bellabeth · 2 months
you know these two bad bitches would be best friends
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Lady Portia Featherington, Bridgerton (2020-)
Lady Frances Grey, My Lady Jane (2024-)
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bellabeth · 7 months
Bertie & Elizabeth
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She had given the Duke of York what he had always longed for, a happy family life. As his wife, she had dedicated herself to him
 She had given him confidence and social grace
The King always talked of his family as ‘We Four’. But, within ‘We Four’, ‘We Two’ were closest of all.
Those closest to Elizabeth saw more clearly than the world at large that it was a relationship of mutual dependence. It had become commonplace to say that, without her, the King could never have become ‘the great and gallant King he proved to be’, as a friend in later life observed. ‘But perhaps what is not widely known is the fact of her great reliance on him, on his wisdom, his integrity, his courage
Doris Vyner {Elizabeth’s close friend since childhood} 
understood how desperately she had needed the King and she commented that without him her ‘mainspring’ had gone. Indeed Doris pointed out to mutual friends whom she trusted that although everyone thought that the Queen had energized the King and kept him up to his work, in fact the opposite was true.  The initiatives almost all came from the King - he had had to make the decisions. Now she was quite lost without him.”
from Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, by William Shawcross
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bellabeth · 7 months
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On this day, 86 years ago: 12th May 1937:
The Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
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Then came Papa looking very beautiful in a crimson robe and the Cap of State.’
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‘I thought it all very, very wonderful and I expect the Abbey did, too.’
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‘The arches and beams at the top were covered with a sort of haze of wonder as Papa was crowned
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‘When Mummy was crowned and all the peeresses put on their coronets it looked wonderful
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‘At the end, the service got rather boring as it was all prayers. Grannie and I were looking to see how many more pages to the end, and we turned one more and then I pointed to the word at the bottom of the page and it said ‘Finis.’ We both smiled at each other and turned back to the service.’
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Excerpts taken from 11–year-old Lilibet’s account of her father’s coronation ❀
Bertie looks so very anxious in some of these clips đŸ„č
All gifs made by @for-valour
Source: YouTube.
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bellabeth · 7 months
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ïżœïżœQueen Elizabeth and the King were always together. I remember one Easter, I was just knocking a ball about the golf course when I spotted them walking quietly together, totally at ease. There was a terrific sweetness about them. He had an elegance - an elegance of mind. After he died, there was a huge gap. It was a terrible loss and it was never quite the same again.”
Sir Oliver Millar, GCVO, Surveyor Emeritus of the Queen’s Pictures and member of the royal household for 41 years
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bellabeth · 7 months
this is the same picture:
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bellabeth · 8 months
What is your favorite anecdote about Bertie and Elizabeth?
Hi anon,
Here’s a cute one.
“Elizabeth was so sweet this afternoon trying to show P.B. his sitting room. He became absorbed in some jungle prints along the passage and would not come. The corners of her mouth went down after the third attempt & putting both hands on his shoulders she said angelically: 'Bertie do listen to me.' He kissed her and came at once.”
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bellabeth · 8 months
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For me, the most fun thing about this clip is not just how she looks at him - which is precious - but the way he looks back at her when she catches his eye- “well, hello!” đŸ„°
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bellabeth · 8 months
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The King in His Country by Aubrey Buxton published in 1955
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bellabeth · 9 months
WEDDING Berizabeth-fanfic
A week and a half later, Elizabeth was stood in the back of a church, awaiting the moment she would be summoned to walk the long walk to the man who was to become her husband by the end of the next hour. She swayed slightly from side to side as she let her gown dance around her curves.
It was a classic white tulle, the waistline cut perfectly under her bust that accentuated her natural form in a way that the dresses her mother put her in never had. She felt really beautiful that day.
She felt like a woman. She felt like a bride, and one about to get her happy ending.
She hoped it would be a happy ending. today was hers and Bertie’s to enjoy without the worries. So, God damn it, she would enjoy it.
"Lizzie! You look beautiful!" Mary’s gushing gasp brought her from her thoughts as she spun around to face her maid of honour. Mary was dressed in a pale lilac, her hair tied back in a bun with a few loose strands framing her face. Elizabeth smiled. "Thank you, Mary," she replied, "You do too."
She stepped forward, taking her friend’s hands in her own.
"How are you feeling?"
Before Elizabeth could respond, her soon-to-be mother-in-law, and the Lady Mabell Airlie appeared. "How are you feeling?" Queen Mary said
Elizabeth could not help but giggle. "A little nervous but mostly excited, your Majesty," she replied with a smile that most certainly met her eyes.
