Oh... I thought we were laughing at the dead people we set on fire."
"Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now, at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."
"Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants."
“Does Internet porn know you’re cheating on it?”
“Are you kidding? Dude. Bros before apparent threats to national security.”
“I can’t hear you over the sound of my giant, throbbing erection!”
"Wait... I had something for this."
"Can't or won't?"
"Every single noun and verb in that sentence sexually arouses me."
"Just like the gypsy woman said!"
"Grill me a cheese."
"Holy shitsnacks!"
"Do you think this is a game?!"
"Who are you, Comrade Question?"
"Just let me clear off the ol' browser history..."
"For shit's sake."
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
I might write anything from a paragraph to a whopping essay, but send me something you’ve noticed about my characterisation or just something you want to know about my muse and I will write what I can!
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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X-Men Origins: Gambit
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
Send ‘!!’ and I’ll write a para description of your muse from mine’s perspective, including:
Their looks
Their personality
And who they are to my muse
+ Etc!
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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🗡️ – “Are you sure she’s gonna like that ya say that?” she mused, smirking at him. “I know you’re the worst, and I never pretended to play fair. I go by Guild rules, but that’s it.” she chuckled, sticking her tongue out back at him. She never pretended to be more mature than he was, they used to be best friends while growing up. 
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            “In my defense, she’s got worse taste in men than I do in t’ladies,” he counters, the corners of his eyes crinkling in mirth. “And yeah, I’m includin’ myself in that. Honestly, I’m the worst. But you know that.” Which is more or less his cue to stick his tongue out like the five year old he actually is. “Ew, not fair play!”
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
as a gay girl myself i can’t even begin to tell u how fucking disheartening it is to see the rpc validate people who are uncomfortable with f/f. especially when they are perfectly fine with m/m. it’s seriously time to stop sexualizing and shaming lesbians and FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP TELLING PEOPLE IT’S OKAY TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE PLAYING THEM WHEN THEY ARE FINE WITH M/M –– OR JUST IN GENERAL. 
pls do me a favor n unfollow me if you claim to be uncomfortable with f/f ships bc i do not want misogynistic homophobes anywhere near my account 
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belleassassine-blog · 6 years
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🕷️ - “…I”m sorry, what? You’re what?” Kaine asked, in disbelief. This had to be a joke, right? Some kind of ploy or plot? Except, he could see it in her face, her blue eyes telling no lies. Belle was telling the truth. “How long have you known?”
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🗡️ – “I’ve suspected for a couple a’ weeks. I’ve known for sure since today.” she replied truthfully, figuring it was useless to lie to his face. “It’s yours. I ain’t seein’ anybody else since I started seein’ ya.” She sighed and realized that she was still holding her hand to her lower abdomen. She made a conscious effort to drop her hand. “Désolée. Sorry.” 
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