beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
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Happy Monday everyone!
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
Confidence is not walking into a room thinking you are better than anyone . Confidence is walking into a room and not having to compare your to anyone .
I walk into a room and I own it because I love myself. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.
Loving yourself doesn't happen overnight. It takes work EVERYDAY .
The work is worth it.
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
Life is like a Ferris Wheel . Sometimes your up . Sometimes your down. Thats what makes life go round . #carnival
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
#1of5 #middlechild
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
The weather is BEAUTIFUL.
I've spent my lunch hour outside enjoying the weather for days.
But, It wouldn't be tradition, if I didn't whine just a bit.
Bright and early, Monday , I rolled out of bed on to immediately rub my eyes. The allergies striked again.
I was absolutely going to my new office wearing contacts. I needed to have fabulous eye makeup and a highlight so flashy you'd be blind if you stared at me too long.
Tuesday morning was absolutely no different. Except my poor eye sockets swelled up and I could barely keep my eyes open , let alone prevent my precious contacts from popping out of my beautiful face. The eye doctor immediately said NO CONTACTS FOR 14 DAYS.
Wait. What!?!?!? Isn't there a magic eye drop for this shit. NOPE. Take your contacts out and wear your glasses. You don't want to go blind.
BLIND!?!?!? Don't you think thats a little extreme?
My self confidence went into the sewer with the contacts I flushed down the toilet.
How can something so superficial completely take my light ? Within seconds I reconsidered my entire world.
I thought about having to wear glasses on my trip to STL and I completely sank .
I instantly took the insecurity extravaganza to my trio , who tried their absolute best to make me feel better.
Their reactions to melting Meghan were absolutely amazing.
1. You are NOT a troll and if you really are, you're my troll so it doesn't matter
2. Welcome to the Darkside. We have cookies.
3. I'm hearing lack of confidence and that's NOT you.
4. I I just know you're better than that. Wear the glasses, get your eyes better and be done with it, you know.
5. You dont even look bad in glasses. You look super cute.
CAN WE JUST TAKE A MOMENT , to acknowledge how amazing my people are?!?!? I am truly blessed . THEY ARE MY FAVORITE PEOPLE FOR A REASON!
HOWEVER. I am still not quite ok. I do feel better about how I look but anxious that everyone is looking at me.
It wasn't until after a little after midnight that my soul was finally at ease and I was able to sleep with extensive reassurance.
I woke up this morning looking in the mirror only to become crabby and crappy.
Sorry guys! No paparazzi today.
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
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That took all of five seconds to make a bad decision. Cheetos 1.
Green Pepper 0.
Meghan 0.
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
But , THIS
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beingmeghann-blog · 3 years
Waking up on a chilly Tuesday morning, you would think, I'd still be bed. That's what the old soul in me would do . But once again, I found myself back in the business world waking up at 5am , conquering what one person thinks is absolutely nothing , but to me it is everything. I have spent the year in law , learning law , loving law , but law are rules. You break them . You have consequences and you hire lawyers to get you out of the repercussions of your actions. That's what makes world goes around. I break rules. I break the rules I have made for myself.
Today, very surprisingly to me and my gals , last nights' liquid wonders didn't bring this 31 year old a hangover. Instead it brought me to thoughts. That consequence, maybe the hardest of them all.
Morning coffee tasted just a little different today . But not on my tongue but in my heart.
I don't always appreciate or celebrate my accomplishments.
Here's the reality .
I am strong . I am independent
I have overcame more than any person I know.
I am convinced I can kick your ass and anyone else's.
Hardly fearless on the outside . But inside I fear.
I am one bad decision or action away from losing everything.
And that makes me just like everyone else .
That makes me equal.
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