My dear, you must call me mama now!" He corrected her, stepping forward. She brought Elizabeth into an embrace, a very maternal one and Elizabeth found herself melting into it. Queen Mary stepped back a little, cupping her face in her hands. "You look a little peaky, though
 are you sure you are well?" Concern danced across her face.
"Just nerves, I
" Elizabeth said, clearing her throat, "I am okay. Is Bertie well?"
"He is nervous but excited to see you," Mabel chimed in, "As for you, I should fetch you some water." Before Elizabeth could even begin to protest at the idea, Mabel had swum out of the room, returning mere moments later with a cup of water. "Nerves are quite normal, but we do not want you becoming indisposed on your wedding day," she told her, handing the bride the cup.
"Thank you," Elizabeth said, as she sipped at the cold liquid. She took a deep sigh as she turned back to the mirror to admire herself. She had to admit her complexion was rather pale, but besides her peakiness, she thought she really looked beautiful, and within the hour, she would be Bertie’s wife. She was excited, terrified, and all the emotions one would expect to feel while awaiting the inevitable aisle walk.
"We should take our seats," Mabel said, turning to Queen Mary. The latter moved forward towards Elizabeth, laying a hand on the younger woman’s shoulder before placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Your mother will be through in just a moment, and we shall see you shortly," she said, "Do not fret, this is a happy day."
Elizabeth nodded, giving Queen Mary a smile. "I am happy," she replied, her sentiment genuine, "Me and Bertie
" she broke off, letting her thoughts drift wistfully.
Mabel chuckled, then swam out of the room to take her seat in the church with her husband. Mary (His sister) came back in on cue, Cecilia clipping at her heels.
Elizabeth’s mother was grinning, the most proud she had ever seen Cecilia Cavendish-bentinck and Elizabeth could not help but smile as she stepped forward and into her mother’s embrace. "My darling girl, the day is here. You are beautiful, and marrying," Cecilia stroked carefully through Elizabeth’s soft curls that fell long down her back. "I am so pleased for you. I hope you know I am proud, and I love you."
"I do know, Mama. I love you too," she replied, her voice muffled slightly by the embrace.
Queen Mary looked at Lady Mabel for a moment and then spoke "I shall take my seat. I trust I can inform the Minister that you are ready?
Honey, are you ready? His father asked as he entered.
Elizabeth pulled out of her mother’s arms and he smiled at his father "Yes, I am ready." She placed her arm through the crook of her father’s elbow, standing in procession behind Mary who would enter first. Queen Mary dashed back through and a few moments later, the strong quarter began.
Bertie was making every mental effort not to fiddle with his cravat as he waited at the front of the church in front of their families and friends. George was stood to his side as his Best Man, "Stop fussing! You look fine! Better than fine, in fact! She will be here in a moment!" His brother admonished, which quickly made him stand up tall.
But, he was still grateful when his mother came back in, signalling to the string quartet, and the sight of his sister making her way down the aisle reassured him that Elizabeth would shortly be arriving.
If one described his reaction to seeing his bride as being jaw-dropping, that was rather an understatement. When Elizabeth parted the drapes and started the walk towards him, as she entered on her father’s arm, Bertie’s eyes widened, his lips parted, and his heart skipped several heartbeats that scientifically speaking, would ordinarily lead to his premature demise. But he kept living, at the sight of his Aphrodite herself.
He smiled at her, his heart in his eyes as she approached him.
When she finally reached his side, her father releasing her for him to take her hand, he knew he had speak, he could not very well stay silent without telling her how spectacular she looked. "You look beautiful," his words came out as a whisper that only she would hear.
"Thank you," she whispered back, returning his smile, "You look very handsome yourself." His smile turned cute and boyish, but before he could respond, the Minister signalled for the congregation to be seated once more.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congregation, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of this man and this woman, in holy matrimony."
He turned to Bertie first. "Albert Frederick Arthur George, do you take Elizabeth Bowes lyon to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," Bertie replied confidently.
The Minister nodded, then turned to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth Bowes lyon, do you take Albert Frederick Arthur George to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"
Elizabeth smiled, then said, "I do."
The Minister glanced to George, who withdrew the ring from his jacket’s inside pocket and handed it to Bertie. The Minister nodded to him, prompting his next move.
Bertie lifted Elizabeth’s left hand, pinching at the fingers of her glove to carefully tease it from her. He hovered the ring near her fourth finger.
"Repeat after me," the Minister then said, "With this ring, I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
Bertie subtly cleared his throat, then responded, his gaze meeting Elizabeth’s, "With this ring, I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." Then, he diligently pushed the wedding band onto her finger, taking relish in the brief moment where their hands touched unobstructed by gloves.
