beingmrsstyles · 9 years
Please check out my new high fashion couture blog.
This is a post i’ve written about Alexander McQueens fall 2016 collection, would really mean alot to me if you check it out :) 
Alexander McQueen Fall 16′
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Alexander McQueen Fall 2016
One particular collection that caught my eye during the fall 2016 fashion week was Alexander McQueen, a designer and brand I have enjoyed the work of from since the very start of my interest in fashion. In fact I remember my 14 year old self lusting after the famous skull printed scarf, I believe I even calculated how many months pocket money I’d have to save up to buy one. It never happened.
This year however the scarf is not on my wish list, the sequins and beads that coat the almost fairytale like gowns have the taken top spot on my list of lust after items.
The collection designed by Sarah Burton was in fact described by herself as being all about “nighttime and dreams” and that is exactly what it portrays.
The beautiful feather skirts and delicately painted floral patterns give the collection a feminine, soft beauty.
The makeup worn by the models is soft and very much about natural beauty, with a soft wonderfully blended out smokey eye and relatively well groomed eyebrows. the skin is left looking bare with a wonderful glow from within look.
The models wear stunning floral head pieces on top of a messy undo which really ties together the dream like feeling of their appearance.
Overall an fantastic and utterly desirable collection brought to us by the very talented Sarah Burton, for Alexander McQueen.
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beingmrsstyles · 9 years
New story on wattpad.
I started a new story on Wattpad it isn't a fan fiction but I hope you enjoy. It's called 'Along Came Mr Danvers' Been the new girl at school isn’t ever really easy, been the new girl on the other side of the world makes it even worse. 
American teen Aaron Samuels moves to England when her mother is offered a new job. new places, faces and an entirely different education system are nothing compared to the way a certain teacher turns Aaron’s world upside down. said teacher been Mr Danvers. ✨✨✨ I also recently uploaded an ending to always alone on Wattpad and a second ending to forced to become Mrs styles. ✨✨✨ My Wattpad user name is molly180697 Thanks x
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Hey! Sorry to bug you, but when are you updating?
Hi lovely! Your not bugging me at all. Honestly i don't know i just don't feel inspired etc. right now. hopefully I’ll update some time next month I’ve got a new laptop and i can't transfer my docs over so I’ll have to start the chapter from scratch. 
hows everyone doing with the Zayn thing and just in general, always here to chat even when i’m not frequently updating xxx
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
You look so much like a young jane birkin 😲😲
Aww thanks, I dont see the resemblance though haha x
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Hey babe! Is everything okay?
I have soo many questions pretty much asking the same thing, what's going on? when am i updating? did i forget about you guys? am I ok? 
I'm fine. Honestly I'm not sick, I'm not even feeling low or anything like that I just cant seem to write. 
I work in retail and its christmas time so my hours have risen and I'm super busy. atm I'm getting two days off everyweek and whenever I'm off work I just want to relax. 
I've opened up my document to try and write the next chapter countless times and so far I've written about ten words. 
its not that i dont enjoy writing or that I'm bored of the story or dont know what i want to happen next. I just cant physically seem to type the words out. hahaha. 
I will finish this story 100% and theres still like another 15-20 chapters to go. 
I'm kinda thinking that I wont properly start posting again until the new year. but I'm gonna try and get the next chapter up soon. 
I'm sorry guys, I love you all so please just bare with me xxx
PS cant be bothered to edit the spelling and grammar on this so pls ingore all stupid mistakes xx
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
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Heyy! So tonight is your last chance to enter my secret Santa messaging service for this Christmas.
All you need to do is message me saying ‘Merry Christmas’ and you’ll automatically be entered. By midnight on the 30th of December you’ll have all been sent the blog of the person you’ll be…
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
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This Secret Santa service is for everyone, not just specific fandoms etc.
Rules :
From the 1st of December to Christmas day you must message the blog you are provided every day (or try your best to)
You must remain anon until Christmas day, on Christmas day you should reveal your…
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
When are you going to update? 😫😫😫😱💌💌💌
I'm really going to try and update tomorrow but I've got a stupid cold and a few things I HAVE to do. But trust me it's high on the list of priorities 😊😘💕💕
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Haha😂😂 Well now there is nothing to ask.....
