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belching-bellies · 17 days ago
a few more burps, these ones were so loud ehee
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belching-bellies · 17 days ago
This is so real, belches solely from food always feel like they come from deeper in my stomach I guess? Carbonation burps for me are louder but not as satisfying
tbh. i love love love liquid and carbonation induced burps but! whenever i let out a nice big burp solely from food it's like kind of the hottest thing ever... esp if it's in the middle of eating n it helps me make room
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belching-bellies · 3 months ago
I don't know if you're into burping, but I find it's really hot when incorporated into illness. Eden is a soft, delicate guy it seems, but I would very much love to see him out of commission with a gassy, bloated belly, suffering some brutal indigestion, while boyfriend Jude gives him belly rubs to get the trapped air out :p
Anonymous said: Oh my gosh I need something about eden and chewing gum now! It’s too adorable!!!!
A/N: So this has taken an actual frickin’ age to actually get to posting, but here is something, finally.. I hope you enjoy…
Eden felt like a brick had settled in his gut as he tried to make himself comfortable in the auditorium seating for his lecture. Eppie wasn’t at today’s lecture as she was away to London to have a special appointment with the gender consultant. Eden squashed himself in, thinking that they never provided seating for people with as long legs as him. Symbiosis was his least favourite of this semester - he generally had to force himself to stay awake by taking notes, but today his pen had made twenty-one dots along the top of his page and nothing else.
He’d had to wolf down his cheese sandwich at lunch, as he only had fifteen minutes between his tutorial and this lecture and now he could feel it glugging away in his stomach, trying its best to digest. He shifted a little - not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to himself, yet not feeling at all comfortable in any position.
There was a burning in his chest, which he put down to indigestion from eating too quickly, but his jeans waistband was beginning to feel like it was digging into his stomach. As he put his hand to readjust it, he could feel a slight bulge of his stomach. He put it down to the speed of eating, and hoped it would go away during the lecture.
But the discomfort only grew, and he found it increasingly difficult to concentrate as a bubbly sensation travelled the length of his chest and abdomen. He couldn’t help but squirm around as he felt his face growing warmer from the embarrassment. His gut had let out a few wailing grumbles, and though he wasn’t sitting directly next to anyone, he knew it was loud enough for others to hear. He clamped his hand to his stomach, hoping that it might muffle the sound, but all that had happened was a bubble of air pushed up his throat and he had to swallow fast to avoid burping in public. He removed his hand, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed, but no one even batted an eyelid.
By the time his class ended, he’d felt like someone had inserted a beach ball into his stomach and slowly pumped it up so it was full of air. He’d bitten back the urge to burp, feeling his cheeks go pink every time his gut let out another gurgle. He shoved his notepad into his backpack, but as he stood up, the painful brick-like weight returned to his stomach. He clutched his hands to his stomach momentarily, then remembered everyone could see him so removed them; the burn in his upper chest intensified and he blinked as his eyes watered.
He just had to get home - then he could have some water and try to get his stomach to settle. Once he was out of the lecture hall and into the street, his hand instinctively moved to his stomach again; he generally stooped a little when he walked, but now he felt like he was almost bent double.
He clung to the bannister as he climbed up to his flat; he felt lethargic now - like that short walk had really taken it out of him.
“Afternoon!” Jude’s voice came bounding from the living room, followed by his enthusiastic self, but he stopped when he saw Eden’s face. “What’s wrong?” He asked suddenly.
Generally Eden was pretty stoical - he’d shrug things off in the hope that it’d get better, but he felt so sluggish and uncomfortable that he really couldn’t hide it.
“My tummy’s really hurting,” he moaned, still feeling like he was bent really far forward.
“Oh no!” He said, looking worried; he’d crossed to where Eden was standing and wrapped his arm around him. “Why don’t you come sit down? I’ll make you some tea.”
“Okay,” Eden allowed himself to be led through to their sitting room; he shrugged off his backpack, then perched on the edge of the sofa, the weight of the bloat of his stomach feeling more apparent.
Jude brought through two cups of tea - he’d clearly been making one for himself anyway, and he sat next to Eden, worry still obvious on his face.
“When you say your tummy is hurting, what do you mean?” Jude asked as Eden leant back, still holding on to his abdomen. “Do you feel sick?”
“Not - not really,” Eden replied, trying to think of how to explain what he was feeling. “My - I feel all bloated, like…” Eden stopped himself, feeling his cheeks going a bit pink - he didn’t really want to admit that he needed to burp to Jude.