"Now, let us pray," the Minister said, prompting for Bertie to take hold of her other hand, guiding them both down onto the pew for prayer. The Minister issued them both with communion and then started the prayer.
"And stand," the Minister said afterwards. Addressing both the couple and the guests, he announced, "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife."
Bertie smiled. And Elizabeth smiled.
"If the Bride and Groom could follow me to sign the Register," he said, his voice more hushed. Bertie took Elizabeth’s hand, refusing to let her go as they were escorted into a side room. Queen Mary and Cecilia were escorted behind, as witnesses.
First, Bertie signed, then so did Elizabeth. Then, they were legally married, both parties exceedingly happy as they were led back into the main church and down the aisle, to greet their guests. And sure enough, the guests were there, rice and seeds tossed over them in celebration as they were escorted to the carriage that would take them to Buckingham Palace for the celebrations.
It was about thirty seconds after they had waved to their families and friends and the carriage had begun to move when Elizabeth had reached for Bertie’s hand, and was reassured when he gave hers a gentle squeeze.
"Mrs Windsor," he mused, a smile on his face.
"Mr Windsor," she replied, chuckling slightly before being silenced as he leaned in to press his lips to hers.
The journey to Buckingham palace did not last long and sooner than either of the newlyweds would have liked, the carriage came to a halt outside of the house front.
Bertie alighted first, then turned and held a hand out for Elizabeth, who graciously took his hand as she climbed down, using her free hand to scoop her skirts a little to prevent tripping. They were greeted by both of their immediate families before being escorted indoors for the wedding breakfast.
When they entered the house, the mothers were naturally the first to approach them. Cecilia gave Elizabeth a sort of awkward embrace and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Congratulations, my dear," she said, a smile pulling at the matriarch’s lips, "I hope married life will treat you well."
"Thank you, Mama," Elizabeth replied with a smile. She felt Bertie brush a hand down her arm in reassurance. Queen Mary was the next to approach them, first embracing Bertie tightly, then doing the same with Elizabeth.
"Thank you, mommy," Bertie said, wrapping his arm around his mother’s form.
Swiftly escorted into the dining room, surrounded by their families, the wedding breakfast was wonderful. The ceremony was wonderful. And both Bertie and Elizabeth were treasuring every ounce of their day to their memory.
Eventually, it became time to cut the cake and celebrate their union in the way of sweet treats. For good measure, after releasing the knife onto the table, Bertie swept her into a passionate kiss, grateful that while it was not strictly proper, it was their special day and they no longer had to skirt the rules of propriety with one another.
Elizabeth deepened the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck. They only then pulled apart, remembering that their families were watching them. Well
there would be time for privacy later on.
It swiftly became apparent that the reception was reaching its end and Bertie and Elizabeth's departure was imminent.
As the carriage was brought round to take them to their new home that they would inhabit as husband and wife, Elizabeth (with the help of her maid and Mary) into one of her day dresses from her trousseau. This one was of a mint green and it was one of her favourites. She had always favoured the colour green
As she descended the stairwell, arm in arm with Mary and approaching the doorway where Bertie stood in wait for her, she could not help the girlish smile that crept up her face and reached her eyes at the sight of the man who she could now call her husband. He smiled back at her as she came towards him. "You look beautiful, Lizzie," he said quietly.
"glad you are happy, you're really lucky to make her accept you, brother," Mary quipped.
Bertie rolled his eyes and shot a playful glare towards his sister.
"Well, I do not wish to know any details from later on, but I sincerely hope it is enjoyable," Mart added before she swept away, skirts swishing around her as she ventured down the corridor to gather the families to wave them off.
Elizabeth blushed a deep crimson at her friend’s words as she looked back at Bertie, who simply laughed. He held out his arm as he witnessed the mothers start to appear before they all were herded out of the house and the couple into the carriage.
When they had reached their new home in Bloomsbury, Elizabeth was introduced to the staff - notably the butler, Mister Dunwoody, and Violet (her maid)
She had bathed quickly, and perused the nightgowns Madame Lissett had made for her. She tried to retain her blush to light pink spots on her cheeks only when she saw just how sheer many of the garments were. Her eyes went to the pastel yellow one, her fingers brushing against the thin material but she eventually decided that their wedding night was not the occasion for yellow, no matter how much she knew her new husband would like to peel it from her body

She shook her head free from those thoughts and picked up a greenish gown and stepped into it, before tying her robe around herself - well, she would keep the little modesty she could have for as long as she could
even if it was not the first time they would

" she hissed to herself. She then turned to Violet and gave a smile, "You may finish now, thank you for your help," she said to the girl.
But Miss—Madam, rather, your hair," Violet began to protest, gesturing to her updo.