Haha there's gotta be something x
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Could you answer them all pls ? Love your writing btw :) x
Sure! Aw thanks lovely x 
1D AF Questions 1: When did you first realize how much you love One Direction? Erm probably only a year and a half ago, maybe two years tops. 2: Who's your favourite and why? I'm not one 100 percent sure but probably Harry simply because I love his hair rn 3: Who's your least favourite and why? Liam. I dont really know why I've just never really liked him that much. Hence why his character was a cunt in FTBMS. I dont hate him or anything just find him the most annoying 4: Name four things that remind you of your favourite. Curls, Anyone with a man bun, Guys with nice legs (that are better than mine -.-) and people that are just chill 5: What do your friends and family think of your love for One Direction? I dont think anyone really knows how much i like them. Noone knows I write and stuff 6: What's your earliest One Direction related memory? Watching them on Xfactor although I wasnt really a fan then 7: Are you sometimes embarrassed of liking the boys? Kinda only because None of my friends do and they're very different to all the other music I listen to 8: Do you like the boys mainly for their music? I dont think so, I like them too. but FOUR album is the only one I've ever fully obsessed over. 9: What's your favourite tattoo on each of the boys? I like Zayn's Flower tattoo. Louis' compass and 'it is what it is' (cant choose). Harry's butterfly. Dont particularly have a fave of Liams  10: What's your 1D order? Harry, Louis and zayn share 2nd place, Niall and Liam. 11: Name three of your favourite funny moments. Cant think right noww haha12: What are your five favourite songs? No control, Alive, Once in a lifetime, little things and ready to run  OH AND STOCKHOLM SYNDROME 13: What's your favourite album and why? Four. I just like all the songs ALOT 14: Is there a One Direction song that makes you cry? Nope 15: Is there a One Direction song that you can't stand at all? WMYB and BSE 16: Favourite music video? Quite like nightchanges 17: Least favourite music video? WMYB18: What's your favourite hairstyle on Harry? Man Bun 19: What's your favourite hairstyle on Zayn? Quiff 20: Do you get nostalgic over fetus One Direction or do you think they're hotter now? Hotter now 21: Which of the boys would you want to get drunk with? Harry or Louis or both 22: Which of the boys would you want to have a movie night with? Niall 23: Which of the boys would you want to go shopping with? Harry 24: Which of the boys would you want to have really rough and kinky sex with? ZAYN 25: Which of the boys would you want as your best friend? Harry or louis or both  26: If the boys were animals, which boy would be which animal? Not a fucking clue27: If the boys were a song ( not a One Direction song ), which song would which boy be? Harry - Sex 1975. Louis - Kathleen catfish and the bottlemen   Zayn - Take me to chruch Liam - Budapest George Ezra. Niall - Amnesia 5SOS 28: Sort the boys into Hogwarts Houses. Dunno  29: Is there something you dislike about the boys as a band? I dont think so 30: Which of the boys is the best boyfriend? Dunno I reckon Niall would be pretty good 31: Which boy is which fictional character? ( Book / Movie / TV- Show ) 32: Which boy is the most like you personality-wise? Probably Harry 33: Do your friends like One Direction? 1 does 34: To how many of their concerts of have you been? zero 35: Blond or brunette Niall? Blonde  36: What would you get your favourite for christmas? glitter  boots 37: Describe your dream-date with your fav. dont wanna date my fav38: Describe your dream- wedding with your fav.  or marry him 39: Would you want kids with your fav? How many? How would you name them? No but I'd want kids with Zayn I dunno maybe 2 and something quite interesting and different I think 40: Have you ever felt like you're losing interest in the boys? Not really 41: You hear One Direction in public- do you go off or pretend not to care? Dont care 42: Do you have any posters? Nope 43: Do you like the film This Is Us? it was alright44: Do you have any merch? Not really 45: Do you think the way the boys act in public is how they really are? Probably some of its probs different though 46: Do you believe in Larry and other conspiracy theories? I wouldn't call Larry a conspiracy theory. I believe that we dont know everything about the boys and thats ok. I belive we shouldn't put labels on people or decide we know them better than they know themselves. I belive we should support them regardless. 