“Like what?” Jude questioned further, watching Eden closely.
“Bubbly and funny,” Eden said, waving his hands over the area of his abdomen. “I think I maybe ate too fast, or something.”
“Do you want a tummy rub?” Jude suggested. “You know how much that helps me.”
“Yeah,” Eden mumbled, he wasn’t entirely sure, but anything would be better than the discomfort he felt at the moment. “I’ll give it a try.”
“Just come, lean back in to me,” he advised, moving so Eden could sit with his back resting against Jude’s front. It was odd, as normally Jude was the one that fit into Eden - as Eden was so much taller, but now their roles were reversed. “That’s it.” Jude wrapped his arms around Eden’s waist, slipping his hand underneath Eden’s t-shirt. “Oh goodness Eden!” Jude said, shocked; pulling up Eden’s t-shirt further to reveal the bulge. “You’re really bloated!”
“I know,” Eden muttered, a little embarrassed, but the warmth and gentleness of Jude’s hand was really nice.
“Are you sure you’re not feeling sick?” He asked cautiously.
“No,” Eden said firmly. “I’m just uncomfortable.”
“Alright,” he answered, “lean back.” Eden rested back, the warmth of Jude’s hand on his stomach was soothing; and he rubbed small circles around Eden’s belly button, Eden began to relax a bit.
“Hmmm…” Eden closed his eyes.
“Is that okay?” Jude whispered slowly.
“Yeah, I-” Eden stopped abruptly as he felt the beginnings of a burp and closed his mouth to swallow it back. “It’s nice.”
“Good,” Jude agreed, continuing to rub his hand round Eden’s stomach, and everytime Eden felt air dislodging, he swallowed hard - but this only seemed to further upset his stomach. It began to whine and grumble, becoming more audible.
“Your tummy is really not sounding happy Ede,” Jude said concerned.
“Mmm…” Eden agreed, putting his own hand to his stomach; his face burning even more. He was going to have to tell Jude the truth. “I feel like… Like I need to belch,” Eden admitted, burying his head into his hands in embarrassment; but to his surprise, Jude burst out laughing. Eden swivelled round to look at him, feeling his stomach gurgle as he did so. “What?”
“Oh Ede!” Jude was having a hard time stopping laughing, and he swiped tears away from his eyes as Eden scowled at him. “Belch!” He muttered, then ran his hand up and down Eden’s spine.
“Don’t!” Eden pouted. “I don’t like it!”
“I know…” Jude nodded. “Here, it’s only natural Ede! Sometimes you just need to let the air out.”
“Yeah, but, I find it difficult!” Eden protested. “I was always taught it was rude…”
Jude bristled slightly at this - his whole family were burpy people, they just couldn’t help it. “It’s rude in the wrong situations… But if you’re holding it in and it’s making you feel uncomfortable, then it’s not.”
“Hmmm…” Eden didn’t look too convinced.
“And you’re with me Ede!” Jude insisted. “How many times have you rubbed my belly to help me burp?”
“Quite a few,” Eden agreed sheepishly.
“Then let me return the favour,” he said, “and I guarantee you’ll feel better when the air is out.”
“Mmm…” Eden bit his lip, then finally he sighed. “Fine.”
“Sit up really straight,” Jude told him, Eden did as he was told, still holding at his tummy a little protectively. “Open your mouth really wide, and push your diaphragm.”
“….” Eden tried, his mouth hanging open, he squeezed his eyes shut. “Nope, it’s not working.” He shook his head after a few tries.
“Let me pat your back while you try,” Jude suggested and he placed his hand firmly on Eden’s back, then gave little pats; Eden tried again, opening his mouth and clutching at his tummy - but nothing happened.
“Ngghh…” Eden shook his head again. “I can’t…”
“Hmmm…” Jude scowled for a second, then Eden practically saw the idea flash into his head. “Oh wait! I have an idea!” He sprang up from the sofa and dashed from the room; Eden heard the squeak of a door and then Jude’s footsteps coming back. “Here…” Jude held out his hand as he returned, he was clutching a small packet, which Eden eventually saw was chewing gum.
“No, I don’t really like chewing gum,” Eden shook his head, pushing Jude’s hand away; but Jude was beaming.
“And why don’t you like it?” Jude asked.
“Because it makes me…” Eden’s eyes widened in understanding. “Oh… cause it makes me burpy!”
“Exactly!” Jude nodded, squeezing out two pieces of gum and handing them across. “Now chew!”