"Do not worry, I shall do it myself," she replied with a smile, "Good night"
She watched as Violet went to the door, gave a small bob of a curtsy (she had tried to insist such formality was unnecessary long ago but her maid simply insisted back.) "Good night," the girl replied.
Elizabeth was not left alone for long but it felt like hours as she fiddled with the tie of her robe, pacing the room. It may not have been her and Bertie’s first experience of the marital bed, but in a way it was
as husband and wife, at least. She eventually settled and perched on the edge of the bed, as she carefully pulled her hair free from her coiffure, letting it fall down her back with such abandonment that she would ordinarily tie into a braid for sleeping in.
Would you do that tonight?
Her train of thoughts were broken by a light knock on the door and the voice of her husband through the oak. "Elizabeth? May I come in?" He asked.
Her instinct was to nod though of course he would not see. Instead of calling out however, she went to the door and opened it. He was frozen in front of her, hand raised as if he had only just knocked, or prepared to knock lightly again. He had discarded of his formal clothing, leaving him in only his shirt, trousers and boots. His gaze drifted over her form and she gulped suddenly as his gaze then met hers.
you look amazing," he said, his voice hoarse.
Elizabeth pulled at the sleeves of her robe, as she stepped aside to let him enter the room. Which he did - and closed the door behind him.
"Thank you
" she said quietly.
Bertie could tell she was nervous and he had to admit, so was he. But this was not the first time they would lie with one another. But even so, he wanted to make sure she was comfortable and that if she did not wish to, they did not have to do anything that night.
"If you do not wish to
" he started, noticing her nerves, "I would never force you to
what I am trying to say is, we do not need to do anything tonight—"
"Kiss me," she blurted out.
The command came as a surprise but he did not need to be told twice. He came towards her in two long strides, cupping her face in his hands as he pressed his lips to hers. He felt her hands grab onto the collar of his shirt, fisting into the material as she pushed back into the kiss. He deepened it, teasing at the corners of her lips and she parted for him, allowing him to slip his tongue inside, to dance with her own.
He walked her backwards, kissing her still and his hands travelled down, feeling for the tie of her robe. He found it and parted their kiss only to pull on it, as if like opening her like a present. He kept her gaze as he slipped the outer garment from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.
His gaze grew heated and darkened as he looked over her form. "God
" he breathed, "You are breathtaking."
Elizabeth looked up at him, keeping her gaze fixed on his as she reached forward, unbuttoning his shirt and pushing over his head. Bertie instinctively started to fist into the sheer fabric of her nightgown but she shook her head. "You first," she whispered, her nerves not so present in the face of her lust. And her lust was most certainly present. Her eyes, usually a bright blue, were now dark and dilated as they looked back at him.
Her fingers moved lower, reaching blindly for the fastenings of his trousers. In her determination to keep her eyes on his, she palmed over where he was already hard, and he let out a most guttural groan.
Her nerves seemed to come back as she withdrew her hands quickly, but he reached out, taking her hands in his own. "That was not bad, but let me help you," he told her
"Okay," she said, her voice barely a whisper. She watched as he removed his boots quickly, then taking her hand in his own again, guided hers to the fastenings and she made fast work, pushing his trousers down so he could step out and be truly bared to her. She took hold of his shoulders then, turning them so that he was the one up against the bed and pushed him down onto the mattress.
He held himself up on his elbows as she climbed up to hover above him, her hair falling past her shoulders and tickling his torso slightly when she leaned down to kiss him again. One hand held her at her waist, keeping the kiss, while the other caressed her hair
He was painfully aroused but at the same time, possessed of a strange sense of calm. This dance had ceased to be about him, or her, it was about them, and god
 the way she was taking command was enough to make any green boy spend early if he was not so calmed by the feel of her luscious curves in his arms.
In one swift motion, he bucked up against her hips and switched their positions so that she was the one on her back and he above her. His hands took fistfuls of her gown and slid upwards, tantalisingly slow as his fingers brushed against the skin of her thighs, then her hips and up the sides of her torso.
As each part of her body was exposed to him, he peppered her skin with kisses. Her legs, her hips, her abdomen, her breasts. He knew she was self conscious about her stomach in particular, so made sure to make her know how much he worshipped her. Body and soul. Every inch.
Eventually, he was able to pull the gown over her head and he pressed his lips to hers again. One hand ventured lower still, his lips still keeping her quiet amidst his kisses as his hand travelled down, down, down.
He parted from her, holding her gaze as he traced down the inside of her thighs, pushing her legs further apart so that he could kneel between them. His fingers pushed up further, until he was touching her there.