47: Which of the boys' girlfriends do you like the most? Dont dislike or like any really. Sophia is super pretty and her names lovely too48: Did you ever hate on a female associated with the boys? Nope of course not 49: Favourite ship? Dont really have one (Me and Zayn) 50: Favourite bromance? Dont really have one 51: What's your favorite fanfic? Iwas reading one ages ago where Zaya was ritch and the girl was like his maid or something but it was in au and he had loads of maids and was a master. that was good but I lost it. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about send me a link I wanna read it. I also liked Fanboy which was a Narry Fic  i dont particularly ship them but it was a good AU. I mainly like AU's so if you've gtot any recommendation pls dont hesitate 52: Do you read a lot of smut? Not really. I mean most fics have smut sceans but I dont specifically read smut 53: Describe your favourite dirty fantasy with your fav Dont really have one. Had a sex dream about Harry once which was pretty good but dont think I'd have sex with him in real life(Like i'd get the chance haha) I like him more as a friend  54: If you got to spend an entire day with your fav, what would you do? Just watch movies and cuddle and shit  55: If you were a One Direction song, which song would you be? I dont know haha (Gosh I've said that to alot of questions haha)56: Would you rather get high with Zayn or see a movie with Liam? High with zayn. Then we'd have sex. 57: Would you rather go ice-skating with Harry or play Monopoly with Niall? Ice skating with Harry even tho i cant ice skate 58: Would you rather stroll through London with Louis or hang in Los Angeles with Harry? London with Louis 59: Would you rather sleep with Niall once or go on three dates with Zayn?  Sleep with Niall once 60: Favourite Louis moment? When he looked hot af at his mums wedding 61: Favourite Niall moment? I cant think of one rn 62: Favourite Harry moment? Whenever he does silly dances or his weird facial expressions63: Favourite Zayn moment? Weed vid 64: Favourite Liam moment?  cant think 65: Has your fav always been your fav? YEAH  66: If you were to pick an outfit for your fav, what would you get him? He's better at picking outfits than me 67: If you were a tattoo artist, what would you make Niall's first tattoo? floral skull 68: Talk about the three things you like the most abour your favourite. No chill. man bun and just super nice personality 69: Talk about your favourite's sense of humour. weird af 70: Talk about your favourite's face and why you love it. eyes 71: Talk about your favourite's body. better than mine -.- 72: Do you like the way your fav dresses? yess73: When was your fav the hottest? When was his prime? now MANBUN 74: Which of the boys would you rob a bank with? Zayn 75: Which of the boys would you tell your darkest secret? Harry 76: Which of the boys would you avoid to get in a fight with? Liam 77: If you saw your fav in public, would you run after him or leave him alone for good? Leave him alone78: What kind of fan-pic would you like to take with your fav? Just a normal one 79: Have you ever spammed your fav on Twitter? No 80: What do you like the most about Liam?  Not much, hes my least 81: What do you like the most about Zayn? How fucking hot he is 82: What do you like the most about Harry? Man bun and how lovely he is 83: What do you like the most about Niall? Irish and cute and funny 84: What do you like the most about Louis? hot, smile, eyes 85: Favourite AU? The one I talked about earlier 86: Which of the boys would make the prettiest girl? Zayn 87: Which of the boys will make the best husband? Niall 88: Which of the boys will make the best dad? Harry. he wants a baby 89: Which of the boys is most likely to be a succesful solo artist after 1D?  I dunno 90: Have you ever had a carrot phase? No 91: Is 17 year old Harry overrated?  kinda 92: Red suspender- Louis or weed smoking bad boy Louis? Current Louis 93: Did you watch 1D Day? Talk about your experience. Yeah. missed bits because of social life but I liked it 94: Narry or Zouis? Narry 95: Ziam or Ziall? Ziall 96: Did you ever make fan art? No cant draw 97: Do you write fics? Yesss 98: Do you think you'll get over the band one day? Probably 99: What's a One Direction related memory you will never forget? 1dday 100: Talk about the first time you really noticed the boys.Cant remember really. 
this took ages and I answered pretty shitty. Sorry. 