Eden was in so much discomfort that he was willing to try anything to get rid of it - so he placed the gum in his mouth and chewed. There was an explosion of mint in his mouth which made his nose itch, but he obediently kept chewing - aware that Jude was still watching him.
“It’s really annoying…” Eden admitted, rubbing his hand across his tummy.
“Yeah - but everyone experiences it at some point,” Jude pointed out. “What did you have for lunch today?”
“Just a cheese sandwich,” Eden replied.
“And how quickly did you eat it?” Jude questioned, his eyebrows raising.
“Quite quickly…” Eden admitted sheepishly. “I’ve only got fifteen minutes in between classes!” He wailed slightly.
“That’s probably what’s making you feel rubbish,” Jude nodded.
“There’s not much I can do about - BRRUAARRP!” A sudden burp slipped from Eden’s lips halfway through his sentence, and he covered his mouth. “Excuse me!” But Jude was chuckling.
“Feel any better?” He asked; Eden stopped chewing the gum momentarily, as he felt the air shifting in his gut.
“Yea - UUUAAUUURRPP!” Another burp rumbled up and Eden covered his mouth again. “I - uuurrrpp!” He couldn’t stop them now; the chewing gum seemed to have done the trick, and the dislodged air bubbled up again. “Uurrpp!”
“Goodness Ede,” Jude grinned, giving him a gentle pat on the back which caused another burp to come free.
“Sorry - uuuaarrp!” Eden’s cheeks went bright pink as he burped again.
“Don’t worry,” Jude said, smiling; Eden was nursing his stomach still, but it did feel like the bloat was going down the more he burped. “It sounds like you really needed to get that air out.”
“RRuuuaaarRRRP!” Eden nodded his head, pushing both hands down on his stomach to force more air out. “Will you keep patting my - huurrrp! - back?” He asked Jude pleadingly, feeling like it was really working.
“Of course!” Jude agreed, rubbing his hand in between Eden’s shoulders, then patting gently. Almost instantly another burp erupted from his mouth. “Does that help?” Jude asked, patting a rhythm into Eden’s back.
“Yeah,” Eden nodded, “it really - uuuuaaAAARRPP!” That last burp was wet sounding, and Jude paused to look at Eden’s face.
“That sounded a bit… you sure you’re not feeling sick?” Jude asked concerned.
“Not really…” Eden replied, stopping pressing on his tummy so hard; he felt a stickiness at the back of his throat.
“Maybe you should stop?” Jude suggested. “Give your tummy some time to rest and see if it gets any better?”
“Mmhmm,” Eden nodded in agreement; the bloated discomfort had gone down and, although he did feel better, the unsettled sensation was still present - like an aftermath. “Will you still rub my tummy for me?”
“As long as it’s not going to hurt you,” Jude nodded, opening his arms and allowing Eden to snuggle back into him, wrapping his arm around Eden’s middle so he could rub his stomach. “You just let me know when you want me to stop.”
“Please don’t stop,” Eden murmured, “it is really nice.” He cuddled into Jude’s shoulder. “Thank you so much for helping, Jude.”
“It’s no problem,” Jude insisted, “next time just come to me.”
“Mmhmm… I will.”
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belching-bellies · 3 months ago
No you don’t understand I NEED to cuddle with someone who will pat my belly after I burp
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belching-bellies · 5 months ago
Chugging a whole bierstick of bud light in tight clothes and belching on my OF
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belching-bellies · 7 months ago
I think you can do better than just beer and pizza slices. Your gut needs to have more crammed in.
Even more than this? Omg y’all gotta stop I’m gonna fucking burst like a balloon!!!
My gut can’t take much more beer and food and I’m too much of a dumb hog to stop putting food in my mouth 😩😩😩
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belching-bellies · 7 months ago
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belching-bellies · 7 months ago
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Pretending to be skinny is getting harder and harder.
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belching-bellies · 7 months ago
I've been going to the gym again and trying to bulk up a little bit. And tbh it's been so much fun.
I've been eating a lot of protein (honestly, just eating a lot in general), and I'm starting to develop a little bit of a belly. I first noticed it while watching TV after lunch the other day, and when I squeezed it a GIANT unexpected belch slipped out of me.
That night, I made myself a big dinner -- thought I would have enough leftovers for a second meal but I ate almost all of it at once. I felt so full and my belly felt huge, but a couple hours later I ate another snack. I couldn't stop burping the whole evening, even though I tried (and sometimes failed) to muffle them bc my roommates were around. My belly was so full and warm, and I was still bloated and belching when I went to bed hours later.