"Bertie!" She gasped, as she bucked off the bed and against where his fingers stroked her. He found her spot, rubbing gently in such a way that made her squirm and ache for more. He continued as he kissed her again and when his lips were against hers, he slid one finger inside.
She grasped onto his shoulders, her gasps muffled by his deepening kisses all the while he pleasured her.
He added another finger, pushing deeper inside of her and she could feel her core tightening all the while. Until it broke, and she let go against his touch. Her hands slipped around his neck, tickling the hair at his nape as she clung onto him, pulling him closer. "Bertie
" she whispered, as he withdrew his fingers, leaving her feeling rather hollow, "I need you."
He smirked at her as he positioned himself and he held her sweetly as he pushed himself in. She was no longer such an innocent, but still, he wanted to make sure she was ready. He looked at her, waiting - trying to keep his patience.
"Move," she moaned as she pulled his body somehow even closer to her own.
He did. He started off gentle, then his own desire combined with her impulsive meeting of each of his thrusts sped him up into a pace that she matched just as easily.
It was not long until he was able to watch her reach her climax, and he was able to hold back for just enough to see her scream his name and tremble beneath him. He smiled, and with a final thrust and a passionate kiss, he came, spilling his seed deep inside her. When he came back down, he collapsed against her, rolling to the side and bringing her into his arms as he pulled the sheets over them.
"My beloved and dear wife, I love you so much," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Elizabeth giggled, glancing up at him, meeting his gaze. "And I love you, my husband" she replied.
She then rested her head against his chest, one hand absently tracing the hair that lay there before they both succumbed to their slumber, tangled in one another’s arms.
I know, a lot of "Mary" kahsjsja bye
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bellabeth · 9 months
Bertie siempre se había considerado afortunado. Era padre de dos niñas hermosas y talentosas. Llegó a ser Rey, aunque nunca lo quiso, pero no fue tan malo como parecía. Estaba casado con una de las mujeres mås bellas de toda Gran Bretaña y estaba muy enamorado de ella. Desde el momento en que vio a Elizabeth Bowes-lyon, se había enamorado absolutamente, estaba seguro de que ella podía ser luchadora y de alguna manera hacer que un tigre dientes de sable pareciera un gatito inocente, pero no la aceptaría de otra manera.
So the reason that Elizabeth was laying naked and sweaty on the bed, tired and almost unconscious with a heavily panting and sweaty Bertie on her side was one that had truly and utterly surprised him.
He had come back home After some visits to the outskirts of the city, he sat at the table where a wonderful meal had been prepared for him. He dug in and savoured every bit of flavour as he looked around looking for his wife, He found her looking at one of the large windows, She looked amazing from there.
Her back faced him and Bertie was faced with the desirable view of her backside beneath her dress. He checked his watch and saw that it would be a couple of hours before Margo and Lilibeth would arrive home. He stood up and made his way to his wife
“Pumpkin,” he called, his pet name for her had always embarrassed her so she preferred it when he only called her that in private. He embraced his wife from behind by wrapping his arms around her middle, She pain him no mind simply continued looking out the window. “Why don’t you sit down to eat?”
“I’m not hungry, Bertie,” she said stiffly. Something was definitely wrong, years of marriage and dealing with mood swings and anger fits told him that.
“Well, did you eat anything before I came home?” asked Bertie. Lizzie stayed quiet for some moments taking a deep breath
“I’m on a diet,” she said. A diet? When in the world had she come up with that barmy idea. Lizzie took Bertie’s silence as a silent question as she explained her reasoning. “Honestly Bertie, it’s just a meal. I mean according to Violet Evans a woman could lose a couple of pounds if she
 Well, it’s not that big of a deal Bertie.”
Bertie simply looked at her from the side. Then he turned around and saw the new number of Violet Evans, and if glares could kill that magazine would be burning hotter than anything. It was usual for Bertie to witness this sort of insecurity in Lizzie, even in their younger days she had always doubted her own attractiveness, which was barmy really, when she was young she had been a beauty for absolutely everyone . Plump in all the right places with the right amount of flesh in her hips.
Remember your private moments at Glamis Castle
The first time she had ever touched his cock it had absolutely been fantastic. They had been snogging and Lizzie’s hand had drifted downwards until she was groping the front of his trousers, she lowered his zipper and started to stroke his cock. It was clear that it had been her first time, as she didn’t grip him with the right amount of pressure or stroked him at a correct pace, yet she managed to get an orgasm from him in less than five minutes.
And there are also her tits. He didn’t like to think he was a vulgar or perverted man,But every time I saw her with a neckline ohhh he would have to excuse himself to the bathroom as he imagined himself fucking her sweet breasts as they bounced. And the first time he had actually done it he hadn’t even lasted more than ten minutes, they were magical really.