Feel free to ask me more 1d questions or just personal ones xxxx
Havent really spell checked sorrry haha 
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
1D AF Questions
1: When did you first realize how much you love One Direction?
2: Who's your favourite and why?
3: Who's your least favourite and why?
4: Name four things that remind you of your favourite.
5: What do your friends and family think of your love for One Direction?
6: What's your earliest One Direction related memory?
7: Are you sometimes embarassed of liking the boys?
8: Do you like the boys mainly for their music?
9: What's your favourite tattoo on each of the boys?
10: What's your 1D order?
11: Name three of your favourite funny moments.
12: What are your five favourite songs?
13: What's your favourite album and why?
14: Is there a One Direction song that makes you cry?
15: Is there a One Direction song that you can't stand at all?
16: Favourite music video?
17: Least favourite music video?
18: What's your favourite hairstyle on Harry?
19: What's your favourite hairstyle on Zayn?
20: Do you get nostalgic over fetus One Direction or do you think they're hotter now?
21: Which of the boys would you want to get drunk with?
22: Which of the boys would you want to have a movie night with?
23: Which of the boys would you want to go shopping with?
24: Which of the boys would you want to have really rough and kinky sex with?
25: Which of the boys would you want as your best friend?
26: If the boys were animals, which boy would be which animal?
27: If the boys were a song ( not a One Direction song ), which song would which boy be?
28: Sort the boys into Hogwarts Houses.
29: Is there something you dislike about the boys as a band?
30: Which of the boys is the best boyfriend?
31: Which boy is which fictional character? ( Book / Movie / TV- Show )
32: Which boy is the most like you personality-wise?
33: Do your friends like One Direction?
34: To how many of their concerts of have you been?
35: Blond or brunette Niall?
36: What would you get your favourite for christmas?
37: Describe your dream-date with your fav.
38: Describe your dream- wedding with your fav.
39: Would you want kids with your fav? How many? How would you name them?
40: Have you ever felt like you're losing interest in the boys?
41: You hear One Direction in public- do you go off or pretend not to care?
42: Do you have any posters?
43: Do you like the film This Is Us?
44: Do you have any merch?
45: Do you think the way the boys act in public is how they really are?
46: Do you believe in Larry and other conspiracy theories?
47: Which of the boys' girlfriends do you like the most?
48: Did you ever hate on a female associated with the boys?
49: Favourite ship?
50: Favourite bromance?
51: What's your favorite fanfic?
52: Do you read a lot of smut?
53: Describe your favourite dirty fantasy with your fav.
54: If you got to spend an entire day with your fav, what would you do?
55: If you were a One Direction song, which song would you be?
56: Would you rather get high with Zayn or see a movie with Liam?
57: Would you rather go ice-skating with Harry or play Monopoly with Niall?
58: Would you rather stroll through London with Louis or hang in Los Angeles with Harry?
59: Would you rather sleep with Niall once or go on three dates with Zayn?
60: Favourite Louis moment?
61: Favourite Niall moment?
62: Favourite Harry moment?
63: Favourite Zayn moment?
64: Favourite Liam moment?
65: Has your fav always been your fav?
66: If you were to pick an outfit for your fav, what would you get him?
67: If you were a tattoo artist, what would you make Niall's first tattoo?
68: Talk about the three things you like the most abour your favourite.
69: Talk about your favourite's sense of humour.
70: Talk about your favourite's face and why you love it.
71: Talk about your favourite's body.
72: Do you like the way your fav dresses?
73: When was your fav the hottest? When was his prime?
74: Which of the boys would you rob a bank with?
75: Which of the boys would you tell your darkest secret?
76: Which of the boys would you avoid to get in a fight with?
77: If you saw your fav in public, would you run after him or leave him alone for good?
78: What kind of fan-pic would you like to take with your fav?
79: Have you ever spammed your fav on Twitter?
80: What do you like the most about Liam?
81: What do you like the most about Zayn?
82: What do you like the most about Harry?
83: What do you like the most about Niall?