It was honestly so hot, I just wish someone else could have been there to rub my belly.
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belching-bellies · 7 months ago
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Really wanted draw him having a tummy ache and maybe a little bit of a burp attack 🫢🥴😤
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belching-bellies · 7 months ago
God your writing is so fucking hot. Drives me fucking crazy to be honest 💦💦💦
~ @eructophile
I don't know how I missed this ask but thank you so much!! The feeling is mutual 😳
Also I've been super inconsistent but I'll get around to writing more for this blog soon lmao
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belching-bellies · 10 months ago
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Reminder this is an 18plus blog
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belching-bellies · 10 months ago
so, burps in general are pretty hot, right?
what really gets me off is uncontrollable burps — the kind that you can tell are erupting from a full, taut, gurgling gut pushed to its limits. those are the hollow, bubbly belches that you can tell are forced out only by those poor, overstretched tummy muscles, desperate to reduce the growing pressure inside.
i especially love how they catch the person off guard almost every time — how there’s always a hint of audible surprise when all that gas loudly forces it’s way up. And these wonderful burps are usually accompanied by groans and whines that are genuine to an unmistakably bloated, gassy, gurgling belly.
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belching-bellies · 10 months ago
alcohol burps are sooo hot. someone just knocking back a bottle or cup of alcohol and letting the carbonation fly out of their digestive system into the air without even thinking about it. I'd love to rub their tummy for them 🥺 you just focus on feeling good baby.
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belching-bellies · 10 months ago
I'm a healthy adult and I have a clinical need for feedist vampire smut.
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belching-bellies · 10 months ago
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burpy yoga….
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belching-bellies · 10 months ago
Good Man
A Belly Kink Fic by Kerwynlar
The aristocratic author Lord Woolsey has found that he thinks best on a full stomach. A very full stomach. His butler is only all too happy to help out.
Tags: Explicit, Belly Kink, Burping, Overeating, Stuffing, Weight Gain, Enthusiastic consent but problematic power dynamic, implied/referenced sexual content
Note: This work was inspired by the excellent At His Service by pizza_my_heart. In that story the author does a beautiful job of putting the employer and the butler on equal footing. That's not what is going on here. While enthusiastic consent is given in this story, the power dynamic here makes the consent, at least the initial consent, dubious at best. In the real world this would be very fucked up. If you agree that it's hot in fiction, please read on. Basically all of my fics are built around very loving healthy relationships. This is not that.
1,163 words. Read it below or on AO3.
Reginald Montcrieff was not sitting idly fantasizing about his employer eating. Reginald Montcrieff was very busy balancing the household accounts. He had certainly not been staring blankly at the page for nearly half an hour, stirring at every half-sound that might be the bell summoning him to the dining room. 
Reginald was not picturing the plates heaped with eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, beans, and tomatoes that he had served to his employer, Lord Peter Halberd Woolsey. He was certainly not picturing forkful after heaping forkful passing Lord Woolsey’s lips. And by no means was Reginald’s mouth watering at the thought of all that food heaped into his employer’s already rounded belly, stretching it and weighing it down, expanding it within the increasingly tight confines of his clothing. 
The bell from the dining room finally rang and Reginald stood so fast, he nearly knocked over his chair.
Lord Woolsey was, at least according to the press, one of the greatest minds of his generation. His first two treatises on political philosophy were considered required reading for anyone seriously concerned with public affairs and were discussed and quoted from the coffee shops of the intelligentsia, to university classrooms, to the great halls of Parliament. He was currently penning his third, widely anticipated, treatise. 
While he was writing his second book, Lord Woolsey discovered that he thought best on a full stomach. A very full stomach. 
Reginald had been a footman during the writing of that second book and had marveled at the sight of the platters that had been taken into the dining room and equally marveled at the fact that they were all empty when returned to the kitchen. 
But only the butler, whose duties included being the lord’s personal attendant, was permitted to interact with Lord Woolsey when he was writing. His lordship said that he needed to keep his mind clear of extraneous voices when writing. 
Following the publication of the second book, when Reginald was once again permitted in a much more corpulent Lord Woolsey’s presence, the lord had begun to notice him. The notice turned to interest and conversation. Eventually Reginald had been invited to Woolsey’s bed. He had been assured that it was an invitation, not an order, and he had been more than happy to accept. 
“Would you like a promotion, dear Reg?” Woolsey had asked him one night as he watched Reginald dress after an encounter that had been pleasurable for both of them. 