So yes, the years had done what the years do and aged them. Lizzie had gained a bit of weight, but the weight always went to the right places. Even in their recent years their sex life had never deterred from their physical changes, Windsor men simply weren’t like that. Bertie’s father loved his mother and despite the fact that in her later years she had gotten wrinkly. Edward had always felt entrapped with every girl that would eventually break his heart no matter her appearance. Even George who was absolutely in love with who was his best friend and now wife.
So he had never had any problems with Lizzie’s appearance changing over the years, in fact he had only grown more attached to his wife. As such he felt quite offended when anyone insulted any member of his family including Lizzie by calling her foul names that made his blood boil. And when Lizzie believed it, it made his heart break.
“Pumpkin,” he almost whined. “You don’t need a diet. You’re beautiful the way you are.”
“Yes,” she said, but she didn’t sound confident at all. “But losing a few pounds never hurt anyone.”
“It’ll hurt me,” he said, and Lizzie stood still. “It’ll hurt me to know that my wife is making herself less of what she truly is.”
“A cow? cookie??” she scoffed, her voice sad and strained
“No,” he added immediately. “The most beautiful women in England.”
Lizzie turned around, there were tears running down her face, she wrapped her arms around Bertie’s neck and he had to bend down and strain his neck because of their height difference. He let her cry on his shoulder for a while before he handed her a handkerchief. She wiped her tears and cleaned her snot.
“I-I’m sorry, B-Bertie,” she said while she hiccuped. “I just- i-it’s difficult. Whenever I turn around and look at a new poster all I see is another advertisement telling people that women that look like me are undesirable.”
“Oh, but my beloved you are the opposite.”
“I know,” she said adamantly. “But it’s getting hard to ignore them. And you don’t have to worry, you’ve always been the more handsome of the two,” he laughed out loud.
“As if,” said Bertie. “I’ve gained weight just like you.”
“Yes, but yours isn’t even that noticeable,” she said with almost mock disdain. And she was a bit right, he had been in good shape, the weight that he gained normally went to his middle creating a less than adequate belly. If he wore the right clothes it was basically imperceptible and people would think that he was just a tall man with a bit of muscle.
“I’ve lost hair,” he said.
She burst out laughing
"that's not true darling"
Berrie looked at his wife’s cheerful expression and decided to use another method, to make her laugh. “No, seriously Lizzie. I'm losing it"
“Bertie- ha ha ha- please- ha ha ha,” she said in between laughter. After some time she wiped the remaining tears from her face and smiled up at her husband. Bertie kissed the places where her cheeks had gotten wet from her tears. Her expression changed to a more smitten one.
“I love you,” she said simply.
“I love you too, Pumpkin,” and their lips attached in a soft kiss. Bertie could feel her big and soft breasts touching his body, making his cock jump inside his pants. Bertie knew that Lizzie could feel it and he grinded his hips against her making her moan against his mouth.
“Sometimes I forget just how much you like my body, Bertie,” she said and her hand drifted downwards snaking its way inside his underwear where she fondled his balls and stroked his cock.
“You’re a barmy for thinking I would ever stop,” he went to kneel on the ground, ready to devour her, but Lizzie stopped him. He looked at her with an arched eyebrow clearly confused, she loved it when he licked her down there and he was more than happy to do it. Her hand left the inside of his trousers and instead started to tease him from the outside, she stroked his member making him hiss and moan under her touch.
She kissed his neck as he exposed it with his head thrown back. She licked and bit trying to leave marks that he could easily hide under a sweater, she began to kiss all of him following an invisible trail downwards as his eyes darkened realizing what she was going to do.
“Lizzie,” he said panting. “You don’t have to–”
"You asked me if I had eaten, Bertie,” said Lizzie, her mouth breathing against the tent in his pants. She kissed it through the cloth making Bertie watch one of the most arousing things ever. She was the more prude of the two, always trying to make him feel playfully ashamed whenever he tried to be more than the appropriate amount of flirty with her. So seeing Lizzie down on her knees as she teased his cock through his clothes with her mouth almost made him go cross-eyed.
She lowered his trousers revealing the sight of his rigid and hard cock. The head of his cock leaked pre-cum, and as a drop drooled from his slit Molly caught it with her tongue wetting her lips in his arousal.
She pulled the bottom of her dress over her head leaving her in her bra and nothing else. I had stopped wearing underwear at home a little request from Bertie that she used to spoil him with very naughty things. She lowered the cups of her bra revealing her massive jugs. One of his favorite parts about her physique, how she could ever think she wasn’t basically the embodiment of Aphrodite, was beyond him.