84: What do you like the most about Louis?
85: Favourite AU?
86: Which of the boys would make the prettiest girl?
87: Which of the boys will make the best husband?
88: Which of the boys will make the best dad?
89: Which of the boys is most likely to be a succesful solo artist after 1D?
90: Have you ever had a carrot phase?
91: Is 17 year old Harry overrated?
92: Red suspender- Louis or weed smoking bad boy Louis?
93: Did you watch 1D Day? Talk about your experience.
94: Narry or Zouis?
95: Ziam or Ziall?
96: Did you ever make fan art?
97: Do you write fics?
98: Do you think you'll get over the band one day?
99: What's a One Direction related memory you will never forget?
100: Talk about the first time you really noticed the boys.
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Next update?? I'm excited to see where the story goes!! I love it!!
Hopefully Monday if not its gonna be Friday. I'm working soooo much at the moment. Thank you!!! I'm really glad you enjoy my writing 💕💕
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Always Alone - Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Eight
(an – please vote and comment)
  I’ve always thought that first impressions are what counts and that those first few moments will form a person’s entire opinion of you. But now I think maybe that doesn’t matter so much and that it’s the little normal moments that count. Like when you’re watching re-runs at three AM and neither of you feel the need to speak but you’re still happy in the presence on one another.
Those are the things that bond people. Not how you dress and the way you say ‘hello’. It’s after that when you’ve stopped being a new person in their life, that’s when they fully take you in.
  I think I made a pretty good first impression with Harry’s family, but then I was Harry’s girlfriend’s sister. Whereas now I’m what? I don’t know Harry and I haven’t actually defined things yet.
Will they see me the same way after all that has happened or will it be like I have to start all over with them again? I’m feeling quite worried about this.
“Would you stop frowning, all those wrinkles are ruining your pretty little face” Harry says squeezing my thigh as we drive along the dark road.
“Oh thanks” I huff sarcastically.
“Well that’s a lie you still look amazing but I think your smile is even better” Harry says hoping to lessen my frown.
It works.
I laugh at his attempt to be cute and give him my best widest smile. It’s a little put on and fake but I am happy and he has made me feel better.
Ivy makes some sort of noise that could be described as a gurgle / giggle it’s sort of a mixture of the two.
“See even Ivy is happier when you’re happier” Harry grins as he turns the corner towards his parents’ house.
“Stop blackmailing me” I pout as I watch Ivy playing with her rattle in the back seat.
Harry rolls his eyes and continues driving until we reach Anne and Alan’s home.
I climb out of the car immediately and scoop Ivy out of the car and into my arms chatting quietly to her as we walk to the door.
“We’re going to see Grandma and Granddad isn’t that lovely” I whisper as I brush the few blonde hairs on her head with my hand.
“I’ll tell you a secret though, I’m a little scared” I tell her as Harry locks the car.
Ivy just smiles at me but in a way that helps.
Harry grabs my hand as we walk towards the front door, I’ve never really been nervous around Harry’s family but right now I feel incredibly nervous.
Harry knocks on the door and presses a quick kiss to my cheek before Anne answers the door.
“Come here sweetheart” She grins the second she opens the door and pulls Harry into a hug she whispers something in his ear which causes Harry to cough awkwardly and roll his eyes at his mother.
“And here’s my beautiful Granddaughter” Anne coos as she kisses Ivy’s forehead before meeting my glance.
“Alisa darling it’s so lovely to see you. We’ve all missed you terribly” Anne says softly before giving me a quick hug and a kiss. She then guides us into the living room where Alan, Gemma, Niall and their children are sat.
The room erupts in noise as everyone welcomes Harry, Ivy and I.
It’s a little overwhelming.
“I think you’ve made the right choice” Gemma says as she gives me a welcoming hug.
“Me too” I reply with a grin.
“And I love you hair! I give the best advice don’t I” Gemma laughs as she runs her hand through my short messy locks.
I laugh in reply before being distracted by Max and Isabelle hugging my legs.
“Auntie Alisa we’ve missed you” They chorus as I crouch down to talk to them.
Ivy is sat on her Granddad’s lap while Harry talks to his brother in law.