“I wish to serve you, sir,” Reginald had replied easily. “However you see fit.” 
“I’ll be writing again soon.” Woolsey ran a hand over his soft belly. Reginald didn’t bother to hide his appreciative look. Woolsey saw it and grinned. “You know about my… eccentricities when I’m writing?” 
Reginald swallowed. “Yes, sir. As much as I can from the outside.” 
“You’d be prepared to cater to them?” 
Woolsey liked it when he was bold on occasion. Reginald climbed back on the bed and crawled up to him. He leaned over and kissed Woolsey’s plush belly. “Yes, sir,” he said quietly. “Whatever you need. Anything you want.” 
The other butler had been fired the next day and Reginald had taken his place. 
When Reginald entered the dining room, Woolsey was leaning back in his chair, eyes closed, and both hands rubbing his belly. Reginald felt his mouth go dry. Woolsey’s belly was straining against his waistcoat and trousers. 
“Was everything to your liking, sir?” Reginald asked as he began clearing the empty plates. 
“Oh ye- UUUUUURRRRRP! Oh my, excuse me, Reg. Uurrp!” 
Heaven help him, Reginald was getting excited by his employer belching. 
“Nothing to worry about, sir,” Reginald replied more smoothly than he felt. 
“And yes, tell Cook that I’ll want the same again tomorrow. Buuurrrp! With perhaps a few more sausages and a bit more toast.” 
More? Reginald could scarcely believe it, but all that was left on the plates he was clearing was crumbs. 
“Shall- shall I bring you anything else now sir?” 
Woolsey smiled at him. “Good man. But no, I’m quite satisfied for now.” He frowned suddenly and rubbed a particular area of his belly, then pushed on it and immediately let loose a thunderous belch. “Mm, pardon me, dear Reg,” he breathed. “I hope I don’t offend you.” 
“Not in the slightest, sir.” 
Not in the slightest. Did Woolsey have any idea? He certainly knew how Reginald worshipped his belly in bed, how he loved the round shape of it, its soft plushness. But this? Woolsey’s overindulgence and the evidence of it? Well, if Woolsey knew he likely wouldn’t mind. There was no doubt he enjoyed when Reginald was aroused. 
Woolsey belched again and gave a quiet groan, his hands roaming his large belly. “Ah, that’s good,” he sighed. Woolsey gave his belly another pat then sat up. “Come, dear Reg,” he said. “Give me a hand up. I’m positively weighed down by that lovely meal.” 
Reginald quickly put down the plate he was about to take to the dumbwaiter and hurried over to help Woolsey out of his chair. As he heaved Woolsey to his feet, he felt his employer’s eyes on his face. 
“You’re looking a little flushed, Reg,” Woolsey said, reaching up to stroke his cheek. Woolsey chuckled and Reginald tried not to notice the movement of his belly. Though that was more difficult when Woolsey took Reginald’s hand and placed it on the curve of his belly. “You like this, don’t you?” Woolsey asked quietly. “You like to see me plumped up with a meal. You always do like my belly. Can you imagine how fat I’ll get writing this book? I’m only on the second chapter, and I have lots more to say.” 
Reginald gasped. He was painfully hard. 
Woolsey glanced down and chuckled again. “Now what shall we do about that, hmm?” 
“S-sir…” Reginald stuttered. 
“I need to go write my book, dear Reg,” Woolsey said quietly, moving forward so his belly was inches from Reginald’s groin. “And I suggest you take a few minutes to compose yourself. But think how big I’ll be tonight after a nice big lunch of roast chicken and then beef and potatoes for dinner, hmm? I’ll be swollen and sluggish. Too full of food to really fuck you. You’ll need to ride my cock. But you’ll do that, won’t you dear Reg?” 
“Y-yes, sir!” Reginald couldn’t have controlled his breathing if his life depended on it. 
“That’s my good man.” Woolsey reached up to stroke Reginald’s cheek again. “You’ll look so pretty straddling my lap, your hands on my stuffed gut. You’ll be ready for me tonight, won’t you Reg?” 
“Yes, sir,” Reginald gasped out. 
Woolsey pressed Reginald’s hand to his belly and gave two quick strokes to the outline of Reginald’s cock clearly visible through his trousers. 
“See that you are,” Woolsey said, and stepped back, surveying Reginald with a smile. He chuckled and left the room. 
Reginald barely got his fly open fast enough. 
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, I appreciate you letting me know. I have another chapter partially written, and I'm more likely to finish and post if I know it will get readers.
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