She licked the head of his cock, teasing him with the image of her tongue leaving a bridge of spit connecting her tongue and his cock.
She began to suck on his cock while her tongue swirled around the head of his manhood. It felt unbelievably good and Bertie had to remind himself that he hadn’t died and gone to heaven.
She managed to take him all the way to the base, which according to Bertie’s hook-ups before dating Lizzie was impossible, her nose burying in his curls. He couldn’t resist it as his hand went to grab her hair and his hips began to move on their own, it was like a spell, she had him bewitched and under her complete control at this point.
He couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled her to her feet and locked his lips with hers. She mewled against his lips as he grabbed her ass roughly.
He turned her around and took her bra completely off, revealing her massive tits. He grabbed them roughly and pinched her nipples making her shriek in pleasure. She shook her body making him see them bouncing from side to side.
“Biggest tits,” he said as he huskily whispered against her earshell sending shivers down her spine. He licked and sucked on her earlobe making her moan. “You know how many blokes were dying to fuck these?”
A lot,” she moaned
“Everyone,” he said. “There wasn’t a single bloke that wouldn’t have killed to get their hands on these massive jugs of yours. They’d all wanted to kiss them, grab them.”
“Oh Bertie,” she moaned, thrusting her naked arse against his hard cock. Bertie quickly got rid of his shirt and robes and began to massage her tits. He made sure to use the right amount of pressure, he pinched her nipples making her support herself by wrapping her hands around his neck from behind her. He liked doing this, teasing her until she was almost begging for him.
"And I’m the only that gets to do it, aren’t I Lizzie?” he pinched her nipples a bit harder making her squirm around him.
"Bertie, please,” she pleaded.
“What love?” he asked before his mouth started to suckle on her earlobe.
“I want you.”
“You’ll have to be more specific, Pumpkin,” he whispered huskily.
"I want you to fuck me, Bertie,” she said desperately. “Now sit on that sofa and wait for me!”
Bertie was not surprised at all, by Lizzie’s sudden change in demeanor. Whenever she needed it she might as well had become a veela in heat. He obeyed her order and sat down on the sopha, his cock standing tall, proud, and spewing pre-cum. She kneeled down stroking his thighs when her hand began fondling his balls. Bertie moaned in pleasure, his head thrown back.
She wrapped her thick tits around his cock and began pumping up and down.
"You like fucking my tits, Bertie Bear?” Oh and now she was using her pet name for him. How was he supposed to not cum when she was being so sexy?
"I love fucking them, Pumpkin,” he said as her pace began to speed up. “I remember when I first got you pregnant with Lilibeth. Your breasts had gotten so big and plump there wasn’t a single day they weren’t in my mouth.”
Her pumping began to speed up as Bertie felt his climax approaching. His cock throbbed between Lizzie’s pale mounds.
"Fuck, Lizzie,” he moaned. “Fuck! I’m going to cum! I’m cumming!”
"At that moment Lizzie Bertie’s cock and began jerking it at a fast pace in front of her mouth, his dick erupted and a spurt of cum flew to Lizzie’s mouth.
She swirled her tongue around in her mouth before she swallowed Bertie's seed and proceeded to show off her clean tongue. Bertie picked her up and started to climb up the stairs entering the closest room, Margo.
He threw Lizzie onto the bed and began to lavish her body with kisses. He sucked on her nipples hard enough to leave love bites on them. He dipped his tongue inside her navel and lowered himself until he was in front of her pussy. He gave her mound a dew licks making her moan under his mouth.
"Oh Bertie!”
“Yes, Lizzie?” asked Bertie innocently.
“Please, fuck me,” her pleading tone made Bertie get on his knees on the bed. He fisted his rock-hard cock and began to pump himself with his hand as he admired the beautiful view of his naked wife laying in front of him, needy, randy and soon full of his cock.
He put his cock at her entrance, teasing her clit with his gland, before he pushed in the head of his cock. He stayed put enjoying the feeling of her heat and warmth surrounding the head of his cock.
“Bertie,” she whined in a way that reminded him of when they were teenagers. “Please. Don’t keep me waiting.”
Bertie fully thrusted into Lizzie’s pussy, jamming his cock all the way to her womb. Lizzie moaned and her eyes seemed to bulge, but Bertie didn’t give her time to relax as he pulled his cock out, leaving only the head before thrusting in again.
He repeated the process fucking his wife to his content. Her breasts jiggled and Bertie couldn’t help it as he groped both of her massive jugs with his hand.
“You like that, Lizzie?” he said with a husky tone. “You like my cock fucking you?”
"Fuck, Bertie,” moaned Lizzie. “Keep fucking me, please. Don’t stop.”