Gemma and Anne are in the kitchen and I’m entertaining Max and Isabelle.
It actually seems very homely and very much like a family, a family that I’m part of.
Once dinner is ready everyone makes their way into the dining room and sits down.
Harry sits beside me on my left with Ivy in a highchair on my right.
Since Ivy isn’t developed enough for food yet she has some toys which should keep her entertained.
Everyone beings eating and complimenting Anne on her cooking.
“So should I make a call to the New York office about appointing a new manager?” Alan asks starting the discussion I’d wanted to avoid.
“Well I do plan on staying here in England, with Harry that is. I could suggest a new manager if you’d like I think I know who should do the job but of course it’s not my place to make such a decision” I say.
“Quit sounding so formal. We’re family” Alan laughed giving me a kind smile.
“Yes I’d love to hear your suggestion. We can also discuss a position for you here too if you like? Perhaps you should pop into the office tomorrow so we can talk properly?” Alan suggests.
“Ok, that sounds like a good idea” I nod feeling relived by how simple this had been.
Harry squeezes my hand and gives me a ‘I told you so’ smirk.
“So you two are really going to be together then?” Anne asks.
“Well we hope so” Harry replies giving me a smile you might describe as adoring.
“Hope so?” Anne raises her eyebrow.
“Well things might not work out. But we both want it to. I can’t even describe how much Alisa means to me” Harry explains.
Everyone ‘Aw’s’ and I blush a considerable amount.
Harry kisses me on the shoulder and gives my hand a tight squeeze.
We all sit around the table taking for a while, Max and Isabelle get bored and run off to play somewhere.
After a while Ivy becomes restless and begins crying I pick her up and try to console her but it doesn’t work.
Harry holds her for a while too but she continues crying.
“She’s probably just tired. Tell you what I’ll take her for a walk in the garden and see if the quietness and the fresh air help” I suggest holding my arms out.
Harry smiles and kisses my cheek murmuring a thank you as I hold his daughter in my arms.
The air is cool and the sky is dark, it’s the kind of atmosphere that should calm anyone, even a tiny baby.
I walk down the path and down onto the grass with Ivy in my arms, I tell her about the sky, the stars and the moon. I tell her I think her mummy is probably watching us right now and that I think we’re going to be just fine. That Harry and I will be all we could hope to be and that Ivy will grow to be an amazing, smart and beautiful girl. That everything will be right in the world once again.
Maybe I’m right, I hope I am.
Ivy quietens and her face looks softer than before, her head rests upon my chest and her hand curls into an unbelievably tiny fist. She falls asleep and looks so beautiful, so peaceful and so much like her mother.
“Alisa” Niall calls out from the patio as he steps through the door out into the garden.
“You coming back in? Anne’s about to get the baby photos out” He says with a laugh in his tone.
“Be right there” I grin as I walk back towards the house. Pictures of baby Harry and baby Gemma I can’t wait!
Niall holds the door open for Ivy and I.
“I’m glad you’re back, I think you, Harry and Ivy are going to be really happy” Niall says softly as we make our way to the living room where everyone is gathered.
“Me too, me too” I smile pressing a small kiss to Ivy’s head. 
Check out my secret santa tumblr and make new friends this Christmas 
Please let me know what you think of the chapter and your predictions and stuff!
previous chapters   -  completed fic  -  imagines   -  ask  -  wattpad
personal tumblr leavedarling  -  twitter @leavedarling -  insta molly180x
love molly xxx
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Today it's half way written already xxx
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
Next update? x
Really going to try and get one up tomorrow if not I 100% promise it'll be Tuesday xx
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
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This Secret Santa service is for everyone, not just specific fandoms etc.
Rules :
From the 1st of December to Christmas day you must message the blog you are provided every day (or try your best to)
You must remain anon until Christmas day, on Christmas day you should reveal your…
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beingmrsstyles · 10 years
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This Secret Santa service is for everyone, not just specific fandoms etc.
Rules :
From the 1st of December to Christmas day you must message the blog you are provided every day (or try your best to)
You must remain anon until Christmas day, on Christmas day you should reveal your…
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