“I’m not planning to, Lizzie. In fact, I’m planning to cum inside your cunt. Can you imagine? Filling you with my seed just for you to get knocked up again? Your body always got so fucking sexy when you got pregnant.
“Bertie,” she moaned as a blush settled on her cheeks. His words were clearly having an effect on her.
“Oh yes, Lizzie. I’m going to fill your womb with all of my cum, I’ll paint your insides white with how much cum I’ve got for you. Fuck! You’re so fucking sexy! How did I get so lucky with such a sexy bloody wife!”
His pumps became harder, deeper and faster. Lizzie was sure that Bertie was bruising her cervix as his dick kept pounding against her womb. She sensed her climax approaching and began to rub her clit as Bertie’s pace sped up.
His cock throbbed inside her, and Lizzie felt the knot in her stomach unravel making her orgasm. She practically screamed as Bertie continued to pound into her even after she had just come undone. He was relentless, it seemed as if he had been possessed by someone else.
She just laid limp as she let him continue to use her body for his pleasure. The way his face scrunched up as the lust overcame him, nearly made her cum again. Bertie didn’t stop for a second not letting Lizzie rest as his cock went in and out of her, with Bertie pulling out just before the head of his cock left her cunt before diving inside again.
He hit her g-spot again and again until finally.
“OH FUCK, BERTIE!” Lizzie screamed as another orgasm racked her body, making her slightly convulse around Bertie. She panted tiredly as Bertie stilled, she wondered if perhaps he was ready to cum, when suddenly he picked her up as if she weighed nothing, making her blush, before she turned her around and laid her on her stomach.
He took his cock and rammed it inside her again, and began to pull in and out more forcefully than fast.
“My sweet Pumpkin,” said Bertie in an equally husky and sweet tone. “How could you ever think of yourself as unattractive?”
Lizzie just moaned as Bertie bent down and lightly bit her earlobe before licking up her sweaty neck from behind.
“With your beautiful hair,” he said and kissed the top of her head. “Your giant breasts,” he held onto them like an infant. “Your big fat arse!”
“Bertie!” She tried admonishing, but it came out as a moan.
“Don’t even try me, Lizzie,” he said as his hands pinched her nipples. “You’ll never know how many times I ogled your arse. How many times I wanked myself to sleep thinking about sinking my face into these magnificent globes of yours.
He grabbed both of her arse cheeks and began to pump himself in and out.
His fat cock began to throb and Lizzie knew that Bertie was close, her husband began to touch her clit as his hand snaked beneath her body and she writhed on the bed as he pounded himself powerfully inside her cunt.
Bertie suddenly picked her up and began fucking her with a furious energy as he filled Lizzie with the enitrey of his cock.
Just for him to pump his seed inside of her moments later, before pulling out. He still held her, and Lizzie was glad for that. She didn’t know how long it would be before she could use her legs. His seed escaped the confines of her pussy and dropped onto his cock, before slipping off, as a result of their combined fluids.
Bertie let her down on to the bed as she laid limply on top of the soft cotton covers, completely exhausted she fell asleep contented and with her heart full of love for her husband.
Margo and Lilibeth arrived and saw his parents being their usual lovey-dovey selves. His father was snuggling close to his mother as he seemed to whisper things in her ear while his mother was trying to go to the living room, but failed as she continued to giggle. They tried to sneak away to avoid the embarrassment, But their father caught them
“Oh,” he said, stopping his cuddling, his mother I look at them and she tried shaking off his dad, now with a red face. “Hi Girls! How did it go?”
“It was good,” said Lilibeth. “Met a nice girl, I think we will be good friends .”
“That’s good my pride,” said his dad. “Sit down, Your mother will tell them to prepare dinner right now.
“Why?” Said Margo. “I mean don’t get me wrong Mum, I can wait, but you usually have dinner ready by the time I come home.”
“Well,” said his dad, looking a bit flushed at his mum. “Your mother and I had a nice meal before they arrived. Didn’t we Lizzie?”
"Hmmm,” she hummed in agreement, her face reddening even further. “My favourite.”
Margo looked at his parents strangely, before shrugging his shoulders and sitting down on the table missing as his father groped his mother’s backside.
(Of course he didn't see his father do that)
KAHAJAJAJ That's all I guess, goodbye
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bellabeth · 9 months
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The infant Princess Elizabeth of York (later Elizabeth II) receives doting affection from her grandfather, King George V. Her parents, the Duke and Duchess of York (later George VI and Queen Elizabeth), happily look on. Balmoral, 10 Sept 1927.
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bellabeth · 9 months
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Queen Mary and King George VI, c.1946